Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Rachael Street.



Conversation Pieces: Roberta Taylor Roin ('oiiccrt Hall. 3 Sanchichall \trccl. ‘5‘ NH) lptn H L5. lrcnc tioin [intuit/«n iolio hogan llL‘l caiccr on lliL‘ lNNlltl\ oi (ilaxgou '\ ('iti/cnx‘ 'l hcalrci talkx .iliotil lici atitohiograpli} Iiiu .Uum .Uul/H I'\.

Saturday 1 0

ActiVities & Events

FORK Gala Ilallpcnn} llridgc litilht‘. Kclxiii Rl\t'l\ltlt' \Valkua}. limcr llotanic (iardcnx. 0-10 .1542. I lain ~lpni. .\ tun d.i_\ \xitli xtallx. lllll\l\'. ptippcl \hou x and canoc l'ltlt'\ on lhc ri\ci rapidx. Scc lork nip.tik l’itrl I” [In Hi \I [and /('\[ll(l/

Japanese Matsuri \\'cllingion (lunch. ‘7 Sotithpark .»\\cnuc ioll l'nixcrxit} g\\cnuci. H-l (Nil. 3 Spin. l‘i‘cc. .\ cclchiation ol .lapancxc culturc \xilh lhc cliancc to tr} on a kiniono. niakc origami and urilc _\otir nainc in thc .lapancw .ilpliahct. Pith .i 'laiko drtiinnnng (it'lllitlhllilllttll, liltl'.


Govan Past, Present and Future l’carcc lll\llllllL'. N—lll (iman Road. 33‘) 5431). l Iain. l'i‘cc. ()ncc a timn in il\ (Mil right. lll|\ \ialking tour lookx at thc hixtoi‘} ol (io\an\ Victorian puhlic hiiildingx. Booking: cxxcntial cniail inlotn cl}dc“atcrliontcotn l’iiri u;

.il't lllh‘t lllli‘ Jill”).


Club Noir: Burlesque Workshop illc :\l’t‘llc\. 3.5“ :\l‘f_"\ lt‘ Sll't‘t'l. “N7” 3-“) 7533. Illillain (spin. £75. lcarn tlic art ot hcnig a htii‘lquuc pcrlorincr. \ipplc laxxclx pro\ idcd. l’ricc includcs tuo lrcc tickctx it) an} (illllt Ntiil‘.

Activities <3 Events

Glasgow Mela Kch ingrox c l’ark. ()lauo Strcct. 33-1 (i363. noon lllpin. l'l't'c. SL‘L‘ llilll\l. Ill Scotland‘s Mardi Gras: The Byres Road Street Party (‘ilaxgim Botanic (iardcnx. 73f) (‘ircal \\'c\lci'ii Road. 33-1 2433. 2 7pm. l‘ill‘t'. SL‘L‘ lllllhl.


Race for Life 2006 (ilil\:_‘ti\\ (irccn. (ircciid) kc Sircct. ll.\'7l 200 3040. Illain. .-\nnual Skin tun run opcn to \wincn ol' all :it-‘cx in aid oH‘anccr chcarch l'K.

Wednesday 14

Activities & Events

The Soup Tours: Celebrities of Yesteryear l’nlluk lltillw. l’iilluk ('otintr} Park. liltill l’ollokxhaxxx Road. olo o-llll. 12.30 2pm. t.'l(l. ('iuidc Jcnnic .\l;lc‘l .t‘ttd l'L‘\C;ll\ lillL‘\ 0i thc \‘L‘lt‘l‘l'lllk‘\ that lrcqucntcd thc l)ra\\ ing Rooin. tollimcd h) a light lunch in thc Scrxantx' Hall.

* An Evening of Knitting and Jazz 'l‘chai ()\ na. 43 ()tago l.anc. 357 4524. 7pm. £2. SL‘C llillixl.


Conversation Pieces: Jan de Vries Ro}al (‘onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strccl. 353 8000. lpin. £4 £5. 'l‘hc niaxtcr ot~ coinplcnicntar} tncdicinc tli\c‘ll\\L‘\ lll\ pi'ol'c‘xxion and carccr.

28 THE LIST .Jao -‘tXfc


Look Who‘s Talking: Anna Massey 'Hlt'dllc Ri‘}.l|. Hulk Silk'k’l. u: “will lpiii t5 it~1i .'\\ll\"‘ -\nn.i \l.i\\c} talk about hci lilthllli‘th caich .ind hci autobiography It Hus: \onii Ian} \

Activmes <3 Events

lntemational Family Day ( Liiiixiatlnc (’liuich. “(i Bindxtonc Road. 3% WW) noon -1l‘in l‘rcc .-\ cllancc to tind out inoic .ihout \ihat ax} luni \cckcix .ind tclugccx contrihutc to _\out coiinnunit}. \iith lllthlc'. \ltil‘}lt'lllllj._'. childicn‘x .icli\ lllL‘\ and Iood ironi around thc \xoild l’iil‘l or R: Inuit Clyde Waterfront Boat Trip l’iitlt- o“ lhc (‘l'\dc. ('it} ('cnttc l’ontoon. liottoin of Jamaica Strcct. lirooniiclau. 33" 5-13“ 7pm. l‘tcc Scc lhc clianggcx along: llic \ialci'lront tor )ourxclt Hooking: L'\\L' 111‘! u! .in lulu Illlt‘ Hi ( A.


