I Ceilidh Club lllk' l Ml, (il.l\\lll.lll\t'l. .‘f‘ 35"” win Ur l).ill\lll‘_'. with talk-ix lil lilzol :.i'll TlilllllL'll lllt‘ \lL'Px \lll‘lk llHlll lli'L'llL'Hlk'L'llL'

Wednesday 21


I Boo Hewerdine lilt'l. \\llli'll lam: if l‘Hi'u Llll \tllllllk'll pup Nuw \illl1'\lllllll.lllillllllL'llllJl"l.l}t'l

ll'llllllk'l ml . ull hand llu' llll‘lt' .lllll llt‘tlllt'lll \Hlldl‘i'ldll'l ‘.‘.llll I «Hi l<k'.l\l\'l

l (liiiliiiigi‘. I Shooglenifty and Tanya Tagaq Gillis lllk' luiiz'wl lull, \luia} lluuw, llHlUHINl lx’nail. ‘5‘ \llllll 5pm 9_ ll! !l_‘ \lii-wvlcuill} \nulmuc In lk'.ltl lllk' \twllhll lull. llhlilll pad. llt‘lt‘ llu'} .lli' iniuml lw. :‘iwuiiillucakiiig lllllll lluual llli'l'l l.:li}.i l.i_:'.iq (illllx I Clive Gregson liluihurph lnlk ('Iuh. ( .ilmli'l l’ml. lllt' l’lt‘amlllu'. '5“ JIRN \pm 1" .un lnlkxi. lelll.” plain]: \t'll'lJll ml \auti (iiillilhk hand llax lnur ill-tailw nl wln wriyuriliuj: and lwlunil llllll I SMG Ceilidh Dance Class llllllll\llt'lll l’iiiuai} St'liunl. \lnulpclu'i. llllllll\llk'l\l. ii" 5-1-13 19,1: llllHlllMl \nllixli \l.lll\L' \‘Iaxxt'x. nu mpviicntt- ll\'\\'\\.ll} l\\\'.ll llal willllHllalllt' \lltu'w

Thursday 22

(i zrsgnw

I Clive Gregson \‘iai (‘lulx Si \lllllt‘“ \ lll lllt' \quaic. SI Nudicu \ \quarv. 55" 5‘lll3 " illpiu. t'h lUH St'c \\t‘il .‘l

" ‘lpiu t

l (linliurgli

I Andi Neate’s Music Circus lllt' .la// liar. ('liaiuhi'ix Sll't't'l. 3301.“)5

.\ illpiu L” \ um ul .it'uuxlit' guitar aml \ii\.ll\ llHlll lllt' Highland Iaxx. iniuul In \ l\lk'll \t'nlxull and \l.‘lll}ll llalw}.

I 800 Hewerdine I'lit' \ illaut'. Snulh lHll \llt‘t‘l. l t'llll. lax Chill [ill SUV \\k'\l ll


I West Highland Ceilidh l’gllllt‘lx Huith llall. l’ailit'k. " illplll. U). 'l'lt‘kclx *5" (3.1“ Danu- in mum' ll'Ulll l'L'llet‘ \l.u‘|)nualt|\ Hand. .\|w a \ingamuml \\llll lllt'llll‘t'h nl lllL' liatliliunal \llixrt‘ and Sung \\\ik'l.llli\ll. ’iu‘l ul I’ll/Iii}. lu/l It \lliu'l' SHIV

I Song Writers In The Round l'lic \nucu'. \lcuailxillc SI. l’ai'lit'k. 35" (\"l_‘ Spin Ur l't'aluiui; .lawn \lt‘NIll. \lat'w ( )‘l’mxlc. \tl.llll llcallu'. lair} (iuild aml ( iiccu l’cppcrx. l’it‘xcnlctl h} l'.lll\'ll \llgt'h I’ll/I «r! I’ll/Ink Irv/l

It \lliil/ .‘l’llu

I Acoustic Heaven @ The Ramshorn lx’amxhnin l’lit'auc. Ingram Slit'cl. 553 UK”, 5pm. it'll. chular auiuxlit‘ night lt‘alium; a hamllul nl lllll\lt'l.lll\ llHlll lwymil lhc lull. \t‘cnc.



I Teannaich l’illlilt‘lx llglllx llul}l'imtl Park Road. * 10pm. I" it'5l. Dant't‘ In a lunk) (‘cilitlli hand,

Saturday 24

Glasgow I The Big Day Dot l’arucl. Burgh Hall. l’arlit'k IFUpm. L'lll iumlcr lh \\Illl .ulull. licci. \ll tla) inuxic l'rnm 'l‘hc l-mla§ \lacllnnaltl Hand. 'l'hc l-nrlunalc Sum. lhc Mick “or Band. Kin. lllk' l’aul \lt'Kt'iiii.i llaml and when. I’m! u!

’irl'lrik Iu/L /( \mu/ 3MP.


I The Big Sing l‘hc .\nnt‘\c.

Slcuarlx lllc SI. l’arlick. 35‘011". 'l‘.\l.\‘.-\ ('hnrm ('up ('mnpclmnn. llpm . l‘rcc. SOHEN ()l' l‘t‘LWlth N llk‘ l)§llC\ \\ llll Richard (iraingcr. I 2pm. £5. .\la\lcr~ ()l.

76 THE LIST ':* \c.

\ung '.\llll \xlm: l‘lalllL'\ and 'luriultl (Nail '-‘.llll l ilit'hiwru \.'ii~cii.: J “rim; L5 \iugllul('.~n.crl'.xill1\.:u;\lcr~_ \_\l'.ia Harncx and \auilj. \l.:ll.:;".’. (izllzan \1atl)unalil and l rank \Ll auglilin.

_ Illpui L\ [in Hi}; \iii: all .laj. lukcl Ll“ I'll": I" I'M/'1‘ It‘d“ ll \fju'. _""’~

I Vieux Farka Toure and Zeep Ill.- \it'htw. \rgly Slit-cl. 5h5 llNNl ~pm

L l3 5“ \cc pm l\‘\\. pagc hl

I Buttons 8. Strings ( ‘ait- (\ma. hul. thwall (’ullural (.L'llllk'. \llunn \uccl. <51 H— U ‘lpm LU \l‘allhll .llltl l<ll\\l.lll .ltxllltlll‘ll and \ inliu lllll\l\ liniu (it-nigic and \lltllk'd (iaiiu


I June Naylor and Sandie Forbes \aliuual \llht'lllll HI Sulllaud. ('hainlwn \Iit't'l. 31- ill:

I” l5 ll Jillll l'ict' .\n hum ml

t l.ll\.l\ll lll.l\lllll‘ll.ll \lllall hall“ and lltltllk' muxltt

I Susan McCamley \M-t- lnlk (‘lulx Rinal ()ak. lulumar} \lrt't'l. 55“ :‘Vh 5 ;“pm t; \t'ullixh \Iugci wrijguiilt'i

Monday 26


I Kate Campbell llic \ llldeC. Snulli lull Sllt‘t'l. UH l‘t‘l'l} Rikltl. ll'llll. lqh "hlll. illl‘lll. L'lll ti: (lav) cuunux/lnlk \Hll“_'\\l'llL‘l llHlll lllL' [8

Tuesday 27


I Cafe Ceilidh M‘nllixh Monk-Hing: ('culi't'. High Sliccl. 55h “57”.

i. illpm. l'rcc. .\n IlllHl'lllal St‘nlx lllll\lt' \t‘\\lUll lnr SI .-\mlrt‘\\.

I Habadam lulh lulk ('Iuh. lllk' \Vlllil‘L't'. Sillllll l'Hl’l Sll’t‘t'l. 4‘5 “Kl”

5. illpiu. t5. llcgulllug “in Hull] qu'tlcn and l)t‘lllll;ll'l\ [‘l;l)lllf.' luncx linm lllk' llallit‘ l\l.lll\l ul llnr'uhnlui «in f_'llll.ll. lltltllk' .llltl \leallil \.l\.

I Ceilidh Club lht' |_ul. (il';l\\lll;ll'l\t'l. 335 33‘)”. 8pm, Ur. \Vilil muuc ll'Ulll Sand) Hrccluu lll Ihc .llllll Shanilrn l1\l\‘l'lt'llt‘t‘.

Wednesday 28


I Ceud Mile Failte SI .'\lltllt‘\\ \ Ill lhc Squarc. St Andre“ '\ Squaw. 55‘) 5903. 7.30pm. {Ill (LN). .-\n t‘t'lct‘lit‘ mu nl mug. harp and pipcx Ill lllL‘ lm‘m ul Maggie \laclnncx. I'Iul \lnrrimn and \lacw \lacKuumn.

I Kate Campbell 'l'hc Sialt- liar. Holland Slrccl. 333 2l5‘). 3pm. Ulk‘. Soc Mon 30.


I SMG Ceilidh Dance Class Hrunlxlicltl l’i‘imar} St‘llnnl. \liiulpcllcr. lll'lllll\lik'ltl. 33" 5443. " 0pm. t" (Hi. SL‘C \Vt‘tl 2 l.

I Shona Mooney Trio lidinhurgh l'ulk (‘lulx ('al‘ar'cl Bar”. 'l‘hc l’lcaxant‘c. (x50 2455‘. 3pm. ‘4" lUH. Innmaliw llni'tlcrx litlillc p|a_\cr Mount) |\ Ihc curi'cnl BBC Radio Scullaml Ynung 'l'radiliunal Muncian nl Ihc Yuan accompanied hcrc h} Mhairi Hall ipianm and “and dc la lla_\c lha“’ClL‘x‘ll'HllltNl.

