
I Rockin’ on Heaven's Door Alix-n Halls. l)tttttliattott Road. (ll-3M» 4‘1544 " illpin, {H511 Scc 'l'hu "

Saturday 9


I Betty Curse ‘l hc (‘athouxcz l5 l'nion Strcct. 3-1.\ (mom 5pm to l nch IN Hill} ;\l\':\ ttL'llL‘\\ \lcgan Buinx. uho lL'.lllllL'tl In /oinlnc tlick 3\ lhtx \ Ill/r I l;uj_'cnc Kcll} popx up on th tlchut album,

I Badly Drawn Boy Kill}: luI'x Walt \Vah llut. 333a St \inccnt Sticct. 33| 537‘), H. itlpni. Ll V5” lop tuncxnnthcr} tIoIn thc hchaltctl Mancunian Intmctan l)ainon (iough. ahcatl ot thc Iclcaw ot lnx nc\\ alhuin [in/II [/1 [hr 1 A'

I Enslaved, Zyklon and 1349 'l lic (iai'agc. J‘NI Sauclnchall Strcct. ‘53 ID” "rpm. {I l. ()ch l-l\ \hoxx. Black inctal hantl lioni \oi'wn \xho prctci thc laltcl ‘thttttj: tltctal',

I Open Stage 'l'lit- llalI Bat. Inn \\'ootllantl\ Road. 353 ‘N‘lo J Spin, l'rcc. “cc-kl) \L‘\\lt|ll toi local llltl\lL'l.'lll\. I Lizzie’s Arcade, The Suspects and The Routes Band .\B('3. WI Sauclnchall Strcct. ‘33 3333. Split. Ur. ()xci l-1\ \llt)\\. l.ocal rock and punk bill I The Magic of Motown l’a\ ihon 'l'llt'all't'. l3l Rt‘llllL'ltl Slit't‘l. 553 lX-lli. 7. Winn. L'l.\.5t1 t [V501 Stcphanic Bcnxon and hacking; hand cowring Ilic llll\ ot 'l‘hc 'l‘cinptationx. 'l'hc l'tltll 'l'opx. Man in (law. Sniokc} Rtilittholt. SIc\ ic \Vontlcr and thc likc.

I El Dog, Frightened Rabbit and The Child Echo Bat-II}. 2m (tutt- ~Slt'ccl. U353” "H" Um)". Split. Ll. Singlc launch tor local nIclotlic. pavionatc rockcrx lil Dog.

I Fallacy, Burnout 27, Signs of Life and Pablo Gone Nuts! the \‘alc. 5 l)llllllil\ Strcct. 533 4038. Spin. (-1. Pop punk lull.

I The River Detectives and The Fortunate Sons 'l‘ron 'l'licatrc. M ‘l’rongatc. .553 430". Spin. U3. 'l‘hc .\lot|IcI'\\c|l Inclotlic t'ollt pop tluo ioin Inuxical lorccx \\ iIh thc lilucx) l'orIunatc Both Ill llttx :\L'titl\ltc :\ll;tit' gig.

I Simply Barbra l\)(l}ill ('oncct't llall: Strathclylc Surtc. 3 Sauchichall Sti'cct. UH] 553 Slit"). Spin. U4. .\lu\ic. conictl). caliarct antl al'tcctionatc laughtcr ax Stcwn Brinhcrg tlonx a \\ ig and an rinpirc-xxaixtrtl you n no doubt to hccoinc Icgcntlar} tlixa Barhra Strcixantl. lntcrxpcrxing \ongx \\llll gtixxlp} \nippctx ahout hcr inarriagcx and \\ ixccrackx ahout hcr Ino\ icx. Ihc \hou hax pla_\ctl Io \cll—out autlicnccx in \c‘\\ York. Sylnc). Singaporc antl hrokc ho\ otticc rccortlx in|ltltlll.\ \VLNI lilltl.

