5–20 AprIl

SciEnce at the HeaRt of...

…SumMeRhaLl Visit the new Science Festival hub at Summerhall for events on everything from fractals to fashion, molecules to malts, and even a Science Ceilidh. sciencefestival.co.uk/Summerhall …Food A mini festival of food and drink, and science! GastroFest is a smorgasbord of culinary chemistry, molecular mixology and serious food for thought. sciencefestival.co.uk/GastroFest

…NigHts out LateLab is an inspirational wunderkammer of talks, performances, interactives and installations. Don’t miss Casino Scienza and RGB Cocktail Party. sciencefestival.co.uk/LateLab

…fun Join us for the perfect family adventure - from six floors of workshops at City Art Centre to daily programmes of sensational shows at Summerhall. sciencefestival.co.uk/Families

don’t Miss

SCIENCE FESTIVAL LATES: OPENING PARTY Embark on a Jungle Safari, prop up the Blood Bar and do the robot - Science Festival Lates has it all mixed in with music, bars and bubbles. 3 April, 7.30pm City Art Centre

scIence at tHe heArt of… everYthinG ScienCefesTival.Co.Uk #escifeSt

EDINBURGH MINI MAKER FAIRE Edinburgh Mini Maker Faire is back this time bigger, shinier and with more knobs on! Filled with novel gadgets, ingenious inventions, demonstrations and performances, the Faire is a family-friendly showcase of resourcefulness and creativity. Sunday 20 April 10am–5pm Summerhall makerfaireedinburgh.com 20 Mar–17 Apr 2014 THE LIST 29