Norther light

Mark Fisher heads to Stavanger to see a European City of Culture that's giving Liverpool a run for its money

l. l)i.xttc} lliltl dexigned the otitxide l)uncan

Robertxon'x xttidio. _\oti'd xa} it wax loo Micke} Home to be true. l.ike the \ iew ol‘ the xtiiilit mountainx that .xkirt the edge of the cit}. the wooden Sttnanger'x old town are chocolate bo\ cute. 'l'he cobbled xtrectx. the woodwork painted in immaculate white. the cheer} w ell-drexxed neighbourx . . . il‘ }0ll didn't know _\oti were in a Norwegian port btiilt on the lixhing trade and made rich by the oil lntlll\li'_\. )iiti'd xwear _\oti were in a theme park.


'l‘he iinpr'exxion ix reinl‘orced il’

_\ou .xtep inxide an} ol thexe traditional lh'th centur) cottagex with ceilingx xo low that aii_\one approaching bl‘t hax to bend down. Robertxon. an lidinbtirgli xculptor. hax a touch more room in hix SCL‘UIILl-IIUUI' .x'llldltt. which lte'x occup} ing for a two-month rexidency ax part ol~ Stauinger 2008. a European (‘it_\' of Culture

programme that dwarl'x that ol‘

Liverpool in xcale. coherence and ambition.

Tonight the anixt i.x hoxting a low - key ~x‘howing ol hix work a chandelier made from antlerx:

86 THE LIST flu“ do."

hottxex ol

another made l‘rom bulletx‘. photogi'aphx ol' the artixt in a wedding di'exx and w a\ ing a Norwegian llag on an ic_\ outcrop known ax the l’ulpit Rock piecex that haxe. he imaginex. abxorbed the character or the place.

‘.\'orwa} ‘x a reall} comlortable place to be] he xa_\ x. ‘\\'hen )oti‘re awa) on a i'c'xitleiic‘). it loctixex )ttll on _\Ulll' work. l'\'e onl} been thinking ol‘ tliiiigx Norwegian xince l'\'e been heref

Robertxon ix one til at number of

Scottixh artixtx contributing to the North Sea l’roject one xtrand in the £29m Staxanger lellh’ programme making connectionx between the w ext coaxt ol' \orwa} and the eaxt coaxt ol' the l'lx' troni Shetland to (iatexhead. .-\x well ax a xet‘iex ol- \ixtittl Lil'l\ i'exidcnciex. there ix a commixxion tor compoxer


Stavanger is surrounded by amazing scenery. including the nearby Dalsmuten Hills (bottom right) and the Sander Fjord (facing page. bottom far right)

(‘atriona \lc‘Kti}. appearancex b_\ xe\eral Scottiin xtor_\te|lerx and a xite-xpecil’ic pei‘l‘orinance b} lidinbtii‘gh‘x (irid li'on theatre coinpan} in October. ‘\\'e tend to look xotitli to London or continental litirope.‘ xa_\x (irid lron'x director Ben llai'rixon. 'But looking north we ma} ha\ e more in common with thoxe countriex than we might at lirxt think.‘

(ieogr'apli_\ juxtiliex the theme. btit llix lit) L‘ttlttc‘ltleltc‘e [liitl the director ot Stanmger 2008 ix the \Vick-born

\Itll} \lillei; a hunter .\i urxmtrr: intixic editor and head or Scotland'x now dettinct .\oithlriiidx textual l'xing the xlogan ‘open port. xhc ix alerting a xoinetimex inward looking cit_\ to the at'tixtic gloriex ot the outxide world

'ililtc‘ danger t\ lllt‘ t‘itlltlttl‘l lk‘\k'l.. xhc xa_\x about .i cit} w here all right with the world ‘Stahirigci needx to be capital ol culture \ei'_\ b.idl_\. culturall} it'x neccxxai‘} to ptixli

\eetttx bccauxe

boundaricx. It wax \ci'} important to liiid the bcxt work. but not itixt drop it in and til} it out again which 2x wln we‘xe brought in lotii ama/ing cornpaniex tor a whole month'

\\ liat thix ineanx ix a line tip that b_\paxxcx iiiaii_\ ol \oi'wa}'x home grown crowd plcaxei'x in laxotir ol xonie ol the world‘x iiioxt inxpii‘ing artixtx. llax ing been audicnccx in l.ondon with “in Home. South .'\ll’lc;t‘\ llaiidxpi‘ing l’uppct ('onipan} w ill be in i'exidcnc} t.\'o\einbci‘i. ax will Belgitini'x \ltixikthcatei' ’li'aiixpai‘ant tl‘ebrttar} l. 'ch :\\ i\ ‘x litbal l’ittto Dance (‘onipan_\ i.\l;i}/.ltiiit'i and Lithuania'x ()xkarux Ktit'xtlltinax 'l'heatre t September i.

.-\dditionall_\. there will be x}iiiplitriiic‘x iii the cathedral. light xctilpttirex in neighbouring Saridncx.


ial/ reworkingx ol' l-.d\ard (irieg.

e\hibitionx in xt\ local lighthoiixcx and a xnow—baxed dancethcali'e pci'l‘orinance accexxible onl} on xkix. Throw in braxx baiidx. it it id lexti\alx. kite l'l_\ing. xtand‘up coined} and xti‘eet theatre and _\ou get the ittiprexxioii ol a cit} capitalixing on itx ctilttiral _\ear‘ ax lcw placex lia\ e xiiice(i|axgow in l‘)‘)().

l’lent} lor the cultural totirixt.