Joan l‘ontaine. Judith .-\nderxon litiniin A re-ixxue ol the uonderlull) atriioxpherie roniaiiee. made “hen lliteh uax at hIx height The )otiiiy hride ol rieh \Nltlth er Maxun de Winter Ioinx hiiii at hIx giand Iiianxion \landerle} But exerwthere xhe turnx. there are iiieiiioriex ol hIx lirxt II He. nhoxe death ix xurrounded h} lll}\lcr} ."\nderxon‘x oxeru. rought (iothie houxekeeper \lrx l)an\erx xtealx the xhou. I'l/Nl/ltlllu‘, lat/HI/iureli

* Regular Lovers (Les Amants Reguliers) I llx'i C... Il’hilippe (iarrel. l‘raiiee. IlNISI l,ouix (iarrel. ('Iotilde llexiiie. Julien l.ueax. larie Rulliat lH-linin. See pre\ Ieu. page Jl and rex Ieu. page ~12. I‘l/In/lullw'. lx/IIi/iiu'eli

Right at Your DoorI I5» 000

I(‘lmx (iorak. l'S. zoom Mar} .\le('oriiiaek. Ror) (‘oehianu 'l‘on) l’ere/ 05min. See tex text. page 4-1. (iI'IiI'rIi/ I't'lt'tlu'.

Santo and the Blue Demon vs the Monsters I 12m 000. I(iilheriu Martuie/ Solai'ex. \lexieo. I‘l'flii Saiito. Blue Demon. l)a\ Id .-\I\ IN. (’arlox Aneira. H iiiun Mexiea \Irextler lzl Santo teaiiix up \Hlll the Blue Demon to hattle an arm} ol the undead. l'antaxtie \\ I‘extling eaiiiper}. l’art ol \Ii‘extliiiy liliii xeaxoii. l'l/m/lullw‘. la/In/mru/I,

Santo in the Wax Museum I IZAI O... (Altonin ('orona Blake. .\le\ieo. I‘loh Santo. ('laudio Brook. Norma Mora. (IZIIIIn. lzl Santo the .\le\iean \H'L‘\llCl' niuxt hattle an arm} ol Iiionxterx. l’art ol \H‘LWlllllg.‘ llllll xeaxon. l'illii/ioim'. IiI/IIi/mre/i. Santo vs the Invasion of the Martians I IZAI O... IAII‘nnm B ('reVenna. Mexieo. I‘lti7i Santo, \‘l'oll'

Rm lll\l\l\. 03mm. The Indel‘ati‘uhle lil Santo. Me\Iean \xrextler CUFURllllfllfL‘. laeex ol'l' againxt a gang ol alienx. l‘oi‘get Nae/m III/m; go and we thix hah} inxtead. Part of \xi‘extliiig liliii xeaxon. l‘l/Hl/ll’llw'. Iz'I/iIi/iuruli.

A Scanner Darkly I IS l 00.00 IRiehard l.Inldater. l'S. loom Keanu Reewx. Rohen Donne} .lt'. Mitch Baker.

Julie Walters


* *



She drinks. He drives

IUllinIn The Interpolated rotoxeoping technique h} uhieh animation Ix xuperiiiipoxed o\er ll\L' aetion. ix put to Inno\ali\ e tixe III thix adaptation ot dark anti-authorit} tantax} troin er-ti author Philip K. Dielt [anklater‘x ereatn e uxe ol animation laxhionx l)Iek‘x liallueinator} notionx Into a heautilull) realixed xtud} ot Uth”) pdr‘dlltilll. St'lt't II‘I/ I'c’lc'ttu'

