I The Led Zeppelin Story (‘arlnig Acadcrn) (ilaxgou. l2l laglinton Slrccl. 087” TH 2000. 7pm. U4. 'I'rihulc to thc lcgcndar} /.cp.

I Love is All .’\li('2. 3 3“ Sauchichall Strccl. 332 2232 7pm. £05”. ()xcr- l4\ show S\\L’tll\ll pmt-punkcrx v. ho clcancd up at llllS )car\ South ll} South \Vcst lcsllxal.

I Cantarte, Captain Haddock and Glider 'l‘hc Valc. 5 l)unda\ Strccl. 332 4928. 8pm. £4. lzxpcrnncntal alt.rocl\.

I Crash my Model Car, No 1 Son and Mr Alphabet lilll‘ll}. 2(ill ('I}dc Strccl. “S70 ‘lll7 ll‘N‘). Spill. L5. Roolst and acoustic sounds from lhc hand l'orincrl} knmut ax l’oor ()Id licn.

I Kong Sainucl “on "x. ()7 7| Nilhsdalc Road. 423 lllll7. H.3llpni. l-rcc. Scc Sal ‘).

I The Needles King 'lut'x Wait Wait Hut. 272a Si Vinccnl Slrcct. 22| 5277‘). 8.30pm. £5. ,»\ccc\xihlc indic and garagc rock \cl ll‘tllll .-\hcrdccn\ lhc Nccdlm supporting thcir In Xi'an/i of I/lr’ Maul/m alhurn.

I Cloudland Blue Quartet Bcanxccnc. 3K 42 \Vtmdllllltlx Road. 352 axon. Upin. l‘rcc, .'\cou\lic \ct.

ViREAsons '5 To 60 SEE


1 Foals Techno? With guitars? Yes, that's right; for the discerning indie bumpkin who feels an inescapable urge for pumping polyrhythms but doesn't fancy frequenting some kind of shitty old cow field to dance to them comes this belting Oxford five piece. Ok. so it‘s more 'dancepOp' than techno. but you get the idea.

2 DJ Rory Phillips Not the most edgy of stage names right enough, but be assured: this man packs more angles than a trigonometry book in that well stuffed record bag. Straight from London’s ultra trendy club night Trash. expect awkward dance, forgotten post-punk classics and a few electro-oddities.

3 I Fly Spitfires DJs Something of a revelation on the Edinburgh. nay. Scottish indie club scene (they now also run regular nights in Aberdeen and Glasgow). these lads sure know the tunes to choose. Should prove the perfect foil to Mr Phillips.

4 The Presets are not actually playing. because they've, well. cancelled basically. They will in fact be in Canada. Which is nice f0r Canada.

5 When they could be playing at popular monthly indie- electro crossover club night Spies in the Wires? Honestly, what’s wrong with these people? Beats the hell out of me. (Malcolm Jack)

I Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh, Thu 7 Sep.

74 “15 LIST 7—21 Sep 2006

I Gratis Duo Rockcrx. l4 Midland Strccl. 22l H72!» ‘lpin. l'rcc Status Quo trihutc hand.

I The Coy Dogs .\lc('liinll~. 4H lligli Strcct. 552 2|35. lllprn l'rcc


I Sniffing Glue l‘ll'c\\;llL'l. .14] Sauchrchall Strcct. 354 H35“. l'rcc hctorc ll),3llpni; L5 fi3l allcr. l’unk. no doiiht


I Charles Wood, Distant Soul and The Hustlers \Vliixilchinlacx. 4 h South liridgc. 557' 5| I4. (rpm. l'rcc hclorc midnight; £4 allcr. l-unk} hlucx from thc llustlcrx loll \ldgjt‘ at midnight l. I GGI Suhua} ('oxxgatc. h‘) ('ougalc. 225 (not), 7pm. £8 pcr da); l‘l'ltld} l£2ll \xcckcndl. DIV. lhrcc da} punk and crin lL'\ll\;ll lroni (ilaxgoix. (ironingcn and Ircland. l'l'lda} lcaltlrcx .\cld 'l'onguc. 'l'hc I'l‘cchoolcl‘x. (‘onxtanl l~car. Spoutnioulh and Down to Kill.

