Music Jazz


I Jess Abrams & Trio Ht) ()uccn Sttcct liar and chtaurant. Kl) ()uccn Strcct. 226 5097 9pm iiiidnight l‘t‘cc 'l‘hc ia/lx l'S \HLtlilSl [)L'rlt)l'lll\ alongsidc lici talcntcd

I Fish Fry 1 hc Ja/l liar. I (‘haiiibcrx Sticcl. 22)) 429)) I I illpii) Rim £5. Scc Sat 9


I Robert Scott and the Jazz Pack Sextet Rolhcx Hallx. Kingdom ('cnlrc. (H.592 6| I llll Spin. £l5

t£l2.5l) U 3.5”) Rohcit Scott and ilh Ja// l’ack Scxtct tonight xxill takc xou hack to Siiiatia'x l96l/62 \\orld lour. t'\[ik'kl lo llt'at all ()I' hillc L'_\t'\ _‘._'|t';llt'\l llll\ along xxith \HlllL‘ lcxxcr kiioxxii llllllllk‘h.

Isle Of lslay

I Mario Caribe Quartet with David Berkman l’ortiialiaxcn Hall. [\lc ol Na}. .16" 52W). noon, £5. 'l‘lic Bra/than l);t\\l\l llll\L‘\ up a licadx hrcxx ol latin |.l// xxith \pccial gucxt \cxx York |)l.tlll\l. lit‘llxlllall. l’ri/‘I n) [/It' li/iii/t Holt/c I\/(l\ ./ri.".‘ I'i'xtiiiil.

I Jaleel Shaw Quartet (‘oluinha ('ciitrc. (iartiiatra. lll~l96 S IUKIK. noon. £5. 'l'lic .\'\'(' allt)’\a\t)llllt)lll\l and rcgular xxitli 'l'hc \llllg’th Big Band and Rox Hanxncx. l\ ioiiicd l)_x l’aul lltll‘l'l\t)ll. lull) I.}iic and ion) Haiici‘olt. I’urt o) I/ii' li/m/t lir'll/t‘ /\/(I\ ./tl.‘.’ /‘(’\lllil/.

I David Milligan Trio and Colin Steele’s Stramash Huiiiiahahhaiii l)l\llHt‘l'_\. l’ort Axltaig. 467 52”“. 3.39pm. £8 1U»). l’lulllSI .\lilligaii pla'xx l'unlxx jal/ in a Hcrhic Hancock/(luck ('oi'ca \t} lc in a douhlc hill ol cxhilai‘ating gia/I-l'olk luxion li'oiii Scotland'x lcading ja/l trtiiiipctci' Stcclc. This conccrt ix hcing i’ccoi‘dcd in c lor BBC Radio 3 ta|\o tll\llHL‘l'_\ tour at 2.3llpin. Iiiiiitcd placcx axailalilc loi'iii 01496 S-ll)646. I’iiri o) [/H' Ii/(lt'k Iii)!!/1'/\/(l\’./rlf.‘ I‘i‘\ll)'il/.

I The Tom Bancroft Six Pack and Jaleel Shaw Hi'uicliladdich Hall. liruichladdich. M)? .520”. (i.3llplll. U) t£5 l. lixpcct ox crtoncx ol' lillington. .\lingu\ and ('arla lilc} as liancrol't lcadx hix \a\ and troiiihonc l'rontcd hand doxx ii tlic poxt-hop trail. ioincd lix _xouiig \ax pla_xci‘ Shaxx. l’iir! o) [/16 Blur/t lion/r /\/(l\ Jar: I‘('\Ill'lll. I Sheena Swanson Group featuring Fionna Duncan Hoxx inorc Hall. lioxxiiioi'c. Spin. £6 t£5). Spccial \ct lroni lxlax "x lincxt ia// \illglcl‘. I’urt o) Illt' li/ui'k Iioll/i' l\ltl\ .ltlf.‘ l't’\lll'tl/.