The Sentinel I 13m 0. I(‘Iark Johnxon. l‘S.2l)l>(n.\1iehael l)ou_I_'lax. Kiel‘er Sutherland. li\a l.ong_'oria. KIIII Baxinger lllh'inin Hull and rather aetionlexx flick xtarring Michael Douglax ax a ['8 Secret Sen Iee agent mth a llt‘fttlL‘ paxt. who no“ heale the PIN lad} 'x detail Gradual!) he Ix dragged Into a xeriex ol xtranger and xtrangei‘ eonxpiraeiex (ie'm'm/ I'l’lc'tlH' Severance I ISI .00 It'hnaupher Siiiith. l'K. zoom l)ann} D} er. l.aura llarrix. 'l‘ini Melnnern). 95min. (‘hrixtopher Sinith'x xophoiiiore ell'ort ix another iiielange ol horror and comedy The xalex teaiii ol l’alixatle Helenee. a Iiittllinational artiix xuppliei‘. heeoiiie xtranded III a In} xterioux liaxt litiropc \Ioodland \tliilxt on a teaiiihuilding \xeekend and are toi’eed to xeek reluge III an ahaiidoiied lodge. (ii-m'ni/ I‘I'lniu'.

Singin' in The Rain Il'IOOOOO I(;ene Kelly & Stanle} l)onen. [8. 105m (ieiie Kell}. Donald O‘Connor. Dehhle Re}noltlx. ('}Il ('harixxe. lllllititi lloll}\\ootl undergoex the tranxition from the xilent era to the talkiex and reputationx me and tall. Ahxolutel} nonderl'ul Inuxieal entertainment. \\ ith the xliekext ol’ xnapp} dialogue. enduringl} eateh} nuniherx. a eaxt ol~ genuine eharixina. and an engaging picture ol' the Induxtr) in tranxition Into the bargain. ()uite xplendid. (‘inen-urlil Purl/mu]. (iIuwIm. Snakes on a Plane I ISI .0

ll);l\'ltl R lillix. ('8. 3000) Samuel l. Jaekxon. B)ron l.a\\xon. Nathan l’hillipx. ltlfimin. High altitude lll_llll\ in thix knowingly riIlietiloux htit llltlL‘ll-il\\;lllCtl action inox ie. Jaeltxon plays the aeeidental hero. lighting a crate-load ol' poixonoux

Rupert Grint



xnakex let looxe to kill a xtar \xitnexx in a high protile eoun eaxe lhe tiliii parodiex B- inox Ie lll.l\lllC\\ u Ith eonxiderahl) lexx xueeexx than it'x pre-releaxe hype (i. mm! I‘I'lutu

Snow Cake I ISI .0 I\lare l-xanx. l'K/(‘anada ZHWH »\lan Rieltiiian. Sigourne} \\ea\ er. ('arrie- '\nne Moxx

l 1 1mm See re\ Ie“. page 45 (In. uni/ii Rt'llfl't‘lt \‘II'H'I. (r/ItiL'iIH. (‘lllflll‘lllj Izilirilimeli. l‘diiiliiue/i

Storm Force Adventures I IS. IVarIoIIx. \arioux. \aiiouxi lll5niin \lan Iand \Ioinani takex on nature In IUINu‘I/I' llllc’l't (pl. XIII/m Violin! and If: \I IA l’iirt u/ the .Viwiiin .'l(ll('llllll't' l'l/Nl l‘t‘UllIl/ liu' lit/IIl/llll'u/l ()nmi. Izilili/iury/i Stormbrealter l l’( i. oo 1(it'tllllt‘) Say (it'l'lll;ill_\/l .Kill '8. Zoom :\le\ l’ett_\ lei. lzuan \le(iregor. .\lieke_\ Rourke. Bill Nigh}. :\lieia Silxerxtone ‘Hiiiui Young xuper xp} :\|e\ Rider lllt‘\\(t)lile .-\le\

l’ett} leri hattlex \ IllaInoIIx hillionaiie l)ai‘riux I.\liel\e_\ Rourkei l'he dark Bond exque xeiiex ol hoon ulueh Iiixpiied the film hax e a health}. .IntI-llai‘r} l’ottei \ ihe. \\lllL'll getx loxt in traiixlation. 'l‘here'x xoiiie i‘edeiiiption in the toiiii ol ealloux .\l|5 hoxx Bill ngll} and a (‘l-xt) Ie eaiiieo lroiii Stephen H) and there are a ten paxxahle action \qulCllCC\. loo .Sit'lt't II’I/ I‘I'li'Ilu' Summer Madness I Pt ; l 0”.

