It’s that time of year again folks, when your pockets are bulging with tlyers while simultaneously, leaking cash. Here is one way to save a bit of money as we present 50 preview shows you can see for less in the opening days. Venue booking information is at the end of the listings.

Abie T his guy certainly has one of the most notorious show titles of l-i‘irige ‘llh Jesus: The (iuantanamo Tears features the Messiah giy ing Us his brand new stand up show. (iulp I 'nderhe/ly. Thu 3 Aug. //mi. 14.

Terry Alderton It's been a tan lew years since the es \‘outhend player and terrific mimic graced the hinge. but we espect him to hase an all-new gallery for Us. I’Ieauini e ('ourtyard. “id 2 it" Thu 3 Aug. Ifl.2()/nn. to.

Stephen K Amos See caption for this less than clothed comic. l’leusani e ('ourtyard. Wed 2 Aug. 9.20pm. U). Simon Amstell The pleasingly caustic lormci /’o/m'orld host came at tis last year with a cabaret style shindig. This year he‘s doing the full-run with just him altd his mic and some jokes. I’leayam‘e Home. Wed 2 A'- Thu 3 Aug. l().4()/nn. [5. Wil Anderson Another return from a long stay away. If you want a clue when this 0/ chap was last here. his show title was ll'ilennium. ()K. could be one of two years but it giyes you an idea. ('nderln'l/y ('ow Barn. Thu 3 Aug. 9.30pm. [5. Frankie Boyle The time o] Ii/(H'h America he may not be. but the bold (ilaswegian is setting himself tip for a big year. with his first full l'i‘iiige run. I’leasani'e ('oiu'ly'ard. Wed 2 A” Thu 3 Aug. 9pm. [5.

Simon Brodkin (‘haracter comedy at its most intense as a man admired by Harry llill allows us into his weird imaginative world. I’leasani'e ('ourty'ard. Wed 2 A'- Thu 3 Aug. 5.55pm. [5.

Ed Byrne The voice behind those mobile phone ads returns to where he's best with a new image which might make you think of Michael Douglas in a bad mood. I’leasani‘e ('ourty'ard. Wed 2 A'- I’hu 3 Aug. 9.50pm. [5.

Pat Candaras (ietting older has ries er been this much fun as the bird-flipping (irandminhert‘“‘Aer yeiits about young folk and sex and stuff. ( ’nderln'lly. Thu . slag. 7pm. [5.

Scott Capurro The potty mouth from San Fran gets prepared to outrage the moral minority. ()i' he might base a new set abotit nice cakes and stuff. The Stand II. Thu 3 Aug. 9pm. t'7(t‘()).

Alun Cochrane liyer)orie's fayourite hell ringer (though he's more (‘all My Blur} than Qltasiiiiodol gaye as his (’omedy' it'll/l Sad lifts. This year. it‘s jllsl laughs. laughs. laughs. (ii/ded Balloon 'lei'i'ot. Thu 3 Aug. b’pni. [5.

Cowards You may haye seen one of these chaps on telly as the dow ntrodden market researcher in Satondale. That‘s Tim Key. He was also in Ales lloi'iie's last l-‘riiige shows and he and his sketch sliow pals are .set for stardom. l’leasanw courtyard. Wed 2 A" Thu 3 Aug. 4.30pm. [5.

DJ Danny An impressiye debutant from last year. this [)1 has them spinning on the decks and rolling in the aisles. I’leasanee ('oia‘ty'ard. Wed 2 A'- Thu 3 Aug. ll/mi. [5.

Dutch Elm Conservatoire The sketch troupe who got a Perrier nomination for their conspiracy show last year are back with a piece about Prison. I’Ieasanee ('ourty‘aid. Wed 2 A'- Thu 3 Aug. 5pm. [5. Justin Edwards Another Perrier nominee was this lad who was once a Consultant before hitting the jackpot as booze-soddeii kids entertainer Jeremy Lion. His new persona (himself) should be worth a bash. Pleaxanee Courtyard. Wed 2 A‘- Thu 3 Aug. 6.20pm. [5.

42 THE LIST 20 Jul—3 Aug 2006

Here is one man who is not afraid to bare more than his soul. The highly talented Mr Amos has been getting better each year and this time around, he promises to be All of Me. p/(XISHIKX? Coartmrd. Wer/Q/laq. 9.90pm. f‘t;

Gamarjobat The Japanese mime double act get into a bigger \‘L‘lttlL‘ this year and few Japanese mime double acts deserye it more. (ii/(led Hal/unit Ti'l‘fUl. Wed 2 xlllt'. 5pm. [5.

