I The Flavours 'I lie Jain Houxe. Utteen Street. 330-115” I” -15pm latit £the Jain Home hotrxeharid

I The Mannequins and Dirty Summer Henr} '\ ('ellat liar. S “ta Morrixon Street. 23H 9““ llptrt 5.1!“ £5 .\ patt ol punk roek'n‘rolleh. [\l.t_\lllj._' under the banner ol the Some SM \Vottdetland l'.\pte\\ tiiglit


I The Bluetones, Hedrons and

Headlines 'Itmrt Hall. to I: “ext Main Street. “I 5o” ‘33 J i" " ‘tllprn

£ lo 5‘) ltidte toekeh lhe liluetonew are routed h} 'l he lledtotix and 'l he Headlines I’tt/l u/ the lht/‘tt'l Utrirt

It \Iltrl/


I Eliza Carthy lttllittttlll. .lttll “and. 5% .S‘tlttt) Spin £13 tLIlh lhtx Izdttilitttgh ltawd. tuo ttine \let‘eur} \lIISIt' l’rt/e nominated \tnget hax helped tetti\ tgotate .ttid re\ ItalGC the [K lolk

I Glenn Smith lieanxeene. 40 King Street. ttl7xr» 45H73. Uptn. l'ree. l'olk. |;t// and mum”) »tttlluetteed \tilig\\t'ltel'.


I Just Jack arid Ali Love ('at‘lrttg :\eadem_\ (ilaxgou. Ill lagltnton Street. USN-177 Ztltttl. 7pm. £135”. .\lr\ ol lttrik} and urban \oundx lt'otii tltl\ Str‘eetxrlike hunter 1)] arid |_\t‘tea| .\t(‘. lt'5INHtSllilL‘ tor lt’t‘ lert hit 'Star/ irt 'l‘lieir l'.}t'\'. Supported h} the ‘K-Hole' man. :2: Ani DiFranco arid Hamell on Trial x\li( '. Ht) Satteltieliall Street. 333

lupae Shakur was a true hip hop legend. murdered ttt Las Vegas by a gunman who has timer been found. Now laoae: ASSJSSu’KtS’O/t. a leaturolongth doeurnentarx explores both the. polree eases and the. eorisiitratw theories surrounding Tupae's tllltlttlt?l\ doriirse. the DVD is but on Moridax LB.‘ Detobor but the tine people at Liberation haw. gl\€l‘ us trve copies to 9W8 away. To get wur hands on a con; rust send us your name and address on an email riiarked 'luoac DVD Competition to: prornotronsejlist.eouk or to The List. 1-1 High Street. Edinburgh, EH1 tTE. Closing date for entries IS Monday 22 October. USua- Lrs: rules apply.

70 THE LIST 4 -‘ 8 Opt QC! 7

__ ‘_ "pm Ll" 5‘! (her 1% \lto'u. lttdulgentl} trunk} -\nterteari \ttiget \otigxirtter \iith taeontettt.troubadour tti \upptirt

I Rob St John and The Wee Rogue \tee'rt‘SleaI}. ~12l Sauehtehall Street. “3 WM” 2pm .\ eouple ot aet\ pla}

ll lHS l\ ()tll Battlelield\ llallgtnet (illtlt I Cobramatics (‘lutlta \.tltlt\. Stoekxxell Street. 55: ~53“ 5pm l tee Roek‘n‘tollwka textdene}

I Mindless Self Indulgence Queen Margaret l nion. 23 l'iit\et\tt} (tattlelh. {3U ‘rSJ "pm {S 5” ()\et l»l\ \hti\\ lionextl} -tiiontkei'ed \eu \oik hand \xho et'atn llltlthtl’lttl. punk. tungle. toek arid teelttto \lt.ttttl\ into their [Nihpllt‘lllt \tttllttl.

I Murcof l he x\t'ehe\. 25‘ .\t'g_\ le Street. 505 llltlll "pm. LS5” .'\ka .\te\tean eompoxer l-et'nando ('orona

I Y’all is Fantasy Island, John B McKenna and Emily Scott Htel.

W 4* :\\hton lane. 342 J‘Hio "pm £4 .-\eou\tie e\perrtnentalixtx. \\ tilt the ellipltttSIS on tnentaltxm no doubt. pla_\ at llllx lat Raneho Re|a\o titglit.

I Buddy Holly and the Cricketers l’a\ t|tori 'l heatre. III Renlield Street. 333 lS4h. 7,3(lprit. £|2 £15t£|tl U 5i tribute to tire late. great 'le\ati roek'n't'oll pioneer. ()ne lot all the lamtl).

