
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to gay@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Thursday 2


I Robopop (IIII). «l lTIIaIIlI l'l.I.I-. HIS-1‘ IIIIIIIIIJI III KIIIIIII 5.1m Ilt't' hI-IIIII- llIIIII. I_-1 I14. IlIlt'l .\ IIIl\ III tlamit Imp lllllt'\ anIl k'lt'klllt l‘t'alx IHI llImI- who tan’l \IaII aIInllIt'I Ila} III \lall lllt‘ll \II'I'la'IIIl lt'Il h} I” II

"I! Deviation I I lIlIIIIIIu. 24 3.1 (iIt'I'nxult' l’lau'. 55“ Tiiil I lI‘lll zaIII RI' launthI-Il Innnlhl) Iiiplil IHI (I "x \IIIII I'Ino. punk and IIIMI‘I Imp lInIn III \III}


I Pink Links lh‘t'I‘ l‘llllt‘. l‘t'lim IIIL' “lllk' Moon. I Halon} SIII'I'I. 55h INS “pin

L5 \MIIIII‘II nn|_\ \III'I'II Il.lllll_'_' Inn on Ilic III\I I’lltl.l_\ ol I'wI) Innnlli lIII'II' an" I5 \IIIlL'S nl llllk't' nunulm cat'li. hai hicab IHl I)IIII'lI I'nIIIapc anIl UI‘INTlllllllllL'\ In nunglc IlIIt'I\\;lIII\ \klIIi III'I' I'nlI} In (illl‘l Sci" Int“ pinklinkxlu/ IlTl lllHIL‘ IIIln

I Poptastic (Hit). ‘1 l’It-aitl} l’laI-c. llS-i5 Inn (Illl-l lllIInI iaIn L51 IL‘I. ()III'I'I I'luthn}; IlllelI \\|Ill llltIlL' clt-I'Iin lInIII l’lIIl llakuatl III lUUlll (TllL' and who IIIIIII'II'axh IInnI l’aul .\It':\\n_\ III InonI I\\o

Saturday 4


I Revolver Quiz Rk'\Ul\L'l. (Ia .IIIIIII SIII‘ITI. 55‘ 245(I lIInI. (I I‘Cl IIITIwII \ gaunt-Ial knimlulgc quI/ IlIaI Iakm plau- I'M-r} SaIIII'Ila_\. l'caIIIx nl up In \I\ Iwnplc can t‘lllt'l and 35p lI'unI I'wr} t'llll_\ lcc gum In lllt‘ (ia) \lt‘n'x llt'aIIlI (‘lIaI'IIy


I Luvely I'aIlll. Ill“ ('Imgalt'. IIHHIIIII ianI. (I: IL'IIII, .\ \aut‘} \niiu‘ nl lullnn. dining: linuw lllll\l\' \HIII I't'xnlt'nlx 'l‘nnun} Ka_\. |)can \I'ulnn. (iI'IIIII S'Innc and Jun I‘.tl\\.ll\l\.


nu More (‘ahai‘t'I \nlIaII‘I'. 30 KS Blair SII'I‘I'I. III) (II "(I llpin iain. Kaupuv and MI“ ('lII‘Ix Ilclnci IlII‘ hcxl III lunk) \ot‘al linuw. I‘Iuh L‘l;l\\l(\ and

L' lL‘.L‘lI‘n

I Taste lllt (IR\ (IUIIIIIC SlIC‘.Ll :3“ NS . llI‘lil .‘;Illl to H5 IIIcTIIIhIIxI. l’leII'I Ik l’I'It'c launch la~Ic a! Ihc (iRV w L‘\PL'CI Ihc lchI III underground Ilant‘c llllhlt’ and aIIIluIlc l'I'cc clubbing.


I Passionality lbhlm. l'nII Q. \It‘I‘t‘hanl Squarc. "I .\lhInII SII'I‘ITI. 553 3W5. ll.3llpin 3am. U It'll. l).l Rnlwrtx plan (had llll\ IIII' Ihc pa} TIIII\I'Il I‘I‘ImIl


nu The HUb l.( III-l (‘t‘IIII'C IUI llt'tlllli & \Vclll‘cing. ‘) ”U“ C SII'L‘CI. 5:5 llllll. 5,3” Spin. Slop h} for a dial and find ouI .IhouI Ihc I‘I‘IIII'IT'x acIn lllL‘S. haw a (up nl' lca and Inch mInc Iwnplc. ('nnlacl laurchI lghlhcallhurg,uk I'oI‘ Inorc IIIIU.

Tuesday 7


I Audioculture lblwlm. l'IIiI Q. Mcrchanl Squarc. "I Albion SIrch. 553 3805. l lpm 3am. U. _.\ miwd nighi III clIaI‘I. chccw and RIkB from D] SlIa/Ia llallmcll.


I Jackie Oates and Belinda O’Hooley & Heidi Tidow l.CIIlI Folk Club. Thu \"illagc. South l-‘orI SII'ch. 47S "Sltl. “.Silpm. £0, VirIunm litltllcr ()alx III

335 55S?

