
Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge

Iiurrhrldgc I.CI\urc (‘L-Illrc. ("nulhrldgc IilIli (’1' hmlxlng: IIH7| 330 I000 .‘\LIlI|I\ L0 IL4 05 hclnrc (lplnl. (1005 L4 "5 Inc: All llckclx L405


BlackSheelesI l3 55. H0. 525. 7.45. 0.55. TheBraveoneIIIII HalioweeonI x45 Theileartbreak KidII5I ||40ul0. 3.05. 3 i5. 5 I5. I005.

lHow Pronounce You Chuck and Larry

III i0

II I0ulll. 7.55.

II3I\I 730. I000

ThelnvasionII5I Illilill. 3.40. 5 I0. 740. I040.

The Kingdom05l ll.05IIIII. I50. 450. 7.l5. 0.50.

Michael ClaytonII5I I0 *0 MrBrooksIle II.00.IIII. I40. 435. 7.05. 0.50.

MrWoodcockII3AI I3 i0. 3.45. 5.05.

7.30. 0.10.

The Nanny Diaries I I3:\I I I.35.IIII. 3.00. 4.35. 7.05. 0.45.

Ratatouille IF) I I.I5ul0. I I.45ulll. I345. 3.00. 3.30. H0. 4.45. 5.I5. (I.I5. 740. 8.00. I000. Resident Evil: ExtinctionII5l 3.00. 5.30. 8.05. I030. Run, Fat Boy, Run I I3Al I I35Iun. 3.0). 4.30. 7.30. 0.45. Stardustll’(il 4.45. 7.I5. Superbadll5l II.30.IIn. 3.00. 4.40.



Black Sheep I I5l I)uiI}': I355. H0. 5.35. 7.45. 0.55. AIxI) Iulc Fri IQ Sul: I3. I0ul0.

Daddy Day Camp I|’(})

|)ui|): II.50;00. 3.35. 4.40. 7.30. 0.35

Alxl) lulu I’I‘i IQ Sul: I I.50. The Dark is Rising I I3:\I I)ui|_\': II.40ul0. 3.|5. 5.00. I000.

Alw Iulc Fri It Sui: Halloween I 00 0:10): I050.

The Heartbreak Kid I I5l

I)uil)': II.I0ul0. 3.05. 4.45. 735. I005.

AIM) Iulc Fri IQ Sui:



I 3.40ul0.

l How Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (IZAI

Hull): 7.30. I000. AIM) Iulc Fri IQ Sui: The Invasion I I5) I)ui|y: 0.55.

Alw Iulc Fri & Sui: 01000300.

I 3.40100.

Valerie and her will "w

The Kingdom I I5.

I);ll|_\ .545

.-\I\II I.IIL' In I\ 5.0 I I 10 The Last Legion I I3.\I Dull} II 50.00. 330. III I5

x\|50 Iulc I'II I\ 5.0 Mr Brooks I I5. Hull} 705 0 50 .-\Iw Iulc I'll I& 5.0 I3 55.00 Ml’ WOOdCOCK I I::\I

J<§_ '3 {5

I3 40.00

Dull}. I310. 345. 505 "30 Nancy DrewII’III

Uurly H 30.00. | 55. 4 50

The Nanny Diaries I I3.\.

I).0|_\ H 35.00. 300. 4 55. 705 i) {5

.’\I\li lulu III I\ 5.0 I3 05.00 RatatouilleIl I

|)ulI\ || I5ul0. ||45ul0. I345. 300. 340'. 4:0. 4 45. 5 I5. I. I5. III. H00, I000

.»\|\0 IulI' III I\ Sul I3 €0.00 Rendition I I5I

|)ul|\: I.I5.-1.30. 7 I0. I0 I0

Resident Evil: Extinction I l5l I)uiI_\: I330. 5.00. 530. 305. I030 Alw Iulc hi I\ Sul. I3 45:00

Run, Fat Boy, Run I I3.-\ I

Hull}: 7.30. 045.

.»\I50 Iulc I‘i'l Ik Sul: I3 I5ul0. Stardust I|’(il

|)ui|_\: ||.00;00. I3. i0. 3.|0. 5.45. 5.00. 3.00.

:\I\0 Iulc In I\ Sul: I I00.

Showcase Cinema, Paisley

(iriIIili .’\\L'IIUL'. I’IlIchin |5l|5l||t'\\ I’urk. |0I0 ullII hulking: 037| 330 I000. L575 IL’4.00 Mun I'll Ire-I00- (rpm: Sul I\ .500 lit-I00: Iplill. (‘IIIIII/().'\I’/SIII(IL'III. L450 Inc: .-\II IIL'INL‘I5 L450.


BlackSheele5l I355. H0. 5.35. 7.45. 0.55.