I Acoustic at the Aragon 'l he .~\t‘agoii liar. l3] li}i‘e\ Road. H‘) ‘25.". Spm. l-t'ee. \Veekl} aeottxtie tttglit leaturing unxtgned loeal aetx.

I Brian Cunningham, Three Days Born arid The Seventh Star Box. 4H Satrehieliall Street. 3 i3 543]. Spin. l’t'ee. x\lt.t‘ttel\.

I Cargo BIaeklt‘iaH. to Bell Street. 553 5024. Split. £-t t£2t. ('at'go are dexerilted ax (ilaxgoxx '\ HHS“ er to the \"ie\\.

I The Earl Brothers and The Hunger Mountain Boys ('laxxre (it'attd. IS .latttaiea Street. S47 (lSZtl. Split. U3. See l'l'l .5. I Fairport Acoustic Convention "the left}. .-\nder\ton Qua}. 'l'he Hrootiiielau. “HMS Rot) (LS5. Spin. £17 t£l-1 iti ad\aneet. .-\eou\tre ineat'nation ol the legendar} l'olk t'oek hand.

I The Never Niee‘ti'Sleal}. 431 Saueltieliall Street. 333 ()Utltl. Spin. in e lltll\ie.

I Oceansize, Hopes Fall and DeSalvo King lurk \Vah \Vali llttt. 273a St Vineeitt Street. 231 537‘). .Spttt. LS5”. (her- l-l\ \lttm. .\lane|ie\terhaxed \k)SL‘l'ttplltg roek‘erx mm a \prinkling ol prog inl’luenee. supported by \Iudge putik terrorists l)eSal\o.

I Visceral Deity, For Your Sins and Abraxus Bar'll). 2N) (‘hde Street. t).\’7tt 907 ()W‘). 8pm. £5. Death metal triple \\lttlltlltl_\.

I Acoustic Night Samuel l)()\\ ‘x.

(17 7| Nithxdale Road. 433 t)l()7. 8.30pm. l-‘ree. Monthl} aeouxtie xexxion. I The Hermit Crabs, Adriana, Jamie Martyn and Eddie Beggan l3th Note ('ale. 5()~ (it) King Street. 553 MRS. 9pm. the headliner\ are a inelodie pop hand iii the 'l'eenage l"ane|uh/Belle & Sebastian win.

I Hit the Lights The (iarage. 4‘)“ Sauehiehall Street. 353 l lltl. (‘:\.\'(‘lil.l.lil).


I Douglas Kay Band and Craig Jefleries Hatniltonx Bar & Kitehen.

lb IS Hamilton l’laee. Stoekhridge. 226 4W9. 5pm. tree. Relaung ear|_\-e\ening \ttlmdx.

I The Departure, Clocks attd Descartes ('aharet Voltaire. 3n 3 Blair Street. 330 (il7b. "pm. Hi. Northampton ti\e-pieee tollouittg hot on the heel\ of the Bt'axer} \xith their \}nth- \ll'L‘\\lt lie“ \xaxe-aping \ound.

I Underbelly, Suspine, Kiddo and San Sebastian the Jam Houxe. 5 Queen Street. 336 4380. .S‘pm latii. £3. Local roek and indie \hon eaxe.

I Bombskare and Jerry Dammers (DJ set) (‘itrux (‘luh 407-12 (irindla) Street. (122 7086. 8pm. £.S'. lltlt‘e‘llnltx \ka action from the eight-piece Botnhxkai'e.


\kllll e\ Speetalx titan ltattttitetx tiling

I Bukkake Birthday Party Harinettttattk. \ttldt} Street. 55" ‘35-3 Uptii 1-1 l’le.t\atitl} named loeal iotkerx I Rob McCulloch \\ lil~tleltttikte\. J n South Bridge. 55” 5| 1-1 “pm i tee total indie aet. \Htll more ll‘\

I HObO lhe lit‘ltg‘t‘ ('ltll‘. \lt‘la} lll‘tl\t'. ‘- llt‘l}lt\t‘tl l\,t‘.ttl. <S\ ‘(ilLl

lltprn 5.1!“ L‘ the lllll\l\ and altettiatt\e dtxo tot truttlied \innen' a\ Hoth lettllllS \Klllt Kttl‘al. llte l atalt\t\ and IX” l’llttt t“ ( )etl lt'lltt\\t'tl l‘} llie :\ettte. l)elta \lattiltne attd llte l’xitlttllx Ital ()ttt


I The Endrick Brothers, Richmond Fontaine, Redlands Palimino Company and Joe Whyte 'ltmn Hall. I” II \\e\t \latti Street. lll5oll ‘23 -l ‘5 “pm L l 5 \tttetteana eoutttt} toek e\tta\agan/a I’m! or {In Hit/HI \Ittxtr It \Ittttt'