Summer Fair;_'\idc Hall. 5 l..iii;_'\idc .»\\cnuc. 033 NM». Ill. Wain Fillpni ilip il'i'cci. Rcdixcmcr )our grccn \ltlt' .il llll\ lair illgilllht'tl h} (ilaxgou (irccii Party \Hlll a \xidc \arict} ol \l.tll\. a lcaiooin and hand llltt\\;l:_'L'\.

Gorbals Fair 'l‘lic l’ladmrn. ‘" .-\l\i\iil\ittl'd l’ldct‘. (iiil‘l\.ll\. 3-13 ‘la‘l‘l. llani. l‘rcc. (‘olourtul carnnal \\ iili \tallx. cnlcrtaintncnl and lood lor all lhc lannl}. hr! of li’i'luc'i'i' Ht (A

Food & Drink

Hidden Garden: Journey to the East 'l‘hc lliddcn (iardcnx. 'l'ranma}. 35:\llicrt l)ri\c. HMS 330W”. Noon ~lpni. .\ da} ol ('hincxc cookcr} .ind cultiirc. llit‘llltllll}: an introduction to ('hincxc hcrhx and \Plt't'\. and inorc iinportanll}. a tasting \cxxion. l’llh. a traditional niu\ic;i| pcrlorinancc. a lloral cral’t \iorkxhop for thc _\otiiig_' «mm and an c\hihitioii ol' uork h} l’aincla So.


Sculpture in the City: What Does it Tell Us? ( icorgc Squarc. 235 3405. 1 Iain. l‘rcc. Ra} \lL‘Kt‘ll/ic‘ it‘ilti\ lilix lip-lag t'oulc through thc cit}. taking in all thc iinpoitant lliUlllllliL‘lll\ and c\.nninin;_' llicir \iginlicancc. Booking L‘\\L‘lillill. I’m] o/ .‘ll't‘llllt'l'llll'l' Ht'l'lx.

Documenting the Urban: Scotland’s First New Town The lightlioiiw. I l \lilchcll l.anc. 22] (i302. 3.30pm. l‘rcc. Artist 8} |\ ia (iracc Borda talks ahout hcr \xork cunnining thc inodcrnixt \trticturcx in thc ‘ncu' Sc'tillixll lt\\\ll ot liaxt Kilhridc. Hooking L'\\L‘Iiti;il. I’url 1”.“‘(111’14'1 lim' lli'i'k.

The Mackintosh’s at Home lltllllcl‘lall .-\rt (iallcr). l'iii\c‘i\it} ol(ila\go\\. 83 llillhcad Slrcct. 33” 54M. 3 4pm. l'rcc. :\ \pccial lccturc to cclchratc thc ccntcnar} oi lliL‘ Mackintosh “(ith it} l’l'tiicwtil‘ l’aincla Rohct'lwll. l’uri of .‘llt'llllt't iii/r Hick.

Sunday 18

Activities & Events

The Gibson Street Party (iilison Strccl. 3 (ipin. Strcct cnlcrtaincrx. llllhlL’. stalls and a tunlair. H'Ifil“.


Glasgow Tigers v Dundee Hurricanes ("ainhtixlang Rugh} (’luh. ('oah l’ark. langlca Road. ('anihudang. M" 3403. 4pm. find out hou t'olk pla} thc hcautil'ul gainc acroxx thc pond at llll\ British .-\incrican Football [cagguc inatch.

Thesday 20


Glasgow 2014 - the Impact of the Friendly Games on the Friendly City The Lighthouxc. l l .\iitchcll l.anc. Ill 0303. ppm. Hcc. lan lloopcr talk about (ilaxgou \ hid to hold thc ('ontinonncalth (iatnm in Sill-l. Booking L‘\\L‘llll;il. l’iirr or stir/uni Ill/'1' lli'i'k.

wEsrsno FESTIVAL 2006

‘On 11th June the West End will be jumping. from Byres Road to Kelvmgrove Park.‘ proclaims Festival Director Michael Dale. Now in its 10th year. for many people the Opening Parade is the festival. but. as Dale is quick to point out. there are more than 350 other events spread across the fortnight. These include ‘The Life of Jesus Christ'. an outdoor theatre production taking place in Kelvingrove Park and featuring a cast of 60, including real animals. This fits with the strategy of putting culture on the public stage. while making use of the line range of outdoor venues in the West End. There's also a big musical programme with a focus on Oran Mor. which opened on the first day of the festival two years ago. and is now central to the festival. its highlights

including Martin Taylor and Eddi Reader.

