Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to sport® for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce.


Activities & Events Demonstration of Mediumship (ilaxgmi l'niwmt} Hind ()ii Building. 33" NW " illpin Li ll} \ngcla \li‘lnni-x. ,lai’iiui \1i( lit'l\il anil (iniilnn .'\llll(tlll

Looking for Love 'I rut-i 'l rut-i. lilt' (Iiil\\Illlll\C. :ll ( il;t\\lttlil Sll't't'l. <§§~1\i\\ "pin. LN Nun IhaI Vali-ntinux Ha} l\ .i \iI\I.lllI nii'inni'}. llll\ l\ )ttlll‘ chann- In lllt't'l IIlL' pi-i'li'i'l partnci’ \\ ith \pci'il ilating. chi-m} IIIIIL'\ anil lile nt i'hani'i'x tni nuinhi-i mapping:

Friday 3 n

Activmes & Events

Reading the Leaves 'l \‘llill ()\ ll.I. .13 ()lilfJU lani'. ‘5" .1511 L'.‘ .lnin giicxt \xi‘itcrx lni' an owning; nt noon) and ci'catiw \\ i'iIingg. l’i'cx inn\ i'i-ailcn haw lllL'illtlL'tI I.Hlll\L‘ \Vclxh. /nc Sti‘at'han and .'\llIlL' I)tlllil\.’lll. I'ttl lui'Ihci‘ inlni‘inatinn cnntai‘t \ahni Paul at i'i'.'iiling_'thclca\i‘x

(U lltlllllilllt'tllll.

Activities & Events

Artist’s Talk: Beagles and Ramsay 'l'i‘anma}. 35 .-\ll\t‘l'l Dim: HMS WI “Ill. 2pm. lii'i‘c 'l‘hi' tIllU tIl\t'll\\ IIIL'II \t‘il piii'ti‘ailui'c.

Activities & Events

Words and Music Sainucl I)ll\\ 'x. (C "I Nithulali' Rmiil. ~11: (llll7 ”, illpin ( )pi'n \Iagi‘ pitch} and Illl|\lL' night.

Wednesday 8


International Women’s Day ( il;|\:_'il\\ \Vunii‘n\ I.Il‘l';ll‘}. lll‘) 'l'i‘nngatc. (5‘) "23. “Pin. lii'i‘c. (}\\'|. cclchi‘atcx Illlt‘l'lldlltflldl \Vnincn\ l)a_\ \\ ith the relaunch til the (il;l\g;lt' (iiils' Itll'llllgilll} \xi‘itci'x' pinup. l'nllimcil h} .i WVnnl—up' upon llllL' pncti‘} trailing; ll'tllll 7.|5pin.

Thursday 9

Activities & Events

Poplife! l3th \iiti' ('alt‘. 5t) (Ill King; Sli‘ci't. 553 INK. 8. ‘tlpni. t'l. ln Illl\ pin qui/ Ihc tlllt'\IIUll\ ai'i' \i'i'nnilar} In getting drunk. singing along: to Spanilau Halli‘t .Illti moaning: ahnut IIIL' \i'ni‘i‘x.


The Changing Face of New Zealand chliclil St Stcphcn‘x (‘hui'ch (’i‘nti'c. Still Bath Sti‘i‘ct. 333 282i». Zl5pni. \liti'i' .i gap 01' 4t) wars. gi‘ngi'aphcr .lnn (innillanil I‘L‘llll'th lit \t‘“ [Ctlltlllil IU tllwitu‘l' llttil main changm haw Iakcn placc in a munti‘) that nncc cwni‘tcil ncai'l} 00'. wt itx PHKIUL'L‘ to tho l'K. l’lux. ilnn't _\nu luxt lmc Ihc \xa} the) \a} ‘Iu~h and chan '

Activities & Events

Visiting the Mitchell (ilaxgim \VniiIt'Ii‘x l.ihi‘ai‘_\. lll‘) ‘l‘i'nngalc. 552 8345. Split ()pcn tII\CU\\IUII about Ihc t‘qui'c nt thc (ilaxgim \Vnincn'x I.ll‘l';ll"\ in anticipation (II. II\ IIIU\ C [U IIIC ~\Itlcllt‘ll l.Il‘I‘;ll'_\. I:t‘iitl\\k‘ti h) a tour «It the t'utui‘c pi‘cniixcx

Talks Ancient Egypt in Rio de Janeiro Bun'cll (‘nllcctiunz Lecture 'l‘hcati‘c. Inn”

24 THE LIST ._‘ us Mm "‘

UK SLED DOG ASSOCIATION FINAL Drumlanrig Castle. Dumfriesshire. Sat 4—Sun 5 Mar. ‘Run really fast! Pull things! Run really fast and pull things!‘ shout the eager canines as you stand at the start line and watch them rearing up on hind legs. straining at their ropes attached to Range Rovers. If they had bits they would be champing at them.

