Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce and Rachael Street.

Glasgow EM!!—

Activities & Events

Poplife! l3th .\'otc (‘al‘tfl 50 (ll) k’iiig Strcct. 55.3 M38. 8.30pm. L'l. In llll\ month!) pop qui/ thc t]lIL‘\llt)Il\ arc \ccondar} to gctting drunk. singing along to Spandau Ballct and moaning about thc \corcx. lloxtcd h) thc l'olkx l'roin Radio Magnclic


ArtBites! .\lL‘l.L‘ll;IlI (itlllcl'lcx. 37H Satichichall Strch 565 4l00 lpin. l‘rcc. Short talk on ‘(ilcncoo h} Horatio .\lc(‘ulloch.


Shooters: Youth Forum (‘(‘A. 350 Sauchichall Slt‘ct‘l. .353 49”“.

l lani (ipiii. l‘rcc hut tickctcd. Youth mcnt organixcd h} Spirit Aid \\ ith a \arict) ol' dancc. drama and art uorkxhopx. as \icll as a closing part}. Hip Hop Dance Classes (‘( ‘A. 350 Sauchichall Sti'cct. 353 4000, '7 Spin, L5 (£4). Apparcntl} it‘s )oui' ci\ ic dut) to \hakc )our hool}.


Shooters: Youth Forum (‘( ‘A. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 4900.

I lam l0pin. l‘rcc hut lickclcd. Scc ‘l‘hu l I.


Books at the Botanics (ilingUH Botanic (iardcnx. 730 (ircat \chlci‘n Road. 334 3433. l0ani 5pm. Book inarkct in thc llopkii'k Building.

Food & Drink

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Manxlicld Park. oI'l' Diiiiiharton Road. 34l 0844. Want 3pm. \Vho nccdx supci'inarkct toxh uhcn _\ou‘\c got happ} producc ll'UIll happ} placcx'.’ 'l‘axtc thc dillcrcncc.


Renga Platform ’I‘hc IIiddcii (iill'tlL‘llx. 'l‘ranm'a}. 35 Alhci‘t l)i'i\ c. 0845 330350]. llani 5pm. £3. chga arc linkcd \ci'xcx coinpoxcd coininunall} ovcr thc cotii'xc iii a da}. Bc part ol' thc

Wht sOn

mpcricncc on thc chga platl'oi‘ni .it thc lliddcii (iai'dcnx. .\'o c\pcricncc ncccxxar}.


Books at the Botanics (ilaxgim Botanic (iardcnx. 730 (ii'cat \chtci'n Road. 334 3433. lllain 5pm. Scc Sat


Food & Drink

Gamba Gourmet Lunch (iainha. 335;] \VLNI (icttt’gt‘ SII'L‘L‘l. 573 ()S‘)‘)_ l3.30piii. £35. llcad chcl' l)ci'ck Marshall prcxcntx and dcnioiixtratcx Ihc art ol' inciiti pi'cpai‘atioii lolloucd h} .i thrcc t‘UllI'SL‘ lunch. Booking i‘ctiuii'cd. l’at'l ol' (iiim‘mi'l (i/iixuiiii.


Text Art Workshop (i;lllL‘I'} oI .\lodci‘n Ai't. ()uccn Strcct. 33‘) WW». I 3pm. l‘i‘cc. Bi'iiig poucr to _\our art work. Booking ad\i\a|1lc. Scc picttii'c caption.


Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson Bordci'x lliiokx. ()3 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700, (ipin. Alistair l’illlt‘I'SUII hosts a \\i'iting group opcn to aii_\onc intci'c\tcd in dc\cloping thcii' ci‘cati\c I'laii‘. \cu inciiihcrx al\\a.\\ \xclconic. Ask in \toi'c loi' tlL‘ltlllS.

Donald McKinney littl'tlt‘l'S Books. (IX Buchanan Sli‘ccl. 333 7700, (i. 30pm. l‘rcc. l’nxurc llU\\ to uoi‘k \iitli _\oui' U\\ll pcrxonal anchIc guidc‘.’ l incan. coinc on. who ixn‘t'.’ ('cltic c\pci't \chInnc} rcadx I'roni hix iicu hook ('c/Iii .‘lll;’('/\‘ xlngv/Ii (lint/(mi r' fur liim‘ l’uI/i liming/i /.II('.

