
Melting Pot 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £5 t£4 £2.50 rncrnhcrsl, A chancc for upcoming \\ ritcn to scc thcir \kctchcs pcrlornicd on stagc “ith )ou. good audicncc. tlccidlng thc


Last Laugh Comedy The Arcadc Bar. 48 ('ockhurn Strcct. 220 I297. 0pm. £3. Top rniducck corncd} c\cntng hostcd h} irnprcssionrst and racontcur Kcara Murph). uho has hccn duhhcd ‘lzddrc l/lard with lcss niakc-up and morc (ilasgou '.


The Thursday Show 'l'lic Stand. 333 \N’txxllands Road. 087” 600 (>055. 8.30pm. £6 l£5 £3 rncrnhcrxl. Brucc l)c\'lin hosts this cycntng. in lhc cxtccnicd cornpan} ol popular circuit pcrl'orrncr Rogcr Monkhouxc \\ itli 'l‘on) ('artcr. Strsan ('alnian and (ircg Mclluglt.


Big Word ('it} ('alc. l‘) Blair Strcct. 0708‘) 508 436. 8.30pm. £4 (£3). A rc- launch of thc night l'orrncrl} knou n as Big ll'nrtl I’t'r/omrum‘t' I’m'lri'. A cclchration ol' words, through poctr). songs and corncdy from a rangc (it local and intcrnational talcnt. The Thursday Show lltL‘ Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 9pm. £6 t£5 £3 rncrnhcrxi. M(‘ Joc llccnan prcscntx l’ornrny Johnston. Stti & Paul and llcnrik lilnicr. llot t'ood's axailahlc so )ou'xc got no rcason not to skip right on over. The Snatch Social 'l'hc Liquid Room. ()c Victoria Str‘cct. 225 2564. l lprn 3am. £5. Scc Thu 5.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcut‘s. l'(i(‘ Building. chl'r'cu' Strcct. 08707 870707. 7pm. £l(). Rclax in thc cornpan} ol' Stcphcn K Amos. Ncil Mcl-‘arlanc. l)a\'c Williams and (icol‘l‘ Bo) /. ()ncc thc

laughtcr dicx. dancc until 2am in (lab- th. rncludcd in thc tickct pricc Scc caption lor Amos.

The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 335 \Voodlanth Road. tis’tiritXiritiSS thipiii. £.\ it" {5 lllL'llllK‘fSl. Rogcr Monkhousc t\ roincd h} local bright )oung lllllt‘g‘S Ton} (artcr. SUSHI] ('alrnan. (ircg Mcllugh and ltoxt Brucc l)c\ lltt.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcuix. ()mni (‘cntrc. (ifL‘L‘llSIdC l’lacc. 03707 870707. 7pm. 2.“). ()oh. its thc xxcckcnd again. Sax c _\our poor lch l'rorn going to a rcstaur'ant. colncd} cluh thcn dancing h} doing it all undcr' thc Jonglcnrx rool. Tonight's laung conic l'rorn l)rc\\ Bart. (lax in \Vchslcr. Barr) ('astagnola and Mark \Valkcr

The Stand 'l‘llk' Stand. .5 York l’lacc. .555 7272. 9pm. £8 (£7 £5 nicnihcrxl. Susan Morrison hosts 'l'hc Stand \xcckcnd and \lttnxs us him ()('I) can hc lunn} _\cl inl'or'rnaln c. just likc llic cool suppl} tcachcr )ou lanclcd at school. Sliclx joincd h} l’ornni} Johnston. Stti .& Paul and llcnrick lilmcr'.

