Tongs of praise

Emma Newlands searches for the perfect barbecue

ummer wouldn't be summer without

the irresistible smell ol' something

si//ling away on a barbecue. Although the traditional BBQ may conjure tip images ol‘ basic burgers and sausages. there are plenty ol pubs now ol‘l'ering something more upmarket. whether it's yenison burgers or something for the traditional BBQ outcasts \egetarians.

In (ilitsgow‘s \Vesl lind. Cottiers (lll—ll 357 5835. www.cottiers.coml is legendary lor its BBQs. and on summer weekends it seryes eyerything trom mergue/ or chori/o sausages to salmon and king prawn skewers - and eyen barbecued sirloin steak.

Also in the West lind is the Blue Sky Hostel (0 l 4l Ill I7 I (l w ww .blueskyhostel.cotn l which runs a barbecue w heney‘er the still shines. ol‘l'ering a hard-to-beat £2 burger and beer deal as well as Veggie burgers.

In the city centre. Sloan’s t()l~ll ZZI 888(i. www.sloansglasgow.coml does its l‘atnous courtyard barbecues on a l-‘riday lor the alter— work crowd. and Sundays l‘roin lpm to chill out. Accordingly. the tnusic ranges from ambient to upbeat. with new resident DJ (iordy (ioudie ol' licho and the Bunnymen and Simple Minds lame manning the decks. liood includes Aberdeen Angus beel‘ burgers. traditional pork sausages and Veggie burgers as well as chicken burgers and an addition to the menu this year of fruit or Vegetable kebabs.

The City Inn Glasgow ((ll4l 240 I002. at the Sli(‘(‘ runs BBQs oyerlooking the riyer. weather permitting. 'l‘hey're l‘or priyate groups of any .s'i/e. need to be booked in tttly‘anee and it eltel' is assigned to cook steaks and burgers to order.

In lidinburgh. the \ast beer garden at the Pear Thee t()l3l 607 7533i makes it the ideal setting for a BBQ , and the pubs policy is that il‘ the sun is shining. then it‘s time to bring out the grill. 'l'hey serye traditional barbecue lare such as burgers. sausages and chicken burgers.

(‘apable ol‘ catering for equally large groups is the Smart City Hostel Edinburgh (0870 892 3()()(). www.smartcityhostels.coml just off

SIDE DISHES News to nibble on


the Royal Mile which promises to run a BBQ eyery night. weather permitting. during the

summer in its suntrap courtyard and roof

terrace. Among the dishes are (‘umberland satisages. pork steaks marinated in garlic and thyme. Aberdeen Angus beel' burgers and Mediterranean Vegetables.

The Outhouse (013] 557 (i(i(i8i on Broughton Street l.ane has a burger theme eyery Sunday and once a month it holds

alternoon ‘party BBQs' which combine grilled meat with liye l)Js and tree burgers entry is £2 . The next one is happening on 7 June.

The Sheep Heid Inn t()l3| (in! 7974. in l)uddingston raises the BARbecue (geddit‘.’l with a BBQ in its payed garden at weekends and bank holidays. It offers yenison and ostrich burgers described by stal'l' as ultra~healthy and ‘like beel~ btlt better' liindlay’s sausages. baked potatoes and Vegetable kebabs.

But it you'd rather opt for the DIY option. The Pond ((ll3l 467 3825) hidden oil the beaten track in l.eith and hires out its own barbecue to groups tree of charge and starting at 4pm. The pub provides plastic cutlery and relish. so all you need to bring is your food.

I HAPPY am all round this fortnight as we hear that former chefs at No 16 on Byres Road in Glasgow are hoping to reopen the restaurant. Across town, the Giovanazzi brothers are set to open their third Paperino’s


restaurant in the former site of 78 St Wncent Street. Nearby, Manna introduces it’s new ‘steak heaven’ menus, with even more steaks to choose from, with meat coming direct from Buccleuch.

I II mmm. Cafe Nom de Plume has opened in the LGBT centre on Broughton Street. The brainchild of the folks behind the Regent Bar on Abbeyhill, it offers stovies. chili, nachos

and more. alongsrde specials. The cafe is licensed and boasts an ample selection of good stuff in bottle and On draught.

I ll vou missed our Eating 8. Drinking Guide, it is now available in bookshops and newsagents for £5.95. Some corrections: Stockbridge Tap’s range of beers includes St Mungo lager, which is from Glasgow’s WEST brewery.

Spoon Café on .. - ‘5! Blackfriars "G if

“‘g— ' .. Street, "' Edinburgh is . .~ . now open Friday *3 and Saturday Kl until 10pm. And "- ' 4, Q we omitted the ~

entry for Café JJ at 180 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow (cafejjcom). Along with all the reviews, it is online at