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THE HUSSYS Caledonian Backpackers. Edinburgh. Sat 21 Jan 00

Illiri,'.'»’;;.' 'Tri' " ." ':L( 1 MN“! Yit, " "l (i'w . r v :.

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female twitter! '1 {ref t: tall into n: umirif, ’t' ur/eatrlb to write, t»: attiri'e'tt tt’, a

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they say tl‘vlaltgolrn Jack.


King Tut's. Glasgow. Mon 30 Jan 0...

No. it's not a rnrsprrnt. Prrrnal Stream really (lid take to 'l'trt'f; trey stage. and tinstrr‘prISingly they rocked t In arguath the real highlrgnt of the lrye Night Stand series. «if arm-r5; to celebrate Xtrn't; Stlflflltill latrntth. we were treated to a least of menu: treats; from the hands; 20 year career Stornpy set openers Country Girl and 'Cars' harked hack to the ‘Grye Out But Don't Give [in era. setting the tone for much of the new rnaterral premiered here. lli<éy have srrhstrttrted antagonistic electronrca for good old hltiesy roek'n'roll. hut Prrrnal Scream have lost none of their edge. Euphoria

NICK CAVE Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow. Sun 5 Feb 0000

Pr-oriie take N! v l‘au- °

Ufl'l'lllll‘J/ WWW w a. : »’

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and ‘xlll‘rllll‘ll a "to raw 'r‘.:' make (i "la rw'x ‘~7.<:' looseantrw' Iterr

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'.‘./llll a thousand lit‘hl ,t‘i

Hrs; songs; an" "l 't fltithllt Tlxat "ar‘ ()r' a't.:5\.uel ' exarnn‘red rr‘t" otlrw‘“ {at n" this; kind r>t f.r‘r)‘.‘.' Irti "a" the haévr‘ emotrw nor.” " tr‘ernervlotrt; notify ans: wit-m ' rnto a grand shave (Law: 4’ r-

hrrllrantly. No Joke

l/lgl'm Hrtttr-r'x. r".

THE ALIENS Venue. Edinburgh, Fri 24 Feb; King Tut's, Glasgow. Sun 26 Feb

With the Beta Band last year having petered out under industry pressure well before passing their artistic expiry date. it should probably come as no great surprise that former members have wasted no time in getting back on the pop horse. While former front man Steve Mason has been busy with psychedelic politico hip hop project King Biscuit Time, fellow exes John McLean and Robin Jones - and one ex ex in Gordon Anderson, known more commonly out Fence Collective way as the delightfully mental Lone Pigeon have been beamed back to Earth under the guise of the Aliens.

They were never ones for conventions in their first outing, and their offerings so far again beat a typically strange path across the genres, from wiggy 60$ guitar pop to hallucinogenic funk, by way of a lengthy stop off at the space rock aisle. The fact that the same spirited sense of carefree artistry certainly lives on is probably best evinced by ‘Robotman' lead track from forthcoming EP Alienoid Starmonica. Slated for release late this month or early next, it basically consists of the phrase ‘I am a robot man’ repeated no fewer than 89 times. Trust me, I counted.

It‘s probably much like how the Beatles would have sounded if they‘d taken some Sly and the Family Stone and a few Weird Science comics with their acid. So subsequently not a million miles from where the Betas left off. Both of which can‘t be bad things. (Malcolm Jack)

ii“ Hr v~,l-- '1. v 'H- w: _L“Hr4rj..§-

JACK no E AND SUNBURNED HAND or THE MAN Henry's Cellar Bar, Edinburgh, Mon 20 Feb; Mon 27 Feb

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/‘,‘.,:' ' THE LIST 63