Unusual take on the agonies-of-Iove story O...

Even at the Fringe, that hotbed of controversy and tastelessness, you have to admire Scott Capurro‘s gall. Within moments of opening Loaded, he tells of his irrepressible lust for lan Huntley, the convicted killer of two young girls in Cambridgeshire, whose case was blasted across Britain’s consciousness in the last 18 months.

It is an edgy start, but one which sets well the tone for the show, in which Capurro goes further into why it is we often fall for the bad guys. Through a (presumably) fictitious correspondence with double murderer Eric Menendez, who with his brother killed his abusive father as well as their mother in the late 19805, Capurro plays out a story of love and obsession, and wonders if falling for a convicted killer is ‘my ultimate attempt to avoid intimacy’.

In a darker than ‘normal‘ obsessive fan tale, Capurro explores the role he plays in Menendez‘ life, as an outside contact with the rest of the world, as well as constructing his own prison sex fantasies. With his trademark waspish humour and self-effacing campery, Capurro spins a fascinating web which never delves deep enough into true analysis, but still reaches a conclusion which poses even greater Freudian questions over the issue of who we fall in love with, and why.

Doubtlessly in bad taste at times, this two-man story of one-way love is fresh and confidently performed, and well enough constructed to provide the requisite laughs as well as the welcome ‘afterthought' factor, lacking in many Fringe shows. (Gareth Davies)

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7"‘0 DJ ~. '. . We "ask 3:}: . Jazz Fesnval 0131 473 2000


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How Joseph felt

Pm lJttuh has; norm: uh '.'.’|lIl an intriguing l)|('(ii,‘ about the; (:iur:it|><ir>n Of Christ, trouumnr; on how Joseph uwght haw: felt ahuut Jesufs' ‘.l()l(:lli death, it lihrlt; Illll‘ ‘.lf$lllll(l Man, for the umthrar of all (lorriestir: arguments. Casatrnr; Joseph as an outraged (sceptrr; who saw Ill‘; fsflll as a nwartfl for a lunatir: '<:‘.’r>lutlr)harj,' cause l‘; plaussrhle. Anrl although transforrv‘ihr; the what)”, couple llllh plain-speaking Yorkshire heaplr; nukes a Certain sense. Utton's 'tialoqur; has a hrormurvxx: rgéu'ikrnesf) '.‘.’lll(jll undermines the firan‘a Mark Brosxrm

I Pleasarice C(Jllrl,’£il(l. 535(15550, until 2?) Aug. ’f‘l’iph‘r. 95.5044") '30



Exposure of the mind ....

Not stnctl, a piece of stand-up. thrs snon is rather the tr‘toughtful musings on life of

pla, .vnght lain Heggre. as told h, himself. In the dark and ClaustrOpnobra-inducing surroundings of the

‘11} 1' if I". . "x ' i: 3 ti 1' l' I \' 1“ I I O .y ‘I. i O. \I l \"fio . I . 1:. it ". I ~ I" twin ' 1’ ,1: i’ »‘ I l. i V a I 'Y' . .ti ' '\ IN (\I ' \I ' .'."g, I l K I 0 ‘I‘. D i ’7 HF f",v IV r,‘

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thrgi \Natur ill!

I 1.; 7t?z"(t (i/Hit‘tf {I‘M (Liam; (irifir‘ M r‘h‘, r. fur; H flip/rt,

f)“; "ill Win/l

’5 ‘r'. i)(1 light/l.


It's fame, darlings! ....

Hum ay'xarri .‘.’ll1,".ll r; rhrrr‘rrilrirture a'hrrut Tru- rlfgtniitatiwuf, Arr err ,zr .‘xr'rtr-r appears it hr: runurriri nut at thuifrv it steau‘, Brill Kin/yin" (I‘:Il‘.‘:l.') (Lair/Err", marriht‘, arirl f,l’l‘:',.‘.l; almut r:-.=r,-r\,'r,hr: trvrr Marrlm Mohair: tr, ( turr- Vlrlal .r/rth lllr: lurtuhrrullurwx, a DIV/)l),"l1‘:’l{/}, but one

can't help but fee: that,

after more thar: a (lunarlr; plahrir; hr', he", the actor has her/,rr r: :: little Jarirjrl. That aar’if there are wan; rrmrhehts; of fine .mt. r'w‘ least Capote", observation that t l‘) natural father's hart. Arch Persons. ‘30»! we like a flock of highczw," Mark Bros/n;

I A'gsernh/rc 826 £34,742, unfr/ 30 Aug, dprrr.

f." —:’.‘ 70, 378—2“ .‘1.

A MOBILE THRILLER Driving under the inference 0000

iJ'oe' f'e swearing

r1" )8“ 2" Erjrprl’fl‘"! 54,! he. an audience 9‘ Tree taken on a

fi?,$'..‘:'0a$ flu (76/ tr! 9‘