I I Am Kloot and King Biscuit Time The Archex. 253 Mg) Ie Street. 0870 240 7528. 7.30pm. £I0. Mancunian acouxtic trottlxidourx \\ ith great. characterlul \ocalx. Supported h_\ ex-Beta Band lrontman Ste\e Maxon \olo.

I KMFDM, Panic DHH and Pointless Creation 'l'he ('athouxe. l5 t‘nion Street. 2486606. 7.30pm. £l0. ()\er I4‘x. Veteratt (iertnan induxtrial otttlit \\ Itoxe l‘uII natne Kein Mchrheit Fur I)ie MitIeid means 'no pit} lor tlte majorit} '.

I Theoco, Dark Water, Kung Fu, Suicide Underground, The Contradictions and Episode l‘ur) Murr} 'x. 96 .\Itt\\\ ell Street. 22I 65I I. 7.30pm. £4. I-‘ur} King ol' Bandx heat.

I Kai Axa, Serotone, Placer and My Broken Jar Barl'l). 260 (‘htle Street. 0870 907 0999. Split. £5. limo. indie arid alt.rock \ottndx.

I Karina 'I‘chai ()\ na. 42 ()tago I.ane. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. Acou\tic \inger/xonguriter iii a Joni Mitchell win. I Madaleine Pritchard Acoustic Soul Trio 500 (‘Iuh. 2 I’artick Bridge Street. Spin. I-‘ree. 'I'lie c\-(‘omntitmcntx \inger \oltg“ riter perl‘ormx material lrotn her acclaimed dehut IiI’ (‘ume ()H’I' along \iith claxxic thUUSIIL‘ \oul \ongx reminixcent ol' the Atlantic era.

I Michael Fracasso |.ttttt‘iex Bar. 34 King Street. 0I4l 552 7I23. 8pm. £7. Special I‘allen Angelx ('Iuh appearance h} thix l.ucinda \ViIlianix-endorxed 'I‘e\an \inger/xongu ritet' \\ ho hax heen de\crihed ax ‘a one-man catalogue ol American tnuxic'.

I Room to Let, The Ripofls and Egg in a Tree The \aIe. 5 |)ltlltl;l\ Street. 332 4928. 8pm. £3. limo punk pop.

I Tender Mercies 'I’he (ioat. I287 Arg_x|e Street. 357 ~(373. 8pm. I‘rec.

I Call to Mind, The Cellers and The Apple Scruffs Nice’n'Slea/V. 42] Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 8.30pm. £5. Indie l‘olk \ound lrotn the (‘ellerx

I Duels, The Fridays and Blitzhoney King I'ut‘x \Vah \Vah Ilut. 272a St Vittcettt Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £6. I.eed quintet I)tlel\ are influenced h} e\cr_\thing troni S}d Barrett—era I-onl lo the Strangler»

I Kessler, The Towers, Fragile and Rotchie Queen Margaret l'nion. 22 l'nixerxit} (iardenx. 339 9784. 8.30pm. Return ol' the ()M\ \teekl} neu hattd \houcaxe Ran.

I Scarlet Blue, Echograph and 84 G-Men Sotltltllttttlx 47 ll}depark Street. 22] 4659. S.30pm. £4.50. \Veekl} Sotmdxct \Itoucaxc (it local hand\.

I Wake Bar Bloc. I I7 Bath Street. 574 6066. 9pm. I‘ree. llltllt\|l‘i;tl drum & haxx. I The X1 Bart-I). 260 ('hde Street. 0870 907 0999. l0.30pm. £4. l.oca| mod-like rock'n‘roIIerx pla} at tItix Shake Some Action night.


I Fightstar'l'he Ventte. I7 2I ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7pm. £8.50. ('heck the eH‘lit‘ouxl ('harlie It‘ottl BtISIetI delerx to another lrontman in Iti\ 't'eal' hand. etno putth I‘ightxtar.

I Robert Plant and the Strange Sensation ('orn Ii\change. I I .\'c\\ Market Road. 477 3500. 7.30pm. £25. ()\er- I4 \Iiou. l.cgendar} l.cd /.ep manexhaker returnx \\illi hix ttlo\l '/.cp- exque incarnation _\et.

I Bohemond, The Low Mitts attd 13th Arrow Bannermank \iddr} Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. More rock and indie.

I Bandeoke \Valkahout. ()ntni l.cixure ('entre. (it‘eenxidc Place. 524 9300. 9pm. See 'I‘Iitl 20.

I Stealer and 3rddan IIcriot-\Vatt t'nixerxit} l‘nion. Riccat'ton. 451 5333. 9pm. I'lrcc. liunk rock l'i'om Stealer. Studcntx and their guextx otll}.

Friday 28


I Athlete and Gemma Hayes ('arling Acadetn} (ilaxgou. I2| Iiglinton Street. ()870 77l 2000. 7pm. £l6. ()\e1‘- I-<I\ \Iiou. ()ne ol the more \tteee\\It1l otttlitx \urling

72 THE LIST 9 92°. .2 NH. 1’

They may be better known currently as Martha and Rufus

Wainwright’s mum and aunt, but this is a pretty narrow take on two of the finest singers in the folk world. They number Nick Cave, Emmylou Harris, Lou Reed and Elvis Costello among their admirers and collaborators but the Canadian sisters have been recording together since 1976 and issued a stream of albums which range from esoteric French-only lutlabies to political polemic, all encased in bewitching harmonies.

Or 10(2):}; Hall. Edwina/git i‘t/mn .24 Oct; Figural Concert H;1//. Glasgow. Thu 3 Nov.

the poxt-(‘oldphn time. It) to \ta) (make at the hack.

I Mark Eitzel and Beerjacket Alt(‘2. 330 SauchiehaII Street. 332 2232. ."ptn. £I2.50. Ax hotlt a \olo artixt and the lrontman l'or American .\Ilt\ie ('Iuh. e\ocati\c \inger Iiit/el cotnhine\ the energ) oi punk \xith l'oIk to create dark melancholic pop.

I Shane MacGowan and the Popes 'I‘he (iarage. 490 Sattcltiehall Street. 332

1 I20. 7pm. £20. I-"olk punk hero. poet and prolcxxional drinker perl'ortnx a littriottx. electric and unpredictahle \ct.

I Lacuna Coil King 'I‘ut\ \Valt \Vah lltit. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. Split. S()l.l) ()t'l. ()xet'-I4\. ('ult Italian hand \\ ith an ethereal metal \ottnd.

I Stipe Renl'rcu I'crr}. Anderxton Qua}. “the Itrootnielau. 0l698 265 5| I. 7pm. £8. 'I‘rihute to RIiM.

I Termites, Attic Lights and The Usual Barll}. 260 ('I}de Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £4. :\It.eotltttt'} and 60s pop inl'lttencex \\ ith tour-part harmonies lt'ottt Attic I,ight\.

I UK Deathcharge 'l'he Vale. 5 l)unda\ Street. 332 4928. 8pm. £3. l’unk.

I Forth Street, Trade, Proverbial Creek and Agent Orange I’ur}

Murr} \. 96 Mawell Street. 22] 65| l. 8.30pm. £4. including entr} to post-gig clttl). \Vcekl} \lto“ caxe ol local indie hand\.

I Red Eye, Uncle Fritz and Emma Forman 'I‘he Butterll} and the Pig. I53 Bath Street. 22I 77] l. 8.30pm. |.ocaI \inger/xongu riter \llou caxe.

I Acoustic Jam 9th Birthday Party \ice'tt'Sleal}. 42| SauchiehaII Street. 333 0900. 9pm. (ierr) I._\on\ and cohot'tx celehrate nine _\car\ ol' the rela\ed Monda} night iatn.

I Poor Old Ben Iron 'l'heatrc. 63 'l‘rongate. 552 4267. 9.30pm. £8. Mellon tuncx l'rom the I.e\\ ix rockcrx at thix Aeolixtic Altair \I)()\\.