But first. there‘s that opening party to attend. Dale has long been influenced by the Notting Hill Carnival, and he‘s aiming to lure some of those very performers and their fantastic costumes up north for this year's event. Samba Ya Bamba are also onboard. in a quest to get the best street bands from Britain and beyond. With the Mela being brought forward this year and staged simultaneously in Kelvingrove Park, it provides a natural conclusion to the parade. the two events converging with a mass display of drumming as

120 people hit the stage.

Dale reckons his personal triumphs from the last decade are 2004‘s Belle and Sebastian gig in the Botanics. plus the Council finally agreeing to the closure of Byres Road. ‘It wasn‘t until 2000 that I was allowed to close the street and even then it was only half of it,‘ he says. “Because this is the 10th anniversary we‘re going to close it entirely. from Great Western Road to Dumbarton Road.‘ He's rightly proud of his baby. and after 10 successful years at the helm, is still hungry to expand. ‘What appeals to me are the constant possibilities of these unique buildings and situations. I like the idea of developing events that have a sense of place and I want to make it

something the West End can sustain a

I r .I i /

Wednesday 21

Activities & Events

Film Night \cluork llHtlw. il l (aldcl Sti'ccl. 535 Milo. "pin, l'i‘cc. .\ \cric\ oi lilin \crccningx lollimcd h} a tll\L'll\\lHll on lhc thcnic ol ax} Inni. l’iii't or R: luau link


The Soup Tours: Spanish Art l’ollok llouxc. l’ollok ('ountr} l’ark. Illfill l’llilllh\ll;l\\\ Road. (ilfi (i—l ll). 11“” 3pm. till. Rohci't .\1ai\h.ill tcll~ l.tlL'\ ot Spanixh paintcrx and thcir \llit‘h in thc lfitli. I'lli tk lhth c‘L‘lillll‘lt'\. \nch .1\ ll (ircco and (io).i_ l’ricc lllc‘llldt‘\ .i light lunch,

A Summer Evening in the Herb Garden (ilaxgou Botanic (idlilt'lh. 73H (ircat \\c\tcrn Road. ‘14 3.123 Taillpni. £5. .loin Kcith Rohcitxon troin lhc Scottixh School of llcihal \lcdicinc tor [lil\ cwnntg tour, Booking L‘\\L‘

ActiVities & Events

Clyde Riverboat Tour - Redevelopment of the River Corridor'l‘lic lighthothc. ll \litchcll l.anc. 331 0303. "put. l-rcc l‘llld out inorc .ihoul thc planncd icgcncration of thc ('l}dc \xatcrlront \iitli Stcxc liicn. dircctor of

nd be proud of.‘

dcxclopincnt and l't'f.,"\'llt'l.tlliill \cn It't'x .it (ilaxgou ('it} ('ouncil Hooking c~wnhal I’ll/'1i'/.\It/l!lt'rlllli‘ link

The World That Comes to Glasgow - Art Factory Klitglilxwiiitl ( "oinniiinitt ('cnlic. lel \ldci‘nian Road. “‘5” “N 4"” 7pm. l'lL‘L'. Shoucaxc ol tlicalic. llill\lc and \l\ .ii't h} )oiiiig; pcoplc lioin tlic .l\_\ luin \cckingg c‘HlllllllllllllL'\ in Killglilxutimi. I’ll/'1 ill Rilug'i'i‘ Hm I.


Ten Years of the West End Festival llillhcad l.ihi.ii'}. NH H}rc\ Road. W) "23“ 7pm l'icc. l'cxtnal loundcr and dii'cctoi .\lich.icl I).ilc talk about tlic laxl dccadc ol \xorking u ilh lhc \\l l‘

Ongoing Glasgow

Activities 63 Events

Move-Met iitil 'lhu 15 Jun 'lianina}. 2* .-\ll\cit l)ri\c. HHS iii) Will l‘rcc .\ chancc to dancc along \\ nh chorcoyiaph} h} l)chorah Ila}. Sholiana Jc}a~tn;:h and Stcplicn l’ctronio in lllh \pccial hooth Friends of Glasgow West Guided Walks l‘l'l ‘) Sun 25 Jun \aiioiix \‘cnucx. \\c\t land. 0")“ “HI: 'liincx \al'}.

to 5” .\ \L'l'lL'\ of popular \\;llh\ cxploiing lhc iihcllldllllg \lglllx ol (ilaxgoii R “(\l \ldc Scc \kc\lclldlc\ll\al cii llix liil dclallx