Around Town


Extended Conversations: The Scottish Parliament Up Close t'ntil Sun 15 Jan lcloxed on Stiti 25 Tue 27 ck Sat 31 Dec; Sun I Mon 3 Jan; Sat 24 & Hi 30 Dec cloxing at 4pm). The lighthouxe. l 1 Mitchell Lane. 22] 6362. Mon & Wed Sat 10.30am 5pm; Tue

1 Iain 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. Large format imagex ol the parliatnent b} architectural photographer Keith llunter.

Glasgow 1955: Through the Lens l'ntil Sun 30 Jul icloxed Sun 25 Mon 26 Dec; Sun l Mon 2 Jan). l’eople'x Palace 8; Winter (iardenx. (ilaxgon (ireen. 27l 2%]. 10am 5pm. l’ree. An exhibition ot' imagex ol'(ilaxgo\\ in l‘)55. prexiouxl} xliomi in Kelx‘ingrme and the l’eople'x Palace 50 _\earx ago.

Mackintosh Architectural Sketches l'ntil Sat 28' Jan lcloxed Sun 25 Mon 26 Dec; Sttn I Mon 2 Jan). llunterian Art Gallery. l‘niVerxit)‘ ol' (ilaxgou. 82 llillhead Street. 330 5431. ‘).30am 5pm. £2.50. Architectural drawingx b_\ the celebrated attixt.

Those Variety Days t'ntil Thu 5 Jan tcloxed Sun 25 Mon 26 Jan; Sun 1 Jam. Royal (‘oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. Mon Sat 10am 5.30pm. The Scottixlt Mtixic llall atid Vat‘iet} ’l'lteatre Societ) prexent tltix exhibition packed with memorabilia from the he}da_\ ol Scottixh \ariet} theatre. including poxterx. photographx atid programmex l'rom xlitmx xuch ax ‘l-‘ixe l’axt light and ‘l‘rancie atid .lt)\lL".


German Market t'ntil Sat 24 Dec. 8t linoch Square. 204 3‘)()(). l0am 7pm. liiijo) the huxtle and buxtle of a real traditional (ierman market \\ ith cuxtomar) l'ood and drink to xample attd xtallx packed lull ol gil'tx to brim xe.

Food & Drink

Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market Sat 17 Dec. Queen‘x Park. 520 l.angxide Park. 287 7273. Want 2pm. Forget all about that maxx-produced rubbixh. thix ix organic. qualit} produce direct lrom the chapx aitd chapettex \\ ho make it.


Tchai Ovna Craft Class Thu l5. Thu 22 & Thu 2‘) Dec. Tchai ()\ na. 16‘) l)eanxton l)ri\e. 64‘) 7258. 7pm. (ilaxx painting claxx \\ ith lull tuition.

Knitting Circle Tue 2i) (k Tue -7 Dec. Tchai ()\na. l6‘) l)eanxton l)ri\c. 64‘) 7258. 8pm. Knitting l'un \\ ith the added bonux ol' \er} line teax.

Behind the Scenes - The Glasgow Collection li\er_\ Thu tcloxed Sun

25 Mon 26 Dec; Sun 1 Mon 2 Jam. Mitchell librar}. 20l North Street. 287 2‘)‘)‘). 2.30pm. liree. ()pportunit) to imextigate the rich mix ol' materialx held in the lamoux (ilaxgtm (’ollection including hixtorical next xpapcrx. itiapx and photographic imagex. Beginx at lexel 2 meeting point.

Edinburgh Em!!-

Activities & Events

The Guid Crack Club: Festival of Lights The \Vmerle}. St Mar} 'x Street. 556 ‘)57‘). 7.30pm. £3 donation. Localx aiid \ ixitorx are all \xelcome to go along aitd hear xome cracking l'exti\e )arnx. and contribute a text (it their on n. Tonight'x xpecial gtiext ix Donnie llenderxon Shcdlarl.


Antique and Collectors Fair l-‘reemaxonx Hall. ‘)6 (ieorge Street. 558 8720. Want 4.30pm. fit. A chance to pertixe or hit} l'rom the \\ ide range ol antiquex aitd collectablex.

Festive Funk Fair ligo. l4 l’icard} l’lace. llam 5pm. £1. Scotlattd'x lirxt 20th and 2lxt centur} dexign lair. \xitli a

44 THE LIST "C [26:3 1’7)", ’, la"


muxic xection dounxtairx xelling \ in_\l ol all genrex. l’abuloux. (io to u“ u.l'tiitkl'aircom lot' more inloriiiation.

