Visual Art

Allen Ruppersberg

One of Many- Origins and Variants is the first large exhibition of the American artist‘s

work in this country. Ruppersberg attempts to demystify the role of artist, and often presents the research that informs the final work

alongside his final installations.

I Dundee C(i/im/iiporti/y Art. Dundee. Sat 8 Apr-Sun 28 May.


| Queen Street. (i24 (i2lil). Mott \Ved & l-"ri Stiit Ilium 5pm; 'l‘ltu lliutn 7pm. Thoroughly Modern Women t7ntil Mon 2S Aug. ;\s u l'ollow tip to 2(ili4’s .lliu/i'rii lliililt'll exhibition. this show includes pot'truits ol' respected Scottiin lemule luces such us liumc llelenu Kennedy. liultlc lilot‘u McLeod ol .\lc|.eod und the lil‘st t‘emule Solicitor (ienerul. liliin Angiolini.

Fizzers: The Alternative National Portrait Gallery Fri 7 Apr Sttii 2 Jill. f2 lfl i. (‘tlt'letlllll’c‘s truth the Scottish

('urtoon Art Studio. including sketches ol'

Annie l.ennox. Lulu. Rod Stew ut‘t und lrx ine Welsh. Nt’,W SHOW.

Stranger Than Life: Four Hundred Years of Caricature Hi 7 Apr Stiii ‘i Jul. lixhibition looking ut L‘tll'ttiolls I‘l'tilli ilk'l'tiSS the centuries. NETW SHOW.

Fizzers: James Holloway and Terry Anderson in Conversation \Ved l2 .-\pi'. [2.45 |.|5pin. l‘ree. 'l'he l’ortruit (iullery director tulks to 'l‘erry .-\nderson from the Scottish ('urtoon .-\i't Stttdio ubotit the ui‘t ol‘ curicuttire.


('ieorge l\' Bridge. :20 453i. Mutt Slit lliutti 5pm: Sun 2 5pm.

The New Scots l'ntil Mon 23 Muy. Free. Amy in: in Scotlund utter u nine- city tour ot‘ lndiu. this exhibition of work by lidinburgh-bused photogrupher llermun Rodrigue/ explores the diverse ruiige ot‘ Sottth :\,siun communities iti Scotlund uiid the deep-rooted connection between the two locutions.


l’uluce ol‘ Hon i‘oodhouse. 55b 5 Hit). liuily li.3lium 4.30pm (open until (ipm ul‘ter t Apr).

Unfolding Pictures Fri 3| Mur- Mon 2‘) Muy. £5 (Free—£4). Exhibition ot‘ over St) t'uns from the Royul Collection duting

98 THE LIST 30 Mar—13 Apr 2006

lit'tilll the lblilis up until the l‘Hlis. including some pieces by liubcrge.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Inverleith House. 552 7|7l. 'l'ue Sun Ilium 5.30pm.

Rungiah 8. Govindoo: South Indian Botanical Drawings and Rudolph Stingel: New Work Stiii ‘) Apr Sun ‘) Jul. Free. This selection ol botunicul puintiiigs commissioned by Robert Wight between I790 und 1872 is complemented by new puintings utid scuipture by urtist Rudolf Stingel. NEW SHOW.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY 'l'he Mound. 225 b(i7l. Mon Silt

lliutn 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

Duncan Robertson: Maid in Germany Fri 7 Apr. l lutn noon. £4. Sculptor littncun Robertson tulks ubotit ltis recent work involving experimentul muteriuls utid his time spent in (iermuiiy where he ultended workshops with u certuin Mr l’uolo/li. Booking essentiul. I 80TH RSA ANNUAL EXHIBITION Sut 8 Apr Sut 2(i Muy. £4 (under |2s tree). ()pen submission exhibition. pltts work by invited high- prolile urtists to celebrute lb’li yeurs ol' the RSA Annqu Exhibition. NEW SHOW.


23 ('oekburn Street. 622 620”. |)uily llum optn.