Saturday 14


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcur'x. l'(i(' Building. cht‘rcu Str'cct. ll.\'7ll7 87ll7ll7. 7pm. £13. Scc l'l‘i l3. Blackfrlars Bumper Value Comedy Blackl'r'iars. 3r» Bcll Strcct. 552 5924. Split. £(i. llcad dim nxtair's to thc Blackl’riat‘s' Laughtcr l)ungcon. \xhcr'c M(' Alan Andcrson it ill do his utmost to \atisl} your corncd} nccds. llc\ joincd l1} Bt'ucc Morton and [Hun from [/H‘ Bro/i Patrick Rollink. O’Neills Bumper Value Comedy ()'.\'L‘lll\. 4.57 Sauchichall Str'cct. 5.5.3 4370. Split. £(i. Scott Agncxx. Br'ucc Morton and Patrick Rollink hop on \tagc and rnakc you laugh. A l‘cn c\tr‘a quid gcts you into tlic post-gig disco. ch. that's right: a disco. 'l‘hcir' \xord not ours. The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 53.3 \Voodlandx Road, 0870 (i()() (i055. 9pm. £lll. Scc l'it‘i l3.

Word on the street was that Mr Amos was

very, very close to getting a spot on the shortlist for that big comedy prize they give out in Edinburgh during August. Whether he had made it or not, his beaming smile would remain a constant feature. The cheeriest man in comedy is back with more tales of youthful dreams and childhood confessions. Jong/eurs. Glasgow, Fri 73 8 Sat 74 Oct.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .loiiglt-tin. ()rnni ('cntrc. (il't‘t‘lhltlc‘ l’latc. US" '7 VlVll" “pin £13 Scc l'll l1

Grumpy Old Women: Live 1 c‘\lt\.il ilillL‘dltL‘. l 2" \lutlvlll \llt't‘l. 5:" Nu“ lopni £2” £2l 5H llircc li\c and rathct ltll'll‘th lt‘llldlLN takc to tlic \lagc lot an org} ol tnrddlc .igcd lll.t}llL‘lll. tll\l‘ltc‘\l h} thc BBC: \c'llt‘\ \lalltllfJ .lcnn_\ l-claii The Stand lltL‘ Stand. 5 \oik l’lacc. 555 “2‘2 ‘lptn £lll Scc l‘ll l3


Michael Redmond‘s Sunday Service Inc Stand. 3‘4 \\tN\\ll.tl1rl\ Road. os‘orioorioss .\ Iopiii L-l lg: L1 lttc‘llllk‘lv lhc \\cckcnd cndx licrc. lolk\ l'..i\c tlic pain u itli \lr lx’cdinond. l)c\ Mclcan and l'x'cir Mc \lllSlL'l and .i \\llch lot ot latrglitct'


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? lllt' Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S ‘2‘: lpni l'tcc Scc Sun S,

The Sunday Night Laugh-In lllk' Stand. 5 York Plan“. 553 ‘2": i5 3llpin £4 «£3 £l inctiihcrxi Sttttda} cwnrngx arc t‘ultltixh. ll _\ou cant hc hotlict'cd \xalcliing )ct .inollici pcriod drama or cating )our \xcight lll last niglit‘x pi//.i. go and \cc \Hltlt‘ conicd}. Magic iiian Slc\cn l)ick l\ on hand to clicci' _\otr tip. \\ itli 'l‘on} (ar'tct‘ and llcnr'ik l:lnicr. Scc I)ick prolilc.

Monday 1 6


VWX 'l‘lic Stand. 53.3 \\'ootllantl\ Road. l).\’7ll (ile (ill55. S.3llprn. £3 i£2 £l lllL‘ltllk‘l'Sl. 'l'lic \\c‘lltlllL‘\\ ol \'\\ .\ |Cltllll\ \\ ith in c act\. a host and .i liot‘xc. .-\udicncc\ dccidc tttplc\. and \\ lto gct\ a paid hooking nc\t tirnc. llll\ \xcck‘x lttixl SlL'H'n l)ick lxcc protilci IS lolncd l3} llcnr'ik lilnicr as lic ll'lL‘S to control “has last hccoining tlic oddcxl colncd} night in Scotland.


Red Raw 'lltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7272. 8.30pm. £l. .lainic :\ndcr\on \upcn iscx llcdgling c'Hl'tL‘dtdlh lcxting lltL‘Il' [NM Cl‘S. lollo\\ cd lt} a \L‘dStlllt‘tl hcadlincr‘.


