Hurriwn on thc orgun und druinincr loin (itirtliin


I Dumfries Youth Jan Group with Duke Heitger Uticcn\ Hotcl. -\nnun Rlliltl. ilk le'ri‘lt' HIS-7h :ll34 l5 hplll

L3 .»\ \clcction ol |.'t// Llil\\l\\ und \Rlllf.‘ l;t\HlllllL'\ iioin llll\ group oi _\ottli_L' inuxniunx. llllllt'tl h_\ \PCL'IJI jJtlL‘\l llllllipL‘lL'r Hurtgcr. in! or [In lm Arr/m- Iii]: l’t‘Hllll/


I Leana Zaccarini & Jenny Clark Trio All dc (Iii. 'l hc ()ld Slit-rill ('ourt lilllltllllfJ. Hrtinxxxit‘k Strt'ct. i.” (H44.

8 lilillplll l'lL'k' Scc ill I”.


I Guy Davis 'lhc l’lcuxunu' ('uhurcl Hut. (ill l’lcuxiint'c. 05“ 3 ‘4‘). 7.5llpin. {l3 .’\n .-\int-iit;in \ingct guiturixt “how inllucnt'cx Illt'illtlc Hliiid \Vilhc Molt-II gind .\ll\\l\\l[l[ll John Hurt.

I Ken Mathieson Classic Jazz Orchestra featuring Duke Heitger J.’i// ('cnlrc tit 'l‘hc l.ot. 4/h (ii‘;i\\iii;ii‘kcl. x. illpni. L'lll. lzightipiccc otitlit hiking: 'l lrcxh look ut cluxxic i;i// und putting: u llt‘\\ \pin on original CUIllPUHlIUlh. |(illlL‘tl h_\ Ncu ()rlcunx truinpct \tur Duke Huitgcr.

ILinsey MacDonald Quintet Thu Jun Hur. l (‘huinhcrx Strcct. 330 4398. 3.30pm. U lL3 i. 'l'hc truinpctcr rcturnx lroin Hoxton‘x Hcrklcc Ju/l ('ollcgc \xith punch} hund.


I Jesse Davis Quartet 'l'hc l.oclwrhic Munor Hotcl. Horclund Roud. l.oclu'rhic. lll57h 3ll3hlll. Spin. 9; l 3. lnxpircd h} ('ginonhull und Hird. thc \cu York \;i\ophoni\l lcudx hix quinlct \xith [lil\\lt)lllllC udwnturc und \ ihrunC}. l’ur! (II I/It' Ixu‘lu'l'ltlt' ./tl.“;‘ I'i'.\lll‘tl/.

I Acker Bilk & his Paramount Jazz Band 'l'oun Hull. Hiin Strcct. l.ockcrhic. ()l 576 305580. 8pm, £30. THC \ctcrun l'K clurinctixt lcudx thc currcnl \t-rxion ol his hund. I’urr of thy IJH'At’I‘blt' Jar: I'twlii'ul

I Mafia King's :\l'lll\ llotcl. 3‘) High Sll‘ct‘l. l.ot'kL‘l'hiL‘. (H57h 3034 ll). 8.30pm. L'h‘. HltIL‘\ and mu] hund lcd h} \ingcr/guiturixt Dougic Martin. l’urt of thy l.ot'lu'rlin' ./u:: l't'.\lll‘(l/.

I Liane Carroll l)t'_\ li‘ultilc Holisc llolt‘l. Dr) lt'l‘l‘itlgk‘. l.tlL‘i\L‘l'hlL‘. (H570 303437. Upin. L' | 3. l’crl’orinuncc h} \ingcr und piunixt |.i;inc ('urroll. \xinncr ol thc Ht‘xl Vocalixl :it thc HH(‘ J:i// .-\\\;ird\. l’url oft/iv l.orkt'rliit' .lu:: l'i'xtii‘ul.


I The June Love Trio 'l‘rudcr Joc'x. 335 Hopc Strcct. 3M 5W1.

3.30 5.30pm. l-‘rcc. Soc Sat 3().

I JazzCo Hrcl. .W 43 Ashton lunc. 343 40ml. 3 6pm. l‘rcc. l-‘cuturing mun} lorincr und currcnt Struthchdc l'niwrsit} lllll\lL‘ \tudcnlx.

