
schoolgirl Dawn W‘iner in that iilm understandably rei‘Used to have anything to do with it. And so it is that Pali'm/mmey uses Dawn‘s funeral to kick off the winding tale of her cousin Aviva (played by several different markedly different looking actresses including Wilkinson. and Leigh). Thirteen-year-old Aviva gets pregnant and her uptight mother Joyce (Barkin) forces her to have an abortion. Devastated. Aviva takes off on the road. determined to get pregnant again but i'ate brings her to Mama Sunshine’s religious commune. Hilarioust disgraceful satire oi' pro and anti abortionists. (i/aseoii- I'll/ll Theatre. Glasgow: ('ameo, [ii/inhiufie/i. Peace One Day it) 000 iJeremy Gilley. L'K. 2(XH) 80min. Filmmaker (iilley attempts to bring around the [N International Day of Peace in this moving documentary that took five years to make. Part of A Better Future? and Peace seasons. (iluyemr I‘lltll Theatre. Glasgow": l’ilrtiltoiiye. lit/llllml‘g’ll. The Philadelphia Story rpm .0000 (George Cukor. L'S. 19-10) Katharine Hepburn. Cary Grant. James Stewart. 1 l2min. Splendidly sophisticated Hollywood comedy with Stewart as a scandalsheet reporter covering the society wedding of recently divorced Hepburn. ex-hubby (irant lurking in the wings. and romance recurdling despite itself. Sparkling dialogue and charismatic performances all round make this one of the best of its kind. Remade as the musical Hie/i Society. Glasgoii‘ I'll/ti Theatre. (ilasemi;

=l< Pickpockot tPGi (Robert Bresson. France. 1959) 75min. ()ne of Bresson's most popular films. shot on the teeming streets of Paris and inspired by Dtisitiycy'sky ‘s (Time and Punishment. It's all about an isolated young man who aspires to challenge society and himself through daring criminal acts. Glasgow Film Theatre. Glasgow:

Private ( l8) 0... (Saverio ('ostan/o, Italy. 2004) Hend Ayoub. Mohammad Baki‘i. Lior Miller. 94min. A troop of Israeli soldiers descends onto a prospering Palestinian family. turning their home into an obseryation post. The effects are overwhelming as liberty is lost

and the members ot' the iamily become incarcerated in their ow it home. l’oweriul. immediate and y ital drama based on real lite cyents. (i/(tyunii I'll/ti Illt'illl't'. (i/uygtn: _‘ l‘llllllltlllw‘. lit/in/iiu'e/i.

Racing Stripes Hi .00 ll‘l't‘tlt‘l’lls l)u (dittll. Sillllll Africa/l :llll-lt \iitc‘c's til~ l-rankie .\luni/. .\landy .\loore. llaydcn l’anettierc. llllinin. ()rphaned /ebi'a i.\luni/i is adopted by wannabe giockey (‘haiining tl’anettiei‘rct. ()nce Stripes gets a load ol the racecourse nest door. the cocky young animal's desire to cotiipete alongside them outstrips (‘hanniiig's urge to ride hiin. bill the odds are stacked against him. 'l'his innocuous l'aniily comedy set on a farm in Kentucky

w rariglcs by e action animals to cute et'lect. l'('/ lit/iti/tiu'e/t. lit/iii/iioe/i.

Ray t 15) C... i'l‘ay loi‘ llacklord. lb. Mil-ii Jamie l‘osy. Kerry \Misliingion. Regina King. (‘lii‘ton Powell. l53niin. llackioid's long awaited biopic ol Ray ('hai'les is undoubtedly oyer‘long arid giyen to bad cyplanatory graphics and cheesy pub psychology btit it still manages to be entertaining and reyelaioi'y. lieautiiully set tlc‘slgtic‘tl. L'Usltlltietl and scored thy (‘liat‘lc's himsell‘i it is l‘osy's nus oi' impression. pathos and rare presence as ('harles that holds the lilm together. .-\ llitislc‘l'lttl. yei'y adtrlt biopic. ('(‘l Iz't/i'Ii/iiu'e/i. lat/i/r/iiireli.

RObOES ll-l .. i(.lit'ts \Vt'tlgc'. (Ittt'ltis Saldlitina. lb. Illll.‘ \oiccs ol Robin Williams. Halle Berry. (ircg Kinncai‘. l'.\\.iii .\lc(iregoi'. ()lttilti. \ew animated adyentuie from the makers ol It e .ler. Rodney ('oppct'bottoni i.\lc(ii'egoi‘i is a working class robot whose di'eaiiis ol becoming an inyentor are dashed when he discoyers that lligwelt. the largest corporation in the city. has been overtaken by Ratchet iKlllllc‘dl’I. a ruthless capitalist who makes Rupert \luidoch look like Karl Marx. ()n this showing the (‘( il l‘oi'iiiula is desperately lll need oi an iipgtadc .Vt'lt'i‘lt’tl I'i'lt o'yt'

Rope i 15» 0000 t.'\lltetl ttirclicoclct s. l‘)—lb’i James Stewart. John Hall. l-ai'ley (irauger. blnrin. Just as the two young gay

('llll It'S RH'()R|)«liRI-ZAKIN(i l-‘()Rlil(iN I.AN(ill/\(ili OSCAR liN'I‘RY

“Quite simply an art-house classic in the making” TIME OUT FILM OF THE MONTH “Another outstanding film from South America“ DAZED & CONFUSED

“Fascinating” THE OBSERVER

a A: i K It.