I Thunderstruck Sanitth no“ ‘x.

(F 7| \llll\tl£llt' Rtttttl. 435 (HUT. Sfitlpin. l'rcc. l.i\c lilthlt‘.

I Ampersand, Exit Pilot and Skud Puppet: l5lh \otc ('all‘. St) (ill Kim: Sti'cct. 553 IMH. 0pm. U. .‘\nthcnnc rock ll'Ulll l'.\it l’ilot. \xith punkicr \Ulllltl\ trout Skud l’tippctx.

I Kong Rockcrx. l4 \lltlltttttl Strcct. 33l “’30 “pm. l‘t'cc. Rock co\ct'\.

I The Love Bastards, Scaramanga and Egg in a Tree \icc'n‘Slca/y J3| Sauchichall ~Strcct. 333 (MM). ‘lpIn. Punk rock attitutlc l'I'oIn 'l‘hc l.U\ L‘ lithlttt‘tlx

I 24 Hour Party Pinups 'l'hc .v\rchc\. 353‘ .v\r:_'_\|c Strcct. 08‘“ 340 "538. ltlpni. fill). l’inup Nights cclchratc all lillllgx .\latlchc\tcr mm a DJ \ct troIn lltc lcgcntlar) c\-l-‘actor.\ Rccortlx ho“ 'l‘on} \Vilxon and li\c \ctx troin .lo}

l)i\ ixion/Nc“ ()rtlcr trihutc hand Digital and local act St l)cltt\c.

I Foals littt‘ll}. 300(1le Sll‘L‘L‘l. “3.” 0t)“ (MN. It)..‘~()pni. £5 IL'JI. \ano tcchno \\itl1 guitars at the regular l H} Spittircx night.

I Graeme Rankin Enigma Music Event (iihnorchilKi l 3. ‘) l'nixcrxit} .-\\cnuc. 330 5533. .\lu\ic tonight troin: Dctbcit. Rohhic and The RL‘lllt‘ltIlth. l.aho_\a. The Sophixticatcx and The Ping Pong Banana Show


I The Black Jack Blues Band, Blues Devils amt U-Know-Hoo \Vlnxtlclnnktcx 4 o \outlt Bittlcc. 55— 5l H lipnt l'tcc hctotc nntlntgltt. Ll attct lilttc\ rock all rountlctl ott ‘.\. Itlil Knou illoo'x tunk “Nix ltt\tittt

I The Jamm amt Paul Weller Experience llIc Bongo ( ~luh. \lota_\ Ill‘ll\k'. 1"Il“l}l““\l'<5‘l:\5.<<\ will; "put L5 \ tIIhuIc to thc tttatt} puns oI lllL' \ltttllalllt'l

I Jeff Finlin .llltl Nick Keir ( ‘atiait-I \Hllallt'. 5“ 5-\ lilall \llt‘c'l. .33“ (\l_‘(\ “.thpni L" \Incticana .ltl. Btucc Springxtccn hnnxclt hax choxcn ont- ot l-inlin'x ltackx ~Sugar Blucfl a\ lnx intro tot all lnx \ltH\\\ Bi/aricl} tour incinth ol Mix han-rockctx 'l ltc ()uncho} \ xx ill hc lll\ hacking; hantl tot tlnx tour

I Maiden Scotland and Vantage Point llcnt'} \ ('cllat Bat. S lfia \lttllhtlll Sticct. 33.\ U“); 5. 5UP!” L" iUH Iron \lanlcn tithtitc.

