Visual Art

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnycrlcith llollyc. 5.52 7 I 7 l,

Robert Ryman l'ntil Sun I ()cl. Solo \lioyy by thc Atticrican rnodcrniyl. curatcd by L‘ollcclor l'rx Rauyymullcr and thc artiyt himycll. bringing togcthcr \Hiriy lrom l‘)()3 Io lltc prcscnt. I’url u/ lixll'. TWO Voices l'nlil Sun 1 ()cl. llnttgcy ol thc gardcn portraycd lrom both blind and \lglllcd pcrypcctiycy. L‘l'ctilcd by Roytlu .\lacKcu/ic and Rchccca .\larr. l’urr ml llxil',


'l‘hc Link (iallcry. .\lorningyidc 'l'crracc. 22‘) 3555. '

And Other Stories . . . l'nul Ir: 3‘) Scp. ('onucy and drayy ing\ by local and iutcrnalioiuil artiyty lrom thc altcrnaliyc drayy ing \L‘L‘llcy. such as chcc l‘rcnch. .\latt .\laddcn. llunt lilnmci‘yon and l)auicl Johnston.


2 ('hambcry Strccl. 247 42 I‘). .\lon Sat Illam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm; 'l‘uc

Illam Spin. lice

Beyond the Palace Walls: Islamic Art from The State Hermitage Museum 0.... l'ntil Sun 5 .\'o\. it» (Hi. All cyhibilion \lloyycuying oycr 2Illl yyorky ol lylamic art l'rom lhc Ruyyian collcclion including lc\lilcy. cmlu'oidcricx. glayy. mctalyyork and icyycls. Reflections: A Decade of Northlands Creative Glass I'ntil Sun 7 Jan. I‘IL‘L'. A collcction (ll. oy‘cr ()(l bcautil'ul \yot‘lyy l‘rom Scotland's intcrnatiotuilly rcnoyyncd ccntrc l'or contcmporary glityy.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY 'l'hc Mound. 225(i(i7l. .\lon Sat

Illam 5pm: Sun noon 5pm.

Laura Ford - Armour Boys 000 l'ntil Sun I() Scp. lircc. An cyliibition ol' cayt iron child \i/c \uily ol‘ armour cxploring thcmcx of \ iolcucc and war. I’m'l nil-.141". LAST CI IANCE TO SEE.

4 x 4: Scottish Collectives Sat lo SL‘P Sun l2 Noy‘. l‘rcc. A \lloyy cayc oi ncyy yyot‘ky Irom yomc ol‘ thc most important and Vibrant \ iyual art groups around thc country. including Limousinc Bull. (icncralor l’roiccty and .\larkct. NEW SI IOW.


llolyrood Road. 47.3 2000.

World Press Photo 06 t'ntil Thu 7 Scp. l‘rcc. Winning cntricx l‘rom thiy prcytigiouy photography compctition. giy ing a glimpyc into the liycs ol~ pcoplc all acroyy thc \yorld. l’url ol'llu' I'k'ylii'u/ a/‘I’u/im-s 2006.

I SCOTTISH POETRY LIBRARY 5 (‘richton‘x ('loxc. (‘anongatc. 557 2870. Mon Fri llam ()pm: Sat

noon 4pm.

The Shiants l'ntil I‘Il S Scp.

I lam bpm. l-‘rcc. I‘ound objects. lilm

96 THE LIST 7—21 Sep 2006

lootagc. painting\ and poclny dcpictmg tluy ixolatcd group ol llcbridcan island\ by Pat Lays. Ian Stcphcn and .\‘orman ('halmcrs.


23 ('ocltburn Strcct. (‘22 b2tltl. Daily

I lam 6pm.

Tracey Moftat: Adventures oooo l'nlil Sun 2‘) ()ct, Kitych. comic-\trip

\l} lc photography by thix .\uytralian artiyt. \\ht)\c darkly ambiguouy narratiycy dcal yyith iyxucy yuch ax gcndcr. cthnicily. poyycr and \ iolcncc.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'niycrxity ol' lidinburgh. South liridgc. b5” 22III. 'l‘uc Sat Illam 5pm. Girlpower/Boyhood 00000 l‘nul Sat 3“ Scp. .-\ \clcction ol lantaytical \yorky cyplormg lairytalcx. romantic illusions. drcamy and symbols. I’url u/ Itxll". Scc llllliyi.