IceBIink .0. l'ntil Sttit l4 Muy. Simon l-‘uitht‘ull's visuul diury ot‘ the time he spent with the British Anturctic Survey. including pulm pilot sketches. photographs und tilm works. See review. puge 95.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'niversity ol‘ lidinburgh. South Bridge. 050 22 ll). Tue -Sut IliumA-5pm.

* Katy Dove O”. t'ntil Sut 8 Apr. Visuul und uudio unimutioii work incorporating watercolour paintings. t'ilin und birdsong. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


539 3930.

Not Me, Not You: Neither Us Nor Them Mon 3 .-\pr. lliuin 5pm. The 'l‘ruxelling (iullery continues on its tour uround Scotlund with this exhibition by the l’txel('ttrious urts project in Sultcouts. (‘reuted by urtists working with u group ol purticipunts lrotn North Ayrshire. the show ttscs \ ideo. photogruphy. puinting und sculpture to explore portruitui'e und the indi\ iduuls‘ relutionship to their city ironment. The exhibition will ulso visit (iilmertoii ('ommunity (’entre t’l‘ue 4 .-\pri. ('rutgmillui' .-\rts ('enti'e (Wed 5 .-\Pri. Mtiirhouse (‘i'escent t'l‘hu b .-\[il'i uiid |.eith \Vutervxorld tl‘ri 7 .-\pi'i.


lluwthornden Lecture 'l‘heutre. Nuttonul (iullet'y. the \ltitllltl. ()24 (i5tili. Artist’s Talk: Gerald Laing inc 4 Apr. I245 l.3liptlt. l‘ree. l‘)(ilis l’tip ui'tist (ieruld l.uing discusses his work ('nlillt't/ (I)Ull/’l(' I-i't'twvltint/ine pin). which is currently on show ut the (i.\l:\. Why Take the Image of the Animal Seriously? l-‘ri 7 Apr.

I245 1.30pm. Free. Dr Mutthew ('ruske looks ut the imporlunce ol' unimuls iii lStli und curly l‘itli century British urt.

Artist’s Talk: Victoria Crowe tire

I l Apr. 1245 l.3lipm. I‘ree. 'l‘he urtist discusses her new portruit ot~ composer 'l'heu Musgruve commissioned by the l’ortruit (iullery.

Inspired? Get Writing! ’l‘hu l3 Apr. lli..i(iutn. l.3lipm & 5.30pm. liree. Reuding ol' the winning works t'rom the .\'utionul (iulleries ol' Scotlund uiid linglish Speuking l'nion ('reutive Writing (’ompetition.

Private Galleries


75/7‘) (‘umberlund Street. 558 3352. Wed Sut llum (ipm.

David Julian Leonard l'ntil 'l‘hu () Apr. Solo exhibition by this Americun photogrupher. which includes imuges tuken on ltis truvels to post-Kuti‘inu New ()rleuns. LAST CHANCE iO SEE.


Hi2 \Vest How. 220 (iblil. Mott Sttt Ilium 5.30pm.

Supermundane t'ntil Wed l2 Apr. l)etuiled druwings und puintings bringing to [tie the minutiu ot‘ existence. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


l7 West Register Street. 557 5588. Rudolph Stingel in conversation with Paul Nesbitt Sttn ‘) Apr.

2 3pm. £3 (£2). Heur the urtist Rudolph Stiiigel discuss his upprouch to puinting und sculpture in the context of his instullution ut Inverleith House. with its curutor l’uul Nesbitt. ()ver His only. Booking essentiul. Par! 0/ Iitliiilimjeli Internal/"mull .St'i'i'iit't' I'ihvlii'ul.

I CORN EXCHANGE GALLERY ('onsttttttitm Street. .56! 7300. \Ved Sut l lutn 4.30pm. l-‘ree.

Helen Baker l'ntil Thu 4 .‘yluy‘. l)etuiled colour puintings iii oil.


3 |)oune 'l'erruce. 225 7IS‘). Mott l‘ri ‘ium 75pm.

