
Events Em


* Robert Harris “which liiiilkx “5 Buchanan Sliccl. 323 “fill” (ipin l'icc 'l hc lk‘flwclllllg author at Iii/gum and I’um/u'ii. \lL'lh cupicx (ll lll\ |.ilc\l Rniiiaii

\aga. I’ll/N’I'llllll


Steadfast Rama, Stalwart Sita National I.ihi'ai'_\ (ll Scotland. (iciiigc I\‘ lillilfJC. 23‘! 45” Tplll l‘lL'L'. llc'kt‘lc’tl. .-\h|ia Riltilljlllt'\. Bash;th Mind and MM} Binckiiiglnn llll\L'll a \lHl) that has gi'ippctl lhc iniaginalium iil Illtil;lll\ lui L'L'lllllllt'\. c\plainnig_' lltl“ it .ill hcgan.

Friday 8


Hidden Voices \“l l '( ‘. 333 \\(Hlt”.lll\i\ Road. 337 Klllll. lllaiii 5pm. {Ill {05

(“5 UM. Lapiilux Scullaiitl'x inaugural t‘iilllcl't‘llt'c L'\pl0l'L'\ th' [‘(llt'llllt'll (ll lllL' lilci'ai'} arts In cinpimci' \iiiccx li'iini ihc llllll‘gllh iil wcicl}. Vixil \\\\ \i.|apidu\,iiig_'.uk lui' niuic iiiliii‘iiialinn.

MangalTokypop Night ( )ll.’ll\ill"\. (int (i. Buchanan (iallci‘icx. Buchanan Sli'ccl. ‘53 ISBN. (ipin. I'I'L‘L‘. ()nakar'x anil 'IiikHiup pl'L'\L'lll .iii cwmng cclchi'aling .lapaiicxc aiiiinc ax Manga llliltillt‘\\ \\\cL‘|\\ through lhc l'K.

* John Hegley: Uncut Confetti (‘ili/ciix' 'l'hcalrc. l I‘) (iiirhalx Sli'ccl. 43‘) 0022. Tillpni. fill). 'l‘hc [Minn-horn licspcclaclcd cunnc-pucl [\L‘l‘lill‘llh nuiiihci'x l'i‘iiin Illx ninc hcxl-xclling hunks.

Saturday 9


Hidden Voices S‘l'l '('. 333 \Vnmllantk Road. 337 Xllll), t)..illaiii (ipin. L'le [US (US L‘75i. Scc Hi 8.

Alan Brazil \Vaici'xioiic'x. l5} Sauchichall Sum. 33: ‘HUS.


* Maggie O'Farrell \\.iit-i\iunc\.

15‘ I" \iuchichall \Irch. “I will;

(i 30pm Li 'l‘hc lmi )u.i (1 (him aulhiii [alkx us lhiuugh lici lalcxl hcai'ixlrinj; luggci. I/ii‘ \ii/iixliiii: ‘( i' «i! I win I.( ’Ilfi'l 5LT lL'\ IL'\\

Wednesday 13


* Roald Dahl Day Blackucllx. 5% 5" South Biitlgc. (i3: 333: 3pm licc B|.icl\\\c|l\ llilllllllh «inc ml Britain‘s hcxl c\ci‘ chiltlicii‘x .llllllilh. \\ ilh a (la) n! .lc‘ll\lllL'\. icxiilling: l'll}lllt‘\ .lllti \ltlllk'\

Thursday 14


Kate Teltscher \liiclit-Il l li‘lill'}. Zul North Slim. IN“ 309‘), (i illpiii i'lL't' lhc llhlill'lilll and author lalkx .ihiiul hci llt'\\ hunk. llu' l/ig/i li’iuii/ In (ii/mi. \klllc'll ill|l(l\\\ lhc illtll\lL'P\ lcll h} )iiung Sciilxniaii. (icui'gc Buglc. dining: llic lll\l iil'llhil c\pctliuiin in 'lihcl and lll\ nicclnigx \iiih lhc l’anchcn lama

Saturday 1 6


Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Patterson: Poetry “which “Ullh\. “3 Buchanan Sll't'cl. :2: "WM. Noun (rpm. (25 .’\ll uppiii'luiiil} lUl atlullx lii c\p|iii'c lhcii' clcalixc piilcnllal. ax l’allci'xiin lcatls .i (inc-Ir} \wi'kxhiip lucuxiii; on .lapancxc lcchniqucx. ('all “7%” 323713 liii' lllill'L‘ iiilui'nialiun.

Raymond E Feist Bunk-ix Hunks. UN Buchanan Sli'ccl. 333 "Will, Ipin. licc. l‘anlax} aiilhui' l'cixl \lglh L'UPlL'\ (ll lhc \L'L'Ullti in a Iic\\ \cl‘icx. lulu (1 Dark Ii’i'iI/ni. ax \\ cll ;l\ lll\ iilhcl‘ hcxlxcllci'x,

Monday 18


John Connolly \\'aici\iniic‘ Sauchichall Sum. 333 “MS. i‘ctlccinahlc agaiiixl piii'cliaxc. llci’iicx. \\(l|\L'\. lllUll\lL‘l‘\ and a ('i‘nukcil \lan'.’ ll


(Mllpin, U.

