Claire Aristides Jewellery Workshop Sat 36 ()ct Hailantlx ('ommunit} Rexource (‘entrtz 4t) \Volxele} Street. Ham 5 itlpm U35 (Wt xtudentxi Auxxie dexignet (latte .-\rixtidex. who runx her nun tent-Her). xchool lll l.ondon. takex you through the baxicx ot making your «mu trinketx She comex highl} recommended by maga/inex like (iia/ia and lzlle. xo _\oii knov. thexe are going to be xoiiie high t taxx xpaikliex l’rite

Illt ludex all materialx. tutition and lllllkil Winter Night Sky Mon 33 ()ct

(ilaxgou Science ('enue. Scottixhl’ouei l’lanetaiium. 5“ l’acitic Qua}. it” lb5t Stud} the night xk}. learn about axtiononn and the conxtellationx on thix the neck tourxe. l’ertect tor beginnetx Ashtanga Yoga 1 uexda} x (iather in (ilaxgou. l'pper Hunt. *7 Ruthxen Lane. 0‘06? ltx'tx’5l i 6 7 15pm. £7. The ancient practixe ot ;\xhtanga )oga can help rehe\ e the xtiexx ot modern lite. l'ttl' more itilo pleaxe contact Siobhan on 07835 39314 oi xiobhanw yogaglaxgoucom


Activities & Events

Cafe Philo lit 1‘) ()ct lnxtttut l‘rancaix d'l't'oxxe. l i Randolph (‘l'L'Sk'L'llL 33.5 5i66, 4.30 6pm. l‘ree. linio) a glaxx ot \\ inc and a philoxophical dixcuxxiott Ill l'teltch on a choice ol toplcx.

Poetry in the Garden Sun 2| ()ct. Royal Botanic (iarden t'l‘einperate l’ahn llouxet. linerleith Ron. 348 3968.

1 4pm. l-‘ree. Mandy llaggith. Stephanie (ireen and launice Buchanan recite their nature-inxpired poetry accompanied by Japanexe harpixt .\lio Shaple}; Hallowe’en - Supernatural History Tours Wed 34 Wed 3| ()ct The Real Mar} Kiiig'x (‘loxe. 3 Warrixton'x (‘loxe, High Street, 08703 430 lhtl. (1 ()pm. {8.50 (UH. A more paranormal take on the Real Mar} Kingx ('loxe tr} the Supernatural llixtot'} Tour. The true xtoi'iex ma} xend a xhi\ er don it _\our xpine. See \\ \\ \\.t‘ettllltttl‘}'klltgxelttxe.etiltt l'oi' t'ull detailx.

a: City of the Dead’s Hallowe’en Festival Hi 36 Wed 3| ()ct. Ro}al Mile. 473 3(ltltt. Timex \‘itl'_\. £8.50 (£5 £6.50). See liltltxt.

Feed the Birds Day at the Botanics Sat 37 ()ct. Royal Botanic (iarden. 30a lmerleith Ron, 3| l 65le. ltlam 4pm. l-‘ree. The RSBl’ “ill be xetting up camp (literally. the} haxe tentx) in the Botanicx tor a bird t'eeding e\ent. In the spirit ot' Mun Pop/tint, xeedx \\ ill be on xale tor tuppence a bag. gu\ ’nor. arid children can make lttl‘dettkex. Meet h)‘ the Nttttlt (iate. a: Samhuinn Festival Wed 31 ()et. (‘axtle lixplanade. lidinburgh ('axtle. Ro}a| Mile. 335 llSS. ‘) l().3()pm. Donationx. See llitlixt.

Open Mic Session Sun 2% ()ct. ()ut ()t. The Blue Drill Hall. 3t) 736 l)altnen} Street. l.eith. 556 7|(lt). lpm. liree. .-\n open mic xexxion t‘or nen uriterx a perfect texting ground it' )ou'x e um er l‘tiblicl) read )our \xork bet'ore. (‘ontact the organixerx at booka \xord-

pon to book a .xlot. l’ur! of the

Radical Book l'iu'r.


EcoUrbanisme lnxtitut tiraneaix d'lieosxe. l3 Randolph (‘rexcenL 335 5366. l'ntil Sat 37 ()ct tnot Sum.

0.30am 6.30pm; ‘)..‘~()am—tpm. Free. The \ ixion ot' three photographerx tlireneh. Scottish and Polish) on the influence of nature on the cit}.

lt Didn’t Happen Here .\tu.xeuin ot‘ Edinburgh. Huntl) llouxe. I43 (Hittoiigate. 53‘) 4l43. t'ntil Sat 3‘) .\'o\ tnot Sum. Mon— Sat 10am—5pm. Free. lixhibition examining Edinburgh‘s linkx with the .xlax'e trade.

