Visual Art

Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art© Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.


Public Galleries


:5 A .‘Alj.’}iL' \llt'k‘l. “5-.” 3-1“ "52"

llam Ilpm

Seed at Hope l'nlil 'luc ll Aug. l'rcc. i'act'x ol hopc. cnIhuxiaxni and lruxI ttnm

arlixl .limi Rac \xhn inixcx poiltaIIurc .uid

docu xl\ lc photograph} lor Iliix ncu cxhibilion baxctl on hix timc Ill Nairobi


3W)” l’ollokxliaux Road. 337 355” Mott 'l'hu tk Sal Illam 5pm. iii A Sun llam 5pm. llam lpm. l-rcc. Through Your Eyes 2 l'iiIil Sun I) Aug. \ltixcum ohtcctx Icll xtot'tcx. xpark mcmoricx. and cucnuragc rcl'lcction. dcbatc and undcrxlanding. ArtixI Kathlccn litllc \xnrkcd \xtth communtl} groupx. liclpmg Ilicm In rccnrd and

cxprcxx Ihcir lcclmgx about thc nhlcclx Ill

lilt‘ \‘Uilt't'llllll


550 Sauchtchall SII‘cct. ‘53 xllllltl.

'Iuc I‘l'l llatn (mm; Sal lllam (ipm Silicone Remembers Carbon Sat .1 Aug Sat I5 Scp. l-irxt major Scotlixh xhoxx lot “and Rokch}. lanch lot' hIx xotttid inxtallalionx arid digital art \xni‘kx \xhich cxanimc Ihc linkx and dillcicnccx hctuccn human and al'Itlicial llllL‘HIgL'llL‘t'. Ni V‘.’ fit l( WV


l'nixcrxit} ol' Stralhclxdc. 23 Richmond Strcct. 543 3553, Mon I-rt Illam 5pm; Sat noon -lpm, l'rcc.

East Weaves West: Basketmaking from Japan and Britain l'ntil Sal 1.x Atig. lixhibilton bringing Ingclhcr oxcr ~l() xpcciallxl \xcawrx lrom both \lIiL‘\ ol‘ llic globc.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Ro_\a| lzxchangc Squarc. 33‘) WW».

.\lon \Vcd & Sat Illam 5pm; 'l’hu

Illam Xpm; I'l'l tk Sun I lam 5pm. l-rcc. Histrionics oooo l'ntil Sun 3.x ()ct. (ilaxgtm artixI Rodcrick Buchanan'x lalcxI cxhibition ix a rcxponxc to thc xcctarian dix idc Ihat rtpx right through lllxll;l||_\ lhc poorcxti xtrcclx ol (ilaxgou. Buchanan Iixcx lilm. graphx and

cxocatn c. loadcd tnuxic and imagcx. l'nrcmg Ihc xpcctatnr Io rcmcmbcr hoxx I‘cal Ihix intolcrancc ix.


48 King Slicct. 552 0704. Tue Sat 10am 5.30pm. l'i'cc.

Scottish Printmakers Summer Show l'ntil I‘ri .‘sl Aug. An opportunit} to xcc Ihc qualil} and \arict) ol~ printmaking Ill Scotland Ioda}.

I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART 'I‘Ilt‘ Mtlc‘klllloxll (iallcr). Hi7 Rt‘lll-FL‘“ Street. 353 lint). Mon Fri lllam 5pm; Sat 10am 2pm. l‘rcc.

Trying Childhoods l'ntil 'l‘hu Ir» .Atig. (‘ulminatton of a pinich \xhicli ol'lcrcd oxcr .\‘(l ScntIixh children lrnm troubled backgrnundx a chancc In c\prcxx thcmxclwx and Ihcir \xorldx arlixticall}.


'l'hc Briggait. l~ll Bridgcgatc. 553 l l.\‘.\'. \Vcd Sun llam (ipm.

