
REVIEW '/’,/TJE_ 14'. 1.212”; ’/ WAITING FOR GODOT Citizens' Theatre. Glasgow, until Sat 8 Mar 0000

J I ' ’1' ' i 'I ’1} l/‘I 1'} A 4‘ K, I v ‘r r ° I r ({ L o 0 K‘ o y ' r 1 it '1 I J A )7 .1 A n L 1 y t 11 Tj‘fln’v’ ; {:'{/‘: l{,. s,‘, (1' ) I, { I. ) K k) y I 1" . , '1' I: ‘f/{,‘,' . "I" ' ,1) 44 1 ‘T m/‘;(1,1.1 /, ,.u ‘f v '1’ x, :{:';/4' {1 (){JT ' I; {,‘u; (1",. (1\1{, J. [I A. I 1-! ', 1', ',(1 k‘ ' . 0 o , , ~ . f f ,y . l O , y‘ , , o . ,' I .‘r’, '4" t,, Ker/r Met/rt; my; a' ', me", “Nye” "at e .. {r .r ,a ,r.» (Ill/:I/ :,/,Y\/}(,"‘l'\(; . (i ,’(1'.",‘(1(:xw).(:' \hfl ‘-,1( \)€/ )‘. .‘ ,.,' _A§ r.",' ' ‘f/{x nit/1:?) ///l/ at," ‘9‘) H. ’1 '1/ Ii A ‘\“l‘:(' j (i H, I. If L_\. " , 'K' l/‘11r'":'(1’}")!/(lil("Ir\'\(;' (,‘l; tifr 2 (1 I (1‘, {r \J t‘ (Lt: ., . ‘, ; ‘, . '3 4;: ’14.") {/‘f /l(.' J": (1'1(}“." I]: (in 1‘: 4(1r A uut‘, '1‘: en} -“t)‘,'._ J. .r \1’, , g‘. t“' ..’,‘ \1.’ ’1 5‘,

(in Holland") inert/3.9V hears a“ the hallmarks of ; (Xx/VI, we: a" : anmred theatre Axwlrr d gm” ram. tors 2s a ‘azthft. interp'etat rut t'a, . text to do the larva”; Jasor‘ Scatrfliate's oo'rsrdered set rior‘sszs a' tree on a hare, star‘rte'i stage. aecor“pan;ed t); edua' , "‘easrrre': and 'at"<:' cealrtrlu! lrnhtrnr; et‘ect‘; “urn Gram!" Sutherland. in part f" s premix mum-5m s; due to the strength r,‘ its last. partrtmariy the reads. Beti‘ Muqyex a'x'z l/lclvlonadle, ll‘M: 'herr characters. appear to have pee" dong in s ‘<;' ,ears, {i"’l succeed rn portraying; a tangrole and oft 2n tender relatronsnrr, (108;):10 tr‘r- ' "a :6; At trrrres the slapstick clog-.rnrng routrnes go On a tad too long to 'ntrr‘far' lrul perhaps that's the pornt. At once frustrating and hrlarrous. It the; It; the lienrgllrnark n; the Ctr/ens season of great classes, we are an fr" a t'eat lMer; \"Jatsr ,'


Glasgow Theatre Royal. Thu 28-Fri 29 Feb 0000

When dance works and mean really works rt's not your eyes that tell you, hut your heart And that rush of adrenalin. Needless to say. It doesn't happen very often . hut Wrth

l IV l orent, rt's almost guaranteed. Thrs rs the second trrne Scottrsh Dance l'heatre has cornrn ssroned the Niwrcastle—haserl choreographm'. and hopefully not the last.

Backed by EM) Bosso's beautrtully ernotrve score. Lovent's latest work. fender/rook rs at turns Joyful and desperate Dancers male and female teeter on pornte shoes, twrrlrng Chrnese ribbons as if their lrves depended on rt -- hefor'e sWrtChrng to fast paced leaps and tumbles. And tlon Clark's stunning lrghtrng deSIQn times the whole prece an ethereal feel.

In the face of such beauty. Hofesh Shechter' has his work 0th out rn the second halt. But the Israeli choreographer uses to the challenge Wlllt Dog. an atrnospherrc work frlled mth shrltrng emotions. One rnrnute the dancers have therr' hands rn the arr ra\'e-st\le. the next they .re cowerrng rn tear before an rnx'rsrble enemy.

lhrs rs an rtnpr'ess‘ne detrble-brll

one!“ l 7. t .5


that's well worth checking out erther rn REV'EW MUS'CAL unexpected gift for song, dance and acting with her Glasgow or at the Edrnhurgh Festrxal Theatre next month rKelly Apter‘r

DISNEY 5 HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL former paramour. Meanwhile, they’re subjected to peer

P|ayhouse' Edmburgh‘ um” sat 1 Mar ... pressure from their respective friends to conform to

If the cast-iron chastity, remarkable level of racial their disparate social groups, while the jealous drama harmony and general abstemiousness of the teenagers club president attempts to oust them from the school represented in this stage version of the hit Disney play, a PC version of Romeo and Juliet. Channel film don't seem to ring true of the A880 There are some slightly alarming ideological signals generation in our country, or the gun-toting kids of about mistrust of intellectuals and the need for America, there‘s a vague saccharine charm to High individualism over the collective beneath the text of School Musical which manages to carry it along. Jeff Calhoun’s production, and a definite off-the-peg

If you haven't seen the film, David Simpatico‘s version McTheatre feel to the piece overall, but there’s also of Peter Barsocchini’s script - a little altered here for something to enjoy in the performances. Day and Want the stage with an extra character and a couple of new deliver their duets with pleasing voice and movement, songs - might seem familiar in any case, for its plotline while the supports generally manage to gird bears some resemblance to that of Grease. In it, we themselves up for sufficient joie de vivre to propel a meet school basketball hero Troy (Ashley Day) who fast-paced, Showstopper-packed production. If there’s finds himself face to face with a past - and a vaguely clinical feel to proceedings, the sense that overpowerineg innocent - romance in Gabriella (Lorna there’s constantly something to watch will help you Want), a mathematical genius who shares an through. (Steve Cramer)

'4'", 7e: "z ‘.'I:' 2 THE LIST 89