



I 1 Bedroom flat in L'Ilil\L'l1- t'tl Inuilllnuxc (ircal lIK'ullHli ill (ilaxgnix'x \xcxi t‘lltl l‘ull} lur- nixhcd and axailahlc null-Jul}. {535/ lnnnlh + inllx. 'lcl: H7730 35h ()3: ill‘ ll7‘lS7 33‘) -l l 7,

I Double room to rent m l)L'lll\lIlilli. (ilaxgnu (i(‘ll & l)( i.;\ll lllIlIl clmx.lirnalllianllfi ininx Ir;le In t'll} ccnlrc/ (‘alulnnian/ Slralliclylc l'ni. LIN) p/in pllix l/i hillx. l’riilcxxilinal/Slullcnl. “Till ll” 502 Ill ()7377 214%,!

I West End. Reall} cnnl xplil lcwl l'lal axailahlc In xharc u ilh crcaliw [il'lllL'SSlUllIIl lun Iming lclnalu Ullllpcln pllix ("l and liillxllcaxnnalilcl. .\lllxl like calx ax lhc_\ \ ixil lrnin liinc In Innc. H7720 7(ll 7lI)

I WEST END / BOTANICS 2 lxwlrnnin llal alnng riwr Kclx in nwrlnnking Hnlanic (iarllcnx 5 ininx lrnin liy'cx Rimll IllllL'l and green area Innihrnugh rnalll lull} l'urnixhcll \\ ilh gch. \xaxlIcI'/Ili'}cl'. l\. \ ltlL‘U. inlcrncl cnnncclinn clc. gnnd Sl/L‘Il halhrixnn \\iill clccll'ic xhnncr anll halh ~ xuilx prnlc» xinnalx [Mil pcin axailahlc ll‘Illii 3i) June 0773‘) 535 Kill

I WEST END. Large, xunn} rnnni In cninl'nrlahlc llaI clnxc ln Ihc l'nixcrxily and BBC. \Vnulll xuiI nnn-xinnking pl'nlt‘xxinllal inalc. L320 pcin incluxix'c. (ll4l HI) 7247

I Southside - Large dou- ble rnnnl mailahlc In lah llal. xharing \x'ilh [\Hi (IlliL‘l'x. 'l‘hc llal hax all nind cnnx and hax gnnll acccxx In public Iranxpnrl. L'anlpcin incl'x c/l. hillx mlra. (NJ I 380-4004

I Double room available lli lricnlll} llal lil Kclxinhrillgc. xharlng \\ Ilh nnc male and nnc l'cnialc l'.llil;ixlic’ lncalinn. xpae cinux. all innd cnnx. L395 pun Inc ("IL phix lnllx ik IlL'PUSll. linlncllialc cnlr}. Snrr}. nn xln- IlL‘iiix. lll4l ‘57 2(l4llill'x1. (l7H‘)l (HS {)5}

I Furnished Double Room a\ailalilc In lllix \\ cll lnc'alcd xnlllli inlc llal lnl‘ a n/x pi'lilcxxinilal. (innll public Iranxpnrl linkx and nn xlrccl parking mallahlc. LZSIHNl pun llllL'.\ c/l. liillx c'\il‘a. (WWII) S38 Will


I Furnished double room in \xcll-kcpl 2 hcllrnnin llal :nailalilc cnll Jul}. (ircal lncalinn nil l.nnllnn Rlliitl. Sharing \IIIh l'cinalc. \Vnulll xuil pi'nlcxxinnal. L25llpcni + ("l + Billx + l)L'p(ixil (l7Sl5 (HS 32‘)

I Spacious double room amilahlc in largc l.cilh Walk llal. l’rnlcxxinnal. gay lricnlll} & xnciahlc. 'l‘n xharc uilh 3 nlhcrx. URI) p/in inc ("l' c‘\ liillx :\\ail nmx. .-\xll “7986 50‘) SlS (‘lli‘ix 07738 408 4123

I Bright spacious dou- ble hcdrnnin mailahlc irnin Jul} In ccnlral Inp llnnr lilal. £375 pcr mnnlh Iplux hillxl. ()- lilnlllll lL'ilSL'. Ilcpnxli illltl icicl- c‘nch required. in xharc \x‘ilh pi‘nlc‘xxlnllal lic‘lllalc. agcd 24. caxy-gning and lilly. 07894 (lllh’ l77

