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Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to jules@list.co.uk. Listings are

compiled by Jules Graham and Carol Main.

Thursday 7


I NYOS Futures ( 'ii} ll.lll\. (‘andleiiygx “3 Hill fipm Ur .lHlll the creme de la eieine ol Stotland'x yum}: llllhlc‘litllN and L'tlllll‘tt\t'l and eondintoi. lailuard llaipei. as he intiodutes and directs (iieek t'ttltlptML'l l.tllll|\ .\en.il\l\' I'll/('L’Iil. \xhieh nods to the battleground hetueen the neu ()I}nipi.m gods and the 'l'itanx.


I Band of H.M. Royal Marines Scotland ('ai'negie llall. laast l’oit. ill ihi ilJtltltl, 7 ttlpin. U" it‘ll. 'l he e\ei popttlat eoneerl season leatuiing inuxie lioiu the classics. \hous. llllll\ and hi}: hand eia

Saturday 9


I Mack 8. Music with Cathures Scotland Stieet School Museum. .\lu\euin ot ladueation. 235 Scotland Street. In" tlStltl. noon. l'iee. .\ short a eappella choral eoneert directed h} ('hristophei' llanipson. I Mack 8. Music with Cathures llunterian .-\rt (iallei'). l'nneixit} ol (ilasgou. 83 llillhead Street. *3” it i l. 3pm. l'ree. See Sat 0,

I BBC Proms in The Park ( ilasgou (it'L‘L'lt. (ii'eend_\ kt' Stieet. ll.\'7llll lllllllill 7.45pm. |*ree on appheation. 'l‘he ltlt(' SSH lille' L‘L'ttllt' \ltlth' tl\ lllL' lllK‘ l’totth in the Park eoines north of the hoi‘dei' ltll



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82 THE LIST “7 Cl Seti .Xtt‘ti

Be one in a million as Proms in the Park brings the magic of the Last

Night of the Proms to five outdoor locations across all four UK nations. In Glasgow, the BBC $80 is joined by trombone player extraordinaire Christian Lindberg and Canadian soprano Measha Brueggergosman. who made her Edinburgh International Festival debut to great critical acclaim in 2004. And she’ll even keep on singing in the rain.

Ci/(qutlz‘; (in my), 8.3? fl Say:

the lourth )mi l'llltlllllfJ. 'l'he orchestra \Hll he iomed h} the lii\t'it*l}dt' .lumoi (lion and lltl\l\ Sallx \lttglttlssitlt and Jamie \lt‘l)ou§:all.


I Organ Recital Kel\ ingim e ;\l‘l (iallei‘_\ & Museum. .'\lj_‘_\lt‘ Street. 27h 050‘). 2. it) 3pm tk UH -lpni. l‘ree. lake a seat in the Museum's magnilieentl} restored eentre hall and eti|o_\ the some \tonderlul music as the Sunda) l’ronienade eoneerts return to lx'elxingrme. 'l’his month sees .»\}i'\liii't--litii‘ii international eoneert organist l)onald .\lael\'en/ie take to the

he} \.


I St Giles’ at Six: Michael Garrett Ensemble Si (liles' ('aihedral. Itoin .\lile. 2% 0073. (rpm. l-ree. .\ eliainhei eoneert ol intisie h} Miehael (iari‘ett. including: music tor elarmet. piano. llute and cello. plus \oeal \xorks.

I Organ Recital ltlaekhall St (’oluinha's ('hureh. ('oluinha Road. “2 44%|. 7,.iilpm. l'ree. \\ith line lidinhurgh ttl'gttllhl .lohn Kitchen.

Tuesday 12


I Get Organised! - Battle of Britain Special l'sltei‘ llall. l.otltian Road. 338 IISS. l.lll IStlpm. B. John Kitchen presents a stirring selection ol ltthlttlglt‘ pieces. including old ta\ourite\ such as the R.‘\l' \lareh Past and the Dam Blisters March. in remembrance and celebration of the Battle ol Britain.


I Summer 2006 Organ Concerts (and Hall. ('it} Square. “I 382 4340-1”. “.lfipin. U; \t'l'IL‘\ of 4 eoneerts W5“. (and Hall \ltou \ oll ll\ Harrison and Harrison organ in a series ot' eoneerts. lllh time it's the turn ol Bill llutehexon from the Scottish ('ineina ()rgan 'l‘i‘ust.

Glasgow I BBC SO Thursday Night Series (‘in llalls. (‘andleriggx 35?» soon.

