Music Rock & Pop

I Peter Mulvey 'l‘hc (ioat. I287 Arg}lc Strcct. 357 7337. Xpm. lircc. .‘slihiaukcc singcr/xonguritcr u. ho has attractcd lmourahlc L'tHllPilflMilh to l.conard ('ohcn and Brucc (‘ockhurn I Tommy with Blueflint 'l‘hc Buttcrll} and thc l’ig. l53 Hath Strcct. 22l 77l I. 8pm. lircc. Harmonious lad} hanjo play-rs cxtraordmairc at llll\ Acoustic Altair \L'\\I()ll.


I The Rab Howat Band Banncrman'x. Niddr} Strcct. 556 3254. 3pm. l‘rcc. Long \litlltllllg and cxtrcmcl} popular cox crx hand.

I Dick Dangerous 8. the Love Bastards attd Preston Pfanz 8. the Seaton Sands llcnr} 's ('cllar Bar.

X loa Morrison Strcct. 233 9393. Split. £4. (iood-timc. old-\t)lc rock'n'roll “ith a sprinklc of funk} lunkiitcxs and grcat dollops ol punk rock attitudc from I)” & thc LB.

I Acoustic Open Mic 'l‘hc iron. ‘) lluntcr Squarc. lligh Strcct. 226 0931. 9pm. l‘rcc. l)i\'cr\c opcn mic night with an an_\thing gocx attitudc.

I Hristen Marie Holly and Oatbeanie \‘l'histlchinkicx. 4 o South Bridgc. 557 5| l4. 9pm. l'rcc. ('laxxic and contcmporar} cm crs.


I The Fratellis HMV. l'nit 5 (i. |.c\\'i\ Building. Argylc Strcct. 204 4787. (iptlt. l-rcc. 'l’hc tippcd (ilaswcgian trio lattnch thcir dchut alhum ('m'n'l/o Music with this instorc gig and signing \Cxxinn.

I Dark Before Dawn, No Weeks from Tuesday, The Travels, Zynk and Discarded Dreams 'l'hc (‘athouscx 15 Union Strcct. 248 (moo 7pm. £5. ()wr- l4s shim; Local hand hill. I Raul Midon AB(‘2. 33() Sauchichall Strcct. 332 2232. 7pm.

70 THE LIST 7—21 Sep 2006

The Joyriders

£12.50. Ncw .'\lc.\ico-horn. .\'c\\ York- haxcd R&li singcr. int'lucnccd h} Stcvic Wondcr and Donn} llathaxxa}. with thc t’ormcr gticxting on his .S'Iulr rig/WNW] alhum. 'l‘u \\ in tickctx it) this \ilti“ scc Surl'acc noixc. pagc (is.

I Acoustic Jam Nicc'n'Slca/_\. 43I Sauchichall Strcct. 333 (Will). 8pm. l‘rcc. chkl} \hoxxcaxc for local stilig\\t‘ilcl'\ pcrl‘orming original matcrial.

I Gym Class Heroes Bat'll}. Zoo (lch Slt'ccl, “37” 907 “999. 8pm, [7.50. ('artoon} punk—pop hand lrotn \cu York promotc thcir ncu alhutn .lx (‘I'llt'l .l\ Sr/too/ (.IIl/r/I't'll.

I Katy Moffat and Tom Clelland 'l‘hc 5|;th liar. l4h’ Holland Strcct. .532 2|59. 8pm. till. Scc Sat 9.

I Mike Evans 'l‘chai ()\na. 42 ()tago l.anc. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. lidinhurgh \lligt‘l‘/\(illg\\ ritcr on gtiitar and

lu'} hoards.

I Anne McCue and Mundy King 'l‘ut‘s “ah \\'ah llut. 272a St Vinccnt Sll't‘c'l. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £3. RL‘\PCL'lCti .-\u\tra|ian autcur \\ ho ix ptilxt‘tl to rclcaxc hcr t'ourth \olti alhum Kori/u Mold and littx rcccntl} \xorkcd \\ ith Michcllc Shockcd and (iina \'illaloho\. Support from Irish \iltgct‘/\ntlg\\t'tlcl‘ .\ltmd_\.


I The Boyfriends and The Down 8. Outs ('aharct Voltairc. 3o 38 Blair Slt'cct. 220 (3170. 7.30pm. £0. ltidic liritrock lrom ’l‘hc Bo} l'ricndx \xlio \xcrc thc lit'\l hand to pla} thc .lohn l’ccl Stagc at (ilaxtonhur).

I Open Mic \Vliixtlchinkicx. 4 o South liridgc. 557 5] l4. 9pm. l'rcc. Jll\l turn up and pcrl'orm.


I Anathema, Leafblade and Wolverine 'l‘hc ('athouw. l5 l'nion Strcct. 24K (moo. 7pm. H3. ()\ct‘- l4x \ho“. Doom/dcth mctal \ctcranx lrom l.i\crpoo| \\ ho ha\ c tourcd \xith thc likcs oi~ ('annihal ('orpxc and l’aradisc Lost

in cr thc )car\.