The Boume UltimatumIl3Al HalloweenIm 3.45. The Heartbreak KidII5l 4.45. 7.35. I005.

I How Pronounce You Chuck and Larry II3:\I ||.I.5ulll. I55. 4.30. 7.0). 0.45.

The InvasionII5I 0000. 3.40. 5.0). 7.40. |0.|0.

The KingdomII5l ll.05ul0. I50. 7.|.5. 0.50. Mr Brooksnm 7.05. 0.50. Mr Woodcock I I3:\I 0.30.

The Nanny Diaries I I3.\l I |.35ul0. 3.00. 4.55. 7.05. 0.35.


| I. I0uI0. 3.05.


II.00ulIl. I.40. 4.3.5.

I330. 3.45.

x...) \

'- Rune"

Czech filmmaker Jaromil Jires'

unforgettable 1970 fantastical fairy tale fusion satire about one young woman's passage out of childhood gets a very welcome outing as part of this month’s Monorail film club, which is fast becoming an essential date on any cineaste’s calendar. Adele Bethel of Sons and Daughters will

introduce this screening. I GFT. Glasgow. Sun 27 Oct. 6.45pm.

50 THE LIST 18 Oct—l NOV 2007

RatatouilieIl I II I5.I0I. II 45.00. 1:45. jIlII jlll~ 1&0. 445 5 I5. II 15_ £0. .\I>Il_ IIlIiIl

Resident Evil: ExtinctionII5I I3 .‘0. Hill 5:0. 505 1030

Run, Fat Boy, Run I3 \I I I 50.00.

310 410. 715045

StardustII’Il. 445. I5 SuperbadII5I II 30.IIII. 300.

30. 1000

4 40_

'f.\|k/,‘I l {.4 tan ,‘y

Black Sheep I I 5 I I).III} \I5II I.IIL' I II I\ \II II 5"

Daddy Day Camp I I’( 'II

I).0|} II 50.00. 3 .‘5. 140. '30 The Dark is Rising I I: \I

IIuII} II 40.00. 3 I5. 500. '40. .'\|\U I.IIL' III I\ 5.0 I3 30.00 Halloween I 1.5»

ILIII}. I0 50

The Heartbreak Kid I I5»

Hull) II |0.00. I005

.'\|\li IulI' III I\ 5.0 |3.40.iI0

I How Pronounce You Chuck and Larry I I3.\l

“00) I 55. I000 -\|\li I;II&‘ III I\ XII The Invasion I I5I I)ul|_\ 0.45

.-\|\0 Iulc III I\ 5.0 The Kingdom I I5I |)uII_\. .545. I I 50. The Last Legion I I3.\»

I)ul|_\: || i0ul0. 330. 455. 55. .v\|\0 Iulc I‘ll I\ 5:0 I3 40:00

Mr Brooks I Isl

|)uI|_\. 70.5. 0.50

.'\|\0 Iulc III I\‘ Sul: I3 55:00

Mr Woodcock I |3.-\l Hull}: 7.30. 0. 50. .‘\|\(i Iulc III I\ Sui Nancy Drew I|’(il |)ul|_\: ||.30ul0. I55. 4. 50, The Nanny Diaries I |3.-\I |)illI_\. I|.35ulll. 3.00 4 5. Ratatouille I l I I)ul|}' I I.I5ul0. 3. l0. 5. :0. 4.45. 3500. I000. .'\|\(i Iulc I‘i'l Ik Sul: I3. 50.00. Rendition I I5I

I).III}; I.I5. 4.30. 7.0). I0.I0. Resident Evil: Extinction I I5I |);III_\: I330. .500. 5.30. 3.05. .I\I\0 lulc In I\ Sul: |3.45ul0. Run, Fat Boy, Run I I3.\I

I)ui|_\: 7.I5.

The Simpsons Movie I|’(il |)ui|_\: ll.00ul0. Stardust I|’(il

I)ui|}: |I.00;00. I350. 5.00. 3.00.

.»\I\0 Iult' III I\ 5.0 Superbad I I5l

I)ui|): I|.30ul0. 440. 7.30

Edinburgh _

ucc (’lnclliu. .-\0I000l000\ (1100' HI IiIIinhurgII. I7 \VL'xl XIIllilgIllllcr} I’Iut'c. 0| 5| 557 (I343. I'IIlll5 urc \Iilmrl IIIH5I 5000:05 ul 5100. I-lu'. IIImullIlnx \kclullnc.

t) {Q


305. 445. "5.

|_ 5.5.00



|| 40.

I3 45.

7. i0.

||.45ulll. 5. I 5. (l. I 5.


3.|0. i45.



Before Stonewall I I5I + Homotopia II'.I + Shiniuko Boys I Isl 7.00.