I Nexuslive lllc Bongo ('lnh. .\lora_\ llUllSC. 37 lloly‘ood Road. 558 "(ill-l. 7pm. £4. \cu inuxic \houcaxc \c\u\ l.i\c launchcx \\ ith Inc handx. Mix and \Jx.

I Obsidian, Jakil and The Familiars (‘aharcl Voltarrc. 3o 33 Blair Strccl. 22ll (il7o. 7pm. £3. l'ndcr ISR gig (it rock. funk pop and indic.

I Acoustic Dave Suhxxa} ('o\\gatc. (i‘) (‘ougatcu 225 moo. Spin. l'rcc. l’opular guitar L‘lilSSlL‘S.

I Circus Circus and Vacant Tourists llcnr) \ ('cllar liar. S Ioa Morrison Slrccl. 22S 0303. 8pm. £4. Rock and lndic.

I Chocyamo and The Dead Beat Club lianncrnian's. .\'iddr} Strccl. 556 3254. 3.45pm. £4. Dark. discordant guitar and hcax} hasslincx l'roin ('hoc)anio.

I Open Mic Honic Strch Bar. (it) llomc Strccl. 0pm. l-‘rcc. Scc l‘ri .S’.


I Ultimate Chi" Vill'ltlllx \L‘llllcx 'l'inicx \ar}. l’riccs \ar}. 'l'hc lllll\lL‘ c\lra\agan/a rcturnx to shoucaxc cmcrging and cxtahlixhcd handx l'roin around Scotland. culminating \\ ith a

hcadlining conccrl l‘roni Scollixh traditional \upcrgroup ('apcrcaillic.

Larrikin Love


I The Battle of The Bands \ltllllt‘l'“ Ull lllL‘dll'L‘. (‘l\lc (‘Cllll'tk \\ indtnillhill Str‘cct. lllo‘lS Rtl2‘l‘N '2 fillplll l2; SL‘L‘ l'l‘l .\

Saturday 1 6


I Open Stage llic Hall llar. Ion \Viiodlilllllx Road. 352 WW") 4 Spill l'l'L‘L‘ SL‘L‘ Sal ‘l

I Bad Medicine Rockcrx. 14 Midland Slrccl. 22| ll"2h. 5 Spin. l’rcc. Rock

I Fionn Regan and Dawn Landes .\li(‘2. 31H Sauchichall Strcct. 332 22 32 7pm, LES. l)uh|in \ingcrKongxxritcr gaining plaudih tor lll\ latcxt alhuni Scc plc\ icn. pagc o3

I The Yardbirds Rciitl'c\\ l'crr}. .‘\ndcr\lon Qua}. 'l'hc liroonnclim. “HMS 205 51 I. “put, [I350 tad\ I. {I5 tdoorl. ()nc of thc moxt rnl'lucnlral of thc ollx Brilixh Ill\;l\ltlll hands. laric ('lapton. Jillllll} l’agc and Jcll llcck paxxcd through thcir ranks hut thc onl} original lllL‘llll‘L‘H lcll Ill thc linc-up arc (‘liris l)rc|a and Jim .\lc('art}.

I Atreyu, 36 Crazyfists, Chiodos and 3 Barrimland. 244 (iallongatc. 552 4nd]. 7.30an U5. ()\cr- l—l\ \hoxx. ’l‘hc hcadlincrx ol llllS hunipcr hardcorc hill arc an ()rangc ('ounlr} coniho crcditcd \\llll rcimigorating thc gcnrc.

I Nizlopi .-\ll('. 33” Sauchlchall Stl‘ccl. 332 2232. 7.30pm. L'Il). ()\L‘l'-l4\ xiii)“, 'l'hc hop hchind thc inluriallngl} tu cc chart-toppcr "l’hc J('B Song'.

I Must Be Something, Catyo, Grozny and Eye Contact Leads To . . . Barl‘l). 2(ill ('l)dc Slrcct, 0870 (ll)? (NW). 8pm. £4. Bill ol local hopcl'ulx.