III'Tlll‘lt'I‘lI -.II.I M \“lll ”I‘ITY 'Il‘ tl.I\\l..Il .I' If) H


I Wicked Wenches ll. \:.I:'I:. \Iv. I’l.l\k'. <;\ *:~‘ \ QIIuII‘ oh 3';

llit'llll‘t'lS L: Rtfiuial fzmt \..x.;".(

l‘II‘xt‘nlx .lIliTlllt'I .I-II'I‘: I'm! I‘ \ lllk' I‘IN' YI'IIIalt‘ I IIIIII'II'. l.ll\'lIl I»;

Wednesday 8

Glasgow I Wicked Wenches lIlL‘ \ram: \\l‘llill.lllll\ RHII In ~II mil. i,II<< \ GIVI- UHL5. lllk'llll‘t'l\ t V St't' lug

I Allure Illk' l'llllli'l \1\II'.T'\"'.'I jnl IIIIIII II {IIIIIII III


IHI ll ( llt't'q l“'l‘ quIle lion. .Illtl my gun ln'hintl I’.I\\Zi*ll.:lll\

Ed II Isil IIIIl‘I "I! Icebreakers ( '(


Illwnnn fl _‘2 (Ilt't'lhlilt' l’lau'. . llq‘ll \Htlal I‘IIIIII‘ IIII I‘t'iiI‘lI' \‘.lli\ '.T..IIT' 'Tlali‘

llk'\\ IIlk'lltIS III I (illl \Iillll‘.lll\


FRI! Drawn Out 8. Painted Pink (iallcit III \Imlcin \II. |x’q\al l \\ll.lll‘_'&' SquaIIT. 3S" zH5” lllani \IIIII \II \'\llll‘lllllll III Iht- HH'IIIII‘I‘HITJ \kITllx I»! I‘IIIIIIIIIlhh Kali“ ( ‘llIIIl\'\\\|Illll .Illll l).l\ l\I SlIITIIlnII. uhnw t'nnnt \lllI‘\ ll.l\\' I‘IIIIIIIII'II'II all axI‘ctlx «II I (IIII l:l t'nil IIaIInI‘I’xlIIIIx In ll|\ .It‘ll\l\lli FREE sh[OUT]: Contemporary Art and Human Rights ( IallI-n III \ll‘ilt'lll \II. Rinal I‘\\ll.llljjt' Squait'. .‘S‘ “T5” lllani SIIIII lllt' gallt'n \ l‘lt‘lllHIIl \III'Ial qulit't' mluhiuuih Innlinut' \\ IIlI a \Il\I‘l.l_\ III \\iIll\\ h\ l).l\I\l lliit'knc}. \.III (iIIlIlIII Illltl nllIch. In l.Il\t' .l\\.llt'llt‘\\ and III I‘I'lt'luaunn III I (ilil lIlI' Sct' pant-l


I Robopoph III) 1 l|\1l\l\ I’lIII MW Innnllji lll ‘III‘III ‘.I|ll lIII lwlnn IlI‘lll; :51 It'll alII'I SI'I‘ lIlll:


I Lock Up Your Daughters Issue 3 Launch l'lIIT IlHIIg Huck. _ RI'IIIIITII ('nuI'I. 5‘3 lllllll IIII‘III ‘ani. L5 IL-li. III }nui' lat‘c /lllt' llMlxt‘l'S. link In \IIIII I)aug_'lIIcI\. l.lllll\’ll Ihcn lIllL'Sl l\\llt‘ \IIIlI a IIIII‘L‘II‘UI'I'. t‘lL‘t'lIII I‘al'l}

FREE Drawn Out 8. Painted Pink (iallcn ol \IIIIch'n \II. Rinal l‘\t'lIan;_'t~ Squaw. 3S“ ill5ll llaIII 5pm My llIII T) FIE! sh[OUT]: Contemporary Art and Human Rights (IalII-I'I \‘I \IIIIlI-III .-\ll. Rl‘_\tll l-.\t'hang_'c Squarc. 3S” W5” llani 5pm. SI'I' l'IIu Tl.


I Furburger ( illi). -l l’It'aIIl} l’lat'c. (IS-i5 lhh (INN. llpni ‘aIn. L31 IL" h l).|\ l)ITI.I}l\IIIl. l-unki l)I\.I aIIIl gucxlx I‘IIT\ lklk' aural \lInIulaIIon Ioi' f_‘.I_\ \\Iilllt‘ll.1ll\llllt‘ll (IUSCSI II'II‘IIII\


nu Revolver Quiz RI-xIlet-I. (\a lull” SIIITITI. 551 315!» JIIIII L'l I‘L‘l III-win Sm Sal J.

I Drawn Out 8. Painted Pink (iallI-n nl' \IIIIII‘I‘II -\I‘l. Rinal l \t‘lIangc Squaw. 3S“ 3ll5ll lllanI 5pm Soc 1 lIII Tl

nu sh[OUT]: Contemporary Art and Human Rights (‘Iallcn III \IIIIlI-I-n :\I‘I. Rinal l1\t'hang_'cSquare. 3S" W5“ Illani 5pm. Scc 'l‘hu l).


