Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Adrlfll l‘i 0.. illaiix llorn. (icrmain. Zoom Stixan Mar} l’ratt. Richard Spcighl Jr. Niklaux l.aiigc. Ali llillix “5min ln thix xcqucl to (l/u-ii lliiiri thcrc'x a uholc glaiiioroux _\acltl part} xct lor thoxc circling xharkx to chcu on. It hcarx nonc ol lllc digi- boom c\citciiiciit of thc original. but ll ccrtainl} hax itx iiioiiiciitx (ii-iii'm/ I'i’ll'UH'. Akeelah and the Bee 1 l::\t COO 1l)oug Atchixon. l'S. Zoom lx'ckc l’aliiicr. l.aurcncc l-ixhhuriic. .-\iigcla liaxxctl, llliiiin. ('arctull} trcading tlic linc hctuccn lccl-good lillllll} \alucx and loriiitilaic xcliiiialtr. thix )otitli drama lttlltt\\\ ll-_\L';ll- old Alicclah ll’alincri tr) ing to makc good in l.ox Aiigclcx‘ South (‘cntral \ ia a national \pclling lwc. (il'lHH’IlUI'. (i/uwiiu. AI-Ghazali: The Alchemist of Happiness 1 l3:\) 1Ahilu| Laiit Salalar. l'K. Jim-liAhol Rc/a Kcrmaiii. Mitra ll:l|_|;ll’. Dariuxh .-\r|iiiand. (ihorhan Nathali. Xllmin. A tiiiicl} look at thc altcrnatn c lxlamic philoxoph} of (Elia/all. \xhich ix too oltcn portray-ii ax hcing thc antidotc to laiiaticixiii and tcrror. Spccial c\ctil. l'ilm/iuim'. Iii/i/i/iiirg'li.

Alien Adventure 30 1 t l O... iltcn Straxxcn. Japan. 200! i Voicc ol John Bo} lc. Bouli l.anncrx. 37min. An alicn racc looking lor a planct to colomxc lind carth and unlortunatcl} cntcr a thciiic park \xhcrc thc} cauxc much amuxiiig iiia}hciii. I.lI.-l.\’ Tht‘rlll‘t’. (iluxgnn’.

The Ant Bully 1 l 'i O. iJohn .»\ l)a\ix. 18. 20W») Julia Rolicrtx. Nicholax ('agc. Mcr}l Strccp. H‘lmiii. th aiiothcr (‘(il animation hcxtou ing lilc lcxxonx on thc nation‘x )oung. 'l‘cn _\car-o|d l.ucax likcx to tormcnt amx. until rcxidcnt ant \xi/ard /.oc (Nicolax ('agci \llrlltl\\ him to thcir .xi/c and tcaclicx him to li\ c a.x part of tlic communit} rathcr than an llltll\ idual. l’rcdictahlc )ai'ii. Dmninion. Iii/i'ii/mrgli.

Atomised 1 lxi 000. «Mar RtK‘lllCl'. (icrmaii). Zoom Morit/ Blcihtrcu. ('hrixtian l'lmcn. Martina (icdcclx. l‘ranlta l’otcntc. lll‘hiiin. liiliiiiiiakcr Roclilcr takcx lloullchccq's iiiacahrc and nihilixtic .xtory of two lialli-hrothcrx trauiiiatixcd h} lhcir childhood and llipx it into a huiiiouroux romantic comcd} \\ ith an cnding that gncx

thc middlc lingcr to thc narcixsist fatalixm of

thc ,xourcc inatcrial. .-\ dccadcnt l‘cat ol‘ adaptatation. ('imu'u. I'Iili'iilimfiuli.

I 4; p .\ coalface of glam rock with rare footage shot by the ex-Beatle at the height of Bolan’s fame. This film is showing

with short Marc, 3 record of the last TV show he appeared in with T-Rex. I Fi/mhouse. Edinburgh on Tue 72 Sep only.

Bad Education 1 lit 0”. tl’ctlro .-\liiiodo\ar. Spain. 21m i (iacl (iarcia llcrnal. l'clc Martincr. l)aiiic| (iiiiiciic/ ('acho. l.luix lloiiiar lllirnin :\ xucccxxlul )oung lllt\\ ic dircctor lillrlqllt' 1Martinc/i TL'L‘L‘I\L'\ an tlllt'qk‘clcd \ lxllilr xUlllL‘Hllc claiming to hc liix childhood tricnd and