The Legacy of Tim Stead Scottixh Storytelling Centre. 43—45 High Street. 556 9579. t'ntil Sat 5 Jan tnot Sum. ltlam~6pm. Free. .-\n exhibition ot‘ tactile .xculpture. poetr} and furniture designs by the artist. designer and poet Tim Stead. Mists and Monsoons \\'riter_x'

\1uxeum. lad} Stank ('lme. tauntnarket. 53‘) 4‘tttl l'ntil Sat 3" Mai [not Sunt lttam 5pm l-rec A\n L'\llll‘ltlt\lt toctixing on tontemiwrai} uriteix ot Scotland and the Indian xut\ontinent to mark the tilt )catx xmce the partition ot India and l’aktxtan

Thomas Teltord: Father of Modern Engineering National Portrait (taller). t Queen Street. 634 63”“ l'ntil Sun 35 \m. lttam 3pm. lttam 5pm :4 Neil -\n exhibition ot planx aitd photographx to mark the 35ttth .tlttll\el\.tl_\ ot the biith ot the prohtic Bt‘itixh engineer

FOOCl <3 Drink Edinburgh Farmers’ Market Item

\attlltla} ('axtlc terrace. (t5: S‘H”

‘tam 3pm. More local. qualit}. ethical produce than _\ou could xhake a xtick at Hallowe’en Dinner \Vetl ‘~l ()ct lzdinbui'gh Zoo. \lanxton llouxe. ('oi‘xtorphinc Road. il-t tliih " ‘tpm UH. Tr} to cttto) )otii goulaxh tot \xhate\ei"x on the meth in the piexence ol ghoiilx and a xpook_\ xtoi‘}te|hng xexxltttt. Booking exxetttial

Jolly Toper Tastings lhu 35 ( )ct 'l he 'l'olbooth 'l’a\ern. l6" ('anongate. 556 5343. Tittpm. L3H longtuiining bi monthl} \\ltl\l\_\ taxting xexxton at one ot the bext-xtocked barx in [on n. lH‘lcdll} including the mall \xhixkiex at caxk xtrength. ’l'icketx inuxt be booked in ad\ance: call til it 556 5364 or email chu xt” \\ incadenhead.ciun to rexer\e.


Discover Edinburgh by Bicycle Sun 33 Oct The Btc.\c|e\\orkx. 3‘) 5t) .\i'g} lc Place. 333 3443. ltlain 3.30pm. tree. A leixttt'cl) xocial ride lt'om The

Bic} cleuorkx on Ai'g} |e Place to ('ramond Village and back. exploring mainly oil road c} ele pathx and quiet routex. 'l‘here “ill be plent} ol rext and chat xtopx and experienced Qelixlx on hand. Bring nater and a light xnack. and children under l6 iiitixt be accompanied. Booking recommended.


Our Changing View of the Universe Wed 34 Oct. National (ialler_\ ot Scotland: llanthornden Lecture theatre. The Mound. 473 3()()(). 7,.ttlpin. £3. l’rolcxxoi' l);t\ id Spergel dixettxxex the quextionx that ha\ e dri\ en coxmolog} tor the paxt ten decadex: What happened during the tirxt momentx ol the Big Bang‘. What ix dark energ} 1’ What \\ ere the propertiex ol' the tirxt xtarx'.’ Wh} ix Sting quite xo i'epellent'.‘ Probably not that laxt one. l’ur! of the Iztltnlmreli l.(‘t'!lll‘('\ 3007/8.

Joel Kovel and Haifa Zangana Thu 35 ()ct. ()ut ()t' The Blue Drill Hall.

.5” 5t) l)almen_\ Street. l.eith. .556 7 Hit). 7.30pm. l‘ree. Kmel. author ot~ Ute/twining Zionism: (renting it Sine/e Hemormlii' State in Ixruel/l’u/e\Ime and Kangana. author ot~ llium'n on u .lourm'x .’ [it'lii't't'n Baghdad and [JUN/(HI dixcttxx ethnic cleanxing in l’alextine and inaxx murder in Iraq. I’ur! oft/11' Rut/it u/ Bun/t l'illl'.