QUINZAINli , iii-:s iti-;Ai.isA'ri-:iiits ('ANNi-ts 2iiti4


‘-l.|l|lllj.' \l \l l \\ t‘il l Is’

58 TH! LIST 26 May—9 Jtrii 200:3

\ls'lll \l\ll ll \\ \I |\l lsl l'l'l \lll l\l \\lll| .i special .ippcaiaiit‘c by ll l)l Is'lt'til l l’l’l . :\|l Artificial Eye ii.-i.-..s.‘ .-


ONE WEEK ON LY 88 Lothian Road, Edinburgh 0131-228 2688

t * t * “Powerful” FILM REVIEW

ith t‘ to -' .‘R -'[()i l.'\ , "~ :\llv .

\l\\lll \\l\ls'lllll

It Only Human

Husband and wife writer/director team Dominic Harari and Teresa Pelegri’s timely and funny ethnic

farce about what happens when a nice Palestinian boy goes to meet his Jewish Spanish in-laws may just be the antidote you need. See review,

page 48. I (Kit). lilo/Han: Gusto:

protagonists play an intellectual gaine ol murder to pioye their superiority. llitc Iicock shows oil his skills by constructing the movie iii uncut lii iiiitiiile takes Sonic oi the dialogue is a little philosophically licayy. which w ciglis down the parlour tun oi the concept. btit it does pioy ide another esaniple ot the strangely pctycisc iascinations oi the tlllc‘s'li'l. (I‘lltiwg'i’i'. Ill!!! Illt ill/t. (I‘diiW'Jl’i'. The Royal Tenenbaums 1510.000 '\\es yum-hon. ['8' jitilj (iene llacknian. \niclica Huston. (iwyncth l’altiow l liiniin llic 'l'eiiciilxiuiiis ate no ordinary lainin llesccndcd it'oiii .i long line oi o\ei.ichie\crs. these \ew York geniuses are now in stultiiying decline lhc tiicriioiy oi the brilliance oi the young 'lcnenbaurns has since been erased by two decades ol betrayal. lailuie and domestic disaster. Illi‘sl oi which is perceived by the tainin to be the latilt oi absent lather. ls’oyal Illackniani, 'l hcn. .it the \ei'y inoiiicnl his three grown tip children

hay c. lot various reasons. all iiioy ed back into the raiiibliiig hoiiic oi their mother. ls’oyal decides he wants his iainily, \\ itli li’lli’Il/HIJIHH. .-\ndcison ili’:io’iniou has surpassed hiniseli with an enchanting. odd talc oi an awkward tainin and its inernbeis' impossible iiiagiietic attraction to each other I‘lliIr/totist. larr’rIi/uuglr

Russian Arkit'iOOOO \tesantli Sokui'oy. ls’ussia (ierniany. Illllli Sergei l)oiitso\. \lai‘iya Ktt/ttclso\.i. l eonid \lo/goyoy ‘lbriiin Sokuioy illotlrti o/ir/ Noni has always been a ioi'riialist par e\cel|encc. In this look .it iiiodcin Russian history. Sokuioi ‘s carnera passes through one iooiii to another in a yast St l’etctsbuig niusetiiri as history unlolds bciote us w itlioiit .i cut. I ike the earlier one take wonder. \like l'iggis'

lllllt't (lilt'. this iiiiglit acliie\e little

v-,\"‘y\[V’\ 1 i' Q, 'l/ tr. t (mist). ftrr' tit/NJ," MO”: .h .3 . o").

dramatically. there's a limited eiiiotioiial range at work here, as we lollow the unseen director and his camera into dillei'cnl eras. \cyeithcless. it's undeniably a seminal work. (ilttsgoi: Ill/it Hit til/i. (r/iisgtm.

Sahara i limo. «tin-ck ixisnei. t's. Zliil5i \latthew _\lc(’onaughey. l’cnclopc ('i'u/. Stcye /.ahn. l35iiiiii. l-uiictional action» ady entui'c thriller". based on the noy cl by (‘liye (‘iisslcip which tries and tails to icy l\ e the spirit oi liidiaiia .lones. \\ hilc director l'.l\lit‘t ensures that the story iiioycs along at a decent clip. the iilni doesn't even manage to match the Illllsl modern day sca\engcr hunt .\ti'llillltrl [It mart ior escitciiicnt. lllt : l'.illll/’t(l‘;’ll

()l ( till 'tornit'r/y \it 1' ( tutti/i i. liltIr/ttugli. Seed of Chuckyi Ifii COO ll)titi \lancini. lb. IUil-lrleiiniici' llll). liilly Boyd. llannah Speair'itt. .lohn \\ateis. Rcdtnan. biiiiiin 'l'hc iiitli escapade oi the iniariious doll has original creator and series sci‘iptwi'iter \lancini in the director’s chair". \lancini lollows the lead oi ('hucky ‘s last outing. lint/t o/ (lira ly. iising sell depr‘ecaliiig w it to create a pastiche oi the horror doll who tei'i‘orised in his iiist three iiioy ies l'or' good riieasui'e .\lanciiii ias botli writer and diicctoi'i giycs ('hticky .i child who goes by the name oi (lien or ( ilcnda depending on his her make tip tor the day. ()iteii hilarious. this is soittetliing oi a necessity it you area ianoi the irancliise bis/(1 It r/ I't’li (IN.

The Short Stuff | l5 i i \at‘tiitls. Sc‘tilltilltl. IllllSi litliiiin. lzdinbui'gh's student showcase icaturcs over .i do/en shorts ir'oni young iiliiiiiiakci's the two hour programme includes lbinin. digital and animated contributions. spanning comedy. drama. thrillers. horror and cspcr'iiiicntal inoy ics. [here is a ten minute intct'yal. ltlni/ioim. lut/Hi/tiii'e/i,

Edinburgh's oldest cinema showing the best in y ' arthouse to commercial cinema.

Hot and cold snacks served in the bar.

38 Home Street 0131 228 414i