7. illpni. L") L'Zlfitl. ('onduetor llan Volkm opens the season \xith a liteial hang. as he guides the HI'L‘llt'\llit throuin I'loiu'ix/l it ill: I'Ii'i'iiorkt. a short p_\rotee|inie diqila} lor orchestra h} ()li\ei' Knuxsens. plus Iterlio/‘s .Sini/i/mn/i' l'rllllilUlr/lli' and \Vallon‘s \iu/u ('om ('I'IH leaturiiig international talent. l.a\\renee l’oxx er.


I Prosto Quartet Si (iiles' (‘ailiedi-al. Ro}al .\lile. 230 (to? t, Npin. L‘ltl iL'Xi, 'l'he St l’etei‘xhurgg'x loursome perform an melting: ol Rtl\\l;tlt music tor String: Quartet.


I Nevis String Quartet l-alloi-k ‘lomi Hall. West Bridge Stieel. (Hill Siloxflll. 7.30pm. £7 l\ltltlt'lll\ U l. ('laxxieal ltlll\lL' presented h} the l'alkirk Young: Artists l’erlorniing: Siieiet}.


I National Youth Choir of Scotland: 10th Anniversary Gala Concert l'shei‘ llall. l.otliian Road. 335 l155.7,3llpin.t.\' LII. .loin Ztltl singers and the RSV ). eondueted h} .\'\'(‘o.\' lounder (‘hristopher ltell. loi' llll\ gala eoneert celebrating: \onS‘ lilth annneisai‘}. 'l'he progiamine \Hll leatuie Handel‘s /mloA I/lr‘ I’I'Ir'\1.\‘;ttl;_'lt.tlt \Villiainx' Xi'n'niii/r‘ to Mum and l’oulene's (i/mm. alongside pieces h} Bernstein. .\lu\g_'ra\e. llo\haness and Saiiietx.

Tuesday 19


I Get Organised! - The French Connection l‘slier llall. Lothian Road. 33* ll55. l.|tl ISllpin. £3. John Kitchen presents an all- eneoinpassing programme ot l‘reneh nuisie. including hallet music h} hill} and Raineau. uorks l'rom the time ol the Rmolution such as Balhasti‘e'x \éiririliom on [/11' .lluru'il/uiw along with organ l'a\ourites h} liranelx and \Vidor.

3i? BBC Proms in the Park See prevrew. left. Glasgow Green, Sat 9 Sep.

=5: National Youth Cholr of Scotland Not long back from a phenomenal debut at the London Proms, the finest of Scotland's young singers continue to celebrate the choir's tenth anniversary in a gala concert for which they will he Joined by the RSNO. With their bright voices and crystal clear diction. their first class reputation. gained over the past ten years. is well deserved. Usher Hall, Edinburgh. Sun If Sep.

9i: NYOS Futures Continuing their unique explorations into contemporary music. a small ensemble of players from the National YOuth Orchestra of Scotland's Camerata presents an informal concert desugned to develop a future for the interest in the music and musrc:ans of today. Conductor and composer Edward Harper is just the man to introduce and explain the wonderful world of Xenakis. City Hal/s, Glasgow. Thu 7 Sep.


I Scottish Opera: Die Fledermaus Dundee Rep. la} Square-.0133} 32 ‘5 ill 7. illpin. U3 lU Uh. Strauss. tonne operetta lln' li’r'ii'nur of I/Ir‘ “(ll updated to the present and sun): Ill l‘.llj._'ll\ll

Wednesday 20


I John Rose with Stewart Kempster and Robert Melling \IL'lt‘llilllli\ llttll. 7 \Vt'sl (iL'iit‘jJL' Sllt't‘l. “J “"57. I 3pm. £5. Ancient ('Iunew poetr} in \L'lllllf.’\ h} .lolm Ruse. pltlx hagatelles h} l‘llllll\lt L'tllllptl\L'l Joonax Kokkonen. perloi'ined h} pianist Rtlltt'll Melling: and bass haritone Stewart Kempster.

I The Merchant Voices ('n} ll;tll\. ('andleriggs. 35% Htltltl, 7pm. l'ree New eoinmunit} choir L’tlu'l‘ltljJ a broad toeal repertoire. led h} tenor and conductor l)tllll|ll|L' l’L'Clsllillll. ()pL'tl lll tttltllls (ll ttll ttgcm tit) prex tolls tlttlle'ttl L‘\pct‘lt'ttcc ls required iuxt lots of enthusiaxm'


I BBC $50: The New Babylon (‘ii_\ llalls. (‘andleriggx 353 Hill)“. 7, ttlpin.

L Ill, The Blfl‘ SSH perform Shostakoxieh's hrilliant \eore ll\L' alongside llll\ eelehrated silent cinematic drama. based on Marx's account ot the “WI l’aris (‘ommune. Part of the .lli'n'lmli! ('ili I'('\I!l(ll 200/).