As the countdown begins the dogs quiet down and dig their claws in for a push off; when they do run it‘s like a catapult being released. Off they go. pelting into the distance. Wander round to the end of the course and the same team of dogs come lolloping across the line pulling their musher. with tongues dangling out of mouths to applause and scratches behind the ear.

Sadly. Scotland isn‘t blessed with a climate to guarantee a snowy track. so the folks who race dogs in this country use wheeled rigs to race. leaving them covered head to toe in mud. But. when the use of rigs gets a bit too easy there are always new challenges, says Steven Lindsay. project manager of Dog Sport Scotland and World and UK Sled Dog Champion. 'One of the fun things we do is called Canicross. where you are attached to a dog by a harness and you sprint along behind as it runs.‘ Fun? Yikes.

The culmination of a winter's worth of races descends on Drumlanrig Castle for the Dog Sport Scotland and the Sled Dog Association of Scotland Final. Expect two days of exciting races and events. including 'Hug a Husky‘ (yes please) and a presentation from Libby Riddles. the

It's a little known fact that many types of breeds are first woman to win the lditarod. Get ready, now mush! used to race. Some dogs are purpose-bred and can I ' " -' ' ' " ' "I look like hounds or the archetypal Husky, but all are .' i -' v strong and resilient. capable of running sprint races or ' I anything up to the 1200 mile lditarod Trail in Alaska. ' 4' i r' I J -

l’iilliikxhinu Rnail. 3h“ 35‘”. :l‘lll. Ll It'll. l’i‘nlcsxiu' Kcnncth Kili'hcn talk about Ihi' iiniiluc .\ni'ii'nt I:g_'_\ t‘iillct‘tinn in Ihi' \atinnal \Ill\i‘lllll. Rm iIL' .Itlllt‘ll‘il.

Wednesday 15


* Scottish Comedy on TV: Father Ted vs Mason Boyne l’lic Stand. 1“ \Vinidlnnilx Rana. (IVII (inn MISS 31‘,” live hut Iickctcil I'lll.lll ailinint-t Ihc \Iilllti.L'll uk l'ni‘ Iii'kch Si'c Illlll\l

anoinq Glasgow Activities & Events

Bombay Inspired: Cocktails by Design Illa 2 In 3 .\I.ll. 'I'lic lighthnuw. l I \litchcll | illlt‘. It‘ll~ 33-1 llllll. tutti NRllpiti L'lll ('nntcnipniai} glaxx ilcxign h} .ll'll\l\ \hui’tlixtcil litl Illk' pi'cxtigiuiix Hniiiha} Sapphiii‘ l’ii/c. Ini\cil \xith a li‘\\ (lav) cocktaih Inspire Scotland 06 Sai l I Sun I: .\lai‘. Sli('( ‘. l-‘innicxtnn Qua}. ilx‘il ll-lll Jill)”. ‘I Rant. [14" iL'ZW lihpu'atinnal went to hclp _\nu ‘lullil )ivui pntciitial'. \Vith inntniitiunal ~pcakch .tlllllllL' 1H gin“ _\Ulll l‘l'UIL‘\\IUll;Il and pciwnal litc .i hick \ltll'l Sl‘k'ilhk‘l\ lllt‘llltIL‘ littl‘ (It'ltilll “with at \t‘ntlanilllNllu‘nin

Tchai Ovna Games Society l:\ct'_\ \\L‘ti.1I-\'Ilill()\ll.l. lh‘l I)t‘.lll\ltlll I)ll\'\'. h-W "35%. noon 5pm. l’i'cc chicinhci'. thin“ in; thc lmai'il up in a hail tciiipci ll )nii low I\ L‘Illltlhll.

Tours of the Mitchell Library 'luc .\l.u‘. Mitchell l.ihi'.ii‘_\. ltll \ni'th \llt‘t‘l. 38- ZS'II, 2pm. l'Icc. 'Iakt‘ .i look hchinil

my «cum .it (ilaxjgmx \ lainiiux \litt'hi'll l ll‘l.tl_\. \It't'l .it Ri'i'i'ptinn nu Kcnt Rnail


Bungalow Blitz 1 Hill Sun In \l.ii III.- I Iplithuuw. ll \liti‘hi'll I am: SII hilt: \lun .\ \\cil Sat III “Lilli *pni. Illk' llain ipin. Sun noun Rpin IltNIl In \t'lllllg' plintnpiaphx III \i-II huilil hungalmxx in IIL'iJIlti ilatingj linin Illi- I‘lfilk~ i‘.l\t‘\i tin .i hook “I lllIIhi' Itlalh Glasgow 1955: Through the Lens l'ntil Sat 3.” Jul. l’cwph'k l’alat‘i' .\ \\ llllt'l (Lil'ilt'llx. ( il.I\_‘_'it\\ (ilt‘i'll. 3”] 3‘51