I Rise Against, A Wilhelm Scream and Berri Tzerrak 'l‘hc (iaragc. 490 Sauchichall Strch 332 I I2”. 7pm. UH. ()Vcr- l4\ \hou. Mclodic hardcorc outlit l‘rom ('hicago uhoxc ncu alhum 'I'lu' .S'ti/Ii'I't'i' & ’I’lit' ll'itm'u “as rclcascd llit\

I Andy Miller 'l‘chai ()\na. 42 ()tago Lanc. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. Acoustic guitar \ irtono and singcr/xonguritcr.

I Scott Matthews Nic'c‘ii'Slc-ax). 421 Sattchichall Slrcct. 333 0900. 8.30pm. .\'c\\ stilt) artist t'rom Wol\crhampton \xhoxc lolk/hlth inllucnccd sound can he hcard on his dchut alhum I’uuinu Strurtut'r.

I Stopstartacceleratorl, Room to Let and Gdansk Rul'ux T l-ircll}. 207 Hopc Strcct. 332 1469. 8.30pm. lircc. Grunge} rock.

Edinburgh-based pop-grungers released two EPs which were both awarded NME Single of the Week, played with Nirvana, The Lemonheads and Mercury Rev and had a reputed dozen record labels after them. Somehow they contrived not to get signed, instead ‘disintegrating in a mire of self-loathing, alcohol and drug abuse, lies, personality clashes, bad management and fistfights,‘ according to singer Murdo MacLeod. Having never officially split up, the band have reformed for a one-off farewell show 13 years after the fact. Which should be a hoot, if they can hold it together long enough. (Doug Johnstone)

I Banner/man's, Edinburgh, Sat 5) Sop.

I Andrea Marini Hat liloc. l I? liath Sti'cct. 574 (itioo 9pm. l‘t'cc Smgci/ \ongurttcr in thc |))|an/('ohcn mould

I Glasgow Songwriters lilgtcixlt‘lgtH. 3h licll Stt'cct. 552 5924. 9pm. l'tcc. l~'ot'ttitglit|_\ gathcrmg ot thc musicianx' collccti\ c “llll lcaturcd itl'l|\l\. opcn llllt and a \ll‘lcl original matctial polic}.

I Simon Pollitt iit‘illht't‘llt‘. l9 Skirxmg Strcct. Shaulandx.oi231l9tl. 9pm. l-rcc. l:\-trontman ot landorphin. lltllL';t\llL'tl :tlitl \UIU.

I Skeleton Bob and Older and Far Away l3lh .\'otc ('alc. 50 (ill King Strcct. 553 M33, 9pm. i 3. (‘ountr) tingcd littlllti»c‘iitl\llc‘tt trom Skclctou Huh I Blitzhoney attd Deco Sepali ;\li('2. 33H Sauchtchall Strcct. 3 32 22 32. “Will. £3. (ilthgim pmt punk lolk pop cnxcmhlc lilit/honc} pla} llll\ ucclx'x KillL‘ltitHCHpt‘ L'ltth.


I Pitch Black meets Split ( 'ahat‘ct \'oltait'c. 3h 3% lilatt Strccl. 220 MW». Hpm 3am. L'thc hclot‘c lll3lipm; itcc al'lct'. Ncu /.ca|attd clcclrottib \Pcclaltxls Pitch Black put tn a Inc \ct ol' acid llll\. duh. \ixttlllxlllf.‘ kc}hoard\ and thumping rh}thmic gt'im\c\. tolloucd h} tltc oxual drutn & haxx mcctx clcctro \ia tcchno malarkc} oi Split il'rom ahout lll. 3(lpmi. I The Midnight Stills llcnr} \ ('cllat liar. 3 lha Morrison Stt'ccl. 22H 9393, 8pm. L'thc. Rock.

I Band Showcase “inalchinkics.

4 o South Bridgc. 557 5| l4. 9pm. l‘rcc. ('all in ad\ancc tor a gig.

Isle of Mull

I Burach .-\n 'lolmr. Arg) ll 'l'crracc. 'lohcrmor}. UIoHH 39221 I. 3.30pm. U3 (UH. ltltagtttatiu‘ lttxton til clcctric Scottish cciltdh. pop and modcrn dancc rh}thm\.

Wednesday 13


I Alice Russell ()ran Mor. 73l 735 (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. 357 (i200. 7.30pm. U2. Soul/gospcl \ocalist RU\\c'll has uorkcd with Quantic hut pcrlormx hcrc u ith hcr cight-piccc hand.

I Acoustic Open Stage 'l‘hc Halt Bar. too Woodlandx Road. 352 9996. 8pm. l-rcc. chkl} unplugng sstion. I Bwana Devil and Wilburnsilver 'l‘hc Mixing Rooms. 224 Wcst chcnt Strcct. 22l 7369. 8pm. lircc. Acoustic cx'cning.

I Dark Sovereign Rockcrs. l4 Midland Strcct. 22] 0726. 8pm. Free.