David Murphy l'nIil Sat 4 .Aug. l)a\id Murph) c'\hibitx tic“ unrk crcatcd during a ton tnonth xtudin rcxidcnc} at (ilaxgnxx Sculpture Sludiox ax recipient ol‘ the (iraduatc Scholarxliip. A recent graduate of the BA courxc at (ilaxgoxx School ol‘ Art. Murph} hax produch ncxx .xculpturcx and draxx iiigx that rcxxork ximplc mcchanical [WUCC\\C\ and

40 THE LIST :— :‘0 Aug 3307

Mike Marshall A Place. Not Far From Here

Marshall uses video and photography to examine seemingly ordinary or overlooked

aspects of human activities and experience. His interest in ‘focused daydreaming' has resulted in a remarkable exhibition of works that focus on the inconsequential or banal. Hi Pam/(2v Museum, Glasgow. unl// Sun 3O 80;),

machincx that bcar Ihc It‘ac‘cx ol' human actixil). lASl Cl lANCE l0 SH

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY linixcrxil} ol'(i|axgn\x. 83 Hillhcad Slrccl. 53“ 5-15]. Mon Sal 0.30am 5pm.

‘My Highest Pleasures’: William Hunter’s Art Collection l'nIiI Sat l l)cc. lixhibitinn cclcbraling Ihc biccntcnar} of thc Hunlcrian (iallcr'x b} xlinxxcaxing Ihc buxt. man ititcrcxting \xnrkx l'rom lhc loundcr’x collcction.


I l Mitchell l.;lllL‘. :3l (i362. Mon (Q

\Vcd Sat lllfillam 5pm; Tuc llam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. U (U £l.5l)i.

Six Cities Design Festival: The Scottish Show 07 O... l'ntil Sun I: Aug. Thu Scottixh Shim ()7 bringx togcthcr 54 Ill SL'UIIRlIlti‘\ llloxl exciting dcxigncrx in an exhibition at The Lighthouxc. \x'ith axxocialcd projcclx. including a xix cityxxidc billboard project. publication and xpcciall) -commixxioncd xouxcnirx. Building on the xucu‘xx nl‘Thc Scottixh Shim iii 200-1. the exhibition cclcbraICx thc \ibranc) and \ilalit) ol‘ Scotland'x dcxign induxtrx' with work and inxtallationx b} thc dexigncrx inhabiting the gallcriCx. corridorx. xtairu'cllx and xhop ol‘ 'l‘hc lighthouxc. SL‘C xx\x\ for more information.


25 Albert l)ri\c. 08-15 330 .‘i5lll. Tuc-l-‘ri lllami5pm; Sat ck Sun noon—5pm.

Alex Frost: Format Wars L'ntil Sun 5 Aug. Nc‘xx xcricx olcontradictor} mnxaic piec‘Cx b} one ol‘ the ['K'x moxt prnmixing cmcrging arIixIx.

Pipedream 1 00000 l'ntil Sun 5 Aug. Thu I'ler l'lx' xnln thx for Parixian Almandrc l’crigot. I’ipt'drc'um / ix Ihc lirxt ot‘ a four part xcrICx of linked cxhibitintix taking placc in Scotland. France. Spain and PorIugal. l.argc-xca|c inxtallation piccc I-Ili ix Hnuw ix a monument In cclcbriI}. critiquing the rclaIionxhip

bctuccn xupcrlicialil} and gcnumc allch and making cultural Iourthx ol itx \Ic\\cr'x.

Private Galleries


I73 \Vc'xl RL‘gL‘lll Sll‘L‘L‘l. ZZI (i370. .\lnn Sat lllam 5.30pm.

The New Generation Show l'ntil Sat 1 1 Aug. Thu (‘nmpaxx (iallcr) ‘x annual xclchion ol' \xork b} ncxx graduatcx from the tour Scottixh art xchonl dcgt'cc xhtm x.