I'll! Drawn Out & Painted Pink (iallcr) nl~ Motlcrn .\I‘I. Rinal l:\t'han;c Square. ZS" MW. 1 Iain 5pm. Scc 'l’hu T) nu sh[OUT]: Contemporary Art and Human Rights (iallu') nl Mmlcrn .-\l'I. Rinal l:\changc Squarc. 3S" W5”.

1 1am 5pm. Scc Thu Tl

In" More( \ I \ H S" ' ' \

\ §

I Taste: Easter Party l

II~.-..:.I :x


\ A I;

I Passionality ll . I :w:' (‘l \It.t".:"' \,I IN \ 'T‘ \‘fgg' “‘ \II\ '- ;l|" o; i‘ \1 I. I’ll! Drawn Cut 8. Painted Pink (III-m: \l \" lTIw lx

\I,'I‘Ill' “\‘UISII III‘II‘ "‘I‘ \--|'~~ a “I! sh[OUT]: Contemporary Art and Human Rights I I Ii 'I\l

\II. lx’n_\al l \t'IaIIQI' \

l.'.'.‘. ‘5 “A“ \\\I llll' I)

ll'an ‘I‘III

E (1‘r\[/\“, 30x

FREE The Hub l (IIII ( II\'.Illll \\ \\\ 'I Illn‘k‘. \v. ._. \; IIIIII S llI \IIHI \q. \I‘,

Tuesday 14


I Audioculture Hxhim l lll‘ I) \It‘IIlIaIII Squaw. 'l \ll‘InII \III'I'T 5‘ “”5 llIInI 5.Illl 2.; \I't‘ lilt'

FREE Drawn Out 8. Painted Pink

(i.IllI'I\ III \lnIlt'In \II. Rona! l \I Il.:ll_"


\H ‘x‘ l \ ~ \~ \_"‘ IT~ II

nu sh[OUT]: Contemporary Art

and Human Rights II -' \I

\" I\T .- l\ ‘\., z" ‘\5 5“"

\_. l'

Wednesday 15

IAllurel . l \‘. \l \~ . \ \\ ~ l

FREE Drawn Out 8 Painted Pink

(I: ."'IITT\I K" ‘\' I\" l\\"‘

\ .. ‘\ t. x x In ~l

FIE! sh[OUT]: contemporary Art“

and Human Rights I. ~. \I

\:' l\'»\- |\.MI2.\.. u ‘Viw‘T

.".I". "w \w l'. .,

Thursday 16

nu Drawn Out 8. Painted Pink

III‘I’?'.ITl\l'l'l' \" l\'I‘\ l\t’Tl' \\‘llIl\ .\\I ;'I\.' V".:' \ \hx' I" |’ "I! sh[OUT]: Contemporary Art and Human Rights I I. .a H \il. lx’wxai l \. l;.::‘_.I \.‘ ‘\ lT‘Tl T'Tan. \I‘n \I‘I‘ llII. TIT E lv‘ti ,r ‘3‘ IRobopopII Ill! ll'. :v '. l’. «1‘ I’l’ifi‘l’; ‘ill ‘Hi‘l. ;.Ill I’K-lx-IH‘ MIMI; Ti 3‘ all." \.'.' lr. ’d .‘-C 6.} f) ‘2‘

SH[OUT] CCNTEMPORARY ART AND HUMAN RIGHTS Gallery of Modern Art. Glasgow. Thu 9 Apr—Sun 1 Nov

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex life is placed centre stage this summer as part of GoMA‘s biennial social justice programme, which explores human rights through the lens of contemporary art. While there are few high-profile artists in Scotland whose practice deals with issues of LGBT rights and history. curator Sean McGlashan has assembled work by internationally renowned artists such as David Hockney, Nan Goldin. Robert Mapplethorpe and Felix Gonzalez-Torres.

Works on show range from Deborah Kass‘ Warhol-inspired “Orange Deb’ to the tender ‘The Actresses” by Sadie Lee, which depicts two middle-aged women, half-clothed and spooning in bed.

As McGlashan makes clear, the exhibition has a wider role in highlighting and raising awareness of the issues. as well as entertaining. ‘LGBT people have made substantial progress concerning respect and rights in recent times, but there's still a long way to go. For instance, although Scotland has been very progressive in allowing same-sex couples to have civil partnerships, if these same couples walk down the street holding bands they are frequently subject to verbal, if not physical, abuse. Unfortunately, many youngsters continue to use “gay" as a term of derision.‘

Alongside the main show and a smaller lead-in exhibition in Gallery Three, offshoots include a year-long outreach programme, three artists' residencies and five shows on the gallery's balconies as well as artist talks and performances. The schools and communities programme will be delivered at GoMA's Studio, while a series of LGBT-related films will be screening in Gallery Two between July and October. (Allan Radcliffe)