Theatre Design Summer School 'l-llc .'\I‘L‘lIL‘\. All \lltllttllil Sll't‘t'l. “37” 340 753K. tl‘l5. l'ntil 3l Aug l)c\ignci' Sarah l’aullc} Icadx llIl\ iiitcnxn c \\ cck long t‘tllll'SL' “lilt‘ll inti'oduccx \ct dcxign. lighting. (“\llllllt'. dc\ign di'axi lllg‘\ .iiid inoch inaking.

Tuesday 16

Food & Drink

Wine Tasting (il‘dxxl'ntilx (‘illL‘. ()3 07 SI (icorgcx Strch 333 0534. 7.30pm. LES. \Vitli l.inda Ward ol thc \cgctarian Soctcl). l’aI'I ol' (inm‘nu’l (i/uwuii.

Wednesday 1 7

Food & Drink

Scottish Gourmet Night Boii/_\ Rotigc. l l l \cht chcnt Slrccl. 7. 30pm. £35. 'l‘axtc thc hcxl ol Scottish prodticc. including a \\lti\k) tasting to “ill!” }iitii' cocklc\. l’at'l Ul' (inurmcl (i/uwuii’. Paella and Tapas Bai'ca. l’i'iiiccx Squarc. 4S Buchanan Strch 348 (i555. £35. A tlL‘IIIUlISII'ullUIl ol' paclla cooking \\ ith a lull \clcction ol tapas and a hottlc ol’ ('a\a pci‘ tuo dinci‘s. l’ai't ol (iii/iriiii'l (i/(Ixumi 3(705.

Thursday 18


Fiction Book Group ()iiakai'\ litttikSIUI't‘. l'nit (i. Buchanan (iallci‘icx. Buchanan Sti'ccl. 353 I500. (\PIII. l'p I'oi' discussion llll\ \L‘SSIHII L‘UIIIL‘S \litcli Alhoin\ l‘ll't’ Prop/r liiu lli’i'l III lli'i/i‘i’li and Philip l’tillinan'x .\'uI'I/ii'rii [lg/II»

Glasgow Kids

Activities & Fun

Children’s Festival S:it l.3 A Sun I4 Aug. 3 4pm (classical conccrt

5.30 7.30pm). l‘rcc tconcci‘t £4/L'3I. 'l’hc ('hildi'cn'x (iai'dcn. (il;l\gn\\ Botanic (iardcn. (ircat \chtcrn Road. lnlo 334 3433. Scc photo caption.

Stars in Your Eyes l'ntil Siin 3| .Aug. £3.05 (£3.75). .lohnn} 3110le (i llopchill Road. 33! 3(i00. l)rc\\ as )our l'aiotiritc pop star and da/llc thc crou d \\ ith _\our kai‘aokc. “pm to xiiiglcx and groups. ('all to chcck coinpctitioii lllllt‘S.

Murder at Pollok House! I'ntil Wed 3| Aug. l0ain 5pni. {S (£5). l’ollok llouxc. 30(i0 l’UllUkSlI;I\\\ Road. 04‘) 0875 \Vilcox thc hutlci' ha\ hccn inurdcrcd' (‘an )ou hpr \ol\c Ihc ci'iinc h} looking l'oi‘ clucx'.’

Toy Making .\lon l5 Aug. Mon ll.30ain l3.30piii & 3 3pm. l’i‘cc. Scotland Sll’t‘t‘l School \lllxt‘lllll. 33.5 Scotland Sti‘cct. 3S7 0500. Drop in (full \cxxion in conxll'tlcling traditional to)\. The Magic of Light l'ntil 'l‘hu IS Atig. noon. 3pm & 4pm. £0.05 IL'4.‘)5I. (ilaxgon Scicncc ('cntt'c. 5U l’acilic Qua). 430 5000, l)i\co\ ct' thc \L‘icncc 0i. light in this magical Sill)“ \ponsorcd h} thc lll\llllIlL‘ ol‘ l’h} \lL‘S. 'l‘ickct pi'icc is cntr} l0 Scicncc .\l;lll.

Jay’s Animal Encounters I‘iitil I-i'i I3 Atig. |0ain (ipni. £095 (£4.05). (ilaxgim Scicncc ('cntic. 50 Pacific Qua}. 430 5000. (ict tip cloxc to \(IIIlL‘ aina/ing t‘l't'illllI'L‘S in tlL‘IIlUIISII‘tlllUIIS that bring Ihc liiii Iii toll.

