I Kandella and The Latecomers launcx Hat. ;-1 King Sti'cct. ill-ll 552 " I 2 i. .\'.3(ipiii. l-i‘cc. (liiginalx and \‘l;l\\l\‘

I Loris and The Zips \icc'ii‘Slt-ax}. -l2l Sauchicliall Sti‘cct. 5 ‘3 “Will .\'..illpiii. L71. l'ulk}. i‘\}c‘lit‘tlt‘lic‘ nick li‘uin l.ill'l\ and old \chiml punk ll'tllll 'lhc /.iii\. I The Woodentops, Laki Mera and Catcher King l'ut‘x \\'ah \\ah llut. 2—2a Si \‘inccnt Sti'cct. 22l 52"). .\‘._§llpin. L'l2 Rclui‘n «it thc li'cnc'tic .\(i\ indic hand lcd h} Rtllltl .\lc( inn; and at unc puint lt‘dltll'lllg‘ an w. /:'\i cditui in thcii‘ linc up.

I Rob Park, Autoneck and Gravious i Mi] \txit- t‘atc. .511 (iii lx'ing Sti'cct. 551 I!» §.\. “Pill. iciccti'unica.

I The Yellow Bentines llcanwcnc. 5‘3 ‘l2 \Vtiiullallth l\)\i;ttl. ‘lhllll. Willi. l'i'cc. l’ianu imp.

I The Easy Orchestra 'I lit‘ Huuci‘t'l} & thc l’ig. l5‘ Hath Sti'cct. 22| "l I. lllpin. l'i'cc. Scc l'l't .\.

I The Mules .\li(‘2. iii! Saucluchall Sll'L‘Cl. 532 2232, \lldlilg‘lll. Lit. SL‘L‘ 'l'lltl l~l.


I Christ. and Frogpocket ('ahai'c-i \iiltaii'c. 5h 3% lildll' Sti'ccl. 22H (\lqh. “PHI. U». licnhccula i'ccni'dx \limxcaxc nl manl-gat‘dc clccti'unica

I Silent Years, Chutes and Little Kicks llcni'\ \ (‘cllai' lidl'. \ lha \lni‘i‘iwn Sticct. 22.\ ‘H‘li. 5. zlipin. L5 lndic night ti'uni I l-l_\ Siiitlii'cx.

I Miyagi llcni') \ ('cllai' Hat”. 8 ltia \liii‘i'min Sti'cct. 225 ‘l “N. Iliun. £5 iLVli, Black l)t.tltli\lltl l'.\|‘l'L‘\\ night ml altci‘natnc i'uckalull} and lunk \Kllll lhc lx’cdcniptinn lilx and a \ci‘} \iiccial gucxt.

Saturday 1 6

Glasgow I Halt Bar Hijack ll lic llall liai'. lltll

\Viiiitlltttlth Ritatl. ‘l‘lllli. .5'lilti. l'l't‘c.

.13!» ,;