I The Michael Deans Quintet Hur Hlot‘. ll7 Huth Strcct. 574 mm 5 Spin. l‘iliCL‘. SL‘L‘ Sill 3“.


I The Mellotones liight) Quccn Strcct Bar and Rt‘stuurunt. Si) Quccn Strcct. :36 .5097. 3 Spill. l‘lL‘C. 5C0 Sat 30.

I World Premier The Jun Bur. I (‘huinhcrx Street. 330 4398. 8.30pm. £3 it‘ll. SL‘L‘ Sat 3”.

I The Sandra Stone Set Eight) Quccn Strcct Bar and Restaurant. St) Quccn Strcct. 336 5007. 0pm. Free. A lll;llll\l;l_\ ol' the Edinburgh jun \ccnc. sultr) \ongstrc“ Stone and hand perform '.1 xclcction of popular standards.

Ayr I Ayr Jazz Festival Various \'cnuc,\. 01303 443309. .\'o\\ in its fourth _\c;ir.

The Lockerbie festival is establishing a good reputation on the Scottish

jazz circuit, and boasts another strong traditional-to-mainstream line-up this year, headed by the likes of saxophonists Jesse Davis and Tommy Smith, pianist Brian Kellock, guitarist Ulf Wakenius, and singers Lianne Carroll and Jackie Dankworth (pictured). See www.| for

more information.

El Various worn/on, /t)t,‘At>/l)w, /'/ . ’(i din

A} r Ju/l l’cxtiml ix grouing \tcudil} with trud. \\\ ing. [ll/l gind hlucx hundx. 'l'hc \uxt linc-up ol uctx illk'llltlt'\ (‘hicugo 'l‘cdd) chr Socicl} Ju/l Hund. 'l'hc Rut“ Hrolhcrx NC“ ()rlcunx Ju/l Hund. .\lil\c Dal} 'l'rio. Huxin Strcct l);indic\k. \likt‘ l);il)'\ l)i\icl;ind Rll)llllll Kingx und Kcn Muthicxon'x ('Iuwit‘ Jux/ ()rt'licxtru. \VL‘L‘GClld. tltt} tilld \L‘\\Ioll llt‘lwh znuilzihlc.

Lockerbie I Ulf Wakenisu Quartet l)r} lL'\tl;liL‘ Houw Hotcl. l)r_\lchridg_'c. l.ockcrhic. ()l57h 303437. l35llpni. UH, 'l‘lic S\\L'tll\ll gtiitur-inuxtcr \\ ho L‘Hlllll\ l’ut Muthcn) and John McLaughlin ;i\ lunx and has \pcnt thc [ilhl dccudc touring: and l'L‘L‘tit'Llillg ;l\ pttt'l til ()xcul‘ l’L'lL‘l'Mlll-5 Qtitirlcl. l’urr n/ (In l.ot‘lu'r/in' ./u.‘.' I-i'xlii'ul. I The Lairds of Dixieland with Paul Lacey King‘x .-\l'lll\ llotcl. 2‘) High Sll'L‘L‘l. l.ockcrhic. (ll57h 3ll34|ll 13.30pm. (3. .v\\ thc nuinc \tiggcxtx thc hut ol' l)i\ic|;ind iu/I. ioincd h} gumt trurnpctcr Luce). l’urr or [In [m lu'rlm' Jar: I‘i'xlii‘ul. I Ken Mathieson Classic Jazz Orchestra featuring Duke Heitger Quccn'x llotcl. .-\nnun Roud. luk‘kCl‘l‘lC. ill57ti 3(l34l5. 3pm. till. Scc l‘l'l 3o. it” (if Illc' [J’t’lu‘l'lllt' .luf.‘ l't'\ll\(1/. I Ben Bryden Quintet with Neil Yates 'l‘hc l.ockcrhic .\l;inor Hotcl. Hoiclund Road. l.ockcrhic. lll5"o 3il3hlll. 5.30pm. £8. l-rt‘xh \ound\ lroin this hand l'rontcd h} llhl-fhlllg Hruininic-huxcd \;l\ plu} cr Hi'_\dcn. joined h} gumt truinpctcr Ytitcx. l’urr u! Illc' lun‘kvl'l’lr .ltlf.‘ l'iwlll'ul. I Frank ‘n’ Ella with Todd Gordon and Jacqui Dankworth 'l‘oun Hull. High Strcct. l.ockcrhic. til57h 3ll.‘~3.\ii. Spin. £l5. Sct the mood lor loxc \\ ith \uhlinic \ingcrx Todd (iordon 'und Jucqtn Dankworth tn the) pcrl’orin cluxxicx h} Frank Sinatra and lillu Fit/gcruld. I’m-r of “11' 1.4rt‘Lt'I'liit'Jilff l'i'\lll‘<1/.