I We are the Physics, Mummy Short Arms, Miss the Occupier and The Cutters 'l‘hc Villt‘. 5 l)lllld;l\ Sll'L'L‘l. 332 4928. 8pm. £4. ()urrk} pop rock.

I Drive By Argument, The Acute and Jack Butler King 'l'ut'x Wait Wait llul. 272a St \'inccnt Strccl. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £5. Much fancicd rocking quinlcl. l)ri\c h_\ Arguincnt. \\llo canic logcthcr as part ol' a lllll\lc courxc and Inn c gonc on to \lll'pihx c\cn thcir o“ n c\pcctation\.

I Mercury Tilt Switch, Piano Bar Fight and Avast! \icc‘n'Slca/y 42l Sauchichall Strcct. 3331Nlltl S lupin £4 llundonran l)|\ indic lik‘ht‘H arc iotncd h} lhc ltllt'\\lltlt'\t|llt‘ l’lil‘ and Staplcton-alli|iatcd \\a\t'

I Perfect Remedy Sannicl him “x. o“ "I \llllMldlt‘ Road. 42 3 Hill"

S. 30pm l-icc l ocal rock hand

I No Dice Rockcix. l4 \ltdland Strcct. 22l ll22h ‘lpni l-icc Rock

I The Sailplanes, The Kara Sea and Gdansk l 3lll \Ult' (idlt‘. fill (\ll King Slrcct. 553 Io3S. ‘lpni L3 l.ondon ail lik‘ht'l\ \tlppollcd h_\ Sarah lililtllt‘} .\K.-\ lllt' Kala Suit

I Vagabonds .\lc('htnl|\. to High Str‘ccl. 552 2|35 lllpni l'rcc l’opular

I To my Boy Barth. Zoo (‘lxdc Sim-L os‘o no“ own Ill3lltitll L5 it'4i. lzlcctro \crihhlcix pla} l l-l_\ Spitliic\ night

I Parka, Sound Development Agency and Gents ( )ran .\lor.

“3| u 3.5 (ilt'dl \VLNICIII Ritiltl. 3.52 02””. [5. l ocal hill hcadlincd h} lhc Rapturc Irkc l’aika.


I GGI Suhua} ('ougalc. h" ('oxxgalc. 225 (Who. 2pm, LES pct da_\. ti l‘lltld} ll22ll “t‘t'hk‘lltll. SCL‘ l'll l5 Silllllil.l}\ linc-up l\ l‘lcax ik |.lcc. Rinn. Runnin' Riot. Izaxpa .\lca\a. lRllili. 2H Iiiilh liach. Spaini. Kidd Blunt. 1 x \ I'hcin. .'\tonigc\ illcr and 'l‘crrordac t_\l

I The Belgranos, Dakota and Roguestar \Vliixtlchinkicx. -l o Soullt lirldgc. 557 5l I4. opin. l'rcc hclorc midnight; £4 allcr, (’laxxic and contclnporar) rock lroni thc llclgianm \xilh lllllt'gl';l\\ \ihc\ lioni Dakota l‘olloucd h_\ hig rock lroin Rogucxtai. I Epic 26 and Bohemond llcnr} \ ('cllar Bar. S loa .\lorrr\on Slt'ccl. 228 9303, 7,3(lprn. £4. Rock and Indic.

I The System and Mesh 29 ('aharct Voltairc. 3o 3S Blair Slrcct. 22H (il7o. 7.30pm. £5. l)ouh|c hcadlining gig ol upcoming local indic. I Hobo chr} \ ('cllar liar. S Ilia Morrison Slrccl. 22X 9393. llpnl 3am. £5 1L4). 'l.i\c lllllxlt‘ and altcrnaln c

Free flowing bluegrass punk and chirpy indie are seamlessly merged by Larrikin Love. Treading a similar ground to The Zutons, but with less sax and more fiddles, they may sport some of the most ridiculous haircuts in rock, all askew boho, looking like over-styled cockney chimney sweeps, but their sharp harmonies and raucous guitar strummery more than make up for any sartorial short-comings. I Cabaret Voltaire. Edinburgh, Wed 20 Sec: Oran Mor. Glasgow. Thu 27 Sep.