www. aha: ':. 5.329 {mg mitt

'l'mi da} inini lcxt lcatui'ing pci'lni‘inanccx h) ‘l’hc \ccdlcx. llauntcd llnuxc. lilcgicx. l’aul Napici'. Dunn thc 'l'in} Stcpx. .4\cuu\tic Buttci'l'l}. (ii‘ni'. .'\ka thc l-’n\. ()ttcrlc}. Sahrcpulxc. Ktill\-tllll- l’;t\. liil/lltlL‘L'. .\ll;t lit‘tltlc t\' lllL' .-\\tlunatic Sccnc. loin Slum hall. llapp} \cai' l’tmlx. lin} littlc llcai‘l\ and l/n lit/m}. I Open Stage the Hall liar. lht) \Vmidlandx Rnad. .52 WOW). 4 8pm. l‘il'L‘k‘. SL‘L‘ Sat ‘l. T29 Aereogramme, We are the Physics, Sucioperro and Terra Diablo ()uccn \largai‘ct l'ninn. 22 l'nixcixit} (‘iai‘dcnx 33‘) V‘s-l. "pin. L'lll5ti~ ()\ci' l-lx \lltl“. l5ai‘c tlicc \xcll .\ci'ugi'annnc_ thc latcxt \wll—lmcd Scuttixh hand to call it a da_\ in tlic lacc ul' linancial \li'ugglc. \Vith \uitahlc li()l\L‘ltll\ \tlpptil'l\. l’tll'l iii [In lli'x/ Iz'nt/ I'm/ml. I Art Brut and Vincent Vincent 8: the Villains ()i'an \lni‘. "5| ".5 (ii'cal \\c\tci'n lx’uad. 35" (Bill). "pin. £8.50. ;\ll lli'ut L‘Llllill5 ai't nick ll'Ulll \cxx (2th“. l.UlidUtl. l‘l'Ulllk'tl l‘} lllt‘ c\ti'a\agantl} c_\chi'm\cd liddic .'\l':_'0\. Support l'i‘nni tlic rnckahill) l;t\ltL‘ \inccnt \inccnt. m gmid thc} naincd him txxicc. SCL‘ [‘l't‘\ lt'\\_ [xigc (ill, I Conquest of Steel, Achren, Maelstrom and Circle of Tyrants Sittindliaux. J" ll}dcpai'k Sti‘cct. 22l ~l(i5‘). "pin. £0.50 t)\ci‘— llx \hmx. Smiidx and \kullx \litmnianxhip limn (Rintiucxt and pagan hlack tlu'a\h l'i‘uin _\cln’cn. I Dead Generals, Jiezuberband, Alan Verth, The Little Kicks and Chute ‘l'hc l't‘l'l'}. .-\ndci\tnn Qua}. ’l'hc Hi'miiniclau. “th3 3M) ()5. 7pm. L5. l'nxigncd lucal hand\ night. I AJ Roach llillt‘ .'\nnc\c. 9;! Stcuai'h illc Sti'cct. l’ai'tick. 35‘071". "Gillan. U). .-\inci‘icana ttl'll\l .\.l lx’uacli. lkimiii'alil} cunipai‘cd in it)“ ncx Van /.andt. in! n/ [In HM! [and l'i‘\lll(l/,

0-1. ~.\\ pp“ -‘


er, in‘tiwzm g?

1 if,

Once upon a time in an indie galaxy far, far away there was Z a genius band called Levitation who were decidedly out of step with the indie world with their trippy prog blowouts, driven by the spectacular drumming skills of Dave Francolini. Levitation expired many years ago but the drummer has sought out new endeavours and here he has teamed up with singer/multi-instrumentalist Anthony Tombling Jr for a band specialising in exploring the darker corners of the human psyche. Debut album Here are the Roses has the likes of Depeche Mode, early Cure and Interpol as touchstones for the strident anthemic tones. This is

their live Scottish debut. 'Kiiig; 1.33;. (i't'i:;§;<>'.'.', H‘ii [Jim

I The Aliens (‘laxxic (il'itlltl. l8 .laniaica Sli'cct. 3-1" 0820. 7.50pm. L"). ('minic llllll\ll'L‘l\} l'i‘nni L‘\-lllt‘|lllk‘l'\ nt ’l‘hc lit-ta Band and their clnnn lunc l’igcnn. touring on tlic hack ul' lhcii' dchut alhuni .lelmnunn' lur Dug»

I Dougie Maclean Raul (‘iinccl‘l Hall. 2 Sauchichall Sti'cct. 353 xnnn. 7.30pm. U050 USS”. Scotlanth l'm‘cinmt l'nlk/i‘nntx ti‘uuhadnur.

t'L‘liU\\ ncd l‘ni' thc uniqucncxx nl‘ hix incaninglul. haunting liltl\lL‘.

I Chaser, The French Quarter, Hyphin and Exit Music Barron land 2. 2~l~l (ialltmgatc. 552 4(illl. 7.45pm. L'h. ()wr- l.le \hmx. l.ncal hand \lltl\\Cil\L‘. I Jack Penate King 'I‘ui‘x Wait Wait lltll. 272a St VttlL'L‘lll Slt‘L‘L‘l. 22l 52-“). Split. £7.50. ()\ci'- l-l\ \llt)“. South London \ingcr/xnngui'itci' “ho i‘caiiiiii;itc\ thc ghmtx til Drakc and Bucklc'} ttlUl litci‘all} thought to much lttlkL'tl-ttlititll Cl'lt‘t‘l.

I Le Renaissance, The Bluffers, The Usuals and The Routes Box. ~l$l Saucliichall Sti'ccl. 352 5-13l. Spin. lii‘cc. .-\i‘ctic \lniikc} \ indic wundx li'mn 'lhc lilul'lci'x.

I Vehicle, Wynd, Pillow Fight and The Dylans Bai‘l‘l} lll|i\ltlll'\l. 2(il) (‘liac Stt'cct, ()870 «m7 (i000. xpm. U». ()uadi'uplc hill of li\c lllll\lL‘.