I Brian Kellock and David Berkman ('oluinha ('cnti‘c. (iartnalra. (ll—196 Xltlh‘lh'. 3.30pm. £8 i£6). 'l'hc txxo piano giantx lroiii citlicr \idc ol' thc Atlantic prciiiicrc tlic ll’llil\ ol thcir collalioralix c labour. I’iirr o) t/ii' Ii/ml lion/c /x/u\' ./ii;‘: l’t’\ll\'tl/.

I Melting Pot Brtiichladdicl) Hall. liruichladdich. 467 52l)t). lllpni. £6 t£5 ). ‘l'i'iiinpctcr ('olin Stcclc l.\lidnight liltic Band) lcadx his xix-piccc through a dallt‘L‘Htltir-lllllltlL‘tl la/l \L‘l. \\ illl lllL‘ cinphaxis on tlic luiilt. Part or I/It' lilac/t HUN/i" l\/(l\ .Iilf.‘ I‘lWII-ltll.


I Tim Kliphuis 'l'tilltottlll. .lail \Vx lid. ()l7i\'6 274mm. 8 lllpin. £lt) t£.\'i. Scc Hi 15.


I Tim Kliphuis ('alc ('UHacllok. Rll\\lall ('ultural ('ciitrc. ll) King Strcct. 553 H733. 9pm. £6. Scc l‘i'i l5.


I Konrad Wiszniewski with Haftor Medboe (‘alc (irandc. lS-l Bi'untxlicld l’lacc. 228 ll.\‘t\‘. l.ixc \ct lroin thc accoinplixlicd \a\ophoni\l and guitarist duo.


I Jazz in The Afternoon 'l‘oxxn Hall. Sandgatc. (ll 292 6| 1222. 2.3(lpm. £6. .\lclloxx jall \oundx xx ith thc Tim Barclla Big Band.

80 THE LIST T—L‘l Sep 300.3

East Kilbride

I The Swingcats: At the Movies Villagc 'l'hcali‘c. .\la\x\ cll l)rixc. ill 35.5 243669. 7..‘~l)piii. £ll).5l) i£9.5l)), Scc l‘ri l5.

Isle Of lslay

I Kevin MacKenzie Quartet RSl’l) ('cntrc. lslc ol lxlax. 467 52¢)”. noon. £5. .-\ L‘la\\lc linc»up lor thc quartct. alxo lcaturiiig Kcnnx l'.Hl\. l’hil liaiicrolt and Iain ('opcland. in) o) I/lt' Ii/in A lion/c I\/(l\ .ltl.‘.‘ l'('\/lltl/.

I David Berkman & Jaleel Shaw and David Milligan Trio ('oluniha (‘t-iiti‘c. (iartnatra. lll496 Slim l S. .\'oon. £5. l)oulilc hill ol piano lll;t\lcl'\. I’iirr o) [/I(’ [flirt/t lioII/i' l\/(l\ ,ltii.‘ l‘i'Ulltll.

I Fionna Duncan .-\rdlxcg l)l\llllL'l'}. .-\rdl)cg. 467 52t)t). l2.3l)pni. £5. Rt‘llt)\\llt‘tl \ticalhl Duncan plt‘u‘llh a xaricd i'cpcrtoirc ol ran. l’urt u) [/16 [flat/x Boll/v I\/il\ ./(l.".~ l't'xlll'ill.

I Trianglehead ('oluiiiha (‘ciitrc. (iartnati‘a. lll~l96 NIHHIS. 3pm. £5. Spit‘ilcd. iiiiprox l\;lllt)lllll trio lcaturing Martin Kcrxliaxx on \a\. Paul Harrison on piano/kc» and Stuart Ritchic on tll‘lllllN. waxing hard. last tan in a tlt)\\lllt)\\ll \Y(' xciii. I’irri o) I/It' Blur/t lion/r /\/(l\ .Iii:: I‘t'U/l'tll.