Brunton Theatre

|.;III)\\L-II \Vu}. .\|ll\\L'I|‘lll'g|I. 0| 5| 005 3340. L550 IL5I Sc;le \HIII l'cxlrlcchI \iml: L5 I4..50l.

MONDAY 2.2. ()(LI Amazing Grace mm 7.30. TUESDAY 2.”) OCT Becoming Jane l|’(il 7.30.

5\ III‘IIIC \llccl Iilil‘klll}_‘\ H5'I '01 3053 Illln HI il 335 45:0 lull |\.0

IIIL' III \\|II|I\ LII IIIIL5 II' leIllI‘ 5pllll. (400 5 L4 00 L4 IH I‘t'Il‘Ik' 5pm» \IL'IIIIX'I5{-IhIII15I‘III‘x'II‘II' 515ml

\IHII ImII'I‘l Hunk IIl‘II\|.I\\| L4 I0. \IL'IIII‘\‘|\ L.‘ 00 5.0 500 |.l||\I Iiulik IIl'IllI.I§\I U‘ I”. (.“||\ 5 11"”. \II‘IIII‘x‘h L4 00 \IIIII|.I_\ |)l‘lII‘|\' I‘III5 Lh I0

'14 "II. \IL'||||\\'I\ IIL'L'I \\L'\|

l0 cu. II \. II'I'II LI 50 IIll .Illl..‘\\lnll\ Iilz'

III\I \II\‘\\\

\\ lculll III'I I‘.lI\‘III5 I .I|\'I\ .IliII I‘.l|‘|\'\ 00|_\I Li «L 5. \It‘IIII‘t'I5 L.‘ 50' \II'IIII‘I'lxIIIIl Imlx L35 I‘L'I \I'ul I\\‘|I\L'\\|\‘II\ L 15»

\\ u \\ I0. lIllI'IInllxI'x II» III

IIII l-I: I;

ControlII5I 030 Hallam FoeII.\I :45. II III Michael Clayton I I5I I.‘ 55. 0 II)

No Days in ParisII5I I05.

|_‘ Slit {iy 0H5

<40. II {0. 0 _‘0


Control I IN

I).0|\ I.‘ 50 I\ i 55 IIIHI \Illll. 0 .‘II. 0 05

Ecoute ie Temps I I5I

I).III\ I00

Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind I5l

lulc I II I\ 5.0 || 10

Hallam Foe I IN

Hull} 0 I5

.‘\|\(| IIIIL' III I\ 5.0 II 45

Human Nature I I5I I Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind I I 5i

\IIIlllII-I' 500. I 50

License to Wed (Senior Screening) I I 3.\ I

\Iullliu‘ Mull | I 00.00

Michael Clayton I I5I

I)ul|_\ 545


Hull} I3 I5. iii). 015.000 .-\I\0 Iulc I'll I\' Sul. II 55

Two Days in Paris I I5I Hull} 0 50

CIneworld Edinbu E h

I'Illllilullipulk. |)lI||t|L'l' \llI'I'l 34I0 IiIlIlkmgx (\ IlIIIl IIXj‘I 300 3000 ('uII'./|iul .'\lIl||I\ L0 50 I L5 50 Mull I'Il IwIIllc 5pl0l. Llilltt‘\\|H||5 L4 i0 IzulIx Iill'II IuII [it'llullllullt'm I‘L'IUIL‘ 000m L4 .\IIl\II'\ IUI .IlIlIlliI\ I5.II .lllll LI I-ulllll} IIL'IxL‘I. LIT \I‘ull} I).I\\ IlllllllllllI'II Illli\it'\l' LI000 [)L'I l00l0|l


Black SheepII5I II 35.00. 4 I0. 000 Control I l5I 4.50. x 55 The Counterfeiters (Die Falscher) I I5I

I340. llll. 545. x 45

The Heartbreak Kidl|5l II 50.00. 335. .530. >57l5.

The InvasionII5I I05. <40. 0 I5. 050.

The KingdomII5l H0. 555. x40 Laaga Chunari Mein DaagII5I I3 30. 340. 740

Michael ClaytonII5I 330. 5 I5. 3 I0 MrBrooksIIxI 5.55. x *5 MTWOOdGOCkIILM II 35.00. I40. 0.50.

The Nanny ntaflGSII2:\l I345. H0 RatatouilleIl'l II 50300. I3 40. 330. 500 5 50. () I5. 0.00

Resident Evil: Extinction I I5I I I.I5IIIII.

I55. 400. (I40. 0 I0.

Run, Fat Boy, Run I I3.'\l I50. (All. The Simpsons Movie 000 I I.IXIIIIII. I.05. StardustIl’IiI 3.30. SuperbadII5I I355. K30. Surf’s Up I|’(il I |.05ul0.

IIi0ul0. 3.3 . 5.35.

(III). 0.05