Visual Art

PHOEB CUMMINGS - FRAGMENTS Corn Exchange Gallery, until Thu 10 August

Domestic objects and interiors are loaded with emotional and psychological baggage and have provided many artists with fuel for creating disturbing, surreal creations. London based Phoebe Cummings' practice is inherently linked to the ‘domestic interior‘ and draws on this lineage. what she calls a “presence imprinted on places and their objects.‘

Trained in ceramics and glass, her meticulously made works range from tiny, subtle found object sculptures to monstrous, site specific handmade creations like ‘Carpet Floorpiece‘, designed for her home, in which giant loops of hand woven carpet unite to form an amorphous fever or drug-trip induced creature. In this way the works create fictions ranging from little mind tricks to full-blown hallucinogenic nightmares.

For the Corn Exchange, Cummings will display drawing, sculpture and installation. Along with others she will show the tiny sculpture ‘Landscape‘ in which minuscule planes land on a dusty old light bulb like flies. Is this a distorted childhood memory, or a fictional apocalyptic vision? Works like these play with micro and macrocosms. 'Stairs‘ is another handmade piece which will meander its way up the gallery staircase. clustered fat loops of woven carpet like multiple bunches of bananas grasping their way upwards. The worn, washed out colours in her sculptures and installations also draw attention to the half-forgotten, like sepia tinted or worn out photographs.

For an artist who previously lived in and created a range of installations for an old corset shop in Hackney, the historically loaded old Corn Exchange building seems a fitting venue and should allow Cummings curious creations - which she calls 'three dimensional stories' to come to life. (Rosie Lesso)

rev it w Morning SUSAN DERGES - AZURE Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, until Sat 22 July .0000

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MARGARET SANDEMAN The Talbot Rice Gallery. Edinburgh, until Sat 15 July 0000

In an tilllStS lllt'lllllt'. UH!" iriiatiiritm Illt‘lf' .‘.’|H he rnany liil arirl rriiw. llll ,llit'lll‘: llr dense Sanlit-rnari rt:lrr)~.rret‘li‘.t- lt‘\i,‘.llfi plenty ()1 trelli Willi l)\.tfl -‘.'> r .lll.rf‘i',“. SHOW. much «it llie artist}; rav. \‘sUlklllil Iilr: it. laiil hare. tlt:lll()ll:»ll.llllli; lriw .',:'2.;o- t)l appriiai‘liet; :kllt‘ liar; exrilurt-ri ltr taming; litftlltfttfi til T>Lll,l.t,“ifi_ irilliirii'it; landscapes. lariiily illtilllfi». :slill Il‘.t“f; and text lhlfitrtl l lillalitiralirrnn .'.’lIli Ille' tat-- Ian llariirllon l Ill|.l\ Yel llie rslyle r:; .ilriit>:;l algae, llii- :;arrit« lirrriml. in. liriisliwork anll llewrng. th‘t‘tfltlllkt: Illlt'T»

Wliile llie riiain spate is; lilleretl willi disappointingly weak. rriiirlrl, Swill ml. landscapes; lrerri .‘tl years age. a grant; UT ri't'eril lariiil, portraits wrlli Hettknmesriiie \iliranl r‘eleirrrs and flat ligirret, stand HUI. Jonathan, Mrrnar-i Allll;l.J0t‘.(RUUL’WpullltlySllUlllltllkltltivi'llllBulkinlllrlglts.tlltlT()()ll)ri|lf,1,llll"r ; .1 but has a dark I\.‘.l.\‘l. a grrrn “hills and while portrait :ftrlll‘y observes lil‘r‘ii-vr'r Tr r' the wall behind.

Howmer whal this show pron-r; its that prat‘lrrtt- tan rrialu: al least near rw'lw ‘llie Carlin Mt)!” lriiilwli iL’lXfiri. based on Robert Mach-Hairs rila, l)lt:§»f:lll‘, sleepy girls in surreal niglitstanes In a backdrop til glowing; lull moans. grazirr ; long) liarreil goals. gianl green t‘tllt‘llfllldlt; and ham tit‘lltl ,oj-llev. lllUIllrs .'.rltr dangling long legs, offering a VISLMI least Whilst lliere are riiernerits el lltllt: delight in this SHOW one can't help leeling a greater tiller'ing process mid lime drawn inure .illenlinn lo llie truly evocative paintings Thifllkllllh. tlz-u'w .llt,‘ rant Full Moon Shoreline enough pleasures to carry il off rRos‘ie Lessor

90 THE LIST '0 .ltil Gael: