
t'laxxit'x IIIL'IlIIIIIIf,‘ .iidii} il'x ( "IIIII ()lli\ltit'.. ‘RIIIIIIIIIII iiIL' Rt‘II \iixt' lx’t'Inilt't'i‘. ’I cl ll \‘nim' .IIIII Innth more


I The Jazz Bar Big Band IIIC .|.I// liar. I (‘h.iinht'i\ Sheet. 33” -I_“II\

.\'. ‘IIpIn t" ILII .|;i// clawit'x IIIIIII IIII\ I“ [new cnxt‘iiihlt'.

I The Late Great Jazz Jam Session Iht' .|.i// liar. I ('hainht'ix Slict'l.33II-13‘I.\' IIIpin, I-iw I \pcti .I “(It IIII\ III \I_\ In .I\ Iat't‘x Uiti .Iliti rim drop III In pciIIIiin \\IIII IIIt' Ilnuw IIIII t‘.It'II \\ L‘t‘h

Tuesday 4

GIasgow I Christmas with The Rat Pack Rn}.il ('Irnt'cll II.iII. 2 Saint'hit‘lmll \Iit'cl.

§5§.\'(IIII)_*1IIIIHI L‘ji <II (35w \i-t- \IIIII 4


I The Diminished Fifth Ihc \imiIm RIMHIH. I‘M \\L‘\l i\)\':_'l\It'I \Ilt‘t'l. <VI ‘IIIIII. ~pm. LN (III, ('hiixlnmx \\\ III_L' (IQIIIL'C pail} \\ iIh Inc muxit~ Imin Ihc i)IIIIlIIl\iIt‘tI I‘IIIII. \\IIII Iict' dance t'I.I\\i‘\ .1! “pin .Illti \cgmx' lt-nn} I m c «In the \IL‘x'h\

I The Offenders llic _i.I// IL”. I (‘ILimht‘ix Street. III) .L‘IIN .\ ‘IIIpin L“ ILL‘I. I 1w ].IIII\ .Iiiti giicxl \ime IIIIIII IIII\ nigh! III L'UIIICIIIPIII'JI} IIIut‘x

I Tuesday Heartbreak Funk Jam Session 'l‘hc .I.i// “Al. I ('h.imhci\ Sli‘ct‘l. 3:” ~13".\. II Winn ;.IIII IN: IN glIIItII'hl \le plinx Ilt'\II \IIIII. Iunk. Rik”. hip Imp and thm

Wednesday 5


I Christmas with The Rat Pack Royil ('unt‘t‘i'l II.iII. I SauchicILiII Slit‘cl. 35.: NINIII “HiIIpm. 1.2.15“ {3‘ 5H 8“- .\II\II 3,


I Colin Steele Plays Miles Davis .ItI// (‘L‘IIII'LX lihk‘i1“.Ji‘(iiti\\IIi.IIhL'I. 4h- SZINI 8.30pm. {III Sec Hm I".

Glasgow's large free Improvisation ensemble has already racked up a number of significant collaborations with major figures on the international improv scene, and score another coup here with the premiere of a Scottish Arts Council- funded project to work on a new commission with George Lewis, who emerged from the celebrated AACM in Chicago and is regarded as groundbreaking experimenter in electronic and computer music.

(VXIJII ,' 'i‘w‘

I Jazz Jam and Open Mic

Session I It‘III\ (‘Ilit't'il \izi-t-i In: .mi I\)\'\I.IIII.IIII. \II (‘IIICCIE \Iict‘l. ,‘ ‘II ‘II‘I' ‘Ipin IIIIIIIII‘L'III Irv: II"III‘.


;i|I .ilt' \u‘ltwinc III IIIIII I'I III; Inn


I Salvation Army Christmas Carol Concert I\’IIIII\‘|1'II‘II Imam II.:I§, I W \I.iin \Iict'li III i "IIII Winn .\ \ It'xlz‘mi \".\'III I.“ IIIL' I.iiiiil}. ainh IIIIIHK'Ih «'wzzx' III \iJklIlIIIdII (flinth Ix’vhc! .iri.I Iiit~ \.iI\.iIiun \IIII_\

Stirling I Jazz Singers’ Open Mic Night il‘ii‘t‘t‘lii. .I.III \\_\n\I_ III "\II lIiI III

Slum. \IIIt'I'l\ I. I win I.III'I\ I [inc

H illpin 1111*»

