
Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.



3‘1 \1:'\|1' \111'1'1 111V“ 3111 11 \1 '

Inferno I 11 111 I113-1\I111 “[1111 L" 11111 1111' \11111'\ plum-111 1111'11 1111;1‘xl. 11111\1.1111111111111\ \111111 _\1'1.1\11111111'1111'\ 1111'11'1111111111111'111111'1111111'1\1111111'\1'11111' 11111111111.111_\111:' 11111111-1111I11xl11111111'} 111111111'111111'111111~(’111'It'\111II1'II

Falling 1111- 11 \1111 111 II \[11 113111111 \ \111' \111'1‘111t

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I I‘) (11111‘11I\ \llCL‘l. ~13" 1111:: Il’. I I. \11‘. \\'\1

Romeo and Juliet 11111 _‘ \1111 1\ ~8.11 .1 \1111 "11111111 L3 £11114; {"1 1111' (‘111/c11x' 'II1t'1111t- (111111111111 1111 In 1111 311110111111 811111111‘x111'111tN1.111'111111111 ‘11 p.111 111 \1111 1'111xx1'1111111'1\'1111111111'11 \1'11g1-1111111111111t'\

Blood Wedding 1'11 11\ 8.11 -l \1111 I 11 "111111118111211111111 (I 114111 U1 111 1111111111; t111111111'111c111111/12111111111111! 111/11']. '11‘11 1111;111'x'11.111411111111111 1111* 1111xx1t‘ 1.111111 11'\1 111~cx 1111' 111111111111 11111- 111111111111111111'11111111111x 111111} 111111 111v


Benchtours have brought an exciting brand of visual, internationally flavoured work to Scottish audiences for

over a decade are back. This is the story of a man who takes an around the world yacht tour, only to be destroyed when his fraudulence is


I [11,111 [/11 mm 18‘! 1111111111.: 12/111} 1’1 13.11511. 1111111 {111111111}.

\11111111111'c111‘111} 11111111}. \111111111' \\Illk'l.\ 1111111: \c11x11111111cx

Diatribe of Love 11111 _‘ \1111 11111111 1131151 1.1111111\11111111wx1111\.1\11111c11 \111t'.(11.1t1c111.1111111x11111111111111111111 1111* 1111111 11} (1.1111‘11'1(i.11g111 ,\l1111111c/ Linda Marlowe - No Fear! 1-11 ‘1 .\I111 " 11111111 1131:: U1 ()11111c1‘\1‘111 IICI Illlllll l‘ll'llltld}. 1111' \\\1|I\l‘\ \‘ItlL'\l \111t‘1111lkt'1 11'1‘1111t1x \1g1111'1t11111c11'11lx 1111111 1111-

Mortal Ladies Possessed \111 1 .\1.11 " 11111111 1.121141 L51 [111111 \1111111111' 111-111mm1111x11111111111111111111 11-11111‘xw1‘ \\1111.1111\'\111111~11111cs.111p11x111g11111111' [1111\1 \L‘ll\ll.ll 111 I11~11'1111111'1'11111111‘11‘1\ Jason and the Argonauts 1111- " \‘111 II \1111 Soc K11I\|1\1111§_'\

Off the Page ~\‘111 11 \1111 " 11111111 12 .\ 1‘111111t'1'111111-111‘1111-111111111 11111 111-\\ “runs 111111111111- 1111111 x11111111111-11 11_\ 1111- 1’1111111'114111s' 311111111

Spending Frank 1111' H ~\111 I.\ \1111 711111111 £13 111111 171. 11111111‘111111' 1'111'1111‘c. 1111'1'11111111111} 111.11 111111111111 11111 111111111111111/11 1'1 131 111 HR]. 1c1111‘11 111111 11(111111'11} 111111111 111c11cx11t' 111111-111 1111' p.111c1 111 1111} lk'L'l,


‘1 1‘11111‘1'x11) :\\1*1111c. 11115533. |\\'(‘. \\’.-\|

Prince Unleashed '11111 111\ 111-1 111 .\l;1117.311111111111111111 11111111 U1 [8. \1x1111c I‘it'1111nx 111111 HIK' ~\1‘1111111111 pl'cwnl 11 1111111 111'\\ 111‘1‘1111‘111111111' 111111111111: 1111111 111111111111111111‘1111'1'. |1 lL'Il\ 111c1111c111 1111111}. \111111114 11111111“ 1111111 111111 1111t'11' 1111c1' \11111'1'11111 1111 11u'111c111. 111111 |1c1 11111:. 1’1'1111'1'. 111 \11111111 \Ilc t'1111l'1111'x. ,'\:_‘L‘\ Ill+.

The Memorandum $111 11 1\ $1111 12 .\1111‘. 7311111111811” 111111 3111111. U1 L'H, \11L‘I111 II111c1\ x1111111' (111111-11) 111111111 bureaucrat) gone 1111111. 111 \1111t‘11 11 111111 11111111111141: I’1_\111'pc. 1x 11111‘111111L‘L‘11 1111111111 111‘g1111ix11111111 111111'111'1‘111\11'c111111111c I‘ll\lllL'\\ 1'1111111111111t'11111111. 11111 1'1111x11p 11.1\ 111;: 111C UPINHIIL‘ L'llL'L'l.


