
Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.



351 Are} lc Slit-cl. U37“ 341) 7533. ll’. \\'(‘. WA]

Fifteen Years: TWO Fingers 'I'hu 3| SCI) .\I(lll 5” ()L'l. liiilt' :\lL‘lIL'\ L‘L'll‘hl‘;llt‘\ le l5lh anniwrxar} “all \i\ \wckx' north oI cluhx. L'\llll‘llllill\. gigs. cxpcruncnlal Iht-alrc iiiiclulhng lliL‘ annual .‘IH /l('\ I./\'I;' L'\Il‘.l\;lg;IlI/.l I. (IilllL'L'. and monologues llI lhc lllllL'l\ La Petite Morte 'l‘hu 3| Sl'p. H.4lipni. (Hi. NC“ Pl'lllillk'llllll Ironl l.I\;I \laric (ircgan t'\ploring_' soul‘l} '\ l)i\\L'\\l(IlI \xilh \lolnl'n \xho loll and the law oi iilt' it‘llllllt' lalalt'. /’r1/'Iu/.l/'r/u'\ l.ll'l;.'

Pit 'l'hu 3| & Hi 33 Scp. 7pm. (H). l:\pcruncnlal lhcalrc pit-cc I'roin \lcgan llarkcr and Neil l)ohcrl_\ UMIIIIIIIIIIg Iooll and hunger. in! n/ xil'l‘llrW l.l\’l;,’


ll‘) (iorlialx Sll‘cl‘l. 43‘) (I033. ll’. ll.

\\'( ’, \\'.'\|

The Likes of Us l‘nlil Sal I) St'p. 7.30pm. [l3 (£5). llclcn ('halincrx' L‘\ploralion oI' \xorking pracliccx in “IE earl) 3lllh t't‘nlur} compares lhc llrullgcr} lhaI \xorkcrx l'at‘t‘ll ill lhc earl) parl ol' lhc ccnlur} \xilh more modern iill\IIIL'\\ cm ironincnlx.

Stars l'nlil Sal ‘) Scp. 7.30pm. £13 «£5». liolloxxing ilx \uccmx aI lhc lillinliurgh l'icsliml l'ringc. Ania llilling'x talc ol' l'our )oung people making lhc iouriit'} inlo allullhooll anll lhc inn ilalilc lo“ oI' innocence along: lhc \xa}. comes lo (ilasglm.

John Hegley: I Am a Potato Sal 0 Sup. SL‘L‘ Kill\ “\Illlg‘.

Fewer Emergencies'l‘ul- 12 Sal Iii Scp. 7.30pm. L' l 3 (£5I. :\ lripl'wh ol' nth p|a.\\ Irom Marlin ('riinp C\po\illg_' lhc h_\ pocrixicx and lL‘II\IliII\ oI' \uhurhau IIIilllllL‘ (luv lill'.


I) l'niwrxil} Awnuc. 330 5533. |\\'('. \\';\l Breakfast at Audrey’s 'I‘uc I0 Scp. l.3llpin. t'h t'h'. John lliunic's lragic IVri'rrur' l-‘irxl \\ inning t-\p|oralion ol lhc lil‘c ol' .-\ullrc) llcphurn lroni lhc pcrspcclixc ol a )oung Scollixh \\lllllilll. colnplclc \\ ilh lrapC/c aclion and a haunling rcnllilion ol' ‘.\loon Rixcr'.

