
Just Like Heaven l’( i. O. I\lalk \Valcrx. l ‘8. 2005: Rccxc \VIlhI-prooII. \lark Rullalo. l)onal loguc. l)IIIa \pxbcx ()<llllll \\lllll\\t'(l landxcapc .llt lllltKl l)a\ Id IRIIllaloI mm cx mlo a ncu l‘.l\ llt'lHl pad \x llL' xt't'kx xIllacL' Ill lk‘L'r and LN loud. lIc bccomcx .marc lhal hc'x xlIaIIIIg hIx lIxIIIg xpac c \xIllI lllc ghmll} l'll/dl‘t'lll I\\ IllIcrxpooIII Supcrnalural alld \llllt’lllt Ial IoIII com III lhc xamc \cIII ax (II/ll‘\, \f/II II'I/ H /I'Il\4' Keeping Mum I IMO. I.\‘I.Ill lolIIIonLl K. ZlNl‘I Roxxan \lkmxon. KIleIII \coll lllHlllax. \laggic SIIIIlh. l’alrIck \\x.I_\/c llllmm x\ dcrangcd kIllcr ISIIIIllIl. llIc plulanchIng \\ Ilc IScoll 'l‘homaxl ol a palixh \ um I \lkmxonl and .I \o} curlxllc I'oll IIIo loIlIarIo all gcl IIII\cd up Ill xomc lll.l\.ll‘lt' bul lIIIIII} c\cnlx 'l'II'cxonIc xub l‘dllllg’ Lillllt‘ll} (II/run. [all/llmrgh The King I l< I 0.. lJamcx .\1aI'xh. l'SIl K. ZlNl‘l (iacl (iaI'cIa licrnal. lll5nlln. RclIIIIIIIIg lIoIII lhc IIax}. l'.|\ Ix lllcrnal l. Ix II'Icc lcd b_\ lhc paonI lallIcI' hc Ichcr nc“. \\llll xccx llllll .Ix a IcIIIIIIch ol lIIx oun xIIIllIl Ii.le lilcak dIaIIIa xlImxIIIg ax parl ol IlIc ( ilaxglm l'lllll l'cxlixal ’l'hc ch'ccnmg \\ Ill bc allcudcd b_\ dII'ccloI' \larxh. ’l‘lic opcIIIIIg lilIII ol lhc ( llaxgou l'llm l'cxllxal. (Ii/(/\'\'I’H III/II l/II’IIII'I'. (i/IHQHH. King Kong I 13m... Il’I-Icr .lackxou. \cu /.ca|aIId/l 'S, lellSI NaomI \\allx. lack lilack. AdI'IcII Brod}. And} ScIka. .lamIc licll, lb‘7min. Jackxmfx lax ixh I'cIIIakc ol (’oopcr and Schocdxack'x l9.“ claxxIc pulx llic llllllllt'l' ol all IIIoIlecrx III lllx mx ll A Ile xhou. ,lackxon prcxcnlx hix \‘HllllHllt‘l’gk‘llt‘lillt‘il Kong ax a xpcclaclc l'or .llldlt‘llc‘t‘x ill Hglt‘ Ill (ll\l‘L'llt'l. ’l'llt' llllll lakcx oll dlII'IIIg lhc aI'rIxal al Skull lxland bul III lhc liIIal llIII'd ll Icall} loxcx IIIoIIIcIIlIIIII. 'l‘hc ciidmg Ix ax Il xhould bc. on lop I‘ll llIc lzmpirc Slalc Building. ax Kong clImbx up llIc lop to do balllc \\ ilh bi- plancx llul Il all lcclx xo III;I\kuxli. Allcr llIIcc lIoqu. IIol lo bc mo\ cd b} lhc linalc Ix a le} (iI’III'III/ H'Ii'ilH’. Ladies in Lavender I um 00. I(‘haIlcx l)aIIcc. l'lx'. lell-ll Judi Dcnch. \laggic SIIIIllI. \alaxcha \lclilhonc. l)anIcl llIulIl. lllimm. Adaplcd b} llic lhcxpian lIoIII llIc xloI'} b} William J lockc. lhix



l‘l3llx-xcl lalc xlarx lhc lxxo grand danch ol llrilixh lilm. SIIIIlh and Dcnch. ax No acgmg xlecrx who xharc a collagc Bul \xhcn a l’olIxh \IolInle Miami/Hr la'nm'x Bruhli Ix uaxhcd up ncar lthr homc. lhcu' xlaId L'Xlxlcncc Ix xhallcrcd, 'l'aIlIir-lllgltlc' lor lhc bluc rInxc brigadc Sonic \Icu. crx ma} lind lhlx loo loxxlllxcd a larc. bul Il'x lIkcablc all lhc xaInc l-I/mlmuu'. I‘a/In/mrgh.