307 B11111 Slrccl. 2-111 1111. III. \\'('. \\'.>\] Tonight’s the Night [11111 $111 4 .\1111. 73111111118111 111111 3311111111; 1411 5.311111111k 8.4511111111111115 £7121 (111110111111: 111111 Mon I'.111111\ \1111111-1111111111'.1111x I\ one 111 I11\ 111111‘c 11111111~11'L'11111 [11‘111111c111111x 11 colt-11111111111 111' R1111 511'11111'1'x gl'culml 1111\.

Jerry Springer: The Opera .\11111

(1 S111 II 31111: 7.31111111;\\'c111\ S111

< 111111111\ 1\ ;111111111111} 1 11 1‘1 1111' t'11111111w1x1111 11111 111t1c111111_\ 111111111111 \‘I‘L‘ld \11111c11 11} \11'111111 I 1‘1‘111‘1111x1111 11111111111111111\ \\1'\1 111111;1111_\ Anything Goes \11111 I! 8.11 1.\ \1.11 " 111111111\\1-111\ 8111111111 2 111111111

La 1311 1111‘ 1111xx11 (‘1111‘ 1’11111'1 11111\111 x111lx111111111\\11\\1111 \11u1‘111lx’1111111111111 1‘1111111


" zI ~151111‘111\\c\11'111R111111. lg (131111

A Play, a Pie 8 a Pint: Six and a Tannerl 11111 .\111-1 \1111 \ \11‘11111111‘ 11‘1111111111111' ~111§_'1' 1111 11.11111111111111111111 1111\1111‘1'1' 111 R111} 111111;:1‘x111111111.1x1111 1111111113: 11111‘1111\ \11111111x1111111'1'x 11121111 A Play, a Pie 8 a Pint: The Book of Love \1111111 \111 11 \1111 111‘11111 L111 I11111'11111111'1‘111t‘11111111111'1111111111 RHI‘CII I11111‘\l. \\IIU\1‘ \111111 [1111} l\ 1111\1'111111 1111' \1111} 111 1111-11111111 111.11 1'xx11_\1\1\\1111.11111111/111111111111111111 1" 11x11 1111133111 \111t‘11 111'1111x111

A Play, a Pie & a Pint: Rain \11111 11 8111 IN \l111 111*}1111 {111 1111111“ .\l11111111\11111111111111.11 1.1k1‘ 1111 \111111\ .«\11111\11‘11} \11111'1\.1L‘11\l\1111111111111 1111-111t‘1'111 1111111‘1111111‘1: 11111111\


\1'\\ Slrct'l. XX“ 111111 lII1\\('. \\ \l Mirage 111113 .\1.11 " 11111111 1'.\ 1111 \11111R1111111111111‘111111xl111’11lxlt'1 \11\ (‘1'11111-111111111111111111'11111111 x1111111 \\1.111 111111t‘1'111111I111‘11111x11'1111111111111111111 .-\111t.111 11111l\

Spending Frank 111 1111\ 5.11 11 \1.11 T, zllpnl 1311 {N ILHI 81‘1' I II.|\:_'11\\~ ('111/1'11x‘ 1111-11111-

I RAMSI'IORN THEATRE 03111;:1111118111'1'1. <53 1118‘) |1’.\\('. \\'.v\. \\'.v\.v\|

A Midsummer Night’s Dream \\1-11 8 $111 11‘" .\I.11 111111 \11111 T 11111111 1.11 1‘1 1L1 £51 811111111'|}111' 1111-11111' (11111111 pc11111'111\111111111111} 1111'11111x1 111111 111111111 111 $111111t'xpc111'1'\ 1111111111111't‘111111‘1111'x. 111 \11111‘11111c11111'} R1113: 11111111111-1'11 t‘111lx1' 1111 k11111x111 1111\11t'111111111c11 11111211 [111111111


3 S11111‘I11c111111 Sllccl. 1518111111 ||’. 11. \\ ( I \\'.>\|

Swan Lake .\I1111(11k 1111* '7 .\I111 7.15111111L111 [3311111t'1111111j311LN 111'1' 111111 cwr} 11191111: 111111111 1111' (‘111x1111111 \11111111111 H1111c1111-1'1111111\1111\111-11111111111 11111111111141} 111x11111’111'

Theatre Guide Thursday 2 Friday 3 Saturday 4 Sunday 5 Monday 6 Tuesday 7 Wednesday 8

AI'CIIES See Rock 1", Pop Citizens 1 1 11 1 1 . 1 - -:- Gilmorehill See r1111 See r1111 King's «1.1-: .111: 11. 1 1, ,1 1. . 1.1. H Oran "Of 8111 and 11 Tanner S111 and a Tanner S111 and a Tanner The Book of Love The Book 01 Love The 800k 01 L010 Ramshorn ,. . Royal COIICEI'I Hall See 0185319211 Swan Lake Swan Lake Sleepsng Beauty Theatre Royal Tramway The Manned Wonnn Atlas 81 Bach Rne Tron w r 1 . Brunton See Rock 8- Pop A LJmned Run The MemOIandu'n

5 Festival Theatre ‘~' 1

1 King's The 11010:: The Houow The Hollow See Classna See ow

a North Edinburgh Arts w 1 w 1 w 1

E Playhouse Grease Grease Grease .Coh Fry 811011,, 81W Footbose Footloose Footloose

III Royal Lyceum 1111.51 P1111021: 11.1.52: PM". ‘11.“. 1'11". A / , ,1 Traverse Ouarrel ina Quarrel ina "


'15 M111 £11311