I Amy MacDonald the (Ltrrtge. .Wti Sauehtehall Street. “I III” 5pm

St N .l) ( )l "l laxt l'lSIllf.‘ teettage \inger \ongut'itet lrom (il.t\gtt\\ \xtth pouettul \oealx aitd lltalltStleatll pop/toek appeal. I Steve Steinman’s Vampires Rock l<tt_\.tl (‘otieet‘t Hall. 3 Satlehteliall Street. ‘5‘ SUN”. " 5(lpllt. £l‘l.5ll. Stettiriian and llIS hand. the Hell Hound l:\pt'e\\. hlaxt their \xa} tlirortgli \orne ot the \xoi'ld'x hext knoxxn roek antlietih.

I Acoustic Jam .\‘ree‘n'Sleal_\. .tll Sauehtehall Street. 3 it it‘ll)“, Spin. l't'ee. \Veekl} \houeaxe lor loeal \ongnrtteix perlot'mtng original tnatertal.

I Alexander’s Annexe lite .'\t‘elte\. 253 .-\t'g_\le Street. 5(t5 llltlll. Spin. £(t.5(l. l'.\perimental eleetrome eollahor'atton ltetueen \Vai'p Reeot'dx' al'tl\l .\ltt'a (‘alltx and tnetnherx ol the London Sitilotitetta.

I The Changes arid Edgar Prais Bart'l) (llp\ltttl‘\l. Inn ('l_\de Street. “370 ‘)()7 (NW). .S'ptit. £5. See l'l't 5,

I Metro Riots, Little John Rocket, Common Heights and Hollowpoint Halli}. 2N) ('|)de Street. thS7tl ()07 (NW). 8pm. £5. Seu/Iedup punk ltluex with a toueli ol l)ead Kenned}\' derangement lrom the might) Metro RIUIS.

I Teapot Jacuzzi, Strays, Jet Pass and Soze Hm. «Bl Saueliieliall Street. 533 5—H l. .Spm. l-t'ee. .’\L't)ll\llL‘ rock.

I Bobby Conn and Sexy Kids Monti, l3 King'x (‘ourt. King Street. 555 2-H)“. 8.30pm. £|ll. |.et Bohh} ahduet _\ott irtto hix et'eep} \xorld ol' metallie eleetr'o-pop. matehing titltltIS. howleutx and land

e} exhadou. You know _\ou “ant to.

I The Departure, Clocks arid Piano Bar Fight King 'l'ut'x \Vali \Valt Hut. 272a St Vineent Street. 32! 527‘). .S..‘~llptti. £(i. See Mon S.

I Luis Francisco Arena attd Rooftop Gambler liar Bloe. I I7 Street. 57-1 (illhh. ‘lpttt. l't'ee. \lek Drake/lint Buekle} -\t}le' lragtle melaneholia.

I Spookey, Sara and the Snakes and The Fnords Nth Sore (Hire. 50 (it) King Street. 553 this. 9pm. Suamp roek hluex lront lidtnhurgli trio Sara arid the Snakes.


511 Acoustic Ladyland ('aharet Voltaire. 36 58 Blair Street. 230 MW). 7pm. £7. (ierire-delting ia/I litre-up. featuring auar‘d-uinning \a\oplioni\t Pete \Vareltam. \hoek-haired drutnrning pouerliouxe Seh Roehl'ord and ereatixe ke_\ hoardixt 'l‘otn ('axx le}. drau itig inspiration from the likes ot Hendri\. (iang ol' liour. ('oltrane and Monk.

I Buddy Holly and the Cricketers Bruntoti Theatre. Lad} \\ ell \Va}. Mtixxelhurgh. (ms 22-“). 7.30pm. £l-l t£| l.5()i. See Sun 7.

. Open Mic \Vhtxtlehiltktex. «l (i South Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm. liree. Ju~t turn up and perform.