Tosg Atman A’ Chuirt illll SI \t-p 3pm ‘45. 'l'xxo pla_\\ pcrloinicil L'lllIlL'i} III (iacllt' Iroln l.lllI ('llthIon Simlh and Iain i'lllla} \lat'll'oll. holh oI \klIlL‘lI malninc IilL' liclrayil ol human rights and lhc way III \xhith lhl- (‘hulth \t'r} oIlcn lurnx a i‘illlli ow lo suth allocillw

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'nixcisil} oI (ilaxgou. .\3 llrllht-all Slit-cl. 33” 54H ll’. \\(‘. \\,\|

When the Moon was Overhead \un III Scp. Sun 1" Scp rk Sun 31 \t'p

3 ‘~.3lein. l-rct'. .\ l‘k'lIUlllldllL'k‘ ol \llaii Radchlch llralnalu~ monologue. \xhil'h Iot‘uwx on \lackinloxhK \I\ll‘I-III l.l\\ l'ranctw \laulonalll. an .Illl\l in lIL'l o\\lI righl \xho mcnluall) tonunilll-ll \lllt'llil' Hooking rct‘oinint-nllul in! or [In

.Urll AIII/IN/I /'¢‘\lllrl/


307 Halli Sui-cl. oxm olio (mils III \\'(‘. \\'.~\|

Rikki 8: Me l'nlil Sal ‘I Sup 5 5UP!” I\\'cll ik Sal rnal 3.3llprnr t'lll5ll L33. BQHL'll on Kate l'ullon‘x hook. llII\ shim I‘t'cl‘calt'x Ilil‘ IIIL' and laughs oI lhl' popular t'oinlc aclor Rikki l'lllloll. Guys and Dolls Sal H) Scp Sal " ()t‘l lnol Sum. 7. illpnl i\\'cll lk Sal nial 3.5”Pini. t'l-l Uh. Hank lot-\er claxxic Illll\lt‘;ll sols Ill l‘HHx \cxx York L'Ulllt'\ lo (ila\:_'o\\.


75l 735 (il'l'al \lecm Road. 55" (i3lill A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: Drawing Board l'nlil Sal ‘) Scp. |.lleui. UH. .\ \horl lhcalrc piece lroul Daniel .lat'kxon ahoul lhrcc t‘haraclcrx snuggling; lo IIIIlle' a career than in; colniu.

A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: Sea Change Mon ll Sal lo Sup. l.|I)pnl. {Ill Imus llclhcringlon t'\plol‘c\ lhc lure oI lhl' ocean and lhc cl'lct‘lx oI t'lunalc t'hangc. A Play, a Pie & a Pint: Tir Nan 09 Mon l3 Sal 33 Sup. l.lllpnr L'lll. ('oinical. llllllll \oil'l'll opt'rclla hx l)a\c Anderson.

I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE \cn Slit-01.887 Hill), “I. \\’('. \\'.\| Secrets and Lies and DIY I‘ri I5 Scp. 7.30pm. £85“ lt'5i. .\ ,\II\lIl\ prollut'lion oI' Rona \lunro'x court-ll} uhch l)l\' errors bring; lhrcc \cr} llil‘l'crcnl uorncn logl'lhcr.


Ill RL‘III-lk‘iti SII‘L‘CI. .553 lh'Jli. Ill. \V( .. \\‘.i\|

Dora the Explorer: Live Inc I3 Sun I7 Sup. SCL‘ Killx llxlingx

Mrs Brown’s Last Wedding Inc

I‘) Sal RI) Scp inol Sun/Mom. 7.30pm.

Anja Hilling, a German scholar and theorist, shows a touch of emotional delicacy in her piece for Nutshell. Accompanied by

an enthralling soundscape and design, Stars tells a story of love and

loss in adolescence.

.irffl‘” 7""17'". :~r“.'., i" i:'

{l5 No.5“. Iilk'lllirlll ()'( 'alloll l\ \fgnl's Himin Ill lhc lirxl pall oI lhl‘ popular liil i'oinl‘ll} Irilog} alioul a I_\plt'al l)IIl‘lIII Inainln} anll llt‘l l‘olnit‘al allwnlurlw


332 Hope Sim-I, ox‘o (Hill no.1“ III. \(il). \\(‘. \\'\l

Steptoe and Son in Murder at Oil Drum Lane l'nlll Sal ‘) Sl'p. 5. iill‘lll i'l‘hu & Sal Inal 3. illplni. t'lll L335”

'l ilt' \chl lanll lnl t'onicx lo (ilaxgoxx.

rm I\ III}: ililcrall} l popular t'harat‘ll'lx .\ll\t'rl and Harold. St‘l In llll‘ lulull'. loll}; .lilk‘l \li‘l'll has hut-n inurllcrl'll h} llarolll. llk‘ \ho\\ calt'hl-x up \\Illl Ihl' crranl \oII \xhoxc l'rlnlinal paxl has t'onil' lial'k lo haunl hun.