Hard Rain: The Lecture Mon 2‘) ()ct. Ro)a| Botanic (iarden (Lecture Theatre l. 30a linerleith Ron. 553 7l7l. 7 8.30pm. Free. Hear about Mark lidnardx‘ much. during \xhich he collected iinagex inxpired by Bob l)}|;iit‘x epic xotig. reflecting mankind'x headlong collixion u ith nature. Ticketx a\ailab|c from Palm Houxe reception or on the door.

Amulets in Africa l'Tl 36 ()ct National .\ttixeuin of Scotland. ('hambcrx Street. 347 4433. 3pm. £5 (£4; memberx treet. Dr Sarah Worden. .-\xxixtant (‘urator t.-\t‘rica. .-\mericax and ()ceaniat talkx about xuperxtition and ohlectx. Booking required.

Hot from Palestine Sat 27 ()ct. (hit or The Blue l)ril| tlall. 30 36 Dalmen} Street. l.eith. 556 7H)“. 4.30pm. liree. l-‘or xe\eral yearx. the Scottixh l’alextine Solidarity Campaign hax xent a delegation to Palextine to tind out uhat lite ix reall} like there. This _\ear'.x delegation hax recentt} amx ed back in Scotland and the)


Around Town

David Lynch, and Donovan. Together at last. If your mind hasn't blown itself yet. try throwing

some transcendental meditation into the mix. No, not a strange Twin Peaks spoof. Lynch actually will be speaking in Edinburgh and Glasgow this fortnight, in aid of the splendidly-titted David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness, which promotes transcendental meditation‘s health and creativity-enhancing powers in school children. He’ll also be answering questions about his films. after which Donovan, musical ambassador for the Foundation, will give a live concert of all his hits from the 19603 and 19705. No, we’re still not entirely sure what's going on, but we think we kind of want to see this for ourselves . . . (Kirstin lnnes)

I (3/ 7, (3/(1.‘;<1<)'.'.1 lira

“Ill pro\ ide a \txual pi‘exentation about their expei‘iencex l’rtrl or l/lr' Rut/n u/ Hunk I‘illl'.


Get Creative: Watercolours and Paper Sculptures Courses Startx Stiii 3| ()ct. National .\luxeuin ot Scotland. ('hambei‘x Street. 347 4433. Hit 4..‘~ttpm. t3tliL‘I6t. Karen ('lulou leadx thix tour ueek tSunda} x on|_\t courxe in natercolour painting and xculpting. uxtng the iiiuxeum'x collectionx ax inxpiration. l’lacex are limited. booking exxential.

Shoe Swing ‘l'uexda.\x. ('ounling llouxe. Wext \It'ttlxott Street. 667 tlth. {4.5” xinglex LES couplex «L3 xocial dancing ottl_\ l. .-\ brand lte\\ x\\ mg dance norkxhop run b_\ lidinbop exei'} \Vednexda} night. tutored claxxex ti'oiu 7pm and xocial dancing ti‘om 9pm. \xhile xome ot the |o\el_\ gentx behind \'egax' bruxh the duxt oil then B-xidex. Su mg dancerx. lind} —hopperx and |l\el'x ot all perxuaxionx \er} \\e|come. No need to book. and _\ott don't e\ en ha\ e to hax e a partner it'x I/Itll xociabte.

Starting Out the 33 ()ct. Scottiin ltook Truxt. Sandetnan llouxe. 'l'i'unkx (low. 55 High Street. 534 tll6tt, litl 5pm. l‘i'ee. Thix (‘ultural l‘.tttet'pt'txc ()ttice \mrkxhop ltttl‘odtlcex the ltttxlcx ttl' \kot'ktltg ax it protexxional aittxt or cream e. The \xorkxhop ix aimed at an_\one lookitig to “Mk III the cultural and cream e induxtriex and hax been attended b} o\ er 45H artixtx. dexignerx. muxtcianx. tilmmakerx. [k‘l‘lttl‘ltlel\. \xriterx. photographerx and communit} artixtx. To book. pleaxe email

e\entx(“ culturalenterprixeittticecouk or call tlS44 544 09‘)“.

Observing Evenings i‘l'ltl;t_\x. Rotal ()bxenator} \‘ixitor ('entre. Blacktord Hill. 66S S404. ,3 S45pm. ‘34 NJ; taunt} ticket {ltt5ttr \teu imagex ot the xun xat'el} uxing the Ro_\ at ()bxenator} \ xolar telexcopex and keep )(ttlf ex ex peeled tor xunxpotx. That'x not ax xore ax it xoundx. Booking exxential.

o ,r_ m.

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