I Ex-Wives, Grnr and Red Word kill] \nlc (lttltl‘. 50 (ill King Sll‘L‘L‘l. 555 thX. 0pm. £4. .r\lhini-\t,\ Ic i‘il'liilng) l'i'nni thc hand l'ni'inci'l) knmx n ax Stai'x Kill.

I The Gilded Angels 'l‘hc Buucri'l) & tlic l’ig. I53 Bath Sti‘cct. 22l 77l l. lllpin. l’i'cc. Scc Sat 0.


I The Days ('ahai‘ct \iiltaii‘c. 3h 53 Blair Slt‘L‘L‘l. 221) ()l7(). 7pm. Lllk‘. 'l-llL‘ i'ccluxixc Ba} \ put in a liu‘ \ct til lunkcd up dancc hcatx.

I Dirty Monet llcnr} \ ('cllai' liar.

3 Ma \ltii'i'iwn Sti‘cct. 228 0303. 7.50pm. H. Blucx and i‘uck'n'i‘ull.

I Tessmarka Sulma) ('imgalc. (it) (‘(l\\:_'lllk‘. 22.5 (CM). .75”an Lllk‘. SL‘L‘ \VL‘tl l3.

I Neil’s Children ()clupux Diamond. 37 (iuthi‘ic Sti'cct. 225 074-1. Spin. [7. lundnn indic-hn) ll'lU l'uxing psyhcdclia and pmt~punk inl'lucnccx

I The Nukes The 'li'nn. ‘) lluntcr Squarc. High Sti‘cct. 22h (Nil. 8.30pm. £3. Still nick itt\ll'ttltiL‘lil;ll\ t'roin hcadlining trim. the .\'ukc\. a \ti‘ippcd- dim n \L‘l'\i(ill nl’ thc \uclcutidcx at thix album launch part} l'catui‘ing hurlc‘squc dttllL‘L‘l‘\ Mi“) Malone and Kai‘nc} Dull. I Avangaad Banncnnan'x. Niddr} Sti'cct. 550 3254. 0.30pm. £4. Amhicnt lttdlL‘.

I l Fly Spitfires vs This is Music llcni‘} \ (‘cllai' Bar. 3 lha \ltii'i‘iwn Sti‘cct. 228 0303. llpin 3am. £4 iUi. Night nl' indic l)l\ and lixc llllt\lL‘ li‘utn 'I‘hc Rippx.


I James Grant 'I‘ulhonth. Jail W} mi. 01786 374mm. 8pm. till it'Xi. 'l‘hc m- Low and Munc) l'i'untinan LlL‘ll\L‘l'\ more at the countr) and folk dii'cctinn nl' his \nln inatc‘i‘ial \\ ith trackx l'i‘uin hix laxt alhtnn [Iii/V I.ui'¢'.


I Halt Bar Hijack the Hall Bar. lht) \Vmidlandx Road. 552 9096. 5pm. l'it'cc. SL‘C Sat l0.

I Cobramatics (‘Iutha Vaults. Sinckxwll Strcct. 552 7520. 5pm. l‘i'cc. Scc Sun ill. I Davie Lawson Bic-l. 3‘) 43 Admin l.anc. 3-12 4066. (i.3t)pin. l‘rcc. Haunting \Ulllitl\ l'ni' \ick Drakc and Bright l{}c.\ l'anx at lil Ranchn Rolaui. l’url u/‘Iln' lli'sl [tilt] l'i'\ll\‘il/.

I George Michael llamptlcn l’ark. l.cthci‘h} l)ri\c_ on» (illllll. 7pm.

[50 Hill). Slick cmnchack \llU“ tmin ‘tmuhlcd c‘\-\\'hainl \tai”.

I Neil’s Children Bai'll}. 2N) (‘|}dc Sti'cct, ()870 007 (NW), Split. U). SL‘L‘ Sat l().

I Oli Melville, Soul Circus and Ross Fairweather \laggic .\la_\ ‘x. 5() 'l'i'nngatc. Mcrchant (it). 548 l35tl. Spin. l‘i‘cc. .-\cnu\tic Altair \cxxinn.

I The Ripps, The Black Alley Screens, The Makos and The Other Band liai'l'l} iupxtaii‘xi. 2(itl ('|}dc Sti‘cct. (l8‘ti till" 000‘). 8pm. £5. l’unk ptmcr pup ti'in linni ('mcnti‘).

I So Long Serenity Box-131 Sauchichall Strcct. 332 543i Spin. lii‘cc. l’mg punk quai'tct li‘mn (ilaxgtm.