The French Lieutenant’s Woman .\lon ll Sal lo Scp. 7.3llpni Ilhu .\ Sal Inal 3. “lplll i. (III I [335(Ir .\nlhon} Hour“ and (image in In); \Iar III liII\ \Iagt' \L'IMHII Hi John l'lm iL'\‘ IIo\ L'i ahoul an ainalcur \t'lL‘llll\l \\llo lict‘onliw l'nlraucl‘ll h} a In} \lt'lllllh \\lIIII.'lll.


35 .v\llwrl |)ri\c. ()345 334) i5lll. |\\(‘. \\'.i\|

The Garden of the Fourteenth Moon Sal ‘) & Sun III Scp, ". 5(llllll; 4.30pm. £5 IUI. .\ Inaglt'al \lor} Iol all lhc I'aniil} h} auarllrmnnin; urlll-r

\llll.i}| .\a.iill \\i'a\lu;' locl‘lhi‘i lII\lil\ anll Iolkloil‘ Ilom all .lli‘llllii lill' z'lolw. IlIl' \Iol_\ lollo\\\ l l'lla. a i‘l'.Illilllli lollllz' Ioil‘xl fJIll \l'altlillu' Iol i|.illlll\i\'l. Ilii' llI\l' U! lll'l lIll'

My Dark Sky \al II. \al In My

\\l'll Sal 5 illplii :5 I.“ :11 I_ Ilaxl'il on HIV llul' \loi) oI Ham and \opliil' Sl'lloll. llnx Ill-u pll'il' Iloill lx’l‘l'llnffi .\ \\ rillun}: Iollmxx lllk'llli‘l‘l\ oI iill' \\ hili' Row group Illlollggll Illl' l.I\l «lap oI Ihcii [‘llllk'\l\ .l;f.llll\l Hllil'l .lIIll Ihu \.l/l ll‘g'lllll‘


(ii illlll_‘_'.ll\'. 5531])"

The Truman Capote Talk Show illl' 13 Sal I!» \t'p .\pin I.” LI 1 it!» 2 U “(ill Killg'lllllll l.Ii\l‘\ llIl' lHll' ill Illl' \inl'llt'an \Kllll'l Iol lill\ popular \hov. Drenched Hill .‘I Sal 3% \l'l‘ \pm

t‘l til it5 Lair \ olil' \\lill|.lll \lIH\\ Iloin llollclllouxl' l'\plolin;' lllllllil‘l. rilixt'xxloii anil \mual Il'.llHlI\_\

Check out the

on page 15

Theatre Guide



Thursday 7

see Rock 8. Pop


Friday 8

see Rock 8. Pop

see Film

Saturday 9

Sunday 10 Monday II

see Rock 8. Pop

see Rock 8. Pop

Continued over page }

lucsday I2 V‘/r2(.Iiii;sday Iii

King's =2” .- 3.1., ‘4.” - -'. Oran MOT . DmW'ng Bored Drawmg Bored Drawmg Bored Sea Change Sea Change Sea Change 7 Theatre Royal tin-wt ' - v. . Tramway Garden of . . . Garden oI . Tron .... .. . _BI'IIIIt0II Theatre 3| 7 Henry V Henry V Festival Theatre . i I A 7 7T i Erode W 5 Side Effects Drawing Bored Drawing 80red Drawing 80red "4 To." .1‘ ‘.' ' - Playhouse g i“—“""“”s..aa;.ay‘f ' ' -


86 THE LIST 7—31 Sop 2006