* Lady Vengeance I le 0000

(Park ('han-xxook. South Korca. 2005) [cc Young-ac. ('hoI Min-xik. ('Io Su-hcc

| IZIIIIII. Scc rc\ chx. pagc ~13. ('Invunr/Il RI'rI/n'n Slru't. (ilmumi ('IINII'II. IleIIIhIIrulI,

Lassie ll’(il O. l('harlcx Slurridgc. l'S/lrcland. 2005i SaIIIanlha .\1orlon.lohn l.)nch. Slcx c l’cmbcnon. (ircgor liixhcr ‘Nmm. ’l‘hc IIIIplauxibl} rcxIlIcIIl ('ollic bollndx back onto lhc big xcrccn. 'l‘hoxc l’aIIIIlIar mlh lhc xlor) \Hll lind lIlllc lo yap aboul in Slurridgc\ lilm, 'l'hc BAl’lA-

\\ Inning xx rIlcr/dircclor xccmx uncax} \\ Ilh illc xourcc malcrial. lurnmg “hat xhould bc a xlraIghlloI‘xuird childrcn'x _\arn mlo a lcclurc on claxx and moralle Show uw ('lrII'rilll. ('IiIll/H'l'I/L'I'. (iIIiwIm.

Last Year in Marienbad Il'I 0000 (Alain Rc‘xnaix. lirancc/llal). I‘lhl l l)clphmc Scyrig. (iiorglo Albcrlalli. Sacha l’ilocl’l‘. 93min. lix'ocalixc and cnigmalic lalc M a man who mcclx a woman in a rambling hoch. and bclicxcx hc had an affair \x'ilh hcr lhc prcvioux )car. l’axl blcndx \\ ilh prcxcnl lo lhc poinl u hcrc lhc)‘ arc Indiinnguixhablc. and _\ou can only rcally cnjo) il il' )ou don‘l \mrr}‘ loo much

u hclhcr lhcy did or didn'l. Nol onc l‘or anyonc on a blind dalc. lz'I/I'rI/iII/juh IVI'Im (lIII/II. Edinburgh.

The Legend of Zorro mm 00 (Marlin (‘ampbclL ('8. 2005) Antonio Handcrax. ('alhcrinc [cla-JoIICx. (liox'anna Zacariax. Raul Mcndcz. l3llmin. llorribl} rcaclionar}. \cnophobic .xcqucl lo l‘)‘)7'x cnjo}ablc xxx'axhbucklc.r 'I'Iu' Musk Ii/‘Zurm. which rcx-olxcx around ()ld ('alil'ornia joining lhc l'nion and ilx Spanixh cili/cnx ctclaiming lhal bccoming Amcrican Ix lhc bcxl lhing lhal could happcn lo lhcm. Rollcn. laborime and dccpl)‘ liraudulcnl. ()III'IIII. Ifdin/nug/r.

I FI/m/Iouso, Edinburgh (from Sun 72 Feb).

48 THE LIST 3—16 Feb 2000

r . . . . v“? o“. . Very welcome rare screening of Humberto Solas’ 1968 debut following the lives of three Cuban women over three different historical periods, noticeably the Cuban war of independence (with Spain), the 19303 and the 19603. The film is showing as part of an excellent season of Cuban cinema. both old and new.

Little Polar Bear: The Mysterious Island I l' l .. ll’lcl [)6 Rxc‘kcr. (icrman). 3005i Mlmm Scc rcx chx. pagc 4“ (il'm'm/ H'lulw'.

Lucia I [M O... Illumbcno Solax. (‘uba. l‘Nalx’I lollmm. Raqucl chuclla. lixlinda Nuth. Acha lcgra (‘laxxIc (‘uban lcalurc lollomng lhc ll\L‘\ ol lhrcc uomcn callcd l.ucIa m dllleL‘lll momcnlx ol llic counlrx'x hleor} Rccommcndcd l’arl ol (‘uban Scaxon. I'llmhnim'. I‘deII/IIII'QII, March of the Penguins d' l .00 Il.uc Jacqucl. l-‘rancc. 2015i 85mm l)clIglIllul Il laIrl_x roulmc Im a l)Ixco\cr} (‘hanncl kmd ol ua} l documcnlar) \thch iolloxxx lhc limpcror l’cngumx' annual allcmpl lo brmg ncu lIlc Inlo lhc l'rcc/mg cIImbx ol' .-\nlarclIca. Morgan l"rc'c'III.IIi'x rich. chccx} oncc-ox cr makcx lhc lilm Si'li'i {I'll It'li'il‘l'.

Match PointI 13m .0 (\VIqu) Allcn. l'lx'. 2(Kl5i Scarlcll JohaIIxxon. Jonalhan Rh)x-.\lc) crx. limIl} .\lorlIIIIcr. 124mm. B} x\\;lpplllg Manhallan lor London and coincd} l'or drama. AlchI lIax crcalcd a lilm lhal Ix lurgid and Prt'lt‘lllllllh. ‘l‘cnnix-pro ('hrIx (Rh) x-Mc) crxl Ix lorn bclxx ccn IIIarriagc lo IIullIonaIrc'x daughlcr. ('hloc I.‘xlorlIIncrl and a paxonIIalc al’laIr

xx ilh aclrcxx Nola IJohanxxonl. 'l‘lIc clunkmg dialoguc Ix bad cnough. bill it bccomc‘x lrul} lcrriblc \x'hcn Allcn crou barx III a doublc murdcr. .S‘I'II'I‘II'II I'('/(’(I.\('.