7.4:"; ()ki'

I Jesse Davis, Tommy Smith, Ult Wakenius, Brian Kellock, Chris Lightcap and Matt Wilson (jun-in Holcl. .-\iiii.'in Roud. l.ot‘kcrhit' (ll .5le 3ll3-ll5. Hpin. (13. ()nt' oll gont‘crt lcuturing thcw \l\ |u// tulcntx. I’ll/l u/ I/lt' [1’1 Al‘l'l’lt' .lu'.’.' It'd/till.

I Blues ‘n’ Trouble Kinu'x .‘\l'lll\ Hotcl. 3‘) Hiin Strccl. lot'kcrhic. H157» 3034]“. 8.30pm. UH. Hurd rockin' hillt'\ uclion lroin Scotlund'x unmcr to thc llillL‘\ Ht'nllicl‘x. I’tirl o] [In [M lu'l'liii' Jug." /'('\Il\(l/.

Sunday 28


I Jonie Keen Trio Hccr ('uic. “x ('undlcriggx 553 0M5. 5 ". illl‘lll. l'iu' SL‘L‘ l‘).

I RAF in Concert Rr‘};il ('olit‘ct'l Hull. 3 Suuchichull Slit-ct. 35i Milli). “.Rllpin L13 Ll‘). :\ rcttirn to Sgotlund lot the R;\l- hund \\ ith (it-rxlm lll und (ilcnn \lillcr llllllll‘t'h in \tippot‘l ol the l<o_\u| uir l’ort'c (‘hurituhlt' lruxt. 'l he). \\ ill hc JUIHL'tl it} lllt' l<ti_\;il :\ll’ l'ttlt't‘ Squudronuirt'x dunt‘c hund und lilL' cwning \HH hc coinpcrt-d h_\ \Villiuin Rouchc \lHl: chn Hurlou itl (intonation 5m ('[l

I Stuart Brown Trio 'I lit "H. l4 Kchinhuugh Slit-ct. 5"!) 5lllH. Spin. l‘rcc. Scc Sun 3|

I Alba Flamenca (‘uic (‘mxut-hok. Rll\\l;tll ('tilltirul ('cntic. 35 1\H‘ltill Strcct. 553 (EU. ‘lpin to l’llllllL'llL'H l'll}llllll\ \xith u l\\l\l ol iu/l


I Singers’ Night 'lhc Jun Hut. 1 ('huinhcn ~Slit-ct. 33H 43%, N5llplll, L3 W3». Stu Sun 31,

I Sunday Singers Session 'I ht- .lul/ “til. i (lllllllil‘ch Sll'L'L'l. 2:“ 4:95. .\’.3Hpin. L5 H43» \Vccld) \pol lcuturing L‘M‘cllclll lul/ \oguli\l\. huckcd h_\ u linc

ld/l trio. 'l'hix \icck‘x singer l\ l.ornu


I Ayr Jazz Festival \.:Tli‘ll\ \t'nut‘x.

iii jog‘ 1.1 1 it"! \x‘ \.:l .