I The Wang Haitouland. 2-1-1

(iallou gate. 55: Jotil “pm St )I I) (it I (Met l~1x \hoxx l p and eoniing litummte ptole lt‘\ ken \\ ltt‘ teletem e exeu northern indie hand \\ltt‘ e\et mattered I Adele ( itltitotehrllt i l I. "l ltl\el\tt\ \\enrie. HH 55:: lltlS new. .tltl\t lt.t\ lteeti \lk'\\lll‘t'\l .t\ t‘lltlt‘ll.\ ne\\ heatthtoketi \oul laureate h} \ \H I Andy Miller ltlt.“ ()\na. J.‘ ()tago latte. l57153-1 .Sptti £3 '\\Utl\tl( guitar \ irtuow arid \inger \origmttet piexetitx \otne ot lllS t.t\ourite l‘.tlttl\

I Acoustic Ladyland, Sonsie Collective and Das Contras King lurk \\ah \\ah llttt. 31M St \ tneertt Street. Ell 5)" .S Wprn £.\ See Mon S I Magnus Magoo .ttid Spitfire Run \iee‘ti‘Slea/i. -t_‘l Satnhtehall Stteet. H1 tNt it! .S ittpm loeal |t\e llltl\l\

I Desperado arid The Poisoning Hat liloe. ll“ Hath Street. 55-1tillhtt ‘lpm l-ree lltlelhe \ttt\\t‘;_'l.tlt PtlltkS \ttppotted it} loeal \hoek horror tneteliatitx

I Michael McMillan llt‘dllStt'llt'. l‘t Sktr\ttig Street. Slia\\l.rtid\. hi3 StNtl ‘lpm l'tee l)ttttritnet turned \ingei \onguttter trilltteneed h} the like\ ol .Iaekxon liroune and KIlS lx'thtolletxon I Open Mic ( ilaxgtm l ttt\et\tt} t'tnon. ‘3 l lll\t‘l\lt} .\\enue. NU Stet” ‘lpm tree 'I he) ‘ll pto\tde the gear. )oti proxide the talent :\n opett rtttt titglit tot ati_\otte. tnelttdtng lllthlt'lttltx oi eomedtanx. met} 'Itrextla} tiiglit l-tee drink tot all pettotmerx

I Y’all is Fantasy Island arid The Pendulums | tilt Note (are. 5n (to King Street. 55‘ HHS “pm. See Sttii 7 I 2 Storeys Heatixeene. ‘8 -1_‘ \VtttttllalttlS Road. 5.53 WSW). ‘lplll. l't‘ee. See 'l‘hu -t.

I Bodog Battle of the Bands Barth, 3hr) (‘lttle Street. tlS7tl no? out») Handx ll‘tttll all o\ er the \xor'ld light It ottt tor a tiitlltott dollar t'eeoid eontt'aet xx ttlt Hitting \ltISIL‘. ('otne along and \tite lot \\ ho gets to l'eplexeltl (ilaxgou at the regional ltllttlx.


I The Mooney Suzuki 'l'lte llrxe.

l5 l7 \tddt‘} Street. 55o (NJ-t. 7pm. £‘) Strutttng l'S garage r'oekeix “fill a lti||_\ energtxed pet‘lot'tnanee. And eool shade» I Shapeshifter 'l'he l.lt|llltl Room. ()e Vietot‘ta Street. 335 35M 7pm. £l3.5(). Next /.ealattd tixepreee tittung |;t//_\ tnl'luetteex \itth their the take on drum tk haw (Hot to he eotiluxetl \\ ttlt dodg) lzuro-dattee aet Sliape\ltlltet'\l.

I Band Showcase \Vlitxtlehitiklex.

4 () South Bridge. 557 51H. ‘)ptn. l'ree. (all tti ad\atiee tor a gig.

.Sptii £5


. Ian Brown Mother“ ell ('titieert Hall. ('ixie (’entre. \Vtttdrinllhrll Street. Ulh‘lh' 5029‘)”. See Moll S.

Wednesday 1 0


I Manu Chao ('at'ling .‘\L‘£l(lL‘lll} (ilmgtm. l2l laglttiton Street. U844 477 Brion. 7pm. £l5. World lltllSlL‘ \tar ptttititig irreprexsthle danee heatx and upbeat grooxex, See prexteu. page ()2. I Acoustic Open Stage the Halt Bar. Hill Woodlatidx Road. 353 ‘)‘)‘)(). Spin. l'ree. \Veekl} unplugged sexxron. I The Casuals Box. «HI Sauehtehall Street. 332 5431. 3pm. l-ree. Oasis- tntlueneed indie roekers pla} at the launch ot the the at Loeh |.ornond' (‘l). I Delta Mainline, Guile and Mike O’Donnell Bartt} lUpStztlrSi. 360 ('|}de Street. 0870 907 099‘). 8pm. £6. l’s)eh- hluex roek' lrom Delta Mainline.

I The Felt Tips, Green Peppers and Ally Kerr (‘ottierk ()3 ~95 Hyndland Street. 357 5825. Xprn. l'ree. Tu. ee pop from The l’axtelx-intlueneed l'elt Tips. and ex-Soup Dragon Jim .\1e(’ulloeh in (ireen Peppers mode at tlttx \"nariielodiea aeoustie night.