Il)a\id Lean. l'S. 1055i Katherine llephurn. Roxxano Bra/II, JIIIIII. Rextoration ol l)a\ Id l.ean'x adaptation ol ,-\I'thui' Laurent'x popular pla}. I'lii- Illllt' or (In ('ui'Luu. about a middle aged xeeretai‘} \I ho piiix all her di‘eaiiix on a once in a liletiine trip to Venice Moving. paxxionate and mature. (iliiwuu [Vi/m 'I'Iie'urri'. (ilmumi.

Superman Returns I 12A l 0000

IBI'} an Singer. l'S. Zoom Brandon Routh. Kate Boxuorth. Kex in Space}. Jaiiiex Marxden. Marlon Brando IS-liiiin The Son ol Krypton hax been ahxent lroiii lzarth on a quext to lllltl xurx‘ning l'ragiiientx ol hIx long xiiiee Ilexlro} ed hoiiie \Hil'ltl. :‘xreheneiin l.e\ |.uthor ix out ol' prixon and hatching another


'- 3"" ~-.-..


It's the trip of o lltetlme. _ I .4, K



Iiiurderoux. money making xeheiiie But. inoxt troubling ot all. lme ot hix lite l oix l .Ine Ix married “llll a ehild l‘he \lan ot Steel might he the iiioxt ph} xiealh pouerlul being on the planet. hut lo\ e. hope and dexpair are eiiiotionx that can't he ignoted Min In."

It [I the

2001: A Space Odyssey It‘IOOOOO IStanle} Kuhriek. l'k. IQoSI Keir litillea. (Ear) Itx'hxard. l eonaid Roxxitei li‘hnin Re-releaxe I“ Ith neu \kidexeieen “(liiuii print ot the greatext er-ti llllll ol all mm. H )eaix .Iltet it “ax Iiiade. Iii the war ll \xax xet Kuhriek'x gloriouxl} grand aithiteetuie xeex prehixtoiie apex tiinelined Into a xpaee hallet leaturiiig a lunar eialt docking; to the xound ol Straiixx l'hix xeene preliguiex an e\tended diaiiia .ihoard a xpaeeeialt hound loi Jupitei lll\I\l\ In; the niuideioux I-\| eoiiiputei and the giant t“lill‘l_\Ii ol .I xpaee ehild \lgllll)lllg \\ hat ' l‘he ne\t xtep In human exolution “\ll opaque lll.l\lt‘l'}‘lt‘(t‘. \Ihieh xiiygt'xtx xo iiiueh. _\et L‘\l‘l.llll\ xo little \\ hieh Ix \Ih} it'x .I tiiiielexx elaxxn

8. Ith/mill .\I II'I'Iiine Ronni. I‘I/in/iure/i Talk to hem ISI 00.. Il’ediu .'\lllltklt\\.tl. Spdlll. Illili ,l.|\lL‘l (‘aiiIaI.I. l)aiio(iiaiidinetti. Roxaiio l'loiex. l.eoiioi \Mitliiig I IZIIIIII Benigiio It‘ainaiai and Mareo I( ii’andinettii am In |o\ e \\llll txw “omen hoth ol \xhoin are hoxpitalixed in eoiiiatoxe xtatex. Benigno heeaiiie a nque xo that he could eai'e lull time lor hIx

helm ed onee axpiiing halleiina .'\llL'l;l IWatluigi In the hoxpital rooiii Iie\t dooi .\lai'eo \ ixitx l._\dia ll‘lUlL‘xl. a leiiiale hulllightei \xho \MIN hutehei‘ed III the HM}: ()ut ol thexe tragn~ eii'euiuxtaneex a lriendxhip loriiix hem een the tuo ineii Iii/l In Her Ix iiiature .-\|Inodo\ai'; Spaiu'x Inoxt lainoux liliiiinaker on top lorin. dexei’ihine eoiiiple\ eharaetei'x and eoiiiplieated emotional xtatex in equal xtor}te|ling laxhion. l‘I'oiii the gorgeoux photograph}. dexign and Iiiiixie to the xeript and I'eiiiarkahle perloriiianeex. Iii/L In Her Ix a flaw lexx film and a treat lor eiiieina Im erx. (iluwon l’i/ni I'lii’iim'. (ilmemi

amILaura Linneg

7-21 Sep 2006 THE LIST 53