Barry Schwabsky: Gallery Talk ch 2t) Scp. hpm. 'l'hc Amcrican art critic giy'cx thiy talk on thc (fir/[Hm('I/HrH/Inm/ L'\Illhlil(lll.


llayytliot'ndcn l.ccturc 'l'hcalrc. National (iallcry. thc .\lound. (:24 ()5b(). Vincent: The Full Story I-Ly cry 'I‘hu until 2| Scp. l lam. A \ycckly lrcc yct'ccning oi \Valdcmar Janus/c/ak'y (‘hanncl 4 \crics about the lil'c ol Vinccnt Van (iogh.

Vincent on Art Hi 8 Scp.

l2.45 l.3(lpm. l'rcc. National (iallcry l)ircclor .\liL'lltlL'l ('larkc looks at thc lcttcrs and yyork ol‘ Van (iogh in ycarch ol‘ lily opiniony ol' othcr major I‘lth ccntury artixts.

The Work of Ron Mueck Inc 12 Scp. I245 I.3l)pm. l-‘rcc. .-\l‘li\I \Vcndy .\lc.\lurdo c‘xplot'cs .\lucck's inllucnccs and thc \ytll'ly ol' his contcmporarics. Brothers in Arms: Vincent and Theo Van Gogh .\Ion IS Scp.

l2.45 l.3()pm. l-‘rcc. Richard 'l'homyon looks at the t‘clalionyhip bctyyccn thc arliyt and his art dcalcr brothcr. 'l’hco. Van Gogh’s Painting Materials and Techniques: Paris Encounters 'I‘uc ll) Scp. I2.45 1.30pm. Free. An cxamination of Van (Iogh's working mcthod by lilla llcndriky I‘rom thc Van (iogh .\luycum in .»\mstcrdam.

Private Galleries


78 .\lonlt‘oyc 'l'crracc. Abbcyhill. ()(il

l I67. 'l‘ucrrl‘ri IIIam 5pm; Sat Itlamw2.3()pm.

Wayne Warren a Delia Marjoribanks l'ntiI Sat It) Scp. Paintings. sculpture and prints by thcsc tyy'o at'tixtx. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


75/79 (‘umbcrland Strcct. 558 3352. \\'ccl»~Sat llam (rpm.

Delicate Ground 0... l'ntil Thu 7 Scp. lixpcrimcntal \yorks by Ii(':\

gradualc -\ndrcyy .\lackcn/ic cyploring contraytmg \tylcx ol landxcapc rcprcycntation. ’ml of [LI] CHANCE TO SEE.


It): “or Him, 33o limit Warn 5 30pm

Kinky Kinetic Synthetic I-n .\' Scp I'll 6 ()cl. Bold and playlul ncyy \york by licck'x photography pit/c“ yyinncr and ‘hyylcrical middlc child'. Lucy .\laclcod. SI‘I‘I‘L

.\lon Sat

I CORN EXCHANGE GALLERY (‘onytitution Strcct. 5M "WU \Vcd Sat

I lam 4.30pm. l‘t'cc.

Lauren Kirkman l’nul Thu 33 Scp. 'l‘cxturcd installation. rccrcatmg a \cction ol lidinburgh road. and ayxociatcd printy by llll\ Amcrican artiyt. In! or I'.,\/'.


ll (iaylicld Squarc. 55S 7| Ill. \Vcd In

I lam hpm; Sat noon 5pm.

Moyna Flannigan: Well, Well

0... l'nlil Sat 30 Scp. l’rctly grotcyqucx and othcr carniyalquuc Iigurcy by thiy prolilic local artiyt. I’m'r ul

lisl I".


2| Rutland Squarc. 22] 9377. Hi

9am 5pm.