I Jazz Legends Na} llouxc. Htmlllttl'c. 467 520i). 3.30pm. “'L‘L‘lxctldcl‘ tickct lltlltlL'l‘S mil}. lil'\l conic lirxt \ci'xcd. Julian JHNL‘pll iii L‘tlll\cl'\allt)ll xxitli l‘ionna Duncan. to hc rccordcd l'oi‘ BBC Radio 3 tplcaxc notc alixoltitclx no aditiittaiicc altcr thc

intci‘x icxx has \llll'lt‘tll. I’uri of l/lt' lilac/t lion/v lx/iix' ./u:: I'i‘xlit‘rtl.

I Brass Jaw lxlax llothc. lioxxiiiorc. 467 5200. 5.l5pni. £6 t£5). l-‘un. cxhilai'ating \a\ophonc quartct. inspircd hx 29th Strch and starring l’aul 'l'oxxiidroxx. Martin Kci'xhaxx. (iracnic \Vilxon and :\llon Bcauxoixin. I’url or HIV Blur/t [Juli/c lx/iix' .Itif: I'k'xlii'iil.

I Haftor Medboe Quartet l.apliroaig l)i\iil|cr_x. l.aphroaig. ()l-l‘)6 3t)2-HS . 5.30pm. £6 (£4). l‘caturing Mcdhoc on guitar\ and thc hard-“oiling l’aul llal'l‘lxtill on piano. l’uri oft/iv Blur/t Bolt/c Ix/iix .liII: I'i'xlix‘iil.

I Scott Hamilton Quartet Machi‘ic Hotcl. l’oi‘t lillcn. 8.30pm. £8 t£6). Warn). \L‘llxtltillx. |_xrica| plaxiiig l‘roin onc ol thc xxorld‘x top \a.\t)pllt)lll\l\ and hix quai'tct. l'caturing Brian Kcllock on piano. I’uri HIJ/lt’ Blur/t Bolt/c I.x/ux' .lur.‘ I't'xlii‘iil.

Wednesday 20


I Close Shave Barbershop Chorus Ranixhorn 'l‘licatrc. 9X Ingram Strcct. .552 348‘). Split. £8 (£6). Popular tuncx l'roiii li‘x‘ing Bci'lin. ('olc l’oi‘tci'. Rtltlg’L‘l‘S and Hart from this l3-strong IllalL‘ \(llCC L'lltill‘. l’ilrl oft/iv .llr'l't‘lltml (‘m- I'i'xlix'iil.

I Michael Simons 'l'chai ()x na. I69 l)cali\lotl l)rix c. 6-19 7253. 8pm. £2. Scc \Vctl l3.


I Tribute to Stéphane Grappelli .\'ortli lidinhurgh Arts ('cnti'c. l5a l’L‘llll}\\L‘H (‘oui't. 3|5 2l5l. lell. £9 (£4 £6). l’ionccrja/I \ltillllixl (irappclli xx ho lornicd thc lirxt all-string ja/l hand. thc ()uiiitcttc du hot (‘luh dc l‘rancc. l\ rcxuri'cctcd hx Dutch ja/l x iolinixt 'l‘iin Kliphuix and thc John Rllxxcll 'l’i‘io.

I Jazz Jam and Open Mic Session .S‘t) Quccn Strcct Bar and Rcstaurant. 8t) Quccn Strcct. 226 5097. 9pm. lircc. SL‘L‘ “t‘tl l3.


I The Swingcats: At the Movies l’aixlcx .-\rt\ ('cntrc. .\'cxx Strcct. «SS7 1010. 7.30pm. £9 t£6i. Scc l’ri l5.

Thursday 21


I Beat Root Juice 'l‘hc Ja/l Bar. l (‘hamhcrs Strcct. 220-1290. lt)..‘\()pniv<.‘~ani. Frcc. Scc Thu 7.


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Norman Chalmers.