Thursday 29


I Catriona McKay and Chris Stout (il.l\:_'t\\\ l'uncrxil} (’unt'crt Hall. l'imcrxll) \wnuc. J‘s NJJh. l.lll 2pm. l'rcc. 'l'i'atlllinnal lllllL‘\ and mmlcrn cmnpmrlmnx lmm lultllcr'x Bid handinaltw \lt'lx'a} iharpi and Sinul lllklkllk‘l.

I Phil and Aly’s RSNO Ceilidh Rtl);ll (‘nnccrl Hall. Sauduchall Slrccl. 353 Milli). ".Fllpm. L'lll Uh. .'\\‘L‘Ul'\lli\ll and lltltllC '|‘\' \larx. \pccial :Jllk'\l\ and an urchcxlra

I Malinky SI Andra“ m Ihc Squarc. SI Andre“ \ Square Squarc. ".f‘llpin. £5 rim. |)_\namic Sum ll'l\ll iiuixu~ 1mm Ihc cxlahlnhctl hand.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanne©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black and Carol Main.

Thursday 15


I Ivan llic ( il.:\_;'\'\‘. l :mcixilj. (hmcrl Halli run-hm \Icnuc. “H ill": 1:1!l 3pm lit'c In llic run up In lll\ (Quilt-pic Hall i.‘.ilalil.-l\ul.1lic \lllt'thH l‘lallhl ‘.‘.lll [‘la} ('liui‘iiiK ’ufurraxu /..rs.'..\z U," ’u". I ix/l'x

\ill.'( .'.'1' \4‘ '0’” .lllxl l’Ir lluVit \v”.'u.'u llilfli \ (4:1 lit .1 tiling! .llltl

l)\‘l‘ll\\\i\'1I)I(.'.ll:lf\ 'h'l'I [lulu 3

I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals l\cl\:::_~;tn\; \r'. haiku .\ \llin‘lllll. \l:§lc\12\\'f. I‘M‘l5‘l‘l \lnn \.-.l li‘m lic.‘ lt-c.‘ Thruliztvu.‘ \‘lfiall m Il.il\ .'\.‘i\ .l.:\ '9‘\ .lillt'rciit mica i I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: In Tune (in Hall»

(.~.:i.il.':::;\. 15‘ \WN' 5pm list-

\ Inc cdilinu u? llllt lx’adim :\ \lm.‘ lime pingiauiiu.‘ \Kllll picxculu \t‘au Rallt'ily .i-utlutlui \i. lli‘luA \l.(it~§_'au anil

wi‘iaiiw lulia ( ii‘«\\lll‘.-_'

Ewan-av I Bel Canto \alli‘l‘aii Mail.“ ul \wllhhl. Ili.‘ \lwuuil (‘33 “."'l’

h Ii :‘ll‘lll lict' l ll.it\\'llll‘.1lll\‘\l muxi. llHlll lll.‘ lhll‘. auil l ’lli .cnluiicx

in. luiluij: \t'lliiigx ul [‘i't'lllx l\\ \\ llll.illl lilakc. In Him. iii; u lIll llu' .'\lul\iliuu .ll lllk' \alli‘llal (ialluu

I Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers ( annnyait-

I-‘.‘.i‘.l Mal-‘-


Queens Hall, Edinburgh. Sun 18 Nov

Composers' anniversaries can be neat pegs upon which to hang concert programmes, with the added bonus that audiences hear music that otherwise might not get much of an airing. In the case of Dietrich Buxtehude, the greatest German composer in the generation preceding Bach and Handel, the Dunedin Consort succeeds on both counts with a special concert marking the 300th anniversary of his death.

‘He is an amazing composer,’ says Dunedin Artistic Director and soprano, Susan Hamilton, ‘and I think he's not heard much as people get scared about unknown territory. In this country, Baroque music is not readily accepted.’

The programme will feature some of Buxtehude’s extraordinarily expressive vocal music, including his setting of the chorale melody, Jesu, meine Freude. ‘lt’s the same tune that Bach more famously set, but this is Buxtehude’s take on it,’ explains Hamilton. ‘His music is full of different choral colours. He's a bit more basic than Bach, but then he was that bit earlier.‘

Giving the chance to hear the two composers alongside each other, the Dunedin Consort also performs Bach’s cantata Gottes Zeit is! die allerbeste Zeit, written in 1707, the year that Butehude died. ‘It is simply sublime,’ says Hamilton, “and takes you back to an earlier world.’

In contrast is a newly-commissioned chamber version of contemporary composer Sally Beamish’s Showings, based on visions seen by the 14th century religious recluse, Julian of Norwich.

With the coveted Classic FM Gramophone Award 2007 for the Best Baroque Vocal Recording under their belt for Handel’s Messiah, a recording of Bach’s St Matthew Passion due to be released at Easter and the launch of an imaginative new friends scheme, the Dunedins are clearly on an upward trajectory at the moment. ‘The next question is, “What do we do after this?”’ says Hamilton, adding quickly: ‘Watch this space. . .’ (Carol Main)