Big Slope benefits from a hunting lodge-style int’rior designed by NORD Amhitects. with murals by Timorous Beasties

Steep learning curve

Barry Shelby finds the new cafe/deli Big Slope fitting in

smoothly to the fabric of the West End’s ‘High Street’.

it it\ da_\. .‘\ir ()rganie \\a\

arguahl_\ the hottest har in

(ilaxgou'x \Vext lind. .-\\\;t} l‘rom the loeu\ ol' .»\\hton |.ane. ouner ('olin .\lael)ougall hrought in a hip (Elaxgou-haxed dexigner. l)ene llappell. eomhining hix i‘etro-luturixtie look \xith heads tip manageix \ueh ax lx'e\an (‘argill or ('laire (iordon. and a \xith-it entertaimnent polie}.

Nothing laxtx l‘ore\er. though: .\lael)ougall t.\lr .>\nna R-uler Riehardxont \old tip and the team slipped a\\a_\ l'rom .-\ir ()rganie. Bttt laxt _\ear the lirxt liloor hixtro heeanie a ne\\ hraneh ol' the Sixterx rextaurant. and more reeentl}. ('argill returned to the site mm a new idea tor the \emi- haxement har. iI'tttItt). the \ite l\ harel_\ reeogniurhle. ()ne ean onl_\ enter from a Kelxingrm e Street. .-\ har \\ith SIOUI\ liill\ one end ol the lung room. adiaeent to a ne\\ l_\ installed kitehen.

l{\eeuted h) the eit}'\ .\'()Rl) Arehiteeture tSta\ka and Salt) I)ogl. the onee i\or_\ interiorx ha\ e


gone deep gre_\. \xhile hit\ or

dexign hint at an urban hunting

lodge. 'l‘he \teneilled IIIUIIIS Ul‘

“IILI lilo“ el‘\ and deer prolilex on the pine panelled “alts ha\ e more

ol‘ ’l‘imorous BeaxtieV \ell‘-

tlttttl‘ till

el'l'aeing humour than llappell'x \lightl) llanging light l'i\ture\ are made lrom antlerx. parquet tilex run lrom lloor to \xallx and har top. 'l‘here'x e\ en a hit ol lramed ta\iderm_\ here and there. llo\\e\er unique the hexpoke interiorx are. the outdoor \eating area laka the \Itiolxing terraee‘i that \xrapx arottnd the hat'


naturall_\ prmed a hit during the t'ortnight ol~ \\ arm \xeather la\t month. Should \umnier-like \unxhine return. \o \ltall itx popularit}.

Draught inelude San Miguel tL'ZS‘tl/pinti. Kronenhotirg tal\o L'ZSUi and Kronenhourg Blane tt’lhtl/halt pinti. \xhile the eoneixe CUCI\[LIII li\t leaturtw the ‘hlaek eat' \xith Stoli. eherr}

\elli-eotixeiotix L‘tttil.

he e r \

hrand}. eranherr} iuiee and eola or the 'l'lutter' \xith ()lmeea tequila. Kahlua and pineapple.

'l‘he all tltt} menu tltttttl l\ \er\ etl noon ‘lpmi l'a\our\ Italian ereationx. l'roni a quattro \tagiotti pi//a tartiehoke. lttlhltt‘tititll. parma ham and tomato) to tni\ed antipaxti. .4\dditional|'\. the optioth go l‘rom \atttl\\ielte\ txa} \ttllA tlt‘letl tttlllttltt. talleggio elteexe tttttl a\oeadoi to \alad\ ttr_\ ltallottnti. heetroot and PL‘PPL‘I'\l to main dixhex \ueh ax \eared hutterl'ixh \\Illt lemon and parxle} rimtto. .\'oI ordinar} puh gruh then Ixee re\ ie\\. rightl.

'lhe entertainment rota ineludex 2S-}t‘;ii'-ti|tl 'l‘om (‘hurehill l'rom 'l‘ra\\ on Saturda) nightx tor a pre-eluh 9pm to midnight rexidene) and the laid hack lo—l'i groo\ e ol' \Vilxon Ian on late Sunda} al'ternoonx until ‘lpm. Dr Paul eondueh lti\ itlioxineratie qui/ on 'l’hurxda) night»

('an Big Slope reereate the hu// ol' :\ir ()rganie\ earl} e\i\tenee in l‘WS.’ It ma} not \\i\h to. l)e\tination harx are p;t\\e. Big Slope’x unxtudied. natural attitude ltax et'eated a \olid loeal that'x \\ ell \xorth tra\elling aeroxx to\\ n l'or.

36 Kelvingrove Street, 0141 333 0869

Barry Shelby discovers that the food at the Big Slope is as impressive as the decor.

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