I Daftwerk and Johnny 8. the Debutantes \Voodxide Social ('Illlt. 329 North \Voodxide Road. 337 I043. I0pttt. £5. I.i\e muxic at Superl'I} \ IIaIIouc'en hash.

I Valerie and Nu Inbred Generation Big .Ioint. I084 Soutlt Strect. Scotxtoun. 954 6999. l0pm. the. .\'o-li Mancunian

punk act Valerie and glitch/grime ere“ \u Inhred (ieneration pro\ ide the lixe muxic at Boh'x Haunted Home. a llalloue'en \pecial l'rotn the people \\ ho hrought )(itt Boh'x Iitnporiunt. l’Ittx l'rec hul‘l‘et and dooking lot' itpplex to take }otit‘ mind oil the lact you are in (ilaxgoxx '\ tttoxt haunted Ilothe. lianc} tlt'e\\ appreciated.

I Vincent Vincent 8. the Villains Barll}; 260 ('|_\de Street. 0870 907 (I999. I0.30pm. £5 (£4). The rockahill}ta\tic Vincent Vincent. \o good the} natned thent t\\ ice. pla} at the I-‘unhouse.


I Super Paradise \Vee Red Bar. lidinhurgh (‘ollcge ol Art. I.attrixtott Place. 229 I442. (ipttt. I’rce. I’oxt-t'oek \pace ia/I Ittxiott. \‘ocoi'der melodicx atid atnhient electronica.

I David R Black, Endorphine, Laker and Previous Convictions 'I‘he lixehange. 55 Grove Street. 443 0404. 7pm. £5. I.i\eMusicX \‘ideo \Itoot night. I Solla Sollew and The Happy Ending ('aharet Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 220 6] 76. 7pm. l-‘ree. Ilard part) rock lrom tItix Iidinhurgh collecti\c.

I The Sex Pistols Experience Suhtta} (‘ougatc. 69 ('o\\ gate. 225 6766. 7.30pm. £5. Se\ Pistolx trihute.

I Kathryn Williams and John Egdell Queen'x IIalI. ('lerk Street. 668 20I9. 8pm. £I2 £l4. I-‘olk llamured rock tron) \Villiittth. \\ ho has picked tip comparisons to Joni Mitchell attd Nick Drake.

I The Shout Out Louds, Kobai, Myopia attd The Bloozers (iig (lornterI) Rexolution). 3t |.othian Road. 229 7670. 8pm. £6. More |i\e action at (iig. including Sweden'\ the Shout Out |.oudx Iaxt \een supporting the Magic Xunthers, plus a 1)] \et lrom Radio I and M'I'V2‘x Zane l.o\\e.

I Red Man Walking, Eric Euan attd Emergency Red (‘aledouian Backpackerx. 3 Qtieenxlcrr} Street. 476 7224. 8.30pm. £4. limo and ittdic lrom Aherdeen and Iidinhurgh.

I Taylor Made Music (‘)-Bar. 5 l l l.cith Street. 8.30pm. £| £4. Sec l’ri 2|. I Tyrant Lizard Kings, Magdalane attd Deadenstereo Banncrman‘x.

\iddr} Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. Snapping and \narling rock It'ottt lidinhurgh‘x I} rant I.i/ard Killgx.

Saturday 29 '


I Kaiser Chiefs, Maximo Park and The Cribs (‘arling Acadeth (ilaxgou, I2I Iiinnton Street. 0870 77] 2000. 7pm. S()I.I) ()t'I. ()\er-l4\ silo“. The )c';tt‘\ moxt inl'cctiottx pop hand are joined h} angttlar comh-m er indie (Ieordiex Ma\iino l’at'k atid Io-li indie punk \crul'l'x the ('rihx in a _io}ou\ celehration ol the ('Iaw (it 2005.

I Robert Plant and the Strange Sensation Barron land. 244 (iallougate. 552 460|. 7.30pm. S()I.I) ()I'I. See Thu 27.