A Journey in Black and White Mon 3 Aprl'ri I‘) Muy. (iruphic woodcut imuges und orgunic sculptures by I)unish urtist Vibeke (ilurbo exploring the relutionship between inner und outer spuce. NEW SHOW.


l I (iuyl'teld Square. 558 7l ll). Wed—Fri l lilllt~6pllil Sut noon—-5pm.

Group Show 0.. limit Sui t Apr. Exhibition of work by Kurlu Bluck. Jonuthun ()wen. Hunneline

\‘isnes. litincun .\'qutss und l)eun Hughes. LAST CHANCE TO St E


3rd Hoor. b \Vuterloo l’luce. 55b 228”.

2 bpm

Absentation l'iitil "Inc It .~\pt‘. l'he gullery will be closed .ts u kind ol unti exhibition to represent the 5057‘} oil the Scottish clectorute who did not vote in the muugui'ul Scottish pui'liunientury election. Howeyer. it will still be possible to meet Bellinghum within this period cull li7‘i7i ‘iSS 47! to muke .tn uppointment. lASi t‘llANt‘i it) St E


b ('ui'lton 'l’erruce. 55b 444 l. the Sut Ilium 5pm.

Ellsworth Kelly - Editions: 1972-2005 t’nttl Sut 22 Apr. line ol three exhibitions ot the .-\mericun mimmulist‘s work curiently tuking pluce tn the l'lx' ttlie other two we ut lute St Ives utid the Serpentine (iullery. London). This retrospective show includes u selection ot his editions. where coloured shupes merge together to creutc complex imuges.


l3 Rundolplt ('i'escent. 225 53M».

Mon Wed & Hi ‘i. ilium 5.,ilipm; 'l'hu noon 5.30pm; Sut liilium 2pm. Northern Light t’iitil Sui 29 .-\pt'. tree. (‘omplementing the current I'tlt't' (I I'ilt't'.\ portruiture exhibition ut the ('ity .‘\l'ls ('entt‘e. this shim includes it selectlott til work lrom contemporury Scottish photogruphers sticb us (‘ulum ('olvin. Joseph McKen/ie. ()wen l.ogun und Ruth Stirling.

Saint-John Perse l'ntil liri 7 Apr. l-‘ree. Documentury exhibition chut'ting the drumutic events in between-wurs l-‘runce. utid l‘ocusing on two men iit tltut period: diplomut Alexis Leger utid poet Suint-John l’crse. tAS’l CHANCE IO SEE


Reiuch und Hull Architects. (i liurnuwuy Street. 225 S444. Mon Hi 2 5pm. Ingolfur Arnarsson t’iitil l-'ri 21 Apr. l)ruwings by tltis lcelundic urtist.

I TRAVERSE THEATRE (’umbridge Street. 228 I404. Mott Slit lliutn midnight: Sun (iplll midnight. Sweet Potato l'iitil Sui t Apr. Work by Imogen 'l’onet'. LAST CHANCE, i() SEE.

G7: Works on Paper Sun 2 Apr Sui 2li Muy. Diverse urtworks by udults lrom the (iurvuld ('entre. wltich supports udtilts with disubilities. including portruits by Junet Ahmed. nuuticul wutercolour scenes by John Aitken und vibrunt puintings by (ilenn (’Iurke. NEW SHOW

Artist Spaces


7o liust ('rosscuusewuy. 007 2808. Thu Sun noon (iplli.

I 2 X U 4 slurs l’ntil Sun 2 Apr. Solo show by Puul ('urter. See review. puge

95. uitd llitlist. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Outside the utfes

DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS 152 Nethergute. (it 382 909900. Tue. Wed. Fri A’; Sut lli.3lium 5.30pm: 'l‘hu lli.3liuin 8.30pm; Sun

noon 5.30pm.

Allen Ruppersberg Sut X Apr-Sun 28 Muy. Retrospective show l'euturing some of the Americun urtist's best known works. which often include snippets of the urtel'ucts he loves to collect book’s. films. newspapers. obituaries. ()ne of the highlights is "the Singing Posters (Parts I. ll 8.: “if. u homuge to Beat poet Allen (iinsberg's H()Wl.. made up of hundreds of brightly coloured posters. NEW SHOW.