Rhod Gilbert A Perrier Newcomer nominee last year. the Welsh w'i/ard went back in time to It)?“ then but now he's Knocking on Heai'en '.s Door. I’leasani‘e ('nurly'ard. Thu 3,-lug. 7.30pm. U). Janey Godley 8- Ashley Storrie A mum and daughter team to beat them all as Ms (iodley giyes iis one of her many show s this year. (/nderln'l/y'. Thu 3 Aug. ().3()pni. [5.

God’s Pottery A faus-(‘liristian rock hand who w ill base you singing their praises till heay‘en knows when. l’leasance Courtyard. Wed 2 A’- Thu 3 Aug. 4pm. [5. Natalie Haynes The sw eetly -\'oiced. barbed tongued lady discusses telly detectiy'es. I’leasani'e (’ourtrard. Wed 2 A'- Thu 3 Aug. 9pm. [5.

Richard Herring He once hooked up comically with Stewart but he's put all that student nonsense firmly behind him now and this year he will be talking aboyc loye. Presumably in its most sordid forms. (’nderln'I/y. Thu 3 Aug. 8.30pm. £5. Reginald D Hunter It's unlikely that you'll see a more powerful performer at this year's l-"riiige. Though we can't guarantee that he'll be sticking on the Regency gear he dons on his poster

I 'dderli‘I-IIJT Thu 3 Aue. 8.15pm. to. Jim Jeffries A controy ersial .-\ustra|iaii'.’ Well. l never did. ( 'nderhelly'. Thu 3 Aug. 8.40pm. [5.

Phil Kay The freew lieeliii' Phil continues his annual assault on the l-riiige's sense with more era/ed iiiadcappery. Gilded Balloon. Wed 2 A'- Thu 3 Aug. [0.15pm. ff).

Sarah Kendall Two years ago. this non- coiitroy ersial Australian was the belle of the l-‘ringe ball and she's back with material about cowards and bullies. Which can often be the same thing. Pleasant'e Courtyard. Wed 2 ct- Thu 3 Aug. 8pm. [5. AL Kennedy We all thought it was some kind of stunt. But no. the acclaimed author is now jUstifying her career leap with a

debut l-riiige lull run. The Stand I/. [ha 3 Aug. 4.30pm. to (15;.

Amy Lamé The all-round personality who was also on (’e/e/n'ily lit (‘lulr breaks her lidinburgh duck with a show about her show bi/ childhood. (ii/(led Balloon li’l‘lltl. Wed 2 Aug. 5.30pm. [5.

Little Lesley We base absolutely no idea whether this w ill be any good or not. but what a title: The (irotesque World of SI (’rsu/a '.\ Selma/fur the ( 'nw'altled. Boil/er. Sweet I:'( '.-l. Thu 3 Aug. 7. Ill/mi. £5.

lnder Manocha ('aii multiculturalism ey er work‘.’ And why is liider's show called ( ’npronouni'eahle'.’

l’leasani'e ('uru'ty'ard. Wed 2 A'- Thu 3 Aug. 7./5/mi. 15.

Andrew Maxwell He'll be giy iiig tis the most talked about late-night show us er the last year with Tullniooners. but for many

seeing the King of(‘omedy iii full llow for

an hour is the biggest delight in August. l’leasani'e ('ourty‘ard. Wed 2 it Thu 3 Aug. «Si/0pm. to.

Kevin McMahon You may haye seen this lidiiiburgh chap turning into a magician on Taking It a few years back but he‘s now doing it for real. Rocket. Thu 3 Aug. 5’. IUpni. £5.

Vladimir McTavish The man who wakes up in the morning as Paul Srieddon and (wcasiorially goes to bed as liob l)oo|ally slips into another of his guises to chat about the history of Scotland. The Stand II. Mon 3/ Jul. N/mi. £6115).

Tim Minchin Another lltlll-L't)llll't)\L‘l‘sl;tl Airstralian. but one who is too busy being yery good at many different things. One ol them is musical comedy. which earned him the Perrier Newcoriier pri/e last year. (ii/(led Balloon 'Iei'iot, Wed 2 it Thu 3 Aug. 9.30pm. [8.

Simon Munnery Another old lesllyal fuse with riiore anarchic innsings and semi-stories. The Stand. Thu 3 .‘lllL’. 7.30pm. [WI/)1.

