


Like we haven’t got enough festivals already. Everyone with more than two bands and a beer keg is branded a festival these days. We don’t need another one, right? Wrong. This may sound like a familiar claim but Indian Summer, which takes place in Glasgow’s Victoria Park, is genuinely different. Halfway between the underground aspirations of All Tomorrows Parties and

Green Man Festival or , Fence Homegame, it has been referred to as a

‘boutique festival’, meaning

a relatively small event -

just 6000 tickets - catering . for a more refined palette,

not only in music, but in

course, partying. It’s about i. time Glasgow played host

to a music event that truly

reflected its creative .. sensibilities. Over the next four pages we break down just who is worth seeing - and when - and ask some of the bands playing why they’re gagging to see

the bill with.

chilled out shindigs like the '

food, drink, shopping and of

those bands they’re sharing

. I . . .‘




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{ a it...

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Malcolm Jack discovers a bipolar treat in the Guillemots.

here‘s a hrzn e dualit} to (illllicllltlh »— something that‘s relrexhingl} pleasing lor muxie in thix decade. On

one hand the} ‘l'e a pop band given to writing hig. bright. hold muxie bravura; heir to a lineage stretching through Belle and Seliaxtian hack a\ lal' as hig heat. ()n the other. tlle_\‘re prone to lree ilttpl‘tnixttlltltl. length} p\_\ehedelie jamx and knock on hitherto unopened doors in the worn L‘tll'l'ltitll'\ ol modern llill\lL‘. That (iuillemotx \pal'ked a liel'eel) eolitexted major label bidding war ix hotll unxul'pl'ixing alid perple\ing in one go.

‘lt wax lunll_\.' \tt}\ lront man l-'_\‘le Dangerfield the on|_\ linglish quarter ol the multi-national loul‘ pieee (the others are Bl'a/ilian. ('anadian and Seottishl. '()nee \\ e got to the |;t\l lew gigs helore w e made a deeixion. there were hardl} any normal people there. It w as _ill\[ a room lull ol .Mka. We used to U} to weird them otlt a hit alid \tart the gig with three minutes ol

noise or \omething. thinking that would make them think ‘ah luck it. I‘m not signing them.‘ But the} would all he queuing tip at the end going "great noixe.‘”

Turning the lltdtlsll'} pt‘occxx on its head. (iuillelnolx were exentually able to negotiate a deal [file tiC\Cl'th‘\ as gix'ing them ‘an alna/ing amount ol artixtie lreedom‘. Alter a dew ol single\ and one mini alhum. lull length LP 'I'llmllg/l l/I(’ Hilll/nll/lullt' w as the product; a eritiealh hailed. Mel'eur} Pri/e nominated lusion oljaH. \(llli. pop. eloekx. hat detector. 1} pew riter . . . w htth with all the tat‘.’

'lt Llllltl\L‘\ us that it‘s alwap pieked up oli.‘ he say. 'lt‘x just an indication ol how' staid the musie \CCllC has heeome in Britain in the laxt lew _\ear\. You go hack to the (ills and e\el'_\ hand wax using whatever weird instruments the} eould la} their hands on. it's just almost kind ol going back to that time. When people w eren't so alraid.‘

Main Stage, Sat 2 Sep.