Sunday 18

Activities & Events

Yule Night St ('ecilia‘x llall. \iddt'} Street. 556 ‘)57‘). 7pm. £6 it‘4i. Duncan \Villiaiiixoii. lleatlier Yule and HM id ('ampbell come together tor a night ol xtoriex. ititilled \\ ine atid mince piex to celebrate the mid“ inter lt‘xllh’tl


Velvet Boutique Christmas Design Fair l)aiice l'iot' .r\|| Sttidiox. l06 St Stephen Street. Stockbridge. 538 ‘)2l7. llam 5pm. l‘i‘ee. l'niqtie giltx. liotiie\\;ti'ex. l‘axhiou. ieueller} arid accexxoriex. l’erlecl lol' ( 'ltt'ixlltttlx xlioppiitg l'or other people or )otii‘xell'. l'm xiire )oii‘\e been a \er} good

ho} /girl tliix _\eat'.

Monday 19


The Night Sky in January Roxal ()bxeiwator} Vixilol' (‘entre. lllacklotd Hill. 668 8404, 7.30pm. £21L‘Iifl'hix month xee beatililul ringed planet Saturn at itx cloxext and briglitext. ax \\ ell ax ttieteorx and a comet. \Vith Rtixxell libet‘xt.

Tuesday 20

Activities & Events

Christmas Goodies Galore lidiuhtirgh (’it} Centre. 453 I660.

‘).30 11.30am. U5. Tour the cit} to lind all tlte bexl placex l'ot' l'oodie gil'lx. lncltidex relrethentx aiid traiixport. ('all to book or go to

\x u \\ .dixco\ ei‘thetaxte.ciim.

Monday 26


Edinburgh Gunners v Border Reivers .\luri'a} lield Stadium. Rherxdale (d't‘xt‘t'lll. .340 Sill)”. 3pm. \Vltat ix a Reixet' an} \xay.’ ll hettei be xomething damn hard to beat thoxe gunning ladx.

Thursday 29

Activities & Events Torchlight Procession l’ailianieni Square. on High Street. 473 2000

6.30pm. [4 ill ad\aiice; E5 on the night. Marking the beginning ol' the bumper llogiiiaiia} celehi'atioiix. l‘olkx iii their tliotixaiidx can} a torch li'oin l’arliaiiient Square to ('alton Hill. The procexxion ix ioitied b_\ [p llell_\ '.-\.v\ Vikingx. the (‘laiin atid xoiiie xpectacttlai‘ lireuot‘kx.

Activities & Events

Night Afore International George Street. ~lq5 20””. .S l lplll. l‘ree. lttlitiburgli \xclcoiiiex (‘ataloiiia \\ ith xpectactilai muxic. dance lood and xtreet theatre liicltidiiig tlioxe not xcared ol' heightx or xqtiaxhiiig each other. ('axtcllei’x: the \liii)iiitx ol ’l’et'i‘axxa. (‘alaloma'x top littiiiaii toner builderx.

Ongoing Edinburgh Activities & Events

Hogmanay Carnival Wed 28 Dec Sun 8 Jan. .\latkcl Street. 473 2000.

Ham | lpm. Bigger. better and xcat'iet' itdex than exet' beloie. \ikexl

Lothian Conservation Volunteers Stiii l8 & \\ed 28 Dec. St .'\lltll‘e\\ ’x Square. 33." 022 3. ‘). 30am. llelp nature ottt exci‘} Stinda} \\llll a \ariet} ol' cotixci‘\attoii taxkx. You iiittxt book b} the l-iida_\ beloie the taxk; meet at the north xidc ol St .\iidre\\ 'x Square. l‘or ttiore iiiloiitiation go to \\\\\\.lc\.ot‘g.ttk. Winter Wonderland Ice Rink t’ntil Stiii 8 .laii icloxed Sun 25 l)eci. l’rincex Street (ial'dclix l',;l\l. l’t'ltlcex Street. 220 6550. Want 8pm. \dult £7 t('hildren UH: lamil} ticket L22. ill )oti lia\e _\ottr t)\\lt xkatex: adtiltx £6 ichildi'en £5). lce-baxed tlii'illx hit all the laitiil}.


