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We visit them on the road in Denmark

finally breaking into the mainstream.

outside walls.

really have to do to pay the rent.

Nouvelle Vague Coloursfest Skye Music Festival


There’s a new record label, new songs and a new start for Scotland’s most consistently ingenious rock band.

for a mix of

rollercoasters and rock shows and find out how they’re

Take a beautiful stately home in deepest Ayrshire and let loose on it some of Brazil’s most accomplished graffiti artists to create a truly spectacular artwork on the

Proof, if proof was ever needed, that being in the

creative arts was not all showbiz parties and owning your own tropical island. We wheedle the truth out of DJs, actors, musicians and authors about what they


Thai yoga massage


42 THE LIST l()~2/1 May 9007

Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Alpha Dog 1 l5) .0. i.\'ick ('axxayefex. l'S. 2000) limile Hirsch. Jtlxliil 'Iitnberlake. Anton Yelchin. 1 17min. 'Iimberlake the trouxerxnake acquits himself surprisingly well ax the reluctant u itnexs in a youth-gone-yy ild melodrama baxed on the real-life murder of teett .\'ick Markoyyit/ in Zillltl. Arch directorial tricks and bloated cameos from Bruce \Villix and Sharon Stone only distract from the bleak. nihilixtic core. (it’llt'l‘tl/ H'lt'HH'.

Arthur and the lnvisibles (tr

0.. (Lite BL‘\\t)Il. I‘rance. 2()()7l Voices of I‘reddie Ilighmore. .Mia Farrow, Ron (’rayy ford. 93min. In an adaptation of his oyyn children'x book. Bexxon mixex liye- action and ('(il animation \y ith patchy resultx. Arthur tIIighmorei embark on a quext to \aye grandmotherx il-arroyy'i house. complete \\ ith troll-like Minemoyx. an evil yyi/ard and xaucy princexx. Moxt entertaining in II\ |i\e-action sequences. it's heayy on \ty le but light on originality. (i/mgim l-i/m 'l'ltt'ufrc. (i/menn‘.’ ('ineimrlt/ IftliIt/mre/l. Iz't/in/tm'eli.

>i< Away from Herr IDA» 0...

(Sarah I’olle}. ('anada. 3000! Julie Christie. (iordon I’inxent. ()ly mpia Dukakix. lfflmin. I’olley '\ fier feature film ax director SIQII'x \creen legend (‘hrixtic as a yyoman yy‘hoxe long and happy marriage is threatened by Al/heimer'x. leading to conftlxion. recriminationx and reyenge among iyyo elderly couplex. Not afraid of tackling hard- hitting xubiectx or injecting the odd bit of humour. Illix i\ a beautifttlly In“ -ke_\. intelligent debut. (ilmgmr l-i/m 'I‘lit'um'. (i/uxemi': l‘f/HI/IHHH'. lat/inlnu‘e/r.

>2: Bamako mo. coco

t.-\bderrahmane Sixxako. Mali/l 'S/I‘rancc. 3(fl)5i.-\i~xa Maiga. Maimouna Helene I)iarra. Balla llabib l)embele. 1 15min. This African political drama folloyy \ a tnock trial in the Malian city of Bamako betyyeen African ciy il xociety and Western financial inxtitutionx. Ayoiding dour didacticixm by contrasting the proceedingx \\ ith \napxhotx of ex eryday life. thix i.\ more than an exercise in the iniqttitiex of globali/ation. See rey ieyy. page 3‘). l‘f/Hl/IUHH'. lit/inluujeli. >51 Battle of Algiers f lSl .0000 l(ii|lo I’ontecoryo. Algeria/Italy. 1965i Ilrahim flaggiag. Jean Martin. Yacef Saadi. l-itlmin. A documentary -.\ty le reconstruction of Algeria‘s struggle for liberation. Brilliantly realixtic quite brutally st) in the controy erxial torture sequences thix ix a


textbook example of" political cinema at Il\ most perxuaxiy'e. I'i’lni/mme. Int/i‘n/ttuje/i. Becoming Jane mm .0 lJulian Jarrold. l'K/I'S. 2007) Anne Ilathayyay. Jamex McAyoy. Julie Walters. Jamex ('romyyell. Maggie Smith. llilmin. A biography of Jane Auxten lplay ed beautifully by Ifathayyay l which cites a relationxhip with cad. lietlultixt and la“ yer ’I‘om l.efroy lMcAyoyi as the reaxon behind her \uccexx. Despite excellent performances and a yery generous \mattering of Alixten'x bext linex. this is sadly ax dreary ax period dramax get. (intent! rclmw. Bildwechsel Screening libel (\ai'ioux. Various, 10053006) lltlmin. A tnixed programme of independent \horl films by female. lexbian. tranxgender. feminixt or queer filmmakerx from Scotland and beyond. I‘ot' more information \ ixil

\y \y whildyy ('( 'A. (fluxenu; Black Snake Moan l lSr COO

l('raig Breyxer. l'S. leflm Samuel 1. Jackxon. (‘hrixtina Ricci. Juxtin 'I'imberlake. 1 15min. Rae lRiccil ditches her military boyfriend l’I‘imberlakel for her drug dealer ll)a\‘id Banner) and a drunken \pI'L‘L‘ until l.a/aru.\ thlL‘kxnnf take\ it upon himxclf to \aye her from herself using a guitar. three ehot‘dx and the truth. An unuxually riyeting dixxection of race. religion and redemption through the blues . . . until the [H'L‘pttxiel‘tlllx narratiye begun to break do“ n. See rey'ieyy. page 38. Selected I't'letiw from l‘ri IN .llm. Blades of Glory f 12M 00. ifmh Gordon/“ill Speck. IS. 2007) “iii I'ei'l‘ell. Jon Ileder. Will Arnett. 93min. Riyal figure xkzllei'x (‘Iltt/l Michael Michaelx lf‘ert'elll and Jimmy Macfilroy llIederl muxt skate together. in pairx' figure skating. bttt \yill they be able to put their differencex behind them’.’ Spoof moy ie machine I’errell find\ another obxcure xpm‘l to riff in Illix enjoyable piece of tomfoolery. (it'nrm/ Ilt’ll'HAt'.

Blue Blood f lSi COO tSleyan Riley. (K. 2000) ‘Jlmin. Iiyery year a bunch of ill amorted ()xford undergraduatex train tip to box againxt (‘ambridge xtudentx and earn their ‘()\ford Bluex'. Shot from the

\ ieyypoint of the boy \ and their ey er optimixtic coach thi~ \eemingly clunky film U\lll'p\ expectationx to be amiable. amateurish and totally compelling. See

rey ieyy', page 33. .S'limi'i'uw. (inn/Hitler A" Slimrt‘usc. l’tlIA/(W from l'i'i l/ .lltiy'.

The Breed t IS: 00 i.\'ick .‘ylaxtandrea. IS. 2000) Michelle Rodrigucl. Iiric I.i\ ely. ()liy er Hudxon. ‘Jflmin. Another mongrel killer-dog liimie in \yhich loyable poochcx metamorphoxe into man'x yyorxt enemy. But lhcxe pups can think. plan and coordinate their attack. unlike the \\ tile“


Director Stuart Rosenberg and writer Donn Pearce’s great 1967 prison drama and Christ

allegory gets an airing this fortnight in remembrance of Rosenberg who died in march of a heart attack. Starring Paul Newman at near enough the top of his form as the egg eating, warden baiting, inspirational petty thief Luke who finds himself incarcerated in a chain gang in the deep

south of America. I FI/lll/lOt/SO, Edinburgh, Wed 23 May.