I Double room available ill grcal l.cilh “all. llal. Snciahlc llallnalc \xaniul in xllarc' \\ Illl nnc nlhcr «k cal LZIS pun + lnllx. ('all (FMS “24 Si)‘

I Marchmont - No large tlUlll‘lL' l‘L‘Ili'Imlllx in lL'l lil lull lurnlxhcll llal. xharing \\llll l’i‘IllL‘SSIIlliiilS. .>\ll innd cnnx. cnlr}phnnc. xharul gar tlL‘ll. Sun \niixlilnking l’rnlcxxinnalx. chl per rnnin 27f) [\‘lli + hillx 077‘): Shh (hill I Lovely Double room lli (‘rcnc 'l’nll llal. \Vnulll xuil lricnill} n/x prnl. lclnalc. xhar— ing \xilh nnc nlhcr gal. chl £235 and £75 hillx pun. ('all ('arnlinc nn 07752 SIN USS

I Nice fresh spacey mm In lcl in clcan liaxlcr Rnall llal nxcr l‘cxli\al [X'I‘lel lni nnc per- xnn. Sharing \xiili nnc male. chI price ix ncgnliahlc. Nnn xinnkcrx plcaxc. 'l‘cl: ill H 477 4H7}

I Double room in xlunning 3 xInrc} llal nml In Ilicailnnx \\ ilh largc kilchcn and inungc. Sharing \\Illi 4 laid-hack prn- lexxinnalx. Hill) pcin all-Inclu» Sl\L'. :\ll lllUIlL'nllx.L‘Illl Ill-lc‘i' (ipm 07730 ISI) 23‘)

I Double room to let In llal in l)alr_\. l'lill} lurnixhcd. and all innd cnnx. Nnn~xinnlxcr pru- l'crrcll. chl ix £350 pcm (incl. ("l‘l + hillx Icl: 07070 803 005 I Room available in largc larin cnllagc \xilh garden. ()n \wxl L'llgc nl' cil} near ('urric. li\ccllcnl public Iranxpnrl Inln cii} I IS ininx). .-\ll lhc hcnclilx nl a llal plux pcacc and quicl ni L'Ullllll‘}\ltlt'. L405 pcni incl. (I Ia.\. (H31 44‘) (illll

Book your Flatshare ad ONLINE

I Fully furnished, ncul} llccnlalcd. ll‘L‘\lll_\ caipclcll llal ill hcallllllll lx'ingxknnxw l‘laI ix \llllgil‘lc' lnr up In 4 pcnplc. lcnl ing lni l nng lt‘i'lii Pl't‘lt‘l'.ll‘l_\ Rc‘xpilihllllc. \L'llSIl‘lt' \/8 pin lL‘\\lIIli;ll\ nl iL‘ll.ll‘lL‘ \llltlk‘lll\ {Slllpcnwhillx (Flt-’3 3"“ ill I Double Room to rent m xharcil llrunlxliclll llal Suil prnlcxxinnal llltll\iIlll;ll \nn- xlnnlxcix nnl_\. ,\\;nlah|c lrnnl l Jul}. chl LZIS a ('l. + l‘lllx lcl lllil 328104“

I Marchmont. Room \x nh a \ II'\\. Sinall llnublc lli I'lcan. lid} llai Scp lning .u‘ca. l’nllxllml llnnlx, l)( i. (i( .ll .-\ll Innd cnan‘hncl .n‘ca l‘l‘cc park Ing. .\'/S xinnking lclnalc pit“ l‘crrcd. Lliill incl. ('. 'l‘a\. lll5lll 703 551 hr n7.x'n.i n03 .‘xlil.

I Large room available lli gnl‘gL'nux Innllcrn i'laI ill lirunlxliclll. \\ ilh all lnnd cnllx anll lanlaxlic \ lcn x. 'l‘xxnrpcrxnn llalxllal‘c. \xnulll xuil _\nung pin lcxxinnal. L375 pcin plux hillx (‘all Julian nn 07032 SW» 533. I Large en-suite double rnnni In xlunning characlcr llal. 'l‘rinil}. (lllIitl Ilay’nighl ll‘IIllx» pnrl linkx. Ncar l’axhlnnahlc Shan arca. Rclming garllcn. Sharing “uh I nlhcr. Suil n/x xnciahlc pl‘lilcxxiniial. £350 pcm + hillx. ()Hl SSI l55l /il7‘)84 070 234