DRAWING BORED Oran Mor, Glasgow, until Sat 9 Sep: The Jam House. Edinburgh, Mon 11 Sep—Sat 16 Sep 0000

For the second play in this autumn‘s A Play, A Pie and a Pint season, Daniel Jackson (and director Liz Lochhead) bring the world of the comic writer to squalid life. Jackson is no stranger to the art, writing the Glasgow Fabulous and Ubiquitous Girl strips for The List among others. Ted (Grant

Smeaton) is a burnt out illustrator churning out the likes of ‘Gonorrhea Girl‘

for Scottish Executive safe sex pamphlets. When his ex-writing partner

Max (Stewart Porter) returns from a hugely successful stint in the US (as the man who turned Superman black), old grudges are rekindled. Meanwhile Laura (Lisa Gardner). the young artist who shares Ted‘s studio.

displays more intelligence than either of the two old hacks can muster.

While there are definitely some moments that will strike a chord more readily with those who grew up reading the many exploits of various caped crusaders, this is not merely a play for comic aficionados. The comics world forms the backdrop to a blackly comic tale of missed opportunities, resentment and loneliness. Smeaton and Porter bring just the right level of absurdity and despair to their roles to create a strangely intimate insight

into the politics and personality behind creativity. (Henry Northmore)

(3N) luml‘m.“1T-Ml'Bl’il/lh‘l”hc lllll\l hc llU\L'|l\l John ('iiiinull}\ lalcxl v i T M 1 ' MM" 1 h“ b 1 \lglllllg L'UPlL'\ (ll~ lll\ L'l'lcl'u'u‘t‘llll) llllL‘d lama“ -(Iii'illcr. Hip [funk u] [in] I'liqu, l7“ /‘ ’57- ‘7 5’5 "- f" 1' p H ‘. M V" auiuhiugi‘aph}. I‘lu'rr'x an .-lii/u/ [.0] u/ ' 5A5 may ulit'wr‘t‘. ,i" l i.“ ::' ' i " '

Iiiili/ili iii Brad/5 lili' (Hill Iiim'i (if a [fun weaneSday l “Janina (pygmy, ; ; Jr 1 g , lllr'lll‘. Edinburgh & liilxl'ii ; {l'V‘ m" FA“ 1'” X z ' ' i l 1’ iii' 1" mm_ waters 6...... all. i..l,l....-:_... F3908" N9 31 w v v i ~ Glasgow ('cii-u'c’. lfia i’L‘llll}\lCH'(‘(Illl‘L‘Sls Zlil. 'D‘m‘ “WM” ... tab: (it blur/l. ' I .o. O' o'

. . . . . (i4) .\.l.‘pin.t»1lt3 Llhlli. llll\ lci‘iii. ."j'lll inn, "Hini'xi !: i'i ("ti l '- :xfrgtyg'fifffiiltl: :\2‘(‘;Ky:;;ki\ award-“inning (il;i}\\i‘iglil lxahcl \Vi'ighl liziilyi'iii'm am: am. . " Hi i . l .‘ (“5 Us" SW Hi 8. lcadx llic lui‘uiighll} (group. unic along: {I ma) v . g) g . w i 1" ° 4 i

and \hai‘c lth;l\ and lll\pll';lll()ll \iilh a ,, ,. W V “H”. ,, , ,_ 2., 3 Tuesday 12 xiiiall. li'icntll) group iil lcllim \L‘l'li‘l‘lt‘h. in w H I W “I”. (I v M 1“ . * The Bridge Readings: Alasdair g " . / é] ' GIBSQOW Gray National lilii‘ar} iil Scotland. (iciii'gc (’ ' I ' ‘Y' ' '1’ 'M' W H DGbl GIiOI‘i “(with liiiiikx. l'iil'l Rclall [V Bl‘ltlgt‘. 2304531. 7pm. I'i‘cc. llc‘kt‘lt‘il. 7 [’5 " "" W (l' " h" ' ’3 v °' “' Pill'k. 3"” I’I'UHIH Walk. 773 39“). (ipin. 'l‘hc Scplcnihcr instalment of lh(\ Hg“ P mg iv ) i mil”: . n . i . Io -. .. l‘i'cc. ’l’hc aulhui‘ and illustrator “1‘;le llx in \ci'icx ul‘ lilci‘al‘) I'C:Idlll:_'\ \L'C\ Ullk‘ ul our law at ('2'? "I .'Y My l‘:' w: i ' ' w W ' \lllppclx and a \lglllllg ul' hL'I' Iaica hunk, naliniial li‘caxui‘cx in cuiixcrxatinii \\ ilh NU , 4 Wm, .. . . n ,,, Ilwp l-i'ur. lilci'ai') tlinciinc. Slcplianic \anlc \llll‘l'u}. ,1“ , o , I “HM, ; , 1!.”.L'.A$EAD GARTH ENNIS 8. ; ', , 1' ; ' ; ; '

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blot to lie: Tlosvui out 1'“: top of I: Try"? «aux-v (all’ :i. ("(2 far u‘o'r: welt, win“ vim N'i' '."7:t

T'VS (zilwl name‘w

(:sfalil shear: Tm Omani, .'.”‘:i‘r Mig'wza (ems (;:;"li<ie"l Hiring-"i I") Quest other titles. em"

harming 02M the

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superheroes iii”. .llvti'"f).

its, "at all my i' Try a

lllLlSi’EillYlC "£:i"s iii: limiting Ir, amok: T'v:

O.'.’l‘ l.t:|().€:(} HUNUC. 'Ur’h» ’,:’ {IN/Jr} (" G H

a":l BPRD 5(3"'e:s. He's: U. V»:- e'Y: QT t" , "at

issue. new; alread, in“: a roug" seem: between a era/ea rnercenar, a"(; “15

'ie brings to life 'T'Va Han of tie Dead by Co'a" Creator Robert E Howaro for a one issue

30 THE LIST 7—21 Sep 2006