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r‘ .mi‘ttflf‘fl'mWwa ‘. 'Jfiy‘nfi- 5":

‘Chasing Pavements’ has been one of the biggest tunes of 2008 so far, and while she’s been dubbed ‘the new Kate Nash’ and ‘the new Amy Winehouse’ this massive hit proved there’s more to Adele than lazy comparisons. Mixing soul, jazz and pop with a melancholy urban edge she’s out to prove she’s more than

just a one hit wonder. Class“: Grand, Glasgow, Sat 2 Feb.

I I was a Cub Scout, Bolo Tomassi and Lights.Action! (‘abarei Voltaire. 36 RS Blair Street. 330 (i176. 7pm. £7.51). See Sat l).

I Nouvelle Vague Queen's tlall.

S7 S9 ('lerk Street. (368 3019. 7pm. £15. Boxxa lltht cmerx of the likes of Joy l)i\ ixion. The ('ure. The Specials. The (‘laxh and other early 80\ alternative ltt‘t‘tlt‘\.

I From Plan to Progress, Mutley and ChieiI Bannerman's. Niddr)‘ Street. 55b 3354. 9pm. £4. Punk.

I Sabai and MacPolvo \‘l'hixtlebinkiex. 4 o South Bridge. 557 5| 14. 9pm. Free. Sabai are a modern folk guitar and \ iolin duo.

I Hobo The Bongo (‘1ub. Moray House. 37 llol)rood Road. 558 7604.

10pm 3am. £3. See Sun 3.


I Needs Must and Julia's Shadow Bo\. 431 Sauehiehall Street. 333 5431. 8pm. Free. Local li\e muxic.

I Capulet and Charlies Heroes Bar Bloc. 1 17 Bath Street. 574 (3066. 9pm. Free. Post-rock guitar soundxcapes from tonight'x two acts.


I Art Brut The line. 15—17 Nicldr) Street. 556 0444. 7pm. £10. lieeentric indie pop punk from New Cross. London. fronted b} the e\tra\'agantl} - e) ebrow ed liddie Argos.

I Monkey Swallows the Universe Cabaret Voltaire. 3b—38 Blair Street. 330 bl7o. 7pm. £5. Acoustic indie-pop band from Sheffield bolstered b} cello and V10llll.

I Sldelock and Mind Set a Threat The Ark. 3—7 Waterloo Place. 339 9393. 7.30pm. £tbc. Headed b) screamo troop Sidelock.

78 THE LIST 3‘. Jan—14 Feb ZOCS

I Open MIC \Vltlxllcbtttklex. 4 (i South Bridge. 557 5114. 9pm. Free. See Mon 4.


I Smashing Pumpkins Sti(‘(‘. Finniexton Quay. 0870 040 4000. b.30pm. £30. ‘1.aughing‘ Billy (‘organ ix back with some new band members in tow and a new album of the same old xtuff.

I Dionne Warwick Royal (‘oneert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £38—£33.50. The chart-topping female vocalist busts out her best balladx 1 'Walk ()n B} '. ‘1)o)ou Know the Way to San lose") in her show. .ll_\' Music and .lIe.

I Fuck Buttons and Alexander Tucker Niee'n‘Slea/y. 431 Sauehiehall Street. 333 0900. 7.30pm. £8.50. ATP Recordx night featuring experimental noixe duo Fuck Buttons and the l)a\ id (‘ro\b_\ ~meets-doom metal of Alexander Tucker.

I Thrin Brakes (‘laxxie (irand. 18 Jamaica Street. 847 0330. 7.30pm. £17. Winxome gentle jangling from the duo who were nominated for a Mereur) .\lu\ic Pri/e wa} back in 3001.

I Andy Miller 'l‘chai ()Vna. 43 ()tago Lane. 357 4534. 8pm. £3. :\cou\tic guitar \ ll'llltixt) and singer-songwriter prexentx \ome of hix faxourite band»

I Flamboyant Bella, The Dirty Hepburns and The Riechoes Barn). 3b0C1_\'de Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £5. .»\do|e\cent indie popper»

Check out the

on paqe6

I Asobi Seksu, Land of Talk and Callel King 'l‘tit'x \Vah \Vali llul. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 537‘). 3.30pm. £.\'. (iirl-fronted. One little liidian-xigned \hoega/erx from New York. w lime name tt‘anxlatex into colloquial Japanexe ax 'pla} 1111 \e\'. apparently

I Scar my Eyes, Final Silence and The Black Chain Bar Bloc. 117 Bath Street. 574 oooo. 9pm. Free. 'l'hi'axh metal and hem} groo\e\ from llertlorddnre.