I Jeff Finlin and Nick Keir »\li(‘2. 33H Saucliichall Strcct. 332 2232. "pm £9. .-\incricaiia act. lirucc Spiingxtccn llllll\L‘ll ha~ L‘lltixL'll onc ol l'inlin'x tracks. ‘Stigar Bluc‘. ax thc intro lor .ill lll\ \llt)\\\. Iii/arrclx tour lllL‘llll‘Ch ot .\’t)x llilll"l't)t'l\L‘l\ 'l‘hc ()tiirclxox \ xx ill hc lll\ backing band lor lll|\ tour

I Chris Stout and Catriona McKay St :\lltll'L'\\ '\ in tlic Squarc. St .-\iidrcxx 'x Squarc. J78 8446. 7.39pm. £.\ t£6i. ('hrix Stotit lliddlc) and ('atriona .\lcl\'a_x (harp and piano) plax togclhct' ax part ol liiddlcrx Bid. Hcrc thc_x [‘L‘l'ltll'lll an cxciting lilcnd ol traditional Shctland tuncx and inodcrn L‘tilllptl\lllt)ll\.


I Haggerdash l-‘alkirk l'olk (‘lulx lllc l’olixh ('lul). :\rnot Sti'cct. 22S l I55. .\ l'olk l't)t)l\ cclchration xx itli tlic l)o_x\ lroin Slullcllttlhc.

Friday 8


I Linlithgow Folk Festival \‘ariom VCHUL‘S. (H.5le S-l—lhlll). 'l‘llllC\ \al‘}. l’l'lcc\ xar_x. .-\niiua| lollt lcxtixal xxith conccl‘tx. ccilidh \cxxionx. ci'al'l latrx. \\oi‘k\hop\. puh \cxxionx. canal t‘l'lllSL‘S. \trcct cxcntx and an opcn \tagc. ('onliriiicd acts includc .\lr Boon). lloogic and (iill Boxx man and thc opcning lcclurc thix war xx ill hc on 'l'hc Battlc ol~ Linlithgoxx Bridgc.


I Blazin’ Fiddles 'l‘olhooth. Jail \\'_\nd. (H736 27-1000. 3 lllpm. U2 (UH). SillL‘L‘ \larting oll ax indix idtial liddlcrx in a \hoxxcaxc tour. Bla/in' l’iddlcx hax c groxxn into a lull) -l‘lcdgcd liddlcr \upcr group xx ith a xxorldxxidc lolloxx iiig. 'l‘hcir harnxtoriiiing \llt)\\\ arc niorc likc an iiilorinal part} l'ucllcd 6x \tllllL' ol’ thc lllthl cxcitiiig. paxxionatc and \cnxitix c niusic around.

Saturday 9


I Ricky Ross ('iti/cnx' 'l'hcatrc. I I9 (ioi'halx Strcct. 429 0022. 7.30pm. £l-l. Thc l‘oundcr incinhcr ol' l)cacon liltic hax noxx lk‘L‘UlllL‘ onc of our lllt)\l ilL‘L‘UlllpllSJICtl \olo artists.


I Jeff Finlin and Nick Keir ('aharct \‘oltairc. 36 33 Blair Strcct. 22H (il76. 7.30pm. £9. Scc Thu 7.

I Katy Moffat 'l'lic Villagc. l6 South Fort Strcct. l.cith. 47H 78H). h’pin. £l2. .-\iiicrican roolx. countrx. xx cxtcrn. l'olk. hlucx and rock.


I Fiddlers Rally (‘arncgic Hall. liaxt Port. ()I 383 82l8()2. 7pm. £7 «£5 ). 'l‘hc l)tiiilcriii|iiic Strathxpcx and Rccl Socicl}\ annual l-‘iddlcrs Rallx.

Dunoon I Blazin’ Fiddles ()uccn's Hall. Argx ll Slrccl. (H369 7028M). £thc. Scc l-'ri 8.

Isle of Mull

I Mull Provincial Mod Arox Hall. Main Strcct. Tohcrmor}. 01688 3ll24l5. Tiincs xar_x. thc. (‘ompctition l'or local (iaclic singers and llluflclanx.


I Linlithgow Folk Festival \‘ariom \‘cnuu. 01506 8446“). Timcx xar_x. Prices x‘ar}. Scc Fri 8.