_\IIIll Iiinjgx .I 'I‘.IIII.IIIII \‘.IIII wins iii/r

.ilitI IIIut‘x \‘Iiiwit \ .iI IIII\ nix-Ii IIIIt .iII.iII

Thursday 6


I Royal Scottish Academy Brass (i|.i\;:n\\ I IlI‘xt‘I\II_\ l ninn

I nut-hill \xcnnt: ii" \II‘I"

I III 3pm lik'k' \ (’Iiiixiinm tutti-:1 \\IIII Rnyrl \tIIIIixh \tmIt-inx i'ii..\\ \Iiict‘luI III I‘Iiyin \lIt-n

I Christmas with The Rat Pack I\’II\.II (‘IIIIL t'II _‘ \iilitIiit'IiaII \Iit‘t-I. 1*; \III III 1Hqu

:31 <II 2:“ <II \t-t- \I..n:


I Mary Mac IIri- I.:// Ian (‘hainhch \IicuI. .‘V‘II C‘M \ ‘I’I‘IZ; L5 HICIIIIIIIL‘ IIIIIx .III\i I.I//, \I.‘.\ Itiiint‘hw hci Iicv. ( I) l x" '/ ., Hui". II.“ Ital I‘_\ I‘iII.:I: Ixt-Ilwt i. Ix’ulmit‘ Ix’tit' anti I\c\ III \Iiiir,zj.

I Tam White .I‘I// (ti Us. lhc I

I (I (iimxniaiitt'I. lIIi ‘fl‘IIII \ lIIpxr {III \ImIcin l.I// tiny;th hhim Ir. 3! Icycntlai} \ntahxt I.:i:1 \\ Init-

Giasgox'. I Jools Holland 8. his Rhythm 8.

Blues Orchestra \I I I I \IIIII'IIIIIJII Iz'v I? :I‘Ii. .' liil \II}\':1 I ‘1 "ii |~£Ig.??:'t. a. Iii‘z' I I'

I.:z:nI‘. ':I ’II I1. Ix'.\ I'.

~I.i'iII.:!II '.~.I7Ii 'Ii' 1'

in In I IIIII. I\"II“ I'l'IIJ'

i ‘11 y O IG-Unit \‘[\-\' “Il LVI~ IIII: -\ I‘ \‘ IIII'NII inIiIIIIHKItM: Ir.:iIzz‘II.:' 3,1" \Iii'fl II,.I’

ISkunk Funk II. | I‘..: (II.‘.ZIII\'Z\ \':;‘I II lI‘I‘

TI Winn \IIII I‘ \t I'

[I i IIiI,'

I Christmas with The Rat Pack

(.IIIII iiiIIi I Mi. I. 'I Li’ll\li! I ‘z \i, 0 \il \x. \I Saturdays ‘ILI I The June Love Trio I- X“ IIIIiIu \IIH' "1“ I ;II \ \IIII;:' \' \ IJazzCo I‘m? «I ‘. '\

~1‘l‘I'III "III, II; It

Iwr'nu' uni i :" "\'I,:I' I ::.‘.JI»-i‘. 'ti;:\:

I Jools Holland & his Rhythm 8 Blues Orchestra \I I I I I. \iiIIIIIIIInIEI iI'II.'t\I’I fit)”; ;I iI’i‘II. “" ‘II \._ Ira

I Glasgow lmprovisers Orchestra with George Lewis

(( \ “II \.::.t 1'1:;.'.I:I: \ -"' ‘I‘II. {II :4 IIh'zzriI I: I II ‘I\:|I \I

Ii I“ I| u i‘I I us! I I I Phil Bancroft QuartetI II, Ix’stnn Ix’mvm I ars'~ I“ - IIII \I‘I', LIII ( .:Itf.‘. int-wit:- Ix I’I I.

I The Mellotones

I Trio Jazz

I World Premier

I Fish Fry


I Joni Keen & the Euan Stevenson Trio 'I

I Jean Mundell Quartet

I Subie Coleman with Kevin

McKenzie I

i'. w

\ \\

I. KI I,

I Phil Bancroft Quartet

I Sunday Singers Session I.

I Borders Big Band

\I 'Ii ‘. 'I

I The Jazz Bar Big Band

I, I \' " I The Late Great Jazz Jam Session i‘. \\. ~\

Tuesday 1 1

I Guitar Night I‘ I.

I’. i.

i I I Tuesday Heartbreak Session I;

Funk Jam


Wednesday 12

I Edinburgh University Jazz Orchestra ,, I; w ~\.. .- . .,

I The Scottish Jazz All Stars I

II. ii.-

I Jazz Jam and Open Mic Session

I-r'Ii va- -I;v mi». Ii. \I-

~ I- \

Thursday 13

I Kevin MacKenzie Quartet I // i " " I I (I r " '0,