I Bright large double i‘nnln \\ ilh \xalk-in \xarllrnhc in lnwl} Marchinnnl llal In xharc \xilh lt‘lilillt‘ pnxlgl'all. Slx} l\' and hrnallhanll. SuiI l‘clnalc. nnn» xinnkcr. L337 pcnl plux hillx. .-\\ailahlc nle I)77‘)l 396 727

. Hiya, I won” llki‘ in \li.llI‘ .l Ilal In lzllinhnigh In .-\ng .lllIl linix' Ihc Ilal Ix ncai cm u'nln‘ lllk' lu- xhnuld lx' lx'luccn SSH III)

[\‘l innnlh “inch int" hillx ll inn haw an} llal lllxt' Ihix pix Inln \lk' I'hmx' n“n” njn I rm

I Lovely W Innln lni lL‘lllIllL'lll‘ll‘\lllllklll}1Pll‘lk‘\ \ ill Incnlll} llal nil l‘..l\li‘l Rnail l'lal li.lx lialllllnnal lt‘dlllll‘x and ncu lnnnlun' chl Lilli o ('l lllallll lll é lilllx ill “I “Sh ‘Nfifi I Bright single room, mm lnnking \Ilhui'x Sun. In ilxwl rnnin llal. Snnlh ( )\lnul SI.

Nun Inglnn .-\\\ll~ Ini .lul/ \ng ilnng Icnn pnxxihll-l \cai \liilpx/liIIS rnulcx liinailhanll .I\.nl .il‘lt‘ L340 lx'lnd'l tl‘lllx (‘nnlat'l Sanv'lcnlnlcr. Ill *1 Ni" Will

I Room in 2 bedroom lllllilt‘l'll llal \\llll xharcll gallll'n art-a. Innking lill' i'l‘xpl-lllnl. clcan. piiilcxxinlial li'lll.llt‘ In \lliil'L‘ \Hlll xalnl'. L ‘7‘ I». Hi my lilllx l\' ('fl‘. lll‘nalllianil lllli'lllt‘l annlal‘lc. “7‘58 784 7W

I Searching for a female In alinxc In xllal‘c Illc llUllll' nl Iun nlhci \xai‘in and lrn'an} lulnalcx. \luxl lic \nn \llilll.I‘l. cax} gnlng and xl'll~;i\x.iic l)nnhlc hulli‘nnin. ncul} Ill‘uliiil L‘tl. large In ing and Illiililffl .ilt'.i .-\ll lnnd cnllx including hinall liiilill. L380 plnx lilllx. liclnnll Mcallnnhanlx Ill .il 47h Inl-l I Room available long- term in qua-l. xllllll} llal xharl-Il Mill | icinalc. Scenic lncalrnn. in cnurl_\arll nil Rn}al Milc Suil n/x pi'nlc‘xxinnal icinalc inn qu Ilcnlx plcaxcl. L is“ my. ("l. lullx /(lL‘l)U\ll C\li';l. H793” ‘llll l7]

Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. it's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland's best-selling entertainment and lifestyle magazine, it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What's more. the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses, so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better all of our

flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives over 60,000 unique visits per month.

FortbeJanutylsuesefThe Listedymeanofleringtnluervloel-‘lluorm After that. finding the perfect flat mate costs just £5.-

Goto clickon 'flatsliare' at thetop oftbe page

You will be asked for:

I Your name. address and phone number I

2 Up to 30, words description about the flatshare including the room. rent. number of other occupants and type of person sought 3 A contact number for potential fiat mates to ring

Terms 8 Conditions

Fiatshare adverts must be placed using our onllne booking service.

Adverts placed prior to 12pm on Fri 13 January are free of charge. Adverts placed after 12pm on Fri 13 January will cost £5 and must be paid for by credit/debit card at the time of booking. For administration purposes. advertisers must supply their full name and address (NOT for publication)

The Fiatshare service is for people seeking a flatmate. Only flatshare adverts will be accepted for publication In this section. Adverts for renting a whole flat must be placed in our 'Fiats to Let' section. full instructions for booking these ads are available on our website in the Shop section.

It is company policy not to accept adverts that are deemed to be offensive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our

discretion and without explanation.

if you would like further information about The List flatshare service. there is no need to call The List. please refer to our website Click on flatshare and then FAOs which should tell you everything you need to know.

We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal safety, you should always have

someone with you when you are showing people your flat. or when you are going to see a room in a flat.

108 THE LIST 8—22 .Jun 2006