I Lapsus Linguae, Titus Gein and Take a Worm for a Walk Week Bar”). 200 (‘I_\'dc Street. 0370 907 0999. 7pm. £5. I)ixcotnhohuIated prog punk hriliance. And that's ittxt the headliners I The Boogaloo Investigators Brel. 39 43 .'\\Ittoll Lane. 342 4966. 7pm. l‘ree. Retro Milk and RtVB outlit pIa_\ at the Axhton I.anc Beer liext.

I NU2 Renl't'eu l‘ert'}. Anderston Qua}. ’I‘he Bt‘oottticla\\. 01698 265 5l 1. 7pm. £8. 'I'rihute to ['2

I Pollen, Ampersand and The Merchants The liquid Lounge. 94 \Vext Regent Street. 353 6333. 7.30pm. £5 (£4). I’ollen are a doc—e} ed indie pop quartet l't'om Manchc\ter.

I Ernie Payne I.auriex Bar. 34 King Street. (II-II 5.52 7l23. Split. £9. (‘ontemporao delta hlucx \inger. gllltttt'ISI attd dohro pla) er l‘rotn |.ouixiana makex lti\ lirxt Scottixh dehttt.

I The Hermit Crabs, Roma and Vom Stereo. I4 Keh inhattgh Street. 576 50IS. Split. £3. |.ocaI melodic IioIk pop hand.

I Spacejunk, Three Days Born, Chaosphere, A Rebel’s Guide and Firebrand The Vale. 5 |)unda\ Street. 332 4928. 8pm. £3. l’odho} lIalIoue‘cn Itaxlt. little} drew ottl}.

I The X1, Ilegal Waste and The 885 ()‘lletit"\\. I4 I)t'ur_\ Street. 248 375 I. 8pm. £2 (£I with them. See Thu 27 lor X I. \\ ho hoxt their regular Ileadx I)o\\n Illtttltl“ l'p night tonight.

I Morning Runner and The Race King 'l‘ut‘x \Vah \Vah llttt. 272;) St Vincent Street. 22I 5279. 8.30pm. £6. Reading— haxcd quartet \\ ill) a kinxhip to (’oldpla}. Radiohead. Athlete arid the like. The} recentl) \upported (’oldpla} at Bellahouxton I’ark attd can claim to he Ste\c I.aniacq\ neu l'a\ouritc hand.

I The Demon’s Eye Rockerx. l4 Midland Street. 22l 0726. 9pm. l‘ree. ('Itt\\le rock.

I The Hedrons and Dresden the Hall Bar. I60 \Voodlandx Road. 352 9996. 9pm. l5ree. See Wed 26.

I The God Fearing Atheists Mc('httiII\. 40 High Street. 552 2135. lllpm. I't'ee. :\Il.eottltll"\.

I Stinkmitt Bar”). 200 ('I_\de Street. 0870 907 (I999. l0.30pm. £5 (£4). l)eathkill4000 prexcnt had taxte trailerclaxh l'rom thix ('anadian otttlit \xho are. appat'cntl}. ‘not the hand to pill on it _\ou “am a \hag on a lirxt date'.

I Louie (ilaxgou School (it Art. I67 Renlt'eu Street. .‘53 453l. I Ipnt. £6 (£5). Another ('luh .\'Mli night.


I Blackbud (‘aharet Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 220 6| 76. "pm. £5. Rock trio inl‘Iuenced h_\ Ilcndt'i\. /.ep. Radioltead and Buckle} \ .Iel'l' and lint \\ ho ha\e hectt giggittg around \i. ith Kaixct' ('hiet'x arid the Beex.

I Chase Manhattan and Fusion 'l‘he Botth (‘Iuh. 37 IIoI)l’ootl Road. 5.53 7604. 7pm. £4. Indie douhle hill.

I Erin McKeown and Teddy Thompson The Venue. l7 2! ('aIton Road. 557 3073. 7pm. £9. 'I‘hc Biot'k ol' l'oIk originall} hailx Iron) Virginia. hax pla}cd \\ itlt I)ar \Villianh attd Ani I)ilranco and rate\ Iidith I’lltl. .Iud} (iarland arid I’;ll\_\ ('Iinc.