lo\ cr Ignacio 1 licrnal i. \\ ho nou prclcrx to lac calch Angcl llc xhim x ltnriquc a xhort xtor} Ilii' lit/r about a lr.tll\\c\tl;tl xiiigci Zahara ialxo BL‘fllilll \xliii xlccpx \\ ith a iiiarricd adiiiircr callcd lillrlqllt‘ and u lio attcmptx to hlackiiiail thc pricxt lathcr Manolo 1(‘achoi \x ho ahuxcd hcr xcliiiollio} xcll Hut \\ ho c\actl} ix Angcl and uh} ix hc carr}iiig around lganacio‘x \xorlt ' -\nd \x hat ix thc conncctioii hcmccn Manolo and thc m} xtci'ioux licrciigucr l llomari ' l’oxxihl} thc liiicxt ‘.-\liiiodrama‘ to datc. thix xi/rlcx \Hlll llitchcockian \cr\ c and Riplc} quuc iiicnacc, .-\n altxoltilc dcliglit. .-\linodo\ar ix undoubtcdh oiic of thc lincxt lilmmakcrx \xorking iii lilll‘ttlk' toda}. (iliiwuii I-i/in I'llr'illl‘r‘. (i/rhurm.

Be Here to Love Me: A Film About Townes Van Zandti ISi COO. (Margarct Brim ii. l'S. ZleJi \Villic Nclxoii. l.}lc'l.ii\1.'tt. Krix Krixtollcrxiin. l'.llllll}lttll llarrix. Sim c liarlc. ‘Ninin. Van /.andt. argualil} onc of tlic grcatcxt iaiid ccrtainl) thc moxt torturcdi xoiigxx i'itcrx \xho c\cr Incd ihc \xax knimn ax lhc iiiuxicianx' xonguritcri ix ltH ingl} pi‘aixcd h} a pancl ol iiioi'c coiiiiiicrciall) xtlc‘t'csxltll pur\ c}orx of thc couiiti'} gcnrc. (i/uiguii l-i/ni 'I‘lii'iimn (i/(IXQUH'.

Beerfest 1 lSi .0 (la) (‘liandraxckhan l'S. Zoom l’aul Stitcr. lirik Stolhanxkc. M.('. (iainc). I l lmin. Scc .-\|x1i Rclcascd. pagc 45. (ii'm'm/ I't'lt'tlu‘.

The Birds l IM .0000 1.-\It'rt-d Hitchcock. [-8. 1063) Rod 'l'a} lor. 'l‘ippi llciidrcn. Sir/antic l’lcxhcttc. l I‘limn. Brilliant inacahrc idca from a l)u Mauricr talc to haw our u ingcd ll‘lL‘lltl\ turiicd into inalc\o|cnt killci'x. 'l'hix ix llitch at hix moxt mixchcx iotix. ()h and for thc amatcur px}chologlxlx among )ou. thcrc ix a glacial lilondc lcading lad) and xhc ix mixtrcatcd. l’art ol hcrnard llcrrmaiin xcaxoii. I‘ll/ii/iuuxi'. Ifi/iiiliii/‘u/i.

* The Black Dahlia 1 l8) ooo

(Brian Dc l’alma. l’K/(icrinan). letlhi Joxh llartnctt. Scarlctt Johaiixxoii. Aaron lickhart. llilar} Swank. Mia lx'irxhncr. Illlmin. Scc rL'\ l0“. pagc 43. (i/ingim I'll"! Thrill/'1'. (ilmgmi': l’l/lll/IUHM'. Iii/iii/imju/i.

Born to Boogie il'i COO 1Ring1i Starr. l'K. W72) Marc Bolan dt T ch. lilton John. Ringo Starr. (ilmiii. Spring MN. and thc coxmic. cllin. rock-pop god

Marc Bolan had thc nation in purc ch\xlac_\ l’la_\iiig txxo dctimng gigx at “cinth limpirc l’ool. thc hand ucrc lilmcd h} c\-l-ah lriciid and proxpcctix c docuincntar} dircctor Ringo Starr for a cincmatic oddit} that \xould includc xtudio iaiiix and bi/arrc axidcx xhot o\ cr thc

lolloxx ing monthx -\hout ax odd a rc~rclcaxc ax _\ou \xill xcc thix _\car. Stair'x hoiiiagc to glam roclt‘x impixh glittcrhall at thc licight of hix poucrx iaiid _\ct to tacc a xlou dcclinc and UlllllllL‘l) dcalhl lt \\Ull\\ hcxt \xhcn dcpicting liolan'x cncrg} and hramdo on \lag't' l’art ill .-\cccxx -\ll ~\rcax \Caxolt l'l/Nl/li’llu‘. lat/iii/iiiiuh.