Illain 5pm. llani Spin lit-i- \n t‘\llll‘lllttll l‘I llll.l_'_‘\'\ nI (i|.i\;_'im in W“. tum lHll\l_\ \Iiimn in lx'i'lxingimi' and thc I’k'lll‘it'-\ I’dlilt L' 5“ _\L‘.Il\ .l:,_'l)

Glasgow Schools: Then and Now l'niil \lnn ‘~II ( )t‘l \citllattil Sui-ct \tliwl \luxi‘utn. \luwuni lit Itilltilllllll. :3; \intlanil \tici't. IN" It‘ll” Illain <pin \ l‘llttlilt'lJl‘Illt' mhihitiun \l‘.tlllllllj_' Still pain \‘I (ilaxgim \ \gltimlx. linni lilk' lith t‘i'ntui} In Ilic pit-win il.i_\

Health and Welfare in the 19th and 20th Centuriesl nIil lui- il (Iii, lcncincnt llniixc. l~l< Bunclcuth Slit-ct. (Luncthill. Willi.“ l <pin L5 it‘ll \ l.I\clll.lllllf_' iltxpla} t‘I pctmnal llt‘llh ll'tllll Ihc pollution «it .in ut'ihnai'} (ila\;_'n\\

tail} dating; lltllll thi- lali' I‘lIh .lllti call} leth t‘i'nlui‘icx

Icy Images l 'ntil [hit 3‘) Jun 1 hi' 'lall \ltip .iI (Ii.l\_‘_'ll\\ iI.Ill‘Hlll. lllll \tiil\1«i\\ Road. 232 I‘ll lllain Jinn L-l U; tlttl act} pa} in; adult a child gncx li‘cci. IIlL' Rinal Scottish (iciigtapltn'al Sm‘lct} t‘clchiatcx thc \n}.ig_'c nt Scutta and thc l‘I‘II l‘M: \U'llhll \annnal \niarcik

l \pcilitinn

Planet Football: Weltsprache Fussballl nlil Sun .7!) \l.ii \iwtlixli limllmll \Ill\t'lllll. llanilnli'n l’.nl.. li'tlti'ih} l)ii\i'. (tilt (II 4‘) lllain *pin I'IK'L'. ( "tillahnialni' i'\lnlutiun I‘k'l\\\'t'll Ilti' ( iiii'tlii' liNitiiI .lllti \I.l‘,'lllllll l’lintnyiapli}. lllt lllillll‘.’ linilltall iclatcil piintx ltninplintngi.iplii'1\ \ui h .l\ lli'nii (IiiIii'I Hit-\wn. \laitin l’.iii .lIlti lli'thi'it l l\l

Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibitionl nlil Sun ill \pi \iullanil Slit-ct \t'huul \Ill\t'lllll. \Ill\t'lllll «it l'ilinatiiin. 33* \udlainl \Iit‘i't. .‘N‘ IISIMI \lnn Illll i\ \it I‘Lini Rpin. l H .\ Sun ll.Illl flint ()lll\l.IlliIlllLI i'\lnhitiun nl thi~ I‘k'\I ll.IllIl.Il ll|\li|l} plintiigiaplh llHlIl .ill iixi'i Ilii' \Miilil Run h} li’li'( HIM/III III/1ft] Ill: .lllti lnnilunk \atuial IIl\lHl_\ \Ill\t'lllll


Hobbycrafts and Creative Stitches lhii ‘) Mill 12 Mai \ll '( . I'IIHHLNIHH ()ll;l.\_ ll\"ll tiltl llllill \\i- haw .ili'cail} ti|\ull\\t'tl at li-nisth tliat chill l\ IIIL' llL'\\ iiipk‘ii‘iivll. w Ilk'iltI In llll\ annual hanilii'ialt tan litl ltllll ti.l'\\ «it tit’llltlll\ll;llltlll\ .lllti L"\L'III\

Feed & Drink

Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market Sat 4 Mai (Jinx-ii'x Park. ‘3‘) |.;iii;_v\iili' Park. In“ "I" V lllani 3pm (ligating qualit} pinilugc tillk'LI llHlIl Ilic t'llillh anil chapctti-x \klltt inaki- iI 'laxti' thc ilillci‘cncc.

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sat 1 I \Iai', Haihlichl l’zitk. till l)uinh.ii'tnn Road. ‘4] (NH

Illain :l‘llt