75 Rohcrlxon Slt‘ccl. Suilc (i. Hoot I. 2-18 37] 1. Mon l‘ri Illam 5pm: Sat noon 5pm.

Lazy Corner and the Suicide Walls ('ntil Sat -l Aug. Belgium-baqu artixI Kalja Stt'un/ crcatcx undulating papcr xculpturc'x \ihich protrude l'rom the “all. LAST CHANCE TO SEE


(i Burnlicld Road. (iil'lnock. 638 l3()l). Mon Aiiri ll).3l)am 5.30pm; Sal

lllam 5.30pm; Sun noon 5pm . l-‘rcc. Glasgow: an artist’s view Thu 2 Hi 3| .Aug. Adrian McMurchic. Br) an livanx. Karen ('airnx. William Kcrr. Rnnnic Ruxxcll. Janicc Dalton and Ron liardIC} xhoxx' hou th‘} xcc lhc cit}.

Artist Spaces


33-1 Duke Street. 556 7276. Tue Sat noon—6pni

Folklore l'ntil Sat l8 Aug. For hcr lirxt xnln .xhoxx in (ilaxgtm. Iillcn Munro L'UnllllUC\ In explore the hnmc-madc. craft} th‘mCx that haw characterixcd her recent \xork. Part ol the gallcr) xpacc will be turncd into a dnmcxlic kitchen. and the exhibition. \x ith a tip ol the hat to counlr) hcrnincx [)oll} Parton and Loretta l._xn. \in1 include imprnxixcd cwntx cotnbining baking. xcix ing. countr) mUxic and xong.


Hill lzaxI\alc l’lacc. (ilaxgou. *5 will) ch Sun. midda} (mm and bx appoinlmcnt.

Now I know my ABCs 000. An cxhibitinn ol a xclcctinn ot xomc nl Ihc hcxI \xork h} graduach lrom Scotland'x aI'l xc‘hoolx and collt‘gt'x Scc I't'\ It'\\. pagc W.

Outside the Cities


l5: NL‘th‘l‘gttlL'. I)lllllIL‘t' ill 533 ‘Nl‘Nllil 'l‘uc. \Vcd. I'l'l A Sat Ill. Warn 5. illpm‘. 'l‘hu llHllam lx'.‘~l)piti; Sun

noon 5.30pm.

Pale Carnage l'ntil Sun 2 Scp. l'I’cc. Work h} I: Inlcl‘national arIixIx in a

\x Idc rangc nl' mcdta addrcxxmg idcax nl L'rllL'll}. dL'xll'L'. hcaul}. (IL'L'iltiL'llCC. \oycurixm. \ iolcncc and thc rclatinnxhip bctuccn ('laxxicixm and .\1ndcrnixm. The arIixIx lcalurcd arc \tiliiixnxlii Araki. .Athanaxiox Argianax. l'lla \otl Brandenburg. 'lntn Burr. (iillian ('arncgic. Slcwn (‘lti)tltiii. (‘critli W} n lixanx. l.nthar llcmpcl. .‘xlark |.cc'kc}. Aida Ruilnxa. Dirk Slcxxcn and JI) Williamx. in an exhibition originatcd b} Arnnllini. Brtxtnl.


5.5 The ('rau. lord .ArL'adL'. King Slrccl. Stirling. 01736 479%]. Wed Sal

noon 5pm. lircc.

Tender Scene 000 l'nul Sat l 1 .Aug. nnnn 5pm. Free. Thcrc‘x a xlightl} kooky hclIcr-xkcltcr xcnxc nl lrcak xhtm. or l'unhnuxc at thix group C\hlhlll()ll b} linur (ilaxgtm -baxcd arIixIx: l‘inna Jardinc. ('larc Slcphcnxnn. (ircgor Wright and Alex Pollard. \xhn alxn L‘llrillc\ the cxhibrtinn and rcpercnIc-d Scotland at the Venice Bicnnalc in 2005.