Memoirs of a Geisha I IJAI 00. (Rob Marxhall. l'S. 2005) Kcn Walanabc. Michcllc Yc'oh. [hang 7.1}1. (long l.I. IJSIIIiII. Scrccn adaplalion of Arthur (loldcn‘x llUVL‘l \xhich lcllx lhc xlor)‘ oi a Japam'xc child lorn lrom hcr l'amil) lo work all a gcixha houxc. bloxxoming inlo lhc lcgcndar} gcixha Sayuri l7.l}‘ll. Marxhall placcx lhc cmphaxix on tho acxlhclic ralhcr than dramalic conchIl. ncx cr gix mg ux cnough bclicxablc molixalion ax a rcxull, (iI'IlI'I'u/ I'I'II'IMI'.

Mere Jeevan Saathi Ill 00. ISunccl l)arxhan. India. Zoom Akxha} Kumar. Karixma Kapoor. Amixha l’alcl. Vicki lKumar) ix a rock xlar \x ho lallx III lm'c \x ilh AIIJali ll’alcll but \x'hcn hix ncu muxic compan) boxx Nalaxha (Kapoorl xhou x xomc inlcrcxl in him hc knoux hc lIax

xomc lough dchonnx lo makc l Ikcablc romanlIc lalc xcl agamxl a muxic bI/ background l’hc muxIcal xcorc lor lhc lilm Ix prox Idcd b) \adccm Shiman (Mun: \: I‘lII‘ QIIIII. (iimcun. (i/mcuu, ('l .I lidIrIllluulI. I'.Illll}’llIL’/l Merry Christmas (Joyeux Noel) ll:.'\l O... Ii'hlixlian (‘aIIoIL l-rancc’(icrmanx 'l 'l'x'. HMS) lhanc (BIuch. licnno l5umann. (ilnllaumc (Ilncl. (iai) lcmx I l5mm ()II (‘hrlemax lixc l‘llJ oppoxmg lroopx III lhc llcnchc‘x madc a lIucc and lound xomc common gIouIId lIchallx ax lhc_\ pla_\cd loolball oII lhc mudd) onl ol .\'o .\1.III'xl..IIId A quicllx mmmg lilm lhal rcxcalx IIle ho“ hclplcxx llIc (icIIIIan. lirilixh and l‘rcnch lroopx actuallx \xcic 'l‘hix Ix nol lhc xl_x lIxcd lakc on lhc conllicl xccn III lhIx _\cal‘x .Il li'H [uric I iIc'IIcI "ll Ilf Rallicr. Il Ix cold. blood} and ugl) and Ix dcxlmcd lo pla_x on lili('3 cwrx ('liI‘leIIIax lch. (‘UNN'U. lull/Iliurch Mixtape, Inc the Movie I ISI .00 l\\'.llit‘l lit'll. lb. :lllSI lll‘Imn Rc'u‘allllg documcnlar} aboul lhc cul llIIoal world ol Illcgal hip hop IIII\lapc. lcalmmg mlcr\ chxx \xilh Ille aboul cxcl') IIoIablc DJ oul lhcrc l’arl ol' ( )ll-llcal' l‘l/Ill/lnuu. l-I/In/nI/gli Moog Il'l O... IllaIIx l~Icllcxlad. l'S. IlllHl 70mm A Iournc} IIIxIdc lhc hcad ol Robcrl Moog, llIc lcgcndar) clcclI‘oIIIc muxIcal IIlerumcIIl IIIakcI. cwloIIIIg lIIx Idcax Ult‘rt‘dllHl}. prrIlualIl) and dcngII l'caluch Ix'rlormanccx and "1ch chxx xx llll Sit-Icolab. Kcilh liIIIcronI and DJ Spook) IIIIIoIIg ollIch l’arl ol ()l‘l-lical' I‘l/m/lnllu', Ill/lIl/llll'u/l Mrs Henderson Presents I mm 0.. lSlcphcn l‘rcarx. l'K. ZlNl5l Judi l)cnch. liob llokax. 'l'lIclIIIa Barlow Will Young. Kcll) RL‘Ill). ('hrixlophc-I (iucxl Illimm. 'l'hIx drama charlx lhc carl} hleoI‘} ol London'x cclcbralcd \demill 'l‘hcalIc. a naught} xhlm lhcalrc \IlIIch prm Idcd a lonic lor lhc lroopx during WWII 'l‘hrough lhlx dclailcd. liglilxx cighl conlcclion. dircclor l‘rcarx and \x rilcr Shcrman pla} on comparixonx bclxxccn lilIl/rumcd l.oIIdoII and lhc jillcr} modcrn mcdla obxcxonII \x Ilh lhc l’rcxli xpalc ol boIIIbIIng lhal l.onIloII no“ laccx. But ullIIIIalclx llIIx Ix Dcnch'x lilm: xhc Ix lrcIIIc-Iidoux ax lhc ccccnlric. dclianl llcndcrxon, (irml'rnm; (ilmumi


Ir" .J “3"