Children’s Summer Art Class l'ntil l‘ri I3 Aug. l0ain noon. £3.50. (ilaxgim Botanic (iardcnx. 730 (ircat \Vcstci'n Road. 3 34 3433. .v\t'li\l lctl ct'ull \L‘\\i0n\ Ioi' kltl\ agcd S l3. Booking cxxcntial. Fruit Kebabs! 'l‘hu | I Atig. l Iain noon & 3 3pm, l-‘i‘cc. Scotland Strch School \ltixctiin. 33.5 Scotland Sti'ccl. 387 0500. .\lakc a hull kchah in thc liduardian cookci’} L‘ldSSI‘UUIII. Suitahlc l‘oi‘ agc\ 5 l3 )carx. Booking L'\\L‘ltllill.

Dance Your Socks Off I‘i'i I3 Ang.

I lain noon. 'l'lic lliddcn (iai'dcnx. ‘l‘rainxxay 35 Alhcrt |)i'i\c. 0345 330350]. An c\pi'c\\i\ c c\ploration ol' dancc.

Textual Politics

c\crci\c and inchnicnt I‘oi‘ thc undci' li\c\. l’;ii‘ciit\. hc \iarncd _\our participation i\ L‘Hlllplll\()l'_\. Booking cxxcntial.

Time Machine l‘l’l l3 Atig. noon 3pm. l't'cc. l’coplc'x l’alacc & \Vintci‘ ( iill'tlt‘llS. (ilaxgim (irccn. 37l 3‘)5l. liwr uondcrcd \x'hci‘c all lhc tiinc gocx'.’ 'l’akc a trip hack to thc l‘)50\ to lind out. Suitahlc Mr 7 l3 )t‘;ll'-Ultl\. Booking cxxcntial.

CCA Kids Club: 10,000 Leagues under the Sea Sat I3 Aug.

H) l l.3l)ain. £3. (3(‘A. 350 Saticltichall Strcct. 353 4000. A chancc to paint \nlllt‘ aquatic lilc on l’ct'xpc\ to makc _\()lII' imn u indoxt lixh tank.

Late Summer Festival Sat I3 & Sun l4 Aug. llain 4pm. (ilaxgim Botanic (iardcnx, 730 (ircat \thcrn Road. 334 3433. Lots of Iainin acti\'itic\ and Inn in thc (’hildrcii'x (iardcn.

Make a Home-made Toy .\Ioii I5 Aug. ll.30ain 13.30pm tk 3 3pm. Scotland Strch School _\lu\ctini. 335 Scotland SII‘L‘L‘I. 3X7 0500. “top L'I'all \L‘\\iiitt l‘m‘ itgt‘x 5 l3.


World Pipe Band Championships Sat l3 Aug. (ilaxgou (irccn. (ii‘ccnth kc Sti'cct. ()S7l 300 3040. Annual championships including pipc. drum and dancing conipctitionx. plus a traditional cralt lair. Highland gaincx and l'unl'air.


Children’s Storytime - The Jungle BOOK Sat l3 Aug. l'il'L‘L‘. l30t'tlct\ l3titik\. ()S Buchanan Strch 333 7700. MW in \toi'c rcading ol' Kipling'x claxsic \toi'}. Family Picnic Time Sat l3 Aug.

l 4pm. l-rcc. ('rookxton ('axtlc. 'lollci‘osx l’ark. 354h \Vcllxhot Road. SS3 3035. You hi'ing thc picnic. thc Villagc Stoi'}lcllcr\ pro\ idc \toricx. gaincx and \ongs. Children’s Storytime Sun l4 Aug. noon. l’rcc. Bordcrs Book\. Fort Rctail Park. 300 l’t‘man Walk. 77.3 3‘)l0. \Vcckl} \xcckcnd stoi')tc|ling \cxxion l'oi' thc kidx. Storytelling in the Winter Gardens .\lon l5 Aug. ll ll.45aiii & 3 3.45pm. l'i'cc. l’coplc\ l’alacc & \Vintcr (iardcnx. (ilaxgou' (irccn. 37l 3‘)5|. Storicx for

4 7-}car-old\ in thc \xondci'l‘til \ctting ol' thc \ViIIlL‘I' (itU‘tlL‘lk.

Barbara Kruger’s best known work combines text and photographic images to communicate issues

of power and control in relation to politics and sexuality. There is a host of related activities at GOMA running alongside the exhibition, if you have been inspired to use her techniques in your own art work, including a text art workshop looking at the power of graphics and advertising in signifying these messages and issues of social justice.

I (igil/o/i of Mot/om Art. G/(ISQOW, Sun 14 August. 800 fist/rig for mom iiifor/ii;itioii and Visual Art S(,’(.‘l/()/I next ISSIIO for rot/iow

t‘. ‘H Aiii ."‘ THE LIST 11