I Faslane 365 Saint -\ndicxx '\ in thc Squatc. I St .\ndicxx\ Squaic. 559 59ll2. l 5pm £7 i£5) I).ix ol political wit; to t’aixc llllltl\ toi‘ l-axlanc 365. llic continuoux hlockadc ol tlic l'ridcnt lxaxc xxhicli lk'g'llh 1 ()ct l‘L‘Jlllllllg‘ Ron \lclcod. .'\ll\l.lll Htilctt. Roli .lHllllM‘ll. Sci/c thc Max. I’at llllllll‘llllL‘\ and Sand} 0.

I 08880 (Kilc ('Uvaclii‘k. Rll\\l.lll ('iilttii‘al ('cnti'c. ll) King Sticct. 55“ “‘33. 9pm £5 t£3i ,'\ I aim lltllll’hll lxx (ilaxgoxx \ top llaiiicnco outlit


I Ceilidh Gaitherin’ Scottish Show \liiito llotcl. l6 l.\ .\liiito Sticct. 66.\' I2 34, ".45 Illpni £ 39 95 i£|995 undci It“). l‘.ll|t)_\ .i tiaditional Scottixh cxcning coiiiplctc xx itli grcat ccilidh hand. pipci'. liddlci‘. \ingcix and Highland danccrx Hullct nical and drinkx includcd

I One Glass Eye \\cc l‘olk ('lul). Roxal ()ak. lnliiiiiaix Sti'cct. 557 2976 ch/iiicr and i‘clatcd tuncx and \oltg\ lroiii l.t)llllall\ liaxcd group


I Linlithgow Folk Festival \aiiom \cnucx. l)l5t)6 sat-toot), lllllt‘\ xai‘x l’i‘iccx xai'x. Scc l‘ll S".


I Koda liaxtgatc 'l'licatic t\ .\rt\ (critic. liaxtgatc. lll72l 725 77“. 7.30pm. £10 1 £8). 'l'i'aditional lllll\lL' li'oiii Higgar.


I Katy Moffat 'l'hc Statc Hat. HS Holland Strch 332 2l59. Spin. £Il), SCL‘ Sat 9.


I Ceilidh Gaitherin’ Scottish Show .\liiito Hotcl. l6 IS .\linto Sti'cct. ()(xS I234. 7,-1.5 lllpin. £39.95 t£l9.95 undci' l6x). Scc Stiii ll).


I Linlithgow Folk Festival \‘arioiix \cnucx. ()l 506 844600. 'l‘inicx xai'x. l’i'iccx xai‘_x. Scc l'l'l .S’.


I Ceilidh Club (‘alc‘ ('tixxat‘lltik. Russian ('ulttiral ('ciiti'c. ll) King Strcct. 225 2299. Split. £6. ('cilidli dancing. lurioux liddlcrx and callcn Io lcad you through thc \tcpx lcaturing Thc BL'HL' Slat‘x l l2 Scp) and Hcclicgolccric l l‘) Scp).

I Folk It! 'l’hc Mixing Rtitillh. 224 “'L‘sl chcnt Strcct. 221 736‘). h'3llpii). lircc. SL'UlllSll/ll'lSJl l()ll\ \t'S\lt)ll xkllll l-‘iona Young.


I Beverly Smith & Carl Jones l.cith l-‘olk ('luh. 'l'hc Villagc. South Fort Strcct. 478 78“). 7.30pm. £5. ()ld- tinic mountain ltltlxlc l'roin Smith and Joik‘x.

I Ceilidh Gaitherin’ Scottish Show Miiito Hotcl. l6- IS .‘Vlinto Sti'cct. 668 I234. 7.45 ll)piii. £39.95 t£l9.95 undcr Nix). Scc Sun ll).

Isle of Mull

I Burach An 'l‘ohar. Argx ll 'l'crracc. 'l’ohcrmor}. ()l683 3l)22l l. 8.30pm. £8 (£6). Imaginatixc l'usion ol clcctric Scolllxll ccilidh. pop and iiiodcrn dancc rhythms.

Wednesday 1 3


I Michael Simons 'l‘chai ()x'na. I69 Dcanston l)rixc. 649 7258. 8pm. £2. (ilasgoxt-hascd guitarist playing folk. blues and hcyond.