Classified Personal



Fill in the free postcards available from the following venues: The Basement, City Cafe, EH1, Filmhouse, Fopp Bar, The Street, The Pear Tree, Traverse Bar (Edinburgh), or The Arches, Brel, GFT, King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Moskito, 13th Note, Tinderbox, The Tron (Glasgow).

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0 If you send several replies, send them in one large envelope.

0 Box Numbers are valid for three months. 0 Replies will be forwarded once a week.

110 THE LIST 1"; ill; No: (MOI;


9 I Saw You at ‘Why .\'ot.' You pinched my arse and I laughed awkwardly. [7564/1 V I Saw You. l.egolas strumming your bow in the ('ity (are. Would you be my warrior prince'.’ The Sith I.ord xxx [7564/2

U I Saw You in our l’lat. get- ting disheartened about eyer linding a decent job... don't be sad unicorn. things are gonna get better. we'll get there in the end? low you millions. so glad yott liye here now [7564/3

V I Saw You in the 'l‘raycrse bar on Wed 8 Nov We chatted abottt dairy and llnpt'oy‘isetl llot 'l'oddics and I wish I'd introdttced mysell'. Better late than neyer. eh‘.’ [7564/4

0 I Saw You Jill - he won't giye me yottr number. btit there was heat. limail instead.

SIC the”. [7564/5

0 Saw You. singing about buttercups and laughing like an idiot when l l‘ell ol'l' my chair. ()oll. you're delicious .\lt‘. [7564/6

. I Saw You. beautil‘ttl girl on the bits in l)alry on Thurs l) .\'o\. me in white yan. Thank you 161‘ the great \‘ibes you were sending. XX [7564/7

9 I Saw You in my flat on Marchmont Road on Sun 2‘) ()ct. I sat by yott to eat my baked apple. I l‘elt a \‘ibe l'rom yott. I think you're hot. [7564/8

9 I Saw You. Queen oi chas night. loyed you in your white with bltte polka dots ensemble. \\ iin I could gamble tny lite on you? The stniling stranger? XXX [7564/9

9 I Saw You tny little kan- want the to tie you down. sport'.’ l.oy‘e l‘t'om 'l‘inkers. ['/564/l()

9 I Saw You in lilectric (‘abarct. looking at the big scary boots. You're lat' too nice for such angry clothing. young man. ('ome with me to BllS some time? [7564/1 l

V I Saw You walking down the aisle. looking like my angel. Thank you so much l‘or being my wile and my best mate. Yeah its? [7564/12

0 I Saw You iii ()pium. wrinkling your nose at the music. I oycrheard you saying that the drummer was lit: well I'll pttt my arms round you any time baby? [7564/13

0 I Saw You in 'l‘eseo Metro. l.eith Walk nearly eyery day. getting your bread on the way home. Your little red coat and black woolly hat make me want to .snog your lace ol'l'. ['p lot‘ it'.’ [7564/l4

0 I Saw You in Bannet'man's. workng behind the bar. you cheeky little brunette. I'm the guy with the glasses that broke. you sayed tne that night. lllttllk‘s loye? [7564/15


V I Saw You in Brel. your curly hair and pink tie caught

my eye. Then I noticed your pocket rocket. You tnade my night! [7564/16

V I Saw You at King lots and you are beautil‘ul. I will love you always. Victoria [7564/17

9 I Saw You a tall dark stranger who shakes a moati cosmo? You can shake my world any time! (Arches Bart [7564/18

0 I Saw You at a Arches ('ale bar. looking sultry at work. your name is Lyndsey. I want you? [7564/1‘)

v I Saw You in the Arches: I didn't see you really bttt I wanted to so band because I line you! And you called the when you needed a hug? So this postcard giy'es you the biggest httg eyer? l low you with all my heart sweetheart? May your days always be sweet like candy? l.o\e .-\ xxx [7564/2l)

V I Saw You David. the night you bought me a Death l)isco ticket. You looked so beautil'ul in your kill. 1 wish you were mine to keep l'orcy- er... Ashton xxx [7564/21

0 I Saw You. stacking books in the sports section ol~ \Yaterstones in the (ialleries. 1 lo\ ed your stripcy blue jumper. your dark-rimmed glasses and your constant humming. You RAWK my world. [7564/22 . I Saw You. looking hot in your intcryiew suit. l'd giye you the job. anytime. Kisses. xxx [7564/23

V I Saw You at .\lilano ('alibrc. (il‘T. Brown/red haired girl in pink sweater l'.’1 sitting to the left of your two friends. I'y'c seen you bcl‘ore and thought you were diy inc then also... from cute boy. [7564/24

. I Saw You - But so tlltl she. Dancing round on llallow's liy'c. [7564/25

O I saw you see her. not me. Wish I'd seen what could‘yc been. [7564/26

. I Saw You gorgeous dark haired girl at (‘eol's (‘t'aic ((1 ('(‘A on Sat 1 1. sitting in the corner with your friend. I was with the table ol' noisy diners. Maybe l could take you to tlin- ncr next time‘.".’ [7564/27

O I saw you at Bump. Brunswick IIotel. Yott. honey p— ic dreamy tall blonde with a smile to die for! Me. tall hand- some with glasses that night. Been watching you l'or years now! When will I get to meet yottl'fll' [7564/28

V I Saw You in 'l'intlcrbox in Ingram Street. (ilasgow, bald linglishman bossing the stall about and taking things too seriously... get a Ill-e??? [7564/299

9 I Saw You: goi'gcous doc. Me: awkward but charming lass. falling off wedding buses. Has it really been that long'.’ I miss yott. can't wait to see you soon baby". [7564/3l)

V I Saw You .\l(‘\\'. actor. at Xllth Birthday Party in .v\ugust. hobbling around with your crutches. How's your injury"? :\t’e yott back on your noble steed yet??? XXX [7564/31

ly , f 09081 420 073$


Personals ,

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