The Break-Up i IBM 0. il’c}ton Rccd. [8. Elliot Jcniiilci .-\iiixton. Vincc Vaughn. Joc} |.auicn .-\damx. (’olc llauxci‘. Jon l-ax rcau l lllniiii .-\ltcr tuo }c'.ii'x of marriagc. cit} toui guidc (iai') i\aughni and art gallcr) axxixtant llrookc i.-\nixtoni haw had cnough ol cach othcr. but can't liring lllL‘lll\L‘l\L‘\ to gixc tip tlicir cowtcd ('hicago condo ’l'lic rcxtiamcd comic xt} lc .-\nixton rclincd during lici tciiurc on l‘rii'iiilx iiixt docxn't lit u ith \‘aughn'x trccxxhccliiig. xo it'x lct't to thc xupportiiig caxt to pro\ idc thc laughx. including Brookc'x hitch} hiixx and all—xingmg hrothcr and (iar) ‘x lX‘\l hudd). Johnn) U. Show (IH' ('iiii'niii. l’tlH/(W.

Cars il’(ii 0.. iJohn l.axxctcr. l'S. ZlXNil \iitL‘Cx ol ( )\x C” \Vilxon, Paul .\'c\xiiian. Bonnic Hunt. l.arr_\ 'l'hc (’ahlc (iii). 131mm. Racccar Lightning McQuccn loxCx ltlx \na) Cll rotilc lo lllt‘ final i‘acc Ul lllc xcaxon and liiidx hiiiixcll iiiarooncd Ill thc xlccp} limit of Radiator Springx. \\ hich ix populated h} an arra} ol‘ iiiixtit carx. l)cxpitc thc man} poxitncx. ('arx docxii't quitc maltc thc highcxt gradc mainl} hccauxc it'x thc lcaxt original l’i\ar film )Ct. (ii'm'm/ I'l'/¢'(l\('.

The Cave of the Yellow Dog (Die Hoehle Des Gelben Hundes) mm .0. il$}aiiihaxurcn l)a\aa. Mongolia/(icrman}. 200-1) 03min. Sn-ycar- old .\'anxal cncountcrx an ahandoncd pupp} in Mongolian iiiountainx hut licr nomadic laiiiil} rcl'uxc to kccp it until it prom-x itx north when thc) arc in dirc nccd. (iluigiiii- l-‘i/m 'I'Iii'um'. (Hawaii.

China Blue 1 l3:\l 000 (Mlclla X l’clcd. ('8. 3005) 8(iiiiiii. 'l‘hc human rcalit} hchind thc \chl'x iin.xtoppahlc dexirc for chcap dcniin ix rcwalcd in a llltn’lllg portrait of _\oung factor} “orltcrx in Southcrn (‘hina l’l/Hl/tnllu'. Iz'ili'Ii/iiujq/i.

Cranlu lh’i O. lMark chcldinc. Brian 'l‘;i_\lor. l'S. loom Jaxon Stathain. Amy Smart. Josc Pahlo (’antillo. 87min. Scc rcx'icw. pagc 42. (iv/tom! ri'li'uw.

Ringo Starr’s respectful portrait of his friend and fellow muscian Mark Bolan is showing as part of the Access All Areas season. The film illustrates Bolan’s progress at the



The List has ll\’€ copies of the lovelx Juriebug to glue away Recenth, released by Eureka Video. Junebug is a ston, of love. art. families and the union line cultural diyiife. When Madelaine iEmbeth Dawdtzi. a British born dealer in ‘outsider art‘. travels from Chicago to North Carolina on a busrness trip with her brand new husband George (Alessandro Nivolal. she meets his family fer the first time. There's his spiky mother Peg (Celia Weston). his taCiturn fathei Eugene (Scott Wilson). and angry younger brother Johnny (Beniamin McKenZIel. but best of all there's Johnny's very pregnant. and innocently gairulous Wife Ashley (Amy Adams). The stage is set for some serious famin trauma. To be in wrth a chance of Winning a copy of this wonderful film on DVD. Simply send an email marked JUNEBUG With your name. address and daytime telephone number to promohonstylist.couk, no later than 21 September. Usual List rules apply.


Metrodome Distribution is proud to announce the release of the MAVERICKS collections. These four DVD collections showcase some of the hippest. most ferooous and unforgettable recently released films. Collated by laterally thought out themes The Mavericks: Driven By A ViS/on boxset contains Donnie Darko: The Director '3 Cut and documentaries Easy Riders. Paging Bulls and Overnight. The Fight The Power set features The Assassmation Of Richard Nixon, and The Corporation. European Mavericks: Heart of Darkness contains Das Experiment. Evr/ and Pusher and European Mavericks: Love Gone Wrong contains Together, Vodka Lemon and Dear Wendy. Chock full of extras, these babies retail at £19.99. but we've got a bunch to give away.

To be in With a chance of winning any of these box sets simply send an email marked MAVERICKS to promotions©listcouk With your name, address and daytime telephone number. Usual List rules apply. Good luck pilgrims.

7—21 880 2006 THE LIST 49