I Grant Campbell 'l'ron 'l'heatre. M 'l‘rongate. 553 43(17 l.oca| gt‘a\ell_\ counlr} ixh \inger-xongwriter promoting hix \econtl album Ilt'wm/ [fr/nit.


I On a Friday, Think Fire and to Catch a Thief ('abaret Voltaire. Vi 3‘3 Blair Street. 330 (i170. "pm. £0 Indie rock.

I Sarah McOuaid l.eith l-o|k('1ub. The Village. South Fort Street. 478 7510. 7.30pm. £o. Stilgt‘l‘~\ttllg\\l‘llL‘l' who w role the lrixh I).~ll)(}.-ll) (iii/Iiir [funk and

w hoxe debut album ix called ll/mi 'Iiw I,uit'l‘\ .llt't‘l.

I Band Showcase \Vhixtlebinkiex. 4 o South Bridge. 557 51 14. 11pm. Free. See Tue 5.

Wednesday 1 3


I Babyshambles Barrow land. 344 (iallow gate. 553 4601. 7pm. S()l.1) ()l "1'. (her-14x \how. Pete 1)ohert} bringx ltt\ appropriatel) -nained hand back to Scotland for the \econd time in month can it be that the l'K'x mod chaotic frontman ha\ acquired a work ethic

I Snowgoose and Captain Howdie chl. 5‘) ~15 .-\\lt[(llt Lane. 543 4900. 7.30pm. £3. Snow gome are a new band formed b} e\-Soup 1)ragon Jim .\1c(‘ulloch. l’lux the \unxhine \ound\ ot ('aptain How die

I Acoustic Open Stage lllt‘ llalt Bar. 1011\Vootllantlx Road. 5531100!» Spin Free. See \Ved b

I The Motives, Bullit for Pablo and Spearbrave Bo\. 4 *1 Sauchiehall Street. H3 5411. Spin. l'ree. ('umbernauld band headline.

I The Nintendos, Local Hero and The Reward (‘apiloL -l(i.\' Saticliieliall Street. Hl 111411Spni. £5 local band bill.

I Noah 8. the Whale and Naked 8. the Boys (il;|\gtl\\ St‘ltiitil 111 .‘\11. l“7 Renli'ew Street. ‘51 45” Spm £0 Folk} indie pop from London town on 1lll\ Young and l.o\t (‘lub tour

I Oran Mor Acoustic Sessions and Open Mic ()ran .\loi. NI 7 l5 (ireat “extern Roatl. 557(i31111. Spin l'l't'e. See \Vetl (i.

I Scott MacDonald and Neil Sturgeon Wextcrn Bathx ('lub. ('ranwoi'th Street. 570 0304. Spin. £5 :\c‘Utl\1lL';t at 1ltl\ ‘Balladx in the Bath\' double bill,

I Kaki King King 'lut'x \Vah \Vali lltit. 373;: St Vincent Street. 331 537‘). S‘Hpni, £S. New York guitar \irluow who hax \wappetl lllSll'ltlttL'ltlitl\ toi \inging on her latext album.

I Mystery Juice and The Phantom Band \ic'e'ii'Sleal}. 431 Sauchiehall Street. 53‘11900. 8.30pm. An incredible inning of lltUSlL‘dl genres makes up the new wa\ e ('eltic sound oi \1}xtei’} JUIL'L'. \Vith \ttppot't from angular pod l'ik‘kt‘l'N


I Broken Records, The Sweetheart Revue and Dead Beat Club \Vee Retl Bar. ladinburgh ('tillege of :\it. l.itltrl\l()ll Place. 33‘) 1443. 7pm. £4. (’omplex alternatixe indie and indie ptlp.

I Hollow Heart Parlour llenr} '\ (‘ellar Bar. b 10a Morrixon Street. 338 9393. 7.30pm. £5. .-\cou\tie night.

I Black Carnation, Come in Tokyo and Scope Whixtlebinkiex. 4 h South Bridge. 557 5114. 9pm. Free indie line—up. with more acts the.

I Paranoise The ORV. 37 (iuthrie Street. 330 3987. 9pm. Free. ('hill out