Fabric to Fashion: Scottish Textiles and International Style t'ntil Tue 28 tel» icloxed Sun 25 Dec) \lttxetiin ol Scotland. (‘haiiibei'x Street. 247 421‘). lilam 5pm. Tue lilam 8pm. Sttii

noon 5pm. .'\lt exhibition ol' piecex l'roiii the big \\ igx in the maid ol' laxhion highlighting their continual |o\e allaii'

\\ itli tuced. lat'laii aitd kititueat‘.

Gifted Ro}al .\lttxetitti (‘t'all (iallet‘). 2 ('liaitiberx Sheet. 247' 42 l‘). l'titil Stiti 2‘) Jan tcloxed Sun 25 Dew. I0am 5pm. Tue l0aiii 8pm. Stiii noon 5pm. l‘ree. .\ xlio\\caxe ol Scottiin contemporat} ci'al'lx. \\ itli |L'\\Cllt‘l'_\. te\tilex. cei'aiiiicx and glaxxtxaie. l'.\t'l‘}llilllj.' ix lot xale. xo a good chance to xort otit )oui (‘Iii'ixtmax xliopping.

Do you find the usual spectator sports a wee bit slow? If so, this is your chance to

witness a game with more changes of direction than Madonna, as some of Scotland’s finest polo players lay on a fast, furious and free exhibition match. I Sit)‘.’.’(lt.’()l) Po/o (Ix/l). ".'.’t3:;.' ().l\(;.’,‘(2.'i'1fi(," Pom 1').;'?.o;> Hoax/l. Stonyzirtori. 075561) 48.3 47 7, Thu 25) Dec.

Sale of the Centuries: A Celebration of Shopping in Scotland l'ntil Sun l2 l'ch icloxed Mon 26 Tue 27 Dec; Mon 2 Tue 3 Jan) National I.ibrar_\ oi Scotland. (ieorge l\' Bridge. 226 453|. Mon Sat l0am 5pm; Sun 2 5pm. :\n e\ltibitioti l'ocuxing on the experience ol‘ xhopping in Scotland from the middle agex to the modern da}. Through the Letterbox liVer) Sat: until Sat 4 l-"eb icloxed Hi 23 Dec Tue 3 Jan). Scotlixh l’oetr} librar}. 5 ('richton'x (‘loxe. (Kitiotigate. 557 2876. Mon l‘ri llain 6pm; Sat l 5pm. l-‘ree. An e\hibition illuminating the making (ii a hook containing haikux uritten by late Scottixh Renaixxance poet. (ieorge Bruce. arid illuxtrated b} lili/abeth Blackadder. Work b} iexxeller Sheana Stephen ix dixpla} ed alongxide.


3D/2D Craft and Design Fair Thu l5 Thu 22 Dec. .-\xxetnbly Roomx. 54 (ieorge Street, 661 660i).

l0.30am 5.30pm. ‘)0p t60pi; under l2x l'ree. ('ral't \\ot‘ket'x and artixtx exhibit and xell their \\ot'k.

Food & Drink

Christmas Farmers Market Sat 17 (k Sat 24 Dec. ('axtle Terrace. 652 5‘)4(). ‘)am 2pm. .\ xpecial l'exti\e market gi\ing _\ou the chance to bu) l'rexh produce direct lt'om the larmerx.

Leith Market @ the Grassmarket Sat 17 Siiii 18 Dec. (iraxxmarket. 467 ‘)422.

l lam 7.30pm. l.eith market takex a (‘ht‘ixtmax trip to the Old Tomi. complete \\ ith itx tixual arra_\ ol' lood. l'axhion. dexign. antiquex. lurniture. bookx and mtixic.


Knitting at Sofi's Tue 20 Dec. Soli'x. Leith. 07‘)80 643 7‘)5. £2. Knitting and interexting bar xnackx.

Zoot! Swing lixer} Tue until l‘) l)ec. ('ale Ro}al. l7 “ext Regixter Street. 5.5-3 2334. 6.45pm. £4.501i350i. learn the llipx atid trickx ol \\\ ing dance. lntertiiediate claxx at 6.45pm aitd abxolute beginnerx at 8pm. Swingbeats Tue 20 Dec. The Bongo ('lub. .\lora_\ Home. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 7604. 7 ‘)pm. l‘ree. 'l‘utored x\\'ittg‘