Phil Nichol Taking a breather from being a manic shock jock in 'Ialk Radio. Mr Nichol deliy‘ers a breakneck set of manic stand-up. The Stand. Her/2.41m. 9pm. £7 ([6).

John Oliver 8. Andy Zaltxman l’olitica‘. coiiiedy not tiiiiity ' liiiie you s.lll_‘_‘lll this pair ot satiiiszs in action In \rili’s‘il; llfit \Ilg' 2 “”,"".' f 2 :I‘

Owen O’Neill l'yeiyoiias ta\oti:ite ginger liish storyteller has iiioie cutting \eise. with a title “lllcll seems to iiiipls that he's not a tan ot \earii'as lleaiiey

(T1l’li"( i." [flit-i" 'r”.' It \Ii'i' “l «I 2 A ['74 ‘i

lite WJVW: 2‘

Lucy Porter \noihei sharp toi‘igza‘ w ill be wagging behind a sweet frontage (ll‘. she can be nasty l’h man” ( no: war: a In“ (is... v "ll/"N: :~

Paul Sinha \et lot .i big year. lllls ilistoi and gay tootball lair l.l\ kles the woilil tiom his own. l.tlll\ ltllltlllt' perspec tiye I’Ti'itsiiliii (Militia/i! [ha 3' la." ',",'m: gs l u, so, Penny Spubb‘s \ltlitllj.‘ our taxoiiiiie new acts from last year. \\ l\ and Anna (‘iilly get iiggy with more skett li based insanity I’liauiriii ( oiui an: ll. ii' 2 it [ha 3 \ue. lit/mi. 2‘

Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolte lll l’raise be to the pieacliei man as he wonders llhiit lloidd ( hat/ii \hi 4 r: [to '\ \eiy. \eiy good question that In. sum." //. .llon 3/ ./u/. ‘I J i/vni. U) r I ‘r

Talk of the Fest Director ot In.

llHIi't rats l’aul l’ioseii/a meets .i stand up coniic eyeiy night and lets them \lt'll\t'l the set they wouldn‘t normally ilieaiii ot doing, Intriguing. huh I ed. the Inn \' lire. //, /_‘_pni. !"

Toulson 8. Harvey ( hie ol the litiet new double acts liom last year gay e as a new s show with many a tllllt'lt'llst‘ \\ liai this year" I’Ti'aullti ( (-uiulyiilil. H: d 3 A /hii 3 glue 5.45pm, 1*

Jim Tavare 'l he man with the big double bass returns to l‘ringe matters alter .i may long time away. I'luiuini t' ( Moria-Id. lli'd 2 if [ha 3 glue. 5' J 3pm. D

Dave Tordoiniaham ‘Joliii Shuttleworth‘ l‘ellows is back w llll a new character. who giy es up the building trade to launch hiiiisell upon a new career Ill alter dinner speaking I’li mam i‘ ('oiutiii/d, Him/2 it /hu 3 lira: o l‘, D Ava Vidal The tallest woman iii stand up iwe lllltllsl brings her own tiesli opinions on life to bear w ith her /\'i'\/mlt\l/’/¢‘ show I’leasani l' ("oil/tyiiril. Wed 2 [ha iluij. [USU/mi. 15.

Mark Watson ()iii early tip for comedy glory this year is the man with inoie shows on the go than you can shake .i \ll\ k at. l'or this one. he is sharing a inaioi concern: I'm llirrried lhat I'm Star/mi: to Hate :l/niosl lure/your in the World 'I hat is concerning. l’leayani e (Malia/d. Iha 3 Aug. (1.45pm. 15.

Glenn Wool A boldly lltttltslttt'llltk'tl ('aiiadiaii tthis week any way. we mean iiioustachioed. not ('aiiadiaiii has another hot title to [out You Don '1 (lo to Ill'H In! Izatine I'./i'/)/lillll\ We may beg to diller ladIn/mreh ('mnedy Room. I/iu 3' glue. 9pm. 15.

Luke Wright limit the same people w ho brought you the last two years' surprise Perrier w iniieis iJackson’s Way and Ktlpll'LIIX'l'.\ Sytltlt'iililel comes lllis guy from the acclairiied Aisle lo group I’leasani e Home Wed 2 (l Ilia 3 .lue. ill/pm. £5.

Yllana They last gaye iis palpitations w llll 66/). This little. the lmtd will lly w ith Star Trip. I’leasani e ('ourtyard. Wed 2 A“ Ihu 3’ Aug. '8' ill/mi. H