L li‘

l L\\\'\1‘i I Brian Kellock, Chris Lightcap and Matt Wilson lhc l minim \lunoi Hott'l. Hoiclund lx’oud. l «\tkt'ihit' Hle .‘H.‘hli| \oon :1.‘ \ct- lhu .‘5 Illi’f v" f"?! [m ‘1 ”‘.'t l..‘.. It \.'."...'.. I Phil Mason‘s New Orleans Allstars und Riverside l‘luccnk Hotcl. \nnun lx’oud. l m kt'ihi; H! 5 ‘h .‘H.‘ 3 5 lpin 1 i“ l pht‘ut \cu llllt‘ulh lurk lioin \luxHHK hund. non unit-h ttfiruidt'd ux onc thy liiggmt tiuditionul lux.’ .tllldtlli'lh on thy :ntt'inutionul \tt-nt' IU.,:";:;I.( /"‘.‘,‘,,l,( I”, It \I'.,\“..' I Leah Cough-Cooper Quartet ill}lt‘\\l.llt' ili‘ll\t‘ ili‘lt'l. l)l\lt'l‘lltl‘.'t'. lot'kcihic H15 ‘h .‘H.‘ 1." \liuip und lll\\'llll\\' \ontcinpoiuu iu// lioin tht' ulto \.l\t‘l‘lli‘lll\l und ilt'l hund lit"! 1" {lit [in A! ’l‘lt It \.'i'i.i'." I Fionna Duncan Trio \oiiit‘iton lll‘lht' lli'lk'l. ‘5 ( uilixlt' lx’oud. lopkt'ihit‘ HI 5 'h .‘tl.‘5.\* 5pm {N Rt‘nount'd \|'\.lil\l l)llll\.lll [‘lk'\k'lll\ u \.ll|t‘tl lk'l‘k'lli'llt' ol iu// I'm: of fin ll't A; I/rii It: It \i’iim

Monday 29


I Big Band Session lliv |.i// Hui. l (‘huinht-h \tit'cl. Hit-13‘” \pin 1‘ it3i \t't' Hon 3:

I The Late Great Jazz Jam Session lilk' .lul/ Hui. l ('huinht-ix

' . .‘jll lj‘lx llllllll llt't' \i't' \liill

il‘lll 1\

Ayr I Ayr Jazz Festival \.tlliill\ \t'llllt'5. ill I": 44 i ill" St't' \ll 3‘ i

Tuesday 30


I Cecilia Coleman and Trio lllk‘ .lu// Hui. l ('huinht'ix \llx'k'l. 331M?“

.\ illplll t * iL3i l'.\‘ll\ilt'\l \L"-‘~ \oik [‘l.llll\l \top\ 1!] on llt'l l'llltlllt‘dll tour. will it'llou \\ dinininci \duin \oit-nxt'n und i‘;t\\l\l Hiiun Slnch

Wednesday 31


I Edinburgh University Jazz Orchestra Open Rehearsal lilt‘ .l.i// Hui. l ('huinhcix Stu-cl. 33H 43‘lh' 5pm l'lL‘L' “utgh lllt' 1‘) pint- hund .i\ thox icht'uiw loi tonight'x pt'iloiizmntc

I Edinburgh University Jazz Orchestra lllk' .lu// Hui. l (‘huinht‘ix Short. 33” 43‘“ h illlllll L * IL3i .|u// \‘l;l\\IL\ lioin llll\ l‘) PIL'LK' hund plu}inj.' L‘ool urrunjgcint'ntx ol |u// und lunk tuncx

III Haftor Medboe Group with Eva Malling .lu// (‘cntic ut lilt' l.ot. 4/h (il.l\\lll;lli\t‘l. H illpni Llli \lcdhm'K group idllllt'il lllL'll HUV- ulhuin.

\r H [Him/ii. .iliillgwtdt' l).llll\ll huw \irtuow l'.\.: \lullinj: l:\put l‘ljJ lilt'llllljJ lllL'lHtllL'\ und dccp llt'.l\} yioowx .i\ will u\ \Hlllt' \turtlinf: lllllllti\l\;tlltill

I Jazz Jam and Open Mic Session i',lf._‘lll} ()uccn Slit-ct Hui und l<t‘\l;llll;tlll. NH ()ticcti Strut-t. 33H 5007 ‘lpin midnight. l‘iu- Sct' Wm] 34,

Thursday 1


I Jerry Bergonzi Quartet 1 he Jul/ Hill. l (illttllllk'h \llt'cl. Ill-13% HMlpnr. Ur it5i. 'lht- Hmion \ux guru. touring \Hlll pldllhl chuto ('luui. l'S huxxixt I)u\c Suntoto und druinincr :‘xndrcu \lit‘hclutti. '1 lil\ gr: \HH hc rccordcd Inc lor HH(‘ Rudlo i.

I Sheila Jordan and Brian Kellock Jun ('cntrc at ’I lit l.ot. 4H) (iruminurkct. 3.30pm. £135”. l;\pccl u uondurlul night ol llllhlL' making m \pontunuuh lzdinhurgh pltlllhl. Hriun Kcllm‘k. ix liilllCtl h} \cnxutionul \cv. York \ticulisl Shula Jordun.

‘L- '. ,. ' THE LIST 71