“8d Raw il‘ltc Stand. .355 \Voodland\ Road. 0370 (Mt) (i055. S3llpm. {I it] nicnihcr'xi. .-\l'lahlc giarit ('iar'} l.ittlc slicplicr‘dx thc \\ cc cotnic lanihx through thc \tar‘t ol~ lltc‘ll' conicd} car'ccr‘ in llll\ ncu talcnt tiight. You \av. tlicni licic lirxt.


VWX 'l‘lic Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 3.30pm. £3 i£2 £l lltL'llllk‘t'w. Scc (ilasgou Mon lo.

Hairy Watt Comedy The l’nion. llct'iot \Vatt l'nixcr‘xit}. Riccar'ton. 45] 5333. 0pm. £3. l-unn} lad} Susan (’alnian hosts thc cxcning. \\ ith laughs coming from circuit lamur'itc l)c\ Mclcan and thc c\ cr~cndcaring 'l'on} ('ar'tcr'. Studcnts and gllc‘xts o\ct' IS onl_\.

Wednesday 18


Benefit in Aid of Maggie’s Centre 'l‘ltc‘ Stand. .555 \Vtmdl‘dnd\ Road. “37” (ion (M55. 8.30pm. £6 r£4i. lla\c a laugh uliilc t'ccling “arm and hill} inxrdc. l.o\cl) corncdianx gnc up thcir tinic tor l'rcc to raixc inonc} lor Maggic'x (critic. \\ hich hclps canccr sullcrcrs and tlicir tarnilicx.


Benefit in Aid of the Scottish Palestine Society The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. S.3l)prn. £(i t£4 i. lop comedians lcnd thcir \uppott to thc group lighting for thc rights of thc l’;llc‘\tlnlatt


Who's he then? He's one of those comedy rnagic‘ians or. depending on your viewponit. magician comedians. When he's not making the Queen of Hearts lll\,’SlOTl()llSl\” appear out of his mouth. he may be busy Writing Jokes for 8 out of IO Cats and Mock the Week. And to paraphrase Bill Hicks. he is available for wedding parties lwww.stevendrckcotik).

In three words Cheeky. charming, churnmy.

Where we saw him The Stand. Edinburgh on Monday 1 1 September where he hosted the Red Raw night.

Anyone else good that night? The new acts ranged from the shy and nervous to the ballsy and shameless while the anarchic blast from Allan Miller proved rust why it is good to see him back in the comedy fray. Sarah Millican also charmed the gathering wrth her notebook in hand trying out fresh material and ticking off the Jokes which worked and crossrng out the ones that didn't. There were more of the former, thankfully.

Where next can we see chk do his thing He Will be hosting

at The Stand. Edinburgh, 15 & 17 October and The Stand. Glasgow on 16 October. (Brian Donaldson)

pcoplc. Morc inlor'rnatioii at

\\ \\ v. \ctitttxlipxc‘ tir‘gtrk

Last Laugh Comedy lllt' :\rtadc Hat. JS’ (‘ockhut'n Sttccl. 22“ IN”. ‘iptn. £3 Sc't' \\ Cd l l.

Thursday 1 9


The Thursday Show lllL' Stand. 333 \Vtititllantlx Road, 0S7” (ile (ill55,

H. 3llpni. £o l£5 £3 lllL'llllk‘l'H. It's ncar‘l} lltL‘ \\ L'L'l'xL'lltl. and no onc L'H't dHL‘\ all} work on a l'l‘ldgl} \o yin nia_\ as ucll go and \cc \Hlllc' cttltlcd}. ’loniglil'x ollcringx conic lr‘oni Mark Marci. Gar} l.ittlc. l’adrarg ll}l;ttld and Joc llccnan.


The Thursday Show 'l llL' Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7272. 0pm £(i r£5 £3 tnctnhcr'x i. 'l‘hc hcautilull} groonicd Br'ucc l)c\ lin \tcpx up to lllthlc'l' thc riiic lltt\ c\cntng. as thc rnan \ilio riiadc \rnar't- casual hitch}. Roh l)ccring. 'lon} llcndrickx and l)alr\o (‘liaponda prm ldc thc rcst ol tlic laugh»

The Snatch Social 'l lic l.quld lelll. ‘)c Victoria Strcct. 225 2504. l lpni 3am.

£5. Scc 'l‘ltll .‘.