I Agankast and 15 Times Dead ()pnnn. "I (‘ougattu 335 8‘53 -\[‘lll. {.5 Bottch Inctallcix \gaiikixt launch thcn nc\\ ttll‘lllll “I ll nun lo luxmnltumm

I Katy Moffat and Tom Clelland

’l hc \'I|laj_‘c. In South l'ot‘l Sticct. l cith. IVS "Slit. Spin. L'l3 \nIcrIcan tootx. cotnttt'). \kcxlt'ttt. tolk. hlucx and rock

I Lucky Luke and The Folk (‘atc l<o_\al lihllH Bat. l" \\'c\t chixtct Sticct. 555-1703. 5.30pm. [-1, (ilaxgou intlic \lat'\ tcaturing Incinhctx ot National Park and ’l'ccnagc l'ancluh. plux \onic lathnhurgh inthc tolk ax \uppoit ax part ot l’op 'l’hcor}.

I The Joyriders, The Lunes and T1405 Bannciinan‘x. \itltlr} Strcct. 550 3354. 0pm. I‘I'cc. l‘hc .lo}ritlcr\ rock likc l‘;I\l;tt'tl\ lut' lltl‘ \ct'} l;I\l tnnc.


I Mark Olsen 8. the Creekdippers featuring Victoria Williams and Ben Weaver _\B(‘. 331! Sauchit-liall Strcct. 333 3333. "pm. L"). l-.\r.la_\ha\\l\\ tnan .\larl\ ()lxcn and ill\ partncr \ictoria \\ llll;tltl\ arc rcxpcctctl c\poncnt\ ot rooh} x\tncricana. crcatctl troni thcir tlcxcrt hotnc in .lthltlttt 'l‘rcc.

I Big Blues Jam Studio ()nc. (ii‘oanor 'l'crracc. HI (i5lh. Titlpin. l‘lCL‘. lltt\lL‘tl ll} lltL' \L‘“ liltlLW Stll'lL‘H \\ ith contributionx troIn Stutlio ()nc rcgularx \uch ax lx’c\ l)oc and thc .\'unnio Bt'othct'\.

I More of What you Want, The Long Walk Home, The Vibe and The Ideals Sotttttlltttttx J" |l_\tlcpark Sll'L‘L‘l. 33l 405‘). 7.5llpttt. [5. ()u't'» l-l\ \lttm. \lL'ltttltc ltttllL‘ rock lull.

I T-Rextasy I’axilion l‘licau'c. III RL‘IIlil‘ltl Stt'cct. 553 lNlli. H. 5llptlt. £13.50. l.tlllg\l;llltllllf_‘. rcxpcctctl 'l' Rc\ trihutc act.

I Avarice, Escape the Oath, Paradox, Passion Beyond Reason, Remains of the Dead and The Black Chain Barronlantl 3. 344 (iallongatc. 553 400]. ".J5pin L5 ()xcr- l4x \lttm. Rock and Inctal lull.

I Acoustic Session 'l'hc \alc. 5 l)lllltl;t\ Sll'L‘t‘l. ‘55: 4933. Spill lltl\lL'll h} 'l‘hc Sol't ()ption.

I Blood Emperor, Archangel’s Revenge, A Means to an End and and Caused the Haunting Barll} tupxtau‘x I. lot) (‘l_\tlc Su'cct. MSW UH" H‘N‘). Spin. £5. ()\ct'— llu \lto\\. llartlcorc rock lull.

I Fade, Parklane, The Tracks and Fools Circle the Mixing Room\. 224 “CH RL‘gL‘ltl Sll‘L'L‘l. 33l 5350‘). Split. l'rcct :\cou\tic llltllC rock night.

I Godplayer, Co-Exist, Mengele and From Beneath Barth. 3N) ('lnlc Strcct. 08"” till" (NW), Spin. £4. l:\ti'ctnc nictal hnc~up.

I Michael Hargan, Eoghan Colgan and Fiach St .»\ntlrc\\ \ in thc Squarc. St .-\ntlrc\\ \ Squarc. 55‘) 5‘Nl3t Spin. LS local singer, song“ ritcr \xho tln ltlL‘\ lll\ tunc hctnccn (ilaxgtm. lontlon and Dublin and ha\ hccn coinparctl to Max Itl (ha) and l)atnicn Ricc.

0 regular music presents


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