Re-Mark 8: Lifelines l'nlil Sun 24 Scp. ()il paintingx and miycd mcdia yyorky by Kcrry Kirkyyood. pluy chyica lloyyarth'y tcxturcd picch c\p|ormg iyxucx til. idcntity.


() (‘arlton 'l‘crracc. 55o 444 I. Inc Sat Illam 5pm.

Thread .... l'tilll Sat ‘) Scp. l’iL‘L‘L‘\ by Alcxandcr ('aldcr. l)ay id Batchclor. lan l)a\‘cuporl. John Mc('rackcn and othcry. l’ur! u/ lixll‘. LAST CHANCE I0 SEE.

Anna Barriball Hi 15 Scp Sat 28 ()ct. Illam 5pm. l‘rcc. .\‘cyy utility from thc contcmporary artixt. NEW SI IOW.


chcnt Road. 550 444 l.

Candelas Five 8. Six l'ntil Iiri I5 Scp. Illuminach artyyorky by Day id Batchclor in yyhich hc tlycy cycryday plastic itcms to crcatc a multicolourcd light tll\[llil}'. Par! (if/M I”.

Artist Spaces


"h I',.l\l (’ioxxcauxcyyay. NF j.\il.\ l’hu Sun noon hpm

Annual Members’ Show I n l< Scp Sun .\ ()cl l \hibition ol \\t‘li\ by IIIL‘IIII‘CH ol thc l mlxixxy collccliyc -

\;‘. “i.

I PATRIOTHALL GALLERY \\;\Sl’S l’alriothall Studim. oll ~1.\ llJIIllllHIl l’lacc. 225 I2.\"

Words on Paper \al U \Mul 2o Scp. noon hpm .\ typographu cyploration ol xlaug by (‘ollccn l’ugh \E

I TOTAL KUNST @ FOREST 3llli~to l’lacc. 22H 45 35 \oou Illpm Alistair Wyllie: 23 Years of Influence l‘nuI \M-d 2“ Scp Im- \ \yild lumblc ol bumpci truckx. gulx m lmgciic and city mghly. yyilh a l\\l\l ol old puatc tattoox. military art. and a l‘l‘.‘ dollop ol .lapaucyc dcxigu and typography liom \ll\l.tll \\yllic. plux collalmratiom liom l lph. \my \\ lulcu and Sun (‘)

Outside the cities


I52 \cthcrgatc. III 382 ‘III‘I‘HNI luc. \\cd. I'll tk Sat Ill3llam 5 illpm. lhu Ill.3llam S,3IIpm; Sun noon 5 3leH Miranda Sharpe l'nul Sun 24 Scp l'rcc. .\n cyhibitiou ol \Il\t‘l Icyycllciy incorporating colourcd rcymy and lcal mctaly.

Writing Scottish Art In x Scp. llam opm. L2H, ()nc day conlcrcutc diycuyymg Ihc implicatioux ol a Scottixh .-\rt. ’l'hcyc hiytoi‘ical l't'llt‘t‘llttlIS m contcmporary oy cry IL'\\\ \\ Ill mcludc .\lalcolm l)icl\\on. .\cil .\lulhollaud. ('ordclia ()liycr and .\lurdo .\lacdonald SL‘L‘ :\I'llk‘.’ll,

Killing Time Sal ‘) Scp Sun 5 \o\ \u cypcrimculal collabot‘allon bctyyccn aruxix (iraham lagcn and (iiaham Izatough. llux cyhibitiou l\ a lll\IUll ol pcrlorm.mcc. yculpturc. IIINltllltllltIIl and cycnl Artist’s Talk: Killing Time lhu 3| Scp. 7pm. l'rcc. (iraham lzatough and (iraham lagcu lcad tluy tour ol lhcu collalmratiyc \llnyy.

Callum Innes

This exhibition of paintings by the Edinburgh-born artist brings together works that examine minimalist

themes such as ‘identified form’, ‘isolated form’, ‘repetition’, ‘monologue’, and ‘resonance’ - terms associated with particular threads and formal vocabularies within lnnes’ oeuvre.

I Frurtmarket Ga//ery